Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tape

What is fum tape

FUM tape is a sealant, which is a narrow thin unsintered film made of fluoroplastic. The abbreviation "FUM" stands for: fluoroplastic sealing material.

Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tape

All manufacturers of this sanitary film offer two types of it: white (thick) and translucent (thin). Both of these materials have a similar list of characteristics. Namely:

  • differ in heat resistance;
  • elastic;
  • resistant to chemicals;
  • average tensile strength 1.5 MPa;
  • elongation at break not less than 200%;
  • thickness 0.075-0.2 mm.

The film is made by rolling a fluoroplastic tow and wound on polypropylene bobbins equipped with a lid. The width of the tape can be different: from 10 to 60 mm. In order to prevent the thin elastic film from sticking together in the winding, one side of the tape is coated with a lubricant. Most often it is medical vaseline oil. There are also sealing films without lubrication.

Fum tape or linen

Tow, or flax, as a sealant for threaded connections began to be used long before the advent of fum-tape. This is a natural material, which is a waste of the primary processing of flax. As a rule, tow is used to seal threaded joints of metal pipes together with silicone sealants - this method has existed for a long time and has been tested by plumbers of several generations.

Currently, most experts consider flax an outdated material. First of all, this is due to the fact that working with tow requires a certain amount of experience, while even a non-specialist can easily get used to the fum-tape. So, to lay the tow on the thread, you must first evenly divide the flax into fibers, and then carefully lay it in the inter-thread grooves, trying to prevent the appearance of overlaps through the turns. After that, a layer of sealant should be evenly applied to the tow, smoothing it with a brush

The amount of sealant is also important, since its lack reduces the tightness of the connection, and the excess cut off by metal pipes during twisting leads to the creation of excess stress, which in turn can cause destruction of parts both during installation and during operation.

What is fum-tape and what is it used for

FUM tape, or fluoroplastic sealing material, is a thin synthetic sealant that comes in the form of a tape, usually having a translucent or matte white tint. Due to the fluorine content, the fum tape has a fairly high mechanical and thermal stability. It does not age, does not tear when stretched and does not lose its properties under the influence of an aggressive chemical environment or high temperature.

Fum-tape is made by rolling out a bundle of fluoroplast-4 and wound into rolls of various widths (from 10 to 16 mm). Depending on the brand, this product may also contain various types of lubricants. There are three main brands of fum tape:

FUM 1: It is used for sealing pipelines of a general industrial type or for systems operating in aggressive chemical environments. As a lubricant, it contains up to 20% vaseline oil;

Properties and technical characteristics of the fum tape

The main advantage of the fum-tape is its good performance characteristics, among which are ductility, non-toxicity, high strength, chemical and thermal resistance, as well as high anti-corrosion qualities. In addition, it has a fairly wide range of operating conditions: pressure (under certain conditions) up to 41.2 MPa and operating temperature from - 60 to + 200 degrees Celsius.

The FUM heat-resistant tape is classified as a hardly combustible and non-explosive material. The auto-ignition temperature of this product is +520 degrees Celsius. However, when the fum-tape is heated to a temperature exceeding + 260 ° C, the fluoroplastic contained in it begins to release volatile fluoride compounds that are highly toxic.

How to use

As mentioned above, in order to qualitatively seal the connection of two pipes, you do not need to undergo special training. However, there are some nuances here, without which all efforts can be wasted, they will be discussed further.

Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tapeTo better ensure high-quality sealing, first you need to prepare the connection: we remove all the dirt and, if any, rust.

Next, wipe the connection with gasoline or any solvent, give time to dry. After the pipes are prepared, the tape is wound on the external thread, as we twist, clockwise.

You don’t need to pull the tape strongly, it can simply break, just make sure that it doesn’t hang out, the tighter you wind it, the better the seal will be. Then bring out the end of the tape so that it does not interfere with the threading of another element.

Please note: if it becomes necessary to unwind the connection after you have wound the FUM tape, then you will again have to wind it from the beginning, because. in this case, the tightness is lost

So, if you are dealing with a metal-plastic or plastic pipe, feel free to use the FUM tape. When sealing metal pipes, you need to use tow, taking into account the nuances of its winding.

The cost of the tape depends on the manufacturer and width, for example, 15 m of tape 19 mm wide will cost 65 rubles. It is widely represented in all hardware stores and affordable for everyone. Choose the tape according to our recommendations, use it correctly and then not a single drop of water will overshadow the operation of your plumbing.


The fum tape, the technical characteristics of which meet the requirements for the quality of work at a particular facility, will serve flawlessly for at least 10 years. In order to accurately select the most suitable product, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the film of the 1st and 2nd grades.

Specifications FUM-1 FUM-2
Film thickness (mm) 0,1-0,14 0,035-0,2
Film Width (mm) 10-60 5-60
Elongation at break (%) 100-200 100
Lubrication Availability (%) 20 0,3
Maximum tensile stress (kg/cm2) 40 60

It is difficult for a beginner in plumbing work to understand all the intricacies of choosing sealing films the first time. Therefore, you can focus on the recommendations of experienced craftsmen and use the same materials in your work.

