In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Helpful Tips

Due to the properties of the foil, its correct use during baking gives any dish a special flavor and juiciness. This happens due to the fact that the products are baked in the oven rather slowly and are well saturated with their own juice. Since at the same time they are practically hermetically sealed, and the foil does not let smells through, the aroma of both the main product and the spices used remains inside.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Using foil is not difficult, it is enough to know some of the nuances.

When choosing a material, it is worth giving preference to domestic products, since safety requirements in different countries are different.

The use of low-quality products can adversely affect health.
The foil should be strong enough, dense, but thin, as it is important that the juice does not leak out. If the material is too thin, then several layers need to be done.
It is important to wrap the foil correctly

If you intend to bake the dish on a baking sheet, then it is necessary to overlap the sheets so that the edges of the bottom layer protrude from the edges of the baking sheet by about 2 centimeters. Do the same with the top layer. Then carefully align the edges and fold tightly twice.
To properly wrap a large piece of meat or a whole fish, you need to cut off 2 sufficiently long sheets, lay them out crosswise, place the product in the middle and wrap tightly, first in one sheet, then in another.
When wrapping, there should be no holes and holes left, otherwise the juice will flow out and burn, and the dish itself may turn out dry, and the expected effect will not be achieved. It is better to make 2 layers, but do not squeeze the package too tightly.
So that the foil does not burn and nothing sticks to it, you can grease the inner surface with vegetable oil.
Not all foods can be baked in foil. It is contraindicated in cereals and cereals, green and soft vegetables, fruits. This method is not very suitable for beef - you can get just a boiled piece of meat. But veal and especially pork are perfectly baked. Wild meat is best prepared according to special recipes.
It is better to take meat for baking in one large piece weighing at least a kilogram, only in this case it will be juicy and tender. With less weight, it can turn out to be a bit dry.
Any fish can be baked. It is advisable to cut off the fins and tail - they can tear the foil. If you want to bake the whole fish, then you need to wrap it in several layers, but do not pack it too tightly.
When roasting chicken, it's a good idea to first wrap the ends of the legs and wings with pieces of foil with the shiny side outward so that they don't char, and then wrap the whole chicken up.
Roast vegetables (potatoes, peppers) are wrapped separately. Vegetable stew is cooked in a heat-resistant dish, which is covered with a foil “lid”.
The oven must first be well warmed up for half an hour. For vegetables, the temperature should be at least 100 degrees, for meat and fish - at least 200. In the process of cooking, it is better not to open the oven once again, as it cools quickly.
To make the dish covered with a delicious crispy crust, two methods are used. You can make holes in the top of the package. This must be done very carefully to prevent the juice from flowing out. And you can cut the foil on top 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, spread the edges to the sides and put it back in the oven for browning.

Expert answers

Nadia Sedova:

The matte side transmits heat and heat very well, and the shiny side not only transmits, but reflects.Therefore, when chicken, potatoes, meat or other products are baked, foil is wrapped as follows - the matte side is on the outside, and the shiny side is on the inside. Heat and heat pass through the foil and circulate inside (reflecting off the shiny surface). Such conditions provide better preparation of the product. Lay foil on a baking sheet like this - matte side down - shiny side up. But if you have an old, gas oven, which, pardon the expression, bakes badly, I advise you not to use a baking sheet. Try the following options. Take an oven rack and line it with foil (matte side down, shiny side up). You smear the foil with sunflower oil, lay out pies, pies (or what you bake there - I don’t know). and under the grate put a small pan (of any shape, but smaller than the grate, with water). In this case, the cake will be baked and will have a beautiful crust both on top and bottom. Try it - I promise you will be satisfied!


shiny side up


matte up

Toth Olga:

Lay the baking sheet shiny up, and wrap the products shiny inside, matte out.

Lebedkova Natalia:

There was a transmission with Anton Privolov, where he asked experts about this. They said shiny side out.

Ilya Betser:

Aluminum foil has a matte and glossy side. This is due to the fact that aluminum kitchen foil is rolled in two layers at the same time, with the sides that touch the press rollers being glossy, while the adjacent sides remain matte.

Due to the different appearance of aluminum foil surfaces, many people find it important to know which side of food-grade aluminum foil is facing the food during cooking. Some believe that kitchen foil should be turned with a frosted side to the dish, some take a polar point of view

Some people believe that kitchen foil should be turned with a matte side to the dish, some take a polar point of view.

