Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Choosing a place for a septic tank

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

The optimal location of the septic tank is selected in advance, taking into account the dimensions of the product and the parameters of the site.

There are several factors that affect the location of the septic tank:

  • terrain slope;
  • depth of groundwater;
  • the distance at which the soil freezes in winter;
  • the presence of a source of water or water supply nearby;
  • soil composition.

When installing a septic tank, pay attention to the distance from the house, it should be at least 5 m. There should not be a well or well near the collector, they should be at least 30 m

To trees and other plantings - 3 m. The place for the tank is chosen so that a sewage truck can drive up to it.

Types of autonomous sewage

In order to consciously and correctly choose the type of sewage for a summer residence, one must at least in general terms imagine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible options. There are not so many of them:

  • Cesspool pit. The most primitive and far from the best way to dispose of wastewater. To begin with, it is very difficult to ensure complete tightness. Even with high-quality processing, some part of the effluent enters the ground. If the source of water is a well or a well, then sooner or later bacteria that live in sewage pits will be found in them. Another drawback is the corresponding smell, which is problematic to deal with due to leaks, and the need for regular pumping. Therefore, such sewerage in the country is being built less and less.
  • storage capacity. The essence of this type of sewerage is the same: drains are collected in containers, periodically pumped out. Only these containers are completely sealed, as they are usually made of plastic. The disadvantage is the relatively high price.

  • Septic tanks. A system of several interconnected containers (two - three, rarely more). Wastewater enters the first place, where it settles and is processed by bacteria. Insoluble residues settle to the bottom, the water rises to the top. With the next flow of effluents, the level rises, the settled water is poured into the next container. Other bacteria “live” here, which complete the cleaning (up to 98%). From the second compartment of the septic tank, the liquid can be removed for further filtration into the ground. She's almost clean. The design is simple, there is nothing to break. The disadvantage is that the device itself is voluminous, plus a filtration field is needed (where water will be discharged), once a year or two cleaning the septic tank from insoluble sediment.
  • VOC or AU - local treatment plants or automatic installations. The principle of operation of a septic tank, but in a more compact size, with electronic filling for control. This type of sewer works only when electricity is available. The maximum battery life is up to 4 hours. The small size of VOCs impose restrictions on a one-time discharge of wastewater: if you flush a bath, you should not flush in the toilet. And the biggest downside is the price.

The first two options are just places for collecting sewage, no purification takes place in them. But there is a difference between them, and quite significant. A cesspool is usually made only for an outdoor toilet, but all drains are already taken into the storage tank. That is, this is the most primitive sewage system, albeit without cleaning.

The second two options are already treatment facilities, just with varying degrees of automation. As you can see, there is no perfect way. We have to choose between environmental friendliness and cheapness. And no one can decide but you.

Sewerage device from concrete rings

A septic tank is made of concrete rings if the finished plastic tank does not fit. Construction work will be easier to do together, so you should call an assistant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

The advantages of the system include the fact that concrete rings are cheap, they can be purchased by the general population. During construction, a drawing is not required; you do not have to contact a specialized company.

But there are also disadvantages. For example, with all the desire, it will not be possible to make the septic tank airtight, so unpleasant odors will be felt near it. Also, from time to time, you will have to hire sewers to pump out the accumulated waste.

Scheme and calculations

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

An example of the layout of a septic tank in a summer cottage.

The septic tank is made of several rings, they are installed on top of each other. The treatment scheme may include 1 or 2 chambers. For a summer residence, you can choose a simple option from a sump, which is supplemented with a well for filtration.

When performing calculations, SNiP are taken into account. Based on the number of people who live in the house, determine the required volume of the sump. It should be able to accommodate sewage in 3 days.

Preparatory processes

Before installing concrete rings, they dig a pit. A septic tank and a well for filtration should be freely placed in it. Sand is poured into the bottom of the pit, rammed. The result should be a pillow with a thickness of 30 to 50 cm.

