Solid or stranded wire

Types of cable underfloor heating

The popularity of electrical systems is based mainly on features such as

  • ease of installation,
  • ease of use,
  • durability,
  • economic affordability,
  • the ability to quickly adjust the temperature.

In addition, in many cases, the use of similar equipment connected to a heating or hot water system is associated with many problems, ranging from the need to dismantle the floor, form a screed, lay pipes, and ending with the need to obtain a special permit for such an installation (for apartment buildings with central water supply) .

Therefore, when choosing equipment, the question arises as to which is better underfloor heating film or cable. In the first case, it is supposed to use a flexible film, which is an infrared heating element, in which carbon strips are located, interconnected by copper bars to supply voltage.

Cable underfloor heating

Its advantage is the ability to avoid the installation of an additional screed and lay the film directly under the floor covering without any difficulties in performing installation work. But at the same time, it is also worth highlighting such features of infrared systems as the need for a perfectly flat laying surface in order to avoid damage to the film. In addition, the average service life of infrared heating materials is 5-10 years.

underfloor heating film

If it is planned to install a cable underfloor heating, the characteristics of the equipment are determined primarily by the heating power depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, its purpose

In addition, it is important how the equipment will be used: as the main or additional heating

electric floor heating

The principle of operation of cable underfloor heating is based on the use of a heating cable (or mat) as a heat source. It is laid under a cement-sand screed. Then the floor covering is laid. The result is a solid heating surface, which has a fairly high energy efficiency.

How power is calculated

In order not to miscalculate with power, it is first determined whether the warm floor will be the main source of heating or auxiliary.

On a note. When performing the calculation under the condition of an auxiliary source, the power of the main heat source should be taken into account.

An approximate calculation for a two-room apartment, where, taking into account the correction coefficients for the heat transfer resistance of surfaces, the total heat consumption is 6 kW.

The logic is the following:

  • about 1 kW of thermal