Meanwhile, in practice, the difference between the two sides of aluminum kitchen foil is almost imperceptible, it can only be noticed with the help of precise instruments. The reflectivity of the glossy side of the aluminum foil is 88%, while the embossed matt aluminum foil is 80% reflective.

Stella Kulikovskaya:

Never paid attention to it.... Alexander:


exactly! doesn't matter and there's nothing to worry about


for the oven, it doesn't matter which side you put the foil on! and for food there is no difference, do not bother!

Tetiana Nenakhova:

foil sticks why

Olga Lebedeva:

Aluminum foil has a matte and glossy side. This is due to the fact that aluminum kitchen foil is rolled in two layers at the same time, with the sides that touch the press rollers being glossy, while the adjacent sides remain matte.

Due to the different appearance of aluminum foil surfaces, many people find it important to know which side of food-grade aluminum foil is facing the food during cooking. Some believe that kitchen foil should be turned with a frosted side to the dish, some take a polar point of view

Meanwhile, in practice, the difference between the two sides of aluminum kitchen foil is almost imperceptible, it can only be noticed with the help of precise instruments. The reflectivity of the glossy side of the aluminum foil is 88%, while the embossed matt aluminum foil is 80% reflective.

Sanek Sokoloff:

from the end

Denis Valkonsky:



I always have a shiny side on the outside.


I think matte. Shiny reflects light, everything will burn to hell.

Love Tian:

Shiny-in, matte-out… Shiny side reflects heat, sending it to the cooking product

Possible problems

Aluminum food foil is recognized as a safe material for its use in the kitchen, but the opinions of scientists on this issue differ. When freezing and storing food, foil is absolutely safe, but some experts consider its frequent use for baking harmful to the body.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

During baking, when the material is heated to a high temperature, it begins to break down and its microparticles, invisible to the eye, can remain on food and get inside the human body. This process is also facilitated by the acid formed during the use of certain seasonings or, for example, lemon.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

But this danger can be minimized by following simple rules.

  • Do not close or wrap the food very tightly, while the dish will turn out to be more juicy and tasty.
  • Place products so that they are in contact with the glossy rather than the matte side of the material. This is especially true for dishes that use lemon, marinade with vinegar and a large amount of seasonings.
  • Do not use this cooking method as a daily routine. The dishes, indeed, turn out to be very tasty, but there is no need to lose a sense of proportion.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

How to properly lay foil

The properties of shiny and matte surfaces are in their relation to the temperature regime. The matte surface heats up faster, as it attracts heat better, while the shiny one retains it longer.

If you put foil on a baking sheet with a shiny surface up, then the cooking process can be somewhat accelerated. In addition, food does not burn on the shiny side. But it is better to cover the dish with the matte side up - it will absorb heat, which will also reduce the cooking time. In addition, this method allows you to better preserve the flavor of the dish.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Experienced housewives know that in this way you can cook not only meat or fish, but also use the properties of the material to improve the quality of baking. If you place the dough on the glossy surface of the foil, then the products will not burn from below, do not stick, rise faster and bake better.

If the baking starts to darken or dry on top, and has not yet had time to bake inside, then the foil can be laid on top with the shiny side down, and then removed a few minutes before the end of cooking. In the same way, you can put foil inside a baking dish or make cupcake liners.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Portioned dishes can simply be wrapped in foil, created into a kind of “bags”, then placed on a wire rack or baking sheet and also baked in the oven. This allows you to cook a more juicy and aromatic dish than when boiling or frying. In addition, the nutritional value of the products is preserved and the calorie content does not increase, because it is not necessary to use oil.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

This method is rational, since a separate portion, already wrapped in foil, is convenient to take on a short trip, to work or on a picnic. At the same time, there is no fundamental difference which side to wrap the foil in, but it is still better to use the same principle - the glossy side should be inside, since it also has antibacterial properties, which contributes to better preservation of cooked products.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Fish baked in foil

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

We will need:

  • any fish to your taste: perch, mackerel, trout,
  • crucian carp, carp, etc.;
  • lemon 1 pc.;
  • any vegetable oil: sunflower, olive 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves or dried analogue - 1 tsp;
  • allspice 5 peas;
  • salt to taste;
  • greens at your discretion: parsley, dill, basil, mint.

