For the installation of an electric meter, as well as circuit breakers, residual current devices and other elements of relay protection, electrical panels are used.
In most apartments of the old building, distribution boxes are installed on the landings. Often, each such device contains several meters and switches that relate to the power supply systems of apartments located on the floor.
Major repairs of the apartment without fail require partial or complete replacement of electrical wiring. Since the total power of modern electricity consumers often exceeds the power of switches installed in a standard electrical box, and some devices require a dedicated line connection, it becomes a reasonable solution to install your own electrical panel for the meter. In this case, it is possible to choose the size of the box, which fully meets all requirements.
At present, shields are still used in which fuses, so-called plugs, are used to protect electrical wiring. With the advent of circuit breakers on the market, as well as other DIN-rail-mounted electrical network protection devices, the use of fuses has completely lost its relevance. Therefore, when performing repairs in apartments, the electrical wiring of which includes such devices, it is necessary to replace them with more modern, reliable and safe equipment placed in a plastic or metal box.
The modern market of electrical equipment offers a large selection of different models of switchboards, which differ significantly in size, quality, material of manufacture, design and price.
Classification of electrical panels
By installation method:
- Built-in boxes for electric meters. Such shields are in most cases used when installing closed-type wiring. The main advantages of these boxes are their low visibility, as well as the small space required for their installation. The disadvantages of the built-in box include the relative complexity of its installation, which is explained by the need to make a niche in the wall. To fix the electrical box in the wall, cement mortar, gypsum, alabaster, etc. can be used. When choosing such a box, you should first make sure that its size and wall thickness allow installation.
- Overlay shields. Models of this type are characterized by maximum ease of installation. To fix them on the wall, it is enough to use a few self-tapping screws. The main scope of such boxes is the placement of open and closed type wiring elements.
For the manufacture of electrical panels, metal or plastic can be used. Each of them has its own merits. The metal shield is highly durable compared to the plastic one. However, metal products are heavier and more prone to corrosion.
The design of the electrical panel
The main structural elements of the box for the electric meter and circuit breakers are:
- Housing equipped with a door with a transparent cover. This design allows for unimpeded meter readings. Most models of electrical panels have a housing in which special holes are made to allow the circuit breakers to be positioned in such a way that they can be easily accessed when the door is open.
- DIN rail. This product is attached to the back wall of a plastic or metal box using self-tapping screws.It serves to accommodate circuit breakers, meters and other automation devices.
- Mounting holes in the rear wall of the shield, designed to connect wires to the connecting terminals of the meter, as well as other devices located inside the box.
- Terminal blocks for connection of zero and ground conductors.
The number and type of automation devices that are placed in the electrical panel is determined by the electrical wiring diagram, as well as the power of the consumers connected to it.
Electrical panel installation
After acquiring the electrical panel, as well as all the elements placed in it, you can proceed directly to the installation of this switchgear.
Important! The purchase of an electric meter must be agreed with the energy sales organization. The power consumption control device must correspond to the required accuracy class.
When installing the electrical panel, the following requirements should be considered:
- Installation of a box in which electrical equipment is located is not allowed in close proximity to water or gas pipelines.
- The shield can only be mounted on a vertical surface with an inclination angle of not more than 1.5 0.
- When installing an electric meter in a plastic or metal box, it is necessary to provide the ability to quickly take readings. To do this, the shield is equipped with a viewing window and fixed to the wall at a level of approximately 1.5 m.
The installation of the electrical panel and the connection of all its elements can be divided into several stages:
- Installing a DIN rail inside the box. It is carried out using self-tapping screws, which are screwed into specially designed holes. If the mounting rail is not supplied with the shield, it can be purchased separately. Also at this stage, terminal blocks are installed for attaching the neutral and protective ground conductor.
- The distribution of all automation devices that are part of the electric box, so that their connection and operation is not difficult.
- Connecting wires in accordance with the wiring diagram. It should be remembered that the only possible way to place the wire in the electrical panel is its horizontal or vertical laying. Laying the wire at other angles, both inside and outside the box, is not allowed.
- The connection of the meter is carried out by a specialist. You can connect the connecting wires yourself, but the device cannot be put into operation without drawing up an appropriate act and sealing it with a power supply representative.
- When connecting circuit breakers, RCDs, as well as an electric meter, use the numbering of wires and terminals. To ensure easier operation and repair of the elements of the electrical panel, you need to draw up a diagram of the electrical connections.
Important! Circuit breakers must be signed. Many manufacturers for these purposes produce special stickers that come with the device. After some time, even the person who mounted the shield himself cannot remember which section of the network turns off this or that switch.
- Marking the surface of the wall on which the electric meter will be mounted to determine the places of its attachment.
- Drilling holes for dowels.
- Fixing the box for the counter. Connection of wires supplying the load.
- A few months after the installation of all elements of the shield, their bolted connections should be tightened.
As already mentioned, the connection of the electricity meter cannot be done independently. This is the prerogative of the controlling organization. Therefore, to connect the incoming wires, it is necessary to call its representative, who will connect and seal the electricity metering device.
Choice of electrical panel
When buying this product, you should pay attention to its following characteristics:
- Body material. Regardless of the type and purpose of the shield, the material of its body must be of high quality. Too cheap products often turn out to be short-lived, in addition, they are not able to provide an adequate level of electrical and fire safety.
- Shield size. It is recommended to purchase a product of such a size that when installing all the necessary elements into it, a reserve of several modules is provided. This makes it possible over time to make some changes to the electrical wiring without replacing the shield.
- When choosing a shield, as well as the equipment installed in it, it is better to pay attention to products from well-known manufacturers, such as ABB or Legrand.
- If the switchboard is located in a place accessible to children, then preference should be given to models that are equipped with locks.
To ensure the possibility of carrying out repair work on any elements of the electrical wiring of the apartment, it is necessary to install an additional automatic switch in front of the meter, which can be placed in a separate box and also sealed.
In some electrical panels, a separate place is provided for placing an introductory machine.
A powerful device should be selected as an introductory machine, the rated current of which, as a rule, is 25, 32 or even 40 A, depending on the power of the consumers of the apartment. In addition, for this purpose it is better to use a two-pole switch, which is able to simultaneously open the circuit of the neutral and phase wires.
Thus, installing a shield for an electric meter and automation devices is not particularly difficult, however, in order to perform such work, it is necessary to clearly imagine the power supply scheme for apartment consumers.