Poisons the gas valve at whose expense the repair
As practice shows, most Russians learn that any utility equipment in their home must be repaired with their own financial resources only when its condition is already deplorable. Meanwhile, Decree No. 491 of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the boundaries of public and personal property: before shut-off valves, any property of the communal sector is common, and after it, it becomes the property of the end user. Thus, the cost of replacing meters, gas valves, heating boilers, pipes, radiators and other components of the “communal paradise” in apartments and private houses is not included in the financial responsibility of the municipality.
What to do if the gas valve “poisons”?
Let's say that the gas valve on the boiler in your apartment is faulty: it does not function well and does not shut off the gas enough, passing it into the external space. This situation is quite dangerous, since a breach in the tightness of gas equipment can lead to an increase in gas concentration and poisoning, not to mention the risk of fire. Therefore, it is urgent to contact the company that sells the valves and use the services of replacing them.
According to existing rules, the owner can apply for help not only to the municipal company serving his gas line, but also to any other specialist who has the appropriate access
It is worth paying special attention to this: professional access to gas equipment is very important, since even such a simple procedure as replacing shut-off valves on a home gas boiler requires compliance with the relevant technical regulations. Accordingly, it is highly not recommended to replace any components of the gas system on your own, as this can not only cause a malfunction of the boiler, but also threaten the life of your family and others
The quality of gas shut-off valves is subject to certain requirements regulated by GOST; this equipment must have the appropriate certificates and approvals obtained by the manufacturer in the territory of the Russian Federation. Such shut-off valves will ensure the reliable performance of protective and regulatory functions in the gas water heating system of your home.
Types of gas meters
The gas meter is represented by different types (rotary, membrane-diaphragm, vortex and drum) and standard sizes, depending on its throughput. The standard size of a household meter depends on the number and type of gas equipment in the house:
Membrane, which is sometimes called chamber or diaphragm.
This metering device consists of a body, a cover, a measuring mechanism, a counting mechanism, a crank-lever mechanism and a gas distribution device.
The principle of operation of this meter is based on the fact that the gas is divided by the moving parts of the device into fractions of the total volume and then cyclically summed up.
In a turbine gas meter, the amount of gas consumed is calculated from the number of revolutions of the turbine caused by the incoming gas.
The counting mechanism is located outside the gas cavity and takes into account the number of revolutions passing through the reduction gear and the gas-tight magnetic coupling. Under operating conditions, the device takes into account the total volume of gas in increments.
The device clearly captures the gas flow rate and when attempting external unauthorized intervention
The contacts will simply close and the meter will not work.
A turbine gas meter looks like a pipe section with flanges, on which a rectifier and a turbine assembly are installed in the flow part.An oil assembly is also installed on the instrument case, which is necessary for lubricating the bearings of the turbine mechanisms. Also, temperature, pressure and pulse sensors can be installed on the turbine casing.
Turbine metering devices are divided into three types, differing among themselves in varying degrees of automation and information processing:
- For separate parameter measurements
- For semi-automatic parameter measurements
- For fully automatic measurements of all parameters
- Depending on the budget and the desired result, you can choose exactly the gas meter that is suitable in this particular situation.
Rotary meters
There are more and more types of gas metering devices and the emergence of rotary meters on the market as optimal metering devices for gas volumes in the utility sector.
It has a large bandwidth and has a wide range of different measurements. With such characteristics, the small size of the device is surprising. A rotary gas meter does not need electricity, is known for its durability and the possibility of additional monitoring of the correct operation of the gas pressure drops in the pipe. At the same time, this meter is not sensitive to short-term overloads.
The gas entering the body of the rotary meter rotates two figure-of-eight rotors of the same size. The inlet and outlet parts of the device are nozzles, rotating rotors are constantly lubricated with oil, to ensure accurate trouble-free operation. By reducing friction and minimizing gas leaks, the instrument shows all data as accurately as possible
Therefore, special attention is paid to balancing and processing of rotors.
Vortex gas meters
This meter is considered the most accurate, since the readings do not depend on pressure and temperature. True, at a low gas flow rate and the need to work in an aggressive environment, these meters are not recommended, since the measurement error increases.
The operation of the device is based on the dependence of the flow rate on the frequency of pressure fluctuations, which occurs during the formation of vortices.
The design of the device provides for a truncated prism, which flows around the gas flow. Behind the prism is a highly sensitive element that captures the vortices.
Liquid gas meters.
No less accurate than vortex are liquid gas meters. It is believed that their readings are even better than vortex ones. But the downside for customers is both the complexity of the design of the device itself and the difficulties in maintenance.
Most often, such devices can be found in laboratories where they are used at a professional level.
The principle of operation of the device is to take into account the speed of expulsion of gas in certain portions from a certain liquid. Most often, the process occurs on the basis of distilled water.
Selection and installation of a gas meter
Dependence of the type of gas meter on the installation location
The choice depends on the installation location of the device. We will analyze in more detail all the options for residential premises.
For an apartment
- how much gas is needed for gas appliances;
– terms of verification of equipment;
- price and quality.
Considering all the data, we make a choice.
For private household
- it should be taken into account which gas appliances are installed, and the maximum volume of the energy carrier;
– noise and dimensions;
– reliability and price.
Based on these parameters, we get. Here, it is necessary to install electronic, rotary counters.
When located on the street, the choice is affected
- a thermal corrector, here its installation is required. Although, they increase the price by 200%;
– ambient temperature. Large temperature differences increase the measurement error;
- the amount of gas consumed and the total number of equipment;
- the presence of a protective box.
To all of the above types, a volumetric type is added.
Which is better, mechanical or electronic
Simplicity of design, reliability, low price, but with a high noise level. These are the pros and cons of a mechanical gas meter.
The advantages of electronic include low noise, high measurement accuracy, small dimensions of the product. You can connect devices for diagnostics with remote transmission of readings to the database. There is also a disadvantage, but it is relative. High price.
How to make a self-installation
The right of the homeowner to install a meter with their own hands is enshrined in applicable laws. Only to solve this issue, it will be very problematic. The companies doing the work are reluctant to part with earnings and fix all sorts of obstacles. Persistently and confidently demand your right.
Then, a project is drawn up and agreed in the city gas department. It is better to attract specialists for this operation. All errors in this document may cause problems with the acceptance of works.
The project contains a piping layout and work conditions. The reliability of work and the accuracy of measurements depend on the quality of the work performed.
After signing all the documents and approvals, we begin the preparatory work. According to the project, we buy the meter itself, most likely electronic. Hoses or pipes for mounting. Fittings and sealing materials, the necessary set of tools, a drill with a perforator, dowels and self-tapping screws. Once again, we check the list and proceed to the work.
Step-by-step instructions for carrying out work when installing a gas meter with your own hands
First, you should remember some basic installation rules.
We draw up a passport for the metering device, call a specialist to receive and seal the equipment. An act of acceptance of the work performed is drawn up in several copies. They are provided to Gorgaz and the management company. Then a contract for payment for gas is concluded according to the meter readings. And only after that you can breathe a sigh of relief and pride.
Here are the main points, the installation of the electronic type of the meter. The explanation is simple and competent, the meaning and order of execution will be easy to repeat during independent work.
In conclusion, some important points should be recalled.
Before carrying out installation work, be sure to draw up a contract and make a project for the work. After the installation is completed, without delay, we call the technician and carry out the acceptance and sealing of the meter. Before work, we turn off the gas supply to the installation site. Before the gas meter, a shut-off ball or plug valve must be installed.
We suggest you read about how to install an electricity and water meter.
Let your house be warm and smell delicious pies.
How much does a gas meter cost in an apartment price and tips
The gas meter is used to measure the amount of gas consumed. Installing it will save you a lot of money. for utilities. Such devices are presented in a very large assortment, domestic and imported. Their cost in Russia ranges from 1300 to 17000 rubles, although there are cheaper models. Each model has a marking that indicates its throughput. The minimum volume of gas passing through the meter is expressed in cubic meters. Counters are: household, utility and industrial
According to the principle of work, they are classified into:
Household gas meters
The most reliable for domestic use will be a membrane-type model, they have accurate readings, will not let gas through, and have a long service life. It is more economical, has a reasonable price, and is ideal for installation in an apartment. Its throughput capacity is 12 cubic meters per hour. A household gas meter is to ensure stable operation at low pressure in the winter.It is adapted even to the passage of raw gas, meets the requirements of fire safety, as well as the necessary standards and quality norms.