Let's start cooking:

We clean the fish, wash and dry it with a paper towel.
We spread on foil and coat both sides with oil and salt.
We rub with garlic.
In the belly we put slices of half a lemon, allspice, mint or basil.
Put the remaining slices of lemon and dill on the fish itself and carefully make an envelope out of foil or simply wrap it securely.
We send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Can be served with any side dish. The fish turns out juicy, fragrant and very tasty. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving for a spicy twist.

Foil top cover

Cooking vegetables and baking does not always require a complete wrapping of the dish with aluminum foil. It is enough to cover a large number of prepared products from above. To do this, vegetables are placed in a heat-resistant dish and tightly covered with metal paper. This technique is good for casseroles or vegetable stews. These measures allow you to save vitamins and nutrients that are destroyed during normal cooking.

Flour products prepared at home need protection from overheating. To do this, a sheet of foil is placed on top of the baking sheet. The matte side is in contact with the baked goods, while the glossy side reflects the heat. This procedure is best done shortly before the end of the baking of the dish in order to see how the cooking process is progressing.

Using foil in cooking

In dishes cooked in foil, more microelements useful for the body are preserved, because food is cooked in its own juice, heat treatment occurs evenly. There is no need to pre-marinate a piece of meat, a whole chicken or fish for many hours. Usually the hostess rubs the food with spices and, wrapping it in foil, sends it to the oven.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

The foil allows you to reduce the cooking time, the meat is baked at a temperature of two hundred degrees for half an hour. Vegetables and fish can be served on the table in twenty minutes, the oven warms up only to one hundred degrees, which also saves electricity.

Until the invention of the microwave oven, many people heated food in the oven wrapped in foil, which was quick and safe. The dish will stay warm for a long time if you cover it with foil and a towel. Baked and chilled cuts of meat will keep fresh longer if wrapped in foil and left at room temperature.

A good housewife knows that the pastries are baked evenly, they are first covered with foil. A few minutes before the end of the cooking time, remove so that the cake can be covered with a golden crust.

Does the quality of food depend on what is on the baking sheet

The properties of the foil in question do not change the state of the food being cooked and its taste, no matter how you turn this sheet. Despite the speculation about the different reflective abilities that a glossy and matte surface has, in fact, they have almost the same performance (88% and 80%, respectively). And this clearly cannot somehow significantly change their properties.

So which side to put the foil on the baking sheet does not matter! The quality and taste of food in this case will depend only on the skill of the cook. True, dishes prepared using vinegar or having a sour taste should not be kept in foil for a long time. In addition, you can’t cook in the microwave in it: everything will remain raw.

But this aluminum sheet (pictured) has a unique ability to withstand high temperatures (600 ° C). You can safely fish in it right in the coals or on a barbecue.

What reflects the shiny surface of the foil

The explanation about reflection looks plausible: from the school physics course, we remember this property of shiny surfaces. But what do they reflect when cooking in the oven?

There are three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiant heat. When cooking in the oven, the last two are crucial, as neither the baking sheet nor the foil come into direct contact with the heating elements.


In the oven, heat is transferred to the product from the heating elements due to the movement of air.There is convection in any oven, and not just in the one with this word in the name. If we are talking about a convection oven, we mean a fan that moves heated air faster.

A shiny (or matte) surface does not affect convection. The foil will heat up regardless of which side it is in contact with the product and transfer that heat.

Of greater importance in this case will be how tightly the foil is wrapped around the contents. If air remains between the product and the aluminum sheet, it can become an insulating barrier and slow down heat transfer.

thermal radiation

Convection is the most important when cooking food in the oven, but some of the heat transfer is due to radiation. It is emitted by any object with a temperature above absolute zero (−273.15 ° C), that is, all elements of the oven and all its contents.

For infrared radiation, the side of the foil will matter: a shiny surface reflects the rays, a matte surface captures. But this difference in heat transfer is important only for highly sensitive devices. The side of the foil will have little effect on the speed of cooking dinner.

Why does foil have different sides?

Different surfaces of the foil are not made on purpose, this is a feature of the technological process. Aluminum is rolled into thin sheets of foil with heavy metal rollers, like dough with a rolling pin. One side is in contact with the rollers, which polish it to a shine. The other remains matte.