Often there are questions about which films to use when installing domestic water pipes. These are the most demanded plumbing works, during which the mistakes made will be noticeable immediately after the water supply or will be found out in the near future.

Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tape

The most suitable water tape is as follows:

  • for small threaded connections - width 12 mm, thin (0.075-0.1 mm);
  • for large threads - width 19 mm, thickness 0.12-0.2 mm.

What is better linen or fum tape for water

A professional plumber always has on hand different types of seals:

  • fum tape;
  • flax and plumbing paste;
  • threads (type "Tangit");
  • anaerobic sealant.

Masters know that all seals, when properly installed, perform their task 100%. But for this you need to know how to use, what and under what circumstances to apply. The abundance of modern sealing materials has displaced flax from its leading position. But not all masters agree with this.

The fact is that in the past decades, flax was used in conjunction with red lead or oil paint. Today - with Unipak sealing sanitary paste. Its main task is to prevent drying and decay of flax.Connections made with these materials can be adjusted (shifted along the axis) by 45° without loss of tightness.

Flax Benefits:

  • inexpensive price;
  • suitable for sealing threads of any diameter;
  • the connection will be of high quality regardless of whether the base surface was wet or dirty.

The disadvantage is that any connection made with flax subsequently requires twisting, tightening. Another “minus” of flax is that it is not very convenient to work with it: the fibers delaminate, cling to clothes and the tools and materials used.

Rules for working with fum tape

The first rule of work with the use of fluoroplastic seals is the right choice of material. For high-quality connections, only those films that stretch well are suitable. All the rest will eventually begin to crack and turn into crumbs.

In order to avoid installation errors, you need to know how to wind the fum tape on the thread. Masters are advised to remember a few simple rules and stick to them in your work.

There are no recommendations on the number of turns to be wound. You need to look at the parameters of the tape: its thickness and width

You also need to pay attention to what kind of thread.
When winding the film, it is slightly pulled. The tape should sink into the grooves of the thread, tightly fit them.
If the film is torn during winding and stretching, place the free end on the thread and continue to work.
Winding is performed until the entire thread is hidden under the tape

Its ribbing should look smooth, but be visible through the seal.

The masters say that the skill of using fum tape comes quickly. It is enough to practice several times and understand the principle of working with this material.

Basic properties

Fluoroplast-4 is the basis for the FUM tape. Strips of this material are rolled out under a press, then wound, forming rolls. Roll width from 1 cm to 1.6 cm.

In total, there are 3 main types of FUM tape:

  1. FUM 1 - with the use of vaseline lubricant (20%). For industrial pipelines, as well as in an aggressive environment;
  2. FUM 2 - without lubrication. Where there are strong oxidizing agents in the system;
  3. FUM 3 - for systems with a non-aggressive environment.

Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tape

The main properties of the FUM tape:

  • non-toxic;
  • durable;
  • Plastic;
  • Chemically resistant;
  • Thermally stable;
  • Resistant to corrosion.

Application temperature – up to 200°С, minimum temperature – from 60°С.

The following characteristics are used for the FUM-1 tape:

  • Thickness - 0.1-0.14 mm
  • Width 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 60mm.
  • Breaking stress 40 kgf/cm2
  • Elongation at break 100%
  • The percentage of vaseline lubricant is 17-20%

FUM-2 is characterized by:

  • Large thickness range - 0.035 - 0.2 mm
  • High tensile stress - 60 kgf / cm2
  • The lubrication rate is less than 0.3%.

FUM-3 is an average, because these are cut edges from the first two brands.

Flax paste effectiveness of the old-fashioned method

Plumbing flax (or tow) was actively used in the Soviet years, but has not lost popularity today, despite the wide variety of modern sealants. To seal threaded joints, a linen strand was used in combination with minium on drying oil or special oil paint. The main active component of both compositions is lead. In modern counterparts, it is rare, and the sealant itself is not able to fully fight corrosion.

As an alternative, gray sealing pastes are used. Dry winding is strictly prohibited. Paste prevents rotting and drying of flax, plays an important role for water. Without its use on threaded connections with hot water and heating, the linen strand dries up, crumbles, and leaks appear. A black coating with traces of corrosion will form on the surface of the pipeline with cold water, a leak will occur

In direct contact with water temperatures above 90 ° C, the tow shrinks and loses its properties, which is why it is so important to cover it with a paste in order to increase the temperature barrier and the life of the seal

When choosing a quality material for sealing threaded joints, experts recommend choosing Unigarn flax and Unipak sealing paste. Such a seal can be easily dismantled and replaced if necessary.

Here are the main advantages of using sanitary flax with hot water faucet paste:

  1. 1. Possibility of winding on pipes of any design and diameter.
  2. 2. Winding on dirty, wet and old surfaces.
  3. 3. Adjustment (adjustment) of joints by 45° and above.
  4. 4. Ability to withstand temperatures up to 140°C, use for heating systems.
  5. 5. Long service life with proper winding technique.
  6. 6. Cheapness of the material. The price of 100 g of flax does not exceed 100 rubles, good pasta costs 200-250 rubles. For home use, this kit is enough for a large number of connections.