The turbine meter drives the gas flow, recently this model has become equipped with a modem for transmitting information that is transmitted to the servers of gas metering services.
The vortex counter is not very convenient to use, since it needs an external power supply. Such meters can be used in industrial enterprises. Their main advantage is a large measurement range, has a low sensitivity to contamination.
Selection Tips
It is necessary to pay attention to the equipment used in the apartment. It can be: stove, gas boiler, column
Presumably, the gas meter should work for at least 15 years. For long-term operation of the counter, it is necessary to take into account the warranty period given by the manufacturer, its safety in operation. You also need to think about the price. When choosing a gas meter, it is worth deciding on the requirements for the device. Such a list may include:
- stability at work.
- Economy.
- Long service life.
- compactness.
Also an important factor when choosing is the date of manufacture of the model. On its basis, a verification schedule will be drawn up, and the establishment of a service life. These data are indicated in the device passport. The operation of the counter depends on its proper installation. The right choice of a model that is optimally suited to the required operating conditions will help to avoid problems with further operation in the future. Now the choice is yours!
How to replace a gas meter tips from the masters. It is not allowed to replace a gas meter on your own.
If you need to replace the gas meter, we will advise you on how to replace the gas meter. For this purpose, gas meter adapters can be used, which are simple and do not require welding. These devices greatly facilitate the installation of gas meters. Depending on the model of the gas meter, replacement is done in different ways. There are two options for connecting adapters for gas meters - 92mm and 100mm.
The woman who called the editorial office excitedly announced that she would soon have to change her home gas meter, and she heard that it costs almost fifteen thousand rubles. How much does it really cost to replace a gas meter? With this question, we turned to the head of the service of house networks of the branch "Trest" Alexandrovgorgaz "OJSC" Vladimiroblgaz "Igor Valentinovich Fedorov.
Each gas-using equipment, which includes a gas meter, has a period during which it is operated. As a rule, it is 8-10 years. That is, the meters that were installed in 1996-1999 have expired and must be replaced. The subscriber service of OAO Vladimiroblgaz, represented by the head Alexander Nikolaevich Markov, is working to notify of the need for these works. Subscribers can either change the meter to a new one, or remove the installed meter and send it for examination to the laboratory, which is located in the regional center at Vladimiroblgaz OJSC. There, the meter is checked and a conclusion is issued on the further possibility of its operation. Verification takes an average of two to three weeks. During this time, payment for the consumed gas will be charged according to the heated area.
But, as a rule, the bulk of the population still decides to purchase a new gas meter. Replacing the gas meter is fully justified. To do this, you need to obtain a certificate of no debt, which can be obtained from the subscriber department on the street. Lenina, d.8. Then you need to invite the employees of the VDPO (Sovetsky lane, 26), who are engaged in the inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts. They go to the place at the request of the subscriber, inspect the chimney and issue a conclusion.With the conclusion and certificate, the subscriber comes to Aleksandrovgorgaz (Kommunalnikov St., 2) and writes an application to replace the gas meter. In the VET they raise archival documentation and carry out a replacement. Replacing a gas meter with a similar one costs 1579 rubles. If a person cannot find a similar counter, welding work is carried out. The cost in this case will be 3.5 thousand rubles. The counter itself in the store, which is located at Aleksandrovgorgaz, costs an average of 1,300 rubles.
To replace the counter, its location plays an important role. Installation can be carried out from different sides, both to the right and to the left or in front of the gas pipeline.
For example, the adapter for gas meters 100-A110 F is designed to replace rotary meters with a height of 100 mm without the use of welding.
Adapters fully comply with the requirements of the documentation and can be used for their intended purpose.
Gas meter replacement
The cost of gas meters, depending on the characteristics, varies between 1000-13000 rubles. The volume of gas consumed must not exceed the nominal volume of gas that can pass through the meter.
Each meter undergoes initial verification at the factory. And it is from this moment that the period of its next verification is counted, which can be 4-12 years and is indicated in the passport.
When installing a gas meter by the gas service, seals are installed on the meter.
After the verification period of the meter has expired, it is necessary to contact the gas service for its dismantling and subsequent verification in the laboratory.