Which side of the foil should be in contact with the products

Experts believe that in this matter you can completely rely on your own taste, since there are no functional differences. Robert Wolke writes about this in his book What Einstein Told His Chef. Reynold's Kitchen experts came to a similar conclusion.

The question of which side to use the foil is fundamental only for aluminum sheets with a non-stick coating. In this case, the manufacturer recommends laying out the products on the matte side marked non-stick.

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Use of a specially designed sunscreen film

A film specially designed for sun protection is a slightly more expensive option, but more reliable. It saves the landlord from all the above disadvantages of using ordinary food foil.

Advantages of solar control film:

  • strength - the film is dense and elastic, and not fragile, like foil;
  • size grid suitable for use on windows (length - 3 m, width - 0.6-1 m);
  • affordable price - on average, a roll of film costs 100 rubles;
  • good appearance, subject to careful installation;
  • transparency - sunlight will sufficiently illuminate the room without heating it.

By applying solar control film on the window, you will get a slightly tinted glass that will reflect excess radiation from the outside.

Please note: during the day, glass covered with a film perfectly protects windows from the eyes of passers-by, as they create a mirror image. However, at night, with the lights on, the room will be viewed very well, so do not forget about the use of curtains.

There are two types of such window film - adhesive on glass and curtain film. We will analyze the features of using both materials in order to understand which one is better suited in a particular case.

Adhesive film for sun protection

This version of the film is glued directly to the glass. With its help, the effect of tinting the surface is created. The advantage of this method is that the material is durable, and it can be used for several seasons in a row (remember that UV rays enter the room not only in summer).

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Instructions for sticking such a film:

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the window from dirt, remove dust and small specks from it. If this is not done, any particle will be very noticeable from under the film;
Then the glass area is measured, a part of the material is cut off according to measurements with a margin of 5 mm on each side;
Using a spray bottle with a soapy solution, the surface of the glass is abundantly wetted. The more moisture, the easier it will be to adjust the position of the cut on the window;
The protective layer is removed from the material, then the side reflecting it is also sprayed with a solution;
The film is applied to the surface with gentle movements (it is better to do this with an assistant, in four hands), smoothed and leveled

Important - the film is glued with the reflective side out!

Next, moisture should be expelled from under the material. This is best done with a rubber spatula, but if one is not available, any similar object with a soft cloth draped over it will do.

At this stage, it is important not to damage the film with sharp objects (that is, it is not recommended to expel water with an ordinary metal spatula, flat spatula or similar objects);
The last step is to cut off the excess film along the edges with a cutter or a sharp clerical knife, left to compensate for possible gaps and distortions.

If the work is done correctly and accurately, there should be no wrinkles, air bubbles, scratches on the surface of the film.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking? Option for low-quality installation of a film on a window

In order to remove such a film from the window, you will need to act no less carefully. If the material was originally of high quality, it will be removed easily after preheating (for example, with a conventional hair dryer)

The edge of the film is carefully pry off with a spatula or a metal ruler, then pulled back and gradually removed from the glass

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

There are also options for self-adhesive film. Often they are made not just in the form of tinting, but with beautiful drawings or patterns (stained glass or in a specific theme). Adhesive residues after removing such material are best removed after it has cooled with non-abrasive detergents.

Window film-blind

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

The film-curtain is not attached to the glass itself, but to the upper part of the frame. This allows you not only to protect yourself from the sun, but also to freely open and close the shutters for ventilation, adjust the level of illumination of the room - the lower part of such a curtain can be easily pushed back. The material is attached with a self-adhesive strip at the top of the product.

The installation process is:

  1. Washing the window frame - its upper part should also be free of specks and dirt;
  2. Removing the protective layer from the self-adhesive strip;
  3. Accurate and even gluing of the curtain to the top of the frame.

Using ordinary garters, you can fold and unfold the curtain film like roller blinds.

This method of protection from daylight will not only help maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, eliminate the possibility of burning furniture and finishes, but also save you the hassle of rubbing the material from the glass. In addition, such a curtain can be lowered only at the time of day when the sun shines directly through the window.

Which side to put the foil when baking

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

During the heat treatment of dishes in the oven, convection is crucial - flow heat exchange or, in other words, the circulation of hot air inside the appliance

At the same time, it is critically important to wrap tightly and correctly place the dish, but the reflectance of the foil practically does not matter either in terms of speed or quality of cooking.