It must also be remembered that flax is a natural material, it does not contain harmful impurities, it is suitable for connecting threaded connections with drinking water.

The material also has its drawbacks:

  • paste stains hands, leaves marks on white propylene pipes;
  • inconvenient for winding on plastic and small threads;
  • flax fibers get tangled and create inconvenience when working.

Working with sanitary flax requires skill and knowledge. The main thing is to attract the tow well, hide the ends of the strand, ensure complete closure of the threaded connection and do not spare the sealing paste.

Purpose of the FUM tape

What is a fum tape and where it is used, we have already described in previous articles. An interesting question - how to wind the fum tape hermetically - has still remained open. In fact, there are only a few things to keep in mind. For example, the tape must be started to be wound clockwise, that is, in the same way as the external thread is twisted. At the same time, try to slightly pull the fum so that the winding fits snugly against the thread. Wrap in several layers, depending on the diameter of the pipe: for pipes up to 40 mm, 6-7 layers of strong fum tape are needed, if the pipe diameter is less than 25 mm, 4-5 layers will be enough.

The following video explains in more detail what FUM tape is and how to use it.

Types of fum tape

Plumbing fum tape is of three types. Each brand is designed for use at facilities with different requirements for the production of work. The numbers indicate the grade of the product. 1 - the first grade, 2 - the second grade, etc.

  1. Brand "FUM-1". It is intended for performance of sanitary works on engineering highways of household and industrial function. Resistant to aggressive environments, heat-resistant (begins to melt at a temperature of 520 ° C). Contains lubricant: vaseline oil.
  2. Brand "FUM-2". Sealing films of this type are intended for use on objects that interact with oxygen and oxidizing agents. Does not contain lubricant.
  3. Brand "FUM-3" - these are narrow strips, which are cuts of the edge parts of the films of the first two types. It is often used to seal threaded connections during the installation of domestic lines.

Advantages and disadvantages of fum tape

Fluoroplastic fum tape is sold at any building or household materials store. Therefore, one of the main advantages of the sealing film is accessibility. You can also note the low cost of this material. It is cheaper than all sorts of plumbing threads.

Masters also note such advantages of using films as speed and ease of installation. But to achieve these results, you will need to practice winding tape on threads of different calibers. After gaining the skill, working with this material will be easy, simple and pleasant.

The most important advantage of fum films can be considered that the joints made using these materials can be quickly and easily disassembled. Including, after several years after the completion of installation work.


  • low aesthetics of the joints (the film partially protrudes beyond the outer boundaries of the fittings, which gives the pipeline a sloppy look);
  • when tightening the connections, the tape can “move out” and partially enter the internal cavity of the pipeline;
  • high risk of leakage.

Due to the fact that not everyone knows how to properly handle sealing films, it is not recommended to use these materials when installing complex highways. However, even in the absence of the winding skill, fluoroplastic seals can be fearlessly used on open structures, the distinguishing feature of which is free access to the joints. These can be garden plumbing systems, temporary water supply lines.


  • hands do not get dirty during work;
  • optimal for work with thin-walled fittings;
  • winding on dirty and damp surfaces is possible;
  • excellent for sealing small threads;
  • ideal for sealing plastic threads when installing polyethylene pipelines.

How to wind the FUM tape

To make a threaded connection tight, you do not need to have any special skills. However, in this case, there are still some nuances that you definitely need to know about.

So, for starters, the fum tape is wound on the external thread clockwise, that is, in the course of its twisting. During winding, you need to slightly stretch the tape so that the resulting winding is tight enough and does not hang out. The more the tape is stretched, the better the connection will be, but do not forget that with a strong tension, the fum tape may break. In addition, the end of the tape must be brought out in such a way that it does not interfere with the process of winding the connecting element.

When working with a fum-tape, a number of its physical features should also be taken into account. Firstly, it is quite slippery, so when laying it can cause some inconvenience. Secondly, after packing the tape and tightening the thread to the end, it can no longer be turned back without loss of tightness. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to loosen a connection assembled using a fum tape, it can no longer be twisted back - such a connection will need to be disassembled and repacked.

What to choose FUM or LEN

Technical characteristics of the FUM tape. How to wind the FUM tapeFlax, or as it is called - tow, is an outdated material for sealing.

The process of its application is quite laborious and takes place in several stages. At the first stage of winding the connection, the tow must be divided into fibers and laid in grooves, making sure that there are no overlaps.

At the second stage, we apply sealant with a brush.

Experts do not recommend using tow without experience with this material, and here's why. The use of this material involves some features:

  • If there is not enough tow, the connection will be depressurized
  • And with an excess amount - during twisting, it is cut off by pipes, and excess stress is created - hence the various deformations of parts during operation.

The only case where it is better to use tow is when working with metal pipes, which are often found in old houses.