The bottom of the pit is concreted. If it is not possible to do this, you can purchase 1 concrete ring with a blank bottom. During installation, it is first placed on a pillow of sand.

Mounting rings

Special equipment is required to install reinforced concrete rings. Between themselves, they are fixed with brackets; metal plates can also be used instead. Additionally, all parts are fastened together with a concrete solution.

After the installation is completed, an overflow is made, sewer pipes are brought to the concrete rings.


To make reliable waterproofing, the solution must be with an aqua barrier. The collector is coated on the outside with coating materials, but they can be replaced with welded ones.

Plastic cylinders can be placed inside the concrete rings. This will minimize the chance of leakage.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Installation of septic tank rings using special equipment.

Installation of ceilings and backfilling

Reinforced concrete rings are covered from above with a concrete slab, in which a hole is made for a sewer hatch. Fill the septic tank with soil mixed with sand. When the work is completed, you can start the sewer to work.

Sewerage device

Before you make a sewer with your own hands, you need to take into account all the sanitary and technological requirements and estimate the layout of the main pipes and the final cleaning device.

The decisive factors for arranging waste disposal are:

  • The location of the house on the site.
  • The relief of the yard, soil indicators.
  • The wishes of the owner of the site and the requirements of the authorities for the quality of waste treatment.
  • The presence of a certain list of plumbing devices.

Sometimes, if the cottage is located in the place of the protected water area, then the requirements for wastewater treatment are increased and the construction of a simple cesspool is not permitted by law.

A good solution is the option when the drain from all plumbing fixtures is sent through one common pipe to a selected place, where sewage is simply collected for further removal or to be cleaned.

Sometimes the excrement comes from different pipes from several buildings that lead to the same sump. Maintenance of such a sewer option can be complicated due to turns and a large number of connections.

Internal plumbing. The internal sewer network is made of cast-iron or plastic pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, a slope of at least 2 cm per linear meter is provided. The output to the outside is carried out through the wall of the cottage or a hole is punched in the foundation.

If, during the construction of the house, the place where the sewer pipe exits through the foundation is calculated in advance, then in order not to beat the concrete later, one or two empty glass bottles with a volume of 3 liters are laid horizontally at the place where the pipes pass and poured with concrete. If it is necessary to lay pipes, this place is knocked out with a crowbar.

What is the beginning of the construction of the sewer system

First of all, you need to choose one of the 3 types of sewage:

  • Cesspool pit.
  • storage containers.
  • Septic tanks.


This type is an obsolete form of sewer collection. To date, it is considered not only ineffective, but also dangerous to humans and the environment. It is not for nothing that it is written in specialized SNiPs that cesspools can be used only in those houses that emit no more than 1 cubic meter of sewage and sewage. Therefore, this type of sewage is extremely rare today.

Storage tanks

Storage tanks are a common way to equip sewers in suburban areas. They can be of any shape, any type of installation (vertical or horizontal) and are made of various materials.

Reinforced concrete rings became the most popular among suburban developers. Installing sewerage in the country with their help is a fairly simple matter. The only inconvenience is the need to use special equipment. The rings are quite heavy, so they cannot be handled manually.

There are other options for storage tanks. For example, metal, plastic, as well as wells made of bricks or blocks. So every developer can choose the right option for himself.

The only condition that requires strict implementation is the complete tightness of the container. Not a single crack, not a single crack - absolute sealing. In this way, the soil is protected from contamination by human waste.

But this option has a drawback - such a container will have to be cleaned as it is filled. There are several cleaning methods:

  • Waste machine. This is a fast and effective option, but very expensive.
  • Extraction pump. Also a good way, but the drains will have to be drained into a separate container and taken out of the suburban village to the place of their public disposal.
  • Manual. The whole tool is a rope and a bucket. The method is unpleasant, heavy and dirty. I don't even want to talk about it.