The above does not apply to special non-stick foil - in this case, the desired side usually has a special mark "non-stick".

With the advent of food foil, cooking even familiar dishes has become much more interesting. All kinds of dishes baked in it always turn out tender, juicy, fragrant and very appetizing.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Surface matters

It is easy to use food foil in the process of cooking.It is enough to carefully wrap meat or fish, vegetables or fruits in it and place in the oven for a specified time. The result will always be good: you will get a delicious dish, as the products slowly languish in their own juice, baking evenly, and direct high-temperature exposure cannot spoil its taste, and all useful substances will be preserved.

But there is one small but significant nuance: it turns out that you need to know which side to put the foil on the baking sheet.

The two sides of the foil, if you look closely, are different from each other. This is what production technology requires, and here's why:

  • the side that has a matte surface with a slightly noticeable roughness perfectly absorbs heat, and with the help of this effect, dishes are cooked much faster;
  • the other side differs in that it has a more shiny mirror surface, which is more capable of reflecting heat rays.

Therefore, if a dilemma arises before baking food - how to properly put the foil on a baking sheet, then you need to remember: the matte side should always be on the outside so that heat is absorbed. The glossy part is inside, it is on it that various ingredients are laid, and the mirror surface will retain evenly distributed heat.

If food foil needs to be used in the form of a thermos, then, again, the foil should be laid out with the matte part down, and food or a cooked dish should be placed on an open mirror surface and wrapped. All contents will remain warm or cold for a long time, will remain fresh with their special taste.

It is acceptable to lay the components on a matte surface so that the glossy one stays on the outside. This is done if the products are threatened with overheating, and its intensity needs to be reduced. In this situation, the protective properties of the glossy surface can protect food from overdrying or burning.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Scientists' conclusions

Scientists, of course, decided to check how much the cooking technology of various dishes would be violated if, out of ignorance, the matte part of the foil was inside during cooking in the oven.

Fortunately, it turned out that this will not bring harm to the human body - that is why the foil itself is called food, is classified as an environmentally friendly harmless product, does not emit harmful substances from any side. The difference is only in the reflective abilities of the surfaces, but the difference in them is quite insignificant - up to 15 percent. And if you bake large meat or fish pieces, then the value of the matte or mirror side will not affect the final quality of the food.

True, if you cook food without adding oil, then it does not particularly stick to a glossy surface, but it can stick to a matte one. Therefore, when choosing on which surface to put dry or low-fat products, preference should be given to the mirror, and the place of the matte side will be on the baking sheet.

Use for cooking in the oven

Foil is extremely easy to use. Even a young and inexperienced hostess can easily cope with it. The interesting thing is that you can always experiment and choose the most original and delicious recipes. You can cook anything in it, but there are some recommendations for its use.

Do not cook in foil:

This is not to say that the preparation of these products using foil is prohibited, it will simply be tasteless. As for cereals, it is really forbidden to cook them in this way.

The main condition for use is the tightness of the packaging

It is extremely important how the product is packaged, therefore, to preserve the juices, it is necessary to press the packaging material well on all sides, in order to avoid even the smallest holes. If we talk about pies, then they should also be very tightly sealed, as this gives both tenderness and a unique taste to the dish.

If the foil is rather thin, then it is better to pack the product in several layers before baking.This is especially true when baking meat and fish. Wild animal meat should not be baked in foil, as it usually takes a very long time to cook such a dish. Here it is better to refrain from experiments.

Which side to bake

Above, we have already figured out that there will not be a big difference. Moreover, there will be no harm to food from this. Many housewives do not even notice which side the product is placed on. But still, there are a few small recommendations about which side to put the foil on a baking sheet:

  • if the baked product has a vinegar or lemon juice marinade, it is best to pack it with the frosted side out. As it has already become clear, it can affect the taste of the dish when in contact with an acidic environment. This is especially true when using high temperatures;
  • if the foil spreads on a baking sheet, then the shiny side should be on top, so there is a much greater chance that the food will not burn. If the dish will be covered with a sheet on top, then the matte side should be on top;
  • It is better to cover the cake with the shiny side inside, but this is not critical.

First of all, you need to choose a quality material: thin, but dense. It should keep its shape well and not be damaged by one touch. There is no special scheme for wrapping products

The main thing to pay attention to is tightness. Violation of this nuance will lead to burning and leakage of juice.

The finished dish will be dry and tasteless.

For baking whole fish, it is better to use several layers of packaging material, as the fins can damage it. This also applies to chicken, which is cooked with a whole carcass.

It is very important to know that the foil is not designed to store food, so immediately after cooking, when serving, it must be completely removed. Also, everyone knows that it is strictly forbidden to heat food wrapped in shiny sheets in the microwave.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Some housewives often ask the question whether it is necessary to pierce holes in the foil when baking. It depends on what result is required. The product, hermetically packed in foil, of course, cannot get a crispy and golden crust, it is more stewed. If you pierce a couple of holes in the upper part, then excess steam will escape through them, and an appetizing crust will form, but the dish may lose its juiciness. So the choice is up to the owner.

In any case, the dish will turn out not only very tasty and fragrant, but also healthy, which is important. Which side of the foil should be inside and which outside, matte or shiny? A question from the category of those, without an answer to which you can live in peace without hesitation, but if you ask it, you must find out the truth

Which side of the foil should be inside and which outside, matte or shiny? A question from the category of those, without an answer to which you can live in peace without hesitation, but if you ask it, you must find out the truth.

In which direction of the foil should fish and meat be wrapped when baking?

Most cooks, cookbook authors, and housewives are on the dark side, which means wrapping food with the shiny side inside and leaving the matte side to heat under the heat of the oven. Household logic explains this quite simply and quite reasonably - matte and texture absorb heat much better than glossy and smooth. However, in the case of cooking in the oven, everything is not so simple.

Expert answers

Bergamot Tea:

If you want to quickly bake a chicken ( or fish) then the shiny side inward ...

And if, for example, your cake is already ruddy (and raw inside) - then so that it does not burn - but baked inside - then the shiny side out ...!)

Yulia Timoshenko:

Listen, I never thought about how I wrap, and now I can’t even remember. I don't care.



Tatyana Kobzeva:

Inside, Rybka, inside. Physics-heat will not be radiated outward, you will bake faster.


shiny side out

Igor Shmatok:

Shiny side only inside!

I knit to order Almaty:

changing the positions of the terms does not change the sum

personal account removed:

if the shiny side is outside ,it will reflect heat...reverse effect...

Admin Magic Lamp:

“Among housewives, there is a myth that if you wrap the meat with the glossy side of the foil out, it will bake in the oven more slowly than if you do it the other way around. Nothing like this. At one time, by order of a respected culinary publication, I specifically investigated this issue. For the purity of the experiment, we then recorded the time and baked in the oven at the same temperature two identical portions of the same meat. One piece of beef was wrapped with the glossy side of the foil out and the other in. The thermometer data showed that in both cases the product was heated in the same way. Therefore, I can say that it doesn’t matter which side of the foil you wrap the meat with - this will not affect the cooking time and the taste of the final dish.

By the way, many people think that double-sided foil is some kind of special invention. This is not true either. Just to save money in the shops, the foil is rolled in two layers at once. The inner side of the sheets folded to each other remains matte, and the one that comes into contact with the roller acquires a glossy surface. Such is the technological process.”

.aif /dontknows/eternal/kakoy_storonoy_klast_folgu_na_protiven

Natalia Beze:

Certainly it has! I was watching TV the other day! The shiny side of the foil reflects heat, while the matte side absorbs! depending on what kind of dish you need (crusted, toasted, just steamed), you wrap the product in foil!

Vera Semyonova:

It never even crossed my mind to compare the sides.


On the matte side, but I don’t know how to explain it !!!

Just Kseniya:

I put it on matte.

Ekaterina Serebryakova:

For matte. Foil is a wonderful invention of recent times. Thin, metal-like paper that protects food raw materials, like dishes, but does not have any of the negative sides of dishes: the foil is not oxidized, it does not need to be washed, it is light, compact. It is simply thrown away after use.

Foil has qualities that dishes sometimes do not have: you can bake in it, that is, imitate the technology of a Russian stove, and a fire, and ash, and coals, and all this without leaving a comfortable city apartment, clean, with minimal effort, time and even culinary skills. The foil provides both the consistency and the aroma of the products cooked in it without any additional human intervention in the cooking process.


Never paid attention.