The cost of verification, depending on the meter model, ranges from 1200 to 2700 rubles.
In case of unsatisfactory verification results, the gas service dismantles the device and replaces it with a new one at the expense of the customer, followed by sealing.
Reasons for replacing gas meters
– Incorrect installation of the dust filter or incorrect selection of the size of the cells, as a result of which the system becomes clogged;
– The meter passes gas with a high moisture content;
– The volume of gas passing through the meter is much higher than the nominal norms for this type of meter;
– The meter was initially installed incorrectly and a complete replacement of the gas meters is required.
gas meter scheduled replacement of a gas meter How to replace a gas meter - tips from the masters. It is not allowed to replace a gas meter on your own.
Everything according to the law
It must be remembered that there is a certain standard that determines the actions of a person who wants to install a meter. Since no one needs problems with the law, you need to follow all the rules that are provided for in it. You should notify the energy supply point of your desire, so the first step in the procedure is to submit an application to the Gorgaz PES.
The following documents must be submitted along with the application:
- passport for the apartment (photocopy);
- certificate stating that there is no debt.
Installing a meter is a responsible matter, so you need an appropriate project and coordination with the necessary authorities. All this is achieved just by submitting documents.
After the project is created and approved, you can proceed to the installation itself. Who is doing this?
Recommendations for the effective installation of a gas meter in an apartment
Since the mass privatization of the housing stock in all regions of Russia, the installation of a gas meter in an apartment has become an urgent issue. Today, almost every apartment has its own gas metering device.
For those who have not yet managed to purchase such a device, it is important to determine which gas meter is best placed in the apartment. As practice has shown, the use of such devices has a good effect on saving blue fuel.
You can choose the right one yourself, it is enough to understand the principle of its operation. The equipment passes gas through itself, accurately counting how many cubic meters have passed in a specific time.
What type of device to choose
Is it legally required to install gas metering devices? Yes, since 2009 there has been a decree on the mandatory installation of gas meters. Is it beneficial to the government or only to the citizens? An increase in gas prices encourages us to save money, and the government can thereby reduce the percentage of irrational gas consumption.
Before installing the counter, decide on its type. They are distinguished depending on the purpose, that is, the place of use. It is not advisable to buy devices of the same type for an enterprise and a private residential area. Do not forget that the cost of installing a gas meter also depends on its type. The main types of devices are:
The first three types are installed at enterprises, but a membrane gas meter is suitable for an apartment or for a private house. The membrane type on the market is one of the newest, and also managed to take the position of reliable and practical. Its main advantage lies in the non-passage of gas, from which consumers using other types of devices are not insured.
When choosing the right type, pay attention to such factors:
- lifetime;
- the number of gas appliances in a private house or apartment;
- gas consumption per hour of operation of a gas appliance (indicated in the passport);
- the location of the gas supply pipe (depending on this, choose a device with right or left supply).
Is it possible to guarantee the long-term operation of the gas appliance? No, but the installed meter can stand for a long time if chosen correctly. The date of its production is important, as counters are verified by it. Old-style models are checked every 5 years, and new models - every 12 years. The causes of breakdowns are as follows:
- wrong choice of device type;
- installation performed incorrectly;
- high moisture content in the meter;
- there is no dust filter;
- gas is consumed in volumes that the device cannot handle.
The costs of installing the device are borne by the tenants. How much the installation costs depends on the nature of the work and the complexity of the installation. On average, you will have to spend from three to eight thousand rubles. Installing a gas meter in an apartment will cost more if welding is carried out. The cost is affected by the length of the gas pipes and the number of devices that consume blue fuel.
Mounting order
It is recommended to install a gas meter according to specific rules in order to avoid trouble with representatives of the gas service. Do I need to inform the specified service about the desire to put a meter in my apartment? Yes, without this you can not avoid a fine. Check the address on the back of your receipt to find out where your nearest branch is. Their range of services includes the provision of specialist services for the installation of the devices described. Therefore, we submit an application for installation along with the following documents:
- passport of the owner of the residential facility;
- receipt of payment for the use of gas for the last month;
- gasification project;
- instrument maintenance contract;
- lease agreement or certificate of ownership.