Septic tanks

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

The device of a septic tank in the country

But the septic tank is perhaps the best option today. It is not just a storage tank, but a system for sequential wastewater treatment.

Its device is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The principle of operation is important here, which is divided into two main stages - preliminary cleaning and filtration.

The first stage takes place in a sealed container, where the drains are divided into heavy and light. The heavy ones sink to the bottom, and the light ones with water enter the filtration tank or filtration fields.

Today, septic tanks of different shapes, sizes and materials are used, but the principle of their operation is the same. Most often they are made of reinforced concrete rings or ready-made plastic models are used. Sometimes they choose options built from bricks or blocks.

Reinforced concrete septic tanks consist of 2 or more wells, where drains enter in series. The first well plays the role of a storage tank, and the second - a filter. Through its bottom, purified water enters the soil, and, having passed all its layers, it enters the groundwater.

Please note that the more storage wells, the cleaner the output water.

Ready-made plastic containers are more effective in this regard. Their internal space is divided into several compartments, from which drains overflow in a sequential order. And the more compartments, the purer the water.

Preparatory work

The device of the sewer system is a complex mechanism that consists of separate parts:

  1. Internal sewerage is represented by a pipe system inside the building. Its function: to remove wastewater from plumbing to the external sewer.
  2. External sewerage - a system of pipes that drain dirty water from a building.
  3. A treatment or storage facility where effluent is treated or stored for later disposal.

Sewerage installation begins with the development of a detailed scheme. It will help you figure out what materials to buy and how much work you need to do.

The sewerage scheme in the country reflects:

  • Domestic sources of waste water. This includes a bath, shower, bath, sink.
  • Method of connecting and laying pipes inside the building: hidden in the wall or under the casing, brought out.
  • A place in the house where the sewer is brought out into the street;
  • The trajectory of the external sewage system;
  • Installation location of the sewer. The minimum distance from the house is 5 meters, from the source of natural water supply - 30 m, from trees and bushes - 3 m;
  • Collector type (biological treatment plant, drain pit, septic tank).

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Sewerage scheme in the country

When drawing up a diagram, one should take into account a number of factors that affect the type and design of the sewer:

  1. depth of groundwater;
  2. the depth at which the earth freezes in winter;
  3. soil type and condition;
  4. landscape around the house;
  5. plumbing in the area.

For information about the soil, study documents on geodetic surveys. If there are none, ask neighbors or indigenous people.

The choice of collector depends on the data that you receive, and on the type of soil. If sand predominates in it, then the earth easily passes drains. Getting into groundwater, they pollute the environment. Therefore, it is better to use a collector with a bottom.

A cesspool without a bottom is not suitable for soil with a high concentration of clay. The rock does not conduct moisture well, which leads to an early silting of the sewer.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Installation of sewer pipes is carried out below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, they will freeze and cause damage to the drain system.

When developing a sewerage scheme, take into account that the water supply does not intersect with sewer pipes.

Septic tank device

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

An example of a septic tank with biological treatment in the country.

There are septic tanks of different designs. Tanks are made of plastic, reinforced concrete, brick, metal.

According to the method of waste treatment, all systems can be divided into the following:

  • with biological treatment;
  • requiring pumping by a cesspool machine;
  • wastewater is filtered through the soil.

The latter option is cheap, so it is widely used in summer cottages.

Two-chamber septic tank

A collector of 2 sections interconnected by an overflow pipe is considered the most convenient. It is easy to build with your own hands.

First, taking into account sanitary requirements, they choose a place on the site, make a pit 3 m deep. A pillow of sand is poured into the bottom of the pit, its thickness should be at least 15 cm. After that, the formwork is installed, it is strengthened with reinforcement. For this, metal rods are used, they are connected with each other with wire.

The bottom of the first section is poured with concrete solution, after it dries, a sealed compartment will be obtained. Here, wastewater will be divided into fractions and settled. Large inclusions will settle to the bottom, and clarified water will overflow through the pipe into the adjacent section. In order for solid residues to decompose better, anaerobic bacteria colonize in the first compartment.

During the construction of the second section, the bottom is not made, but a thick cushion of crushed stone and sand is poured. It will serve as a filter. The tank is constructed from reinforced concrete rings stacked on top of each other, or a monolithic structure is erected. The overflow pipe is installed between 2 sections, it must be laid at a slope.Be sure to make a hatch and hood, from above the septic tank is covered with a stove.

You can build not 2, but 4 tanks, then the water will be better cleaned. Such a septic tank will have to be cleaned 1 time in 2 years.

Sewer system installation

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Sewer system installation

And now we will answer the question of how to install a sewer in the country.

First of all, we will determine the place for placing the collection tank

And it doesn’t matter what it will be - a pit, a well or a plastic container. Optimal location - at the lowest point on the site

But keep in mind that if you have chosen the first two options and you plan to clean the collection tank using a sewage truck, then you will have to take care of the access road.

After the place is established, we begin earthworks. Sometimes their volume is so large that you have to use an excavator. If you decide to do everything manually, then it is better to dig a hole under the tank and trenches at the same time.

The depth of laying sewer pipes should be 10-15 centimeters more than the level of soil freezing. This is the law.

True, in some northern regions this figure can reach more than 2.5 meters. In such cases, you have to use thermal insulation materials or install a heating cable so as not to dig deep.

It is from the depth of the sewer pipes that the depth of the pit under the collection tank will also depend. The fact is that sewer pipes should have a slope from the house towards the tank. It is 2-3 centimeters per 1 meter of the length of the sewer network. And the farther the collection from the house, the deeper it will have to be buried in the ground.

For country sewage, the optimal material for pipes is a polymer. And their diameter should be 110 millimeters. Such pipes are connected by couplings. But if there are side circuits, for example, a sewer from a bath or pool, then the connection is made with tees or crosses.

Before laying the pipes, the trench must be covered with sand, making a kind of pillow. But at the same time, you can not change the slope.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Installation of tanks and sewer pipes

And a few final touches. It remains to connect the collection tank and sewer pipes, as well as two parts of the sewer system - internal and external. And now you can fill the pipes and containers with soil.

As you can see, the country sewerage device has a fairly simple scheme, but it is necessary to follow the rules for installation work.

And finally, we recall those key points, without which it is impossible to build a country sewerage system. You will:

  • The choice of the type of sewer network.
  • The choice of a prefabricated tank, on which the quality of the entire system depends.
  • The choice of materials from which containers, pipes, fixtures and additional products are made.
  • Proper execution of the installation process and earthworks, especially observance of the slope.
  • Determination of the depth of groundwater and the level of soil freezing.
  • Preparation of the access road, if you plan to use the services of sewage companies for pumping.

Of course, these are not global things, but without them it makes no sense to talk about high-quality installation and uninterrupted operation of country sewerage.

Arrangement of internal sewerage

Guided by the developed scheme, buy building material. As for pipes, choose products of your choice:

  1. PVC pipes. They are resistant to chemicals, do not rust, overgrow and do not interfere with the movement of runoff water. Material prices are reasonable.
  2. Cast iron pipes. Differ in durability and durability. The disadvantages include: weight, complex installation, price.
  3. Ceramic pipes. This is the best option for domestic sewage. The only downside is the price.

Installation of sewage inside the house begins with the installation of a central riser with a radius of 5.5 cm at a distance of 4 meters from the windows. After that, a horizontal pipeline is laid.

When installing pipes, try not to make straight turns, as this will complicate the transport of wastewater. If this cannot be avoided, then it is better to use 2 corner elements of 45 degrees.

To connect the sink and bathtub, a pipe with a diameter of 5 cm is enough. To connect the toilet, choose a product with a diameter of 10 cm.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Do-it-yourself sewerage in the country house involves a hole in the foundation of the house, which serves to bring the drain system to the street.

At the outlet, it is mandatory to install a check valve that prevents the return of sewage back.

Norms for the location of treatment facilities on the site

There is a lot of confusion in this area. There are many conflicting norms with different distances, and in different regions these norms may differ, so you need to find out for sure in the local plumbing supervision. The most common standards can be grouped:

  • From the house:
    • to the septic tank - at least 5 m;
    • filtering device (absorption well, sand and gravel filter, filter trench) - at least 8 m;
    • to the filtration field - 15 m;
    • to the aeration unit - at least 15 m;

  • From the well and well (own or neighbor's):
    • at least 15 meters if the septic tank is located against the flow of groundwater;
    • at least 30 m if the septic tank is downstream of groundwater;
    • at least 19 m if standing perpendicular;
  • To the border of the neighboring site - at least 4 m;
  • At least 1 m from the border of your site.

One more moment. If there is a slope on the site, then the well or well should be located above all treatment facilities. To keep all these distances, you will have to conjure over the site plan for a long time.

If everything cannot be observed at once, special attention is paid to the distance to the neighbor's house and the well (well), since a violation is fraught with a complaint, subsequent checks and fines.

Works on the device of internal sewerage

Work on the installation of the sewer begins after the creation of a drawing and the purchase of materials. First install the central riser. Cast iron pipes or PVC or ceramic products are suitable for this purpose, their diameter should be about 110 mm. In order for the draft to be good, the riser is taken to the attic or raised above the roof.

The cost of such products is much higher than the cost of plastic. Ceramic risers in their characteristics occupy a leading position, but are expensive.

The main riser is installed at a distance of 4 m from the windows, after which the pipeline is thrown in a horizontal direction. No need to drastically change its direction, this makes it difficult to move wastewater. If you need to rotate it 90 degrees, it is better to make 2 turns 45 degrees. Under it, a hole is left in advance in the foundation of the house. The sink and bathtub are connected to the sewerage using a tube with a diameter of 50 mm.

The common pipeline is made at an angle, this ensures the movement of water in the right direction. A non-return valve is mounted on the outlet, it prevents the drains from flowing back.

Types of sewerage for a summer residence

In summer cottages, 2 types of sewerage are made. The first option is the organization of a place for the collection of pollutants, without a wastewater treatment system. The second type is a tank to which sewer pipes are connected. They are laid from the house or other outbuildings.

A pit with a crushed stone pillow can be made on your own in 1-2 days, and it is better to entrust the construction of a second type of sewer to a construction company. Such sewers are equipped with automatic filtration systems, and specialists are engaged in setting them up.

Dry closet installation

This is a simple solution, but it refers to temporary measures. Then you still have to think about where to drain the wastewater from the shower or kitchen. Summer residents should be prepared for the fact that the presence of a dry closet does not exclude the appearance of unpleasant odors on the site.

Pit System

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Cesspool pit in the country not the best solution for arranging sewerage.

Even 20 years ago this was the most common solution, but now there are more efficient wastewater treatment systems. The only advantage of a cesspool is that its construction will not require costs.

The disadvantages of this solution are as follows:

  • unpleasant odors near the toilet;
  • Soil pollution;
  • water flow will be limited.

Given the shortcomings, such a septic tank should be done if there is no running water in a private house. A cesspool should not be dug in places where it can be heated by groundwater. Do not build it in areas with clay soil.

The use of storage capacity

This type of local sewage can be considered a modification of a cesspool. The difference of this system is the presence of a sealed container, so the soil on the site is not polluted. But the tank fills up quickly, because of this, you often have to pump out waste.

When using storage capacity, the disadvantages inherent in this system must be taken into account. This is the need for constant monitoring of water consumption, the cost of the operation of sewers that will pump out waste.

The scope of this type of autonomous sewage is limited to a small country house that is not connected to the water supply. Storage tanks are installed in construction camps and other places of temporary residence.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

The storage sewer tank is most often made in the form of a serviced septic tank made of concrete rings.

Natural cleaning system based on a septic tank

The design has from 2 to 4 sections. The more of them, the better the wastewater is cleaned. The outlet is connected to the drainage system. On sale there are ready-made designs. The main advantages of such sewerage are: ease of implementation, low cost, no need to connect an external power source.

Other advantages include the fact that there is no unpleasant smell, the soil on the site is not polluted.

The system has the following disadvantages:

  1. The system must not be overloaded, as this may cause an unpleasant odor.
  2. Mechanical cleaners require periodic checks. During the inspection, it is determined whether the tanks and drainage system need to be cleaned. The frequency of preventive measures is 1 time per year.

Septic tanks are installed in private houses with a small or medium level of effluents.

Biological treatment method

The biological station is powered by electricity. In appearance, it resembles a septic tank, but differs from it in the presence of a biofilter. A pump is also installed and this allows you to drain the purified water.

The norms of SNiP allow that such a septic tank can be organized near a residential building. The filter removes 98% of contaminants, and no unpleasant odors appear during operation of the system. The volume of non-degradable waste is minimal, so they rarely have to be pumped out.

The only drawback of such systems is their high cost. But you can save money by making such a sewer system for several houses at once.

Which sewer to choose common or separate

At the beginning of construction, it is important to decide where the wastewater from the kitchen, bath and toilet will be discharged: into one collector or into different ones. As practice shows, it is economically profitable to make a separate sewer

Waste water from the kitchen, bathroom is not considered hazardous to the environment. Therefore, a cesspool without a bottom is suitable for her.

As practice shows, it is economically profitable to make a separate sewage system. Waste water from the kitchen, bathroom is not considered hazardous to the environment. Therefore, a cesspool without a bottom is suitable for her.

For drains from the toilet, a sealed cesspool or septic tank is made.

One pit for drains will be expensive. The fact is that it fills up quickly and requires regular pumping.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Septic without pumping

This is a simple version of the sewer system, it consists of several sumps.The first tank is made the largest, the next ones are smaller.

If the septic tank is three-chamber, then the first 2 compartments must be airtight. In the last chamber, holes are made in the walls or filter materials are poured onto the bottom. Through them, purified water goes into the ground.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

A septic tank without pumping out in the country consists of 2 or 3 tanks connected to each other.


The size of a septic tank can be determined by the formula: V = n * Q * 3/1000, where the number of residents is determined by the letter n, V is the total volume of the tank, Q is how much water 1 person spends per day. The number 3 is taken from SNiP. It shows how many days it takes to treat wastewater.

Most often, a collector is made 3 m deep and 2 m wide. From the bottom to the pipe through which the drain is carried out, there must be at least 0.8 m.

Treatment systems

The advantages of such sewage include the fact that anaerobic bacteria are involved in the processing of waste. To speed up the process, they can be fed with oxygen.

Silt accumulates at the bottom of the tank. Over time, its compaction occurs, as a result, it rises up to the overflow point. In this case, the septic tank must be cleaned. If the sewer is equipped with a waste pump that is powered by electricity, the process is carried out automatically.

Autonomous sewerage in the country, choose a simple option

Scheme of a septic tank with a drainage well for a summer residence and a house.

Installing a septic tank

There are ready-made septic tanks for sale. Their installation begins with the fact that they dig a pit. It should be 20-30 cm wider than the container purchased in the store. If the soil is not heaving, the bottom of the pit can not be reinforced, but you still need to fill in a pillow of sand.

The electric cable from the cleaning system powered by electricity is forwarded to a separate machine from the shield. A corrugation is put on the wire, and then placed in a trench next to the sewer pipe. The cable is connected to the septic tank through the terminals.