Free 24/7 legal phone support:
- the room should have natural ventilation (windows, doors, hood);
- it is forbidden to put meters above the stove, they are placed to the left or right of it;
- the distance from the stove to the device is 40 centimeters;
- distance from the counter to the ceiling - 160 centimeters;
- you can not put the counter closer than 3-5 centimeters from the wall.
Outdoor installations require a canopy or box for the reader. Is it possible to do without a master? No, as this may affect your security. The installer knows how to properly install the appliance, keeping all residents of the apartment building safe. The gas service should supply the services of the installer, but you can choose it yourself.
Attention! Due to amendments to the legislation, the legal information in this article could lose its relevance!
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How an ultrasonic gas meter works
Reliable measuring equipment is the basis for any large enterprise. Moreover, the installation of modern equipment does not allow for fraudulent activities to hide large amounts of resource consumption.
The ultrasonic gas meter is mostly used in industry. But experts agree that the aforementioned equipment may soon receive household analogues.
The principle of operation of the gas meter
The principle of functioning of the indicated equipment is based on the Doppler effect. In other words, the device measures the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in the gas flow medium.
Strictly speaking, the same sensor can also perform measurements in a liquid medium. For example, ordinary water.
The sensor is set to normal conditions. If pressure changes or other deviations occur in the usual process, the sensor immediately evaluates the information and makes the necessary corrections in the measurements.
Advantages of ultrasonic sensor:
- global economy (theft of resources becomes noticeable immediately);
- affordable cost;
- ease of installation.
All readings can be taken using a personal computer or (laptop). The measurement accuracy reaches thousandths. With the correct initial settings, the equipment does not need systematic maintenance.
What quantities can be measured with the indicated counter?
According to the accompanying documentation, the meter can measure the following quantities: the passing volume, as well as the instantaneous flow rate (operating conditions). The same values can be measured under normal conditions.
Pressure is one of the main indicators that may indicate an increase in resource consumption in the system. It should be noted that pressure sensors are duplicated. For this reason, failures are highly unlikely.
Based on the temperature, the meter draws conclusions regarding self-tuning. After all, as the temperature increases, the volume can also be increased.
Today, both domestic and Western equipment are present on the market. Experts do not risk making loud statements, singling out a specific developer. In the vast majority of cases, the equipment works out at 100%
How to save money on installation
It is unlikely that you will have to count on generous discounts during installation, but it is quite possible to eliminate the risks of overpayments. There are usually associated costs for hoses, check valves, gaskets, and other fixtures. Like the meter itself, these add-ons can be offered locally by gasmen. To avoid additional costs, it is advisable to stock up on a full set of devices in advance.
There is an opinion that utilities should install a gas meter for free, paying for its cost. Unfortunately, this is not so. The device belongs to the property of the gas consumer and, accordingly, is purchased for his money. And yet, some companies provide free assistance in registering a meter with a supplier. Also, in order to attract customers, gas organizations offer metering system components for free.
How to choose a gas meter
Before you buy a gas meter, you need to clarify several parameters. They will help you choose the right device for the needs of the user.
- The number of consumers in the house and the total fuel consumption.
- Ambient temperature at which the meter can operate.
- Thread diameter at the outputs of the controller (counter).
- The connection side of the device.
- Its service life.
- The distance between the centers of the outlets of the gas controller.
Now let's take a look at what it means and why you need it.
- Each meter has a marking of the form: G-x or G-x, y (instead of letters, the numbers on the controllers indicate the minimum amount of gas that they are able to pass through themselves). For example, a gas water heater (flow rate 1 m3/h) and a stove (1.5 m3/h) are installed in the apartment. Their total fuel consumption is about 2.5 cubic meters / h, which means that a controller with an index of G-2.5 is suitable.
- Account controllers are installed in apartments and private houses. In the second case, this is done on the street, where in winter the temperature can drop to -30. In such conditions, only devices with a temperature compensator can work.
- Gas pipes in apartments are 1/2 inch, in houses it can be the same or 3/4. Rarely, but there are also inch pipes.
- The devices are available with left-hand and right-hand gas supply. Which one will be needed depends on the position of all gas consumers relative to the installation site of the meter.
An important indicator! After the service life expires, the device will have to be replaced. The main thing to remember is that the service life begins from the moment the device is released. It is listed in the passport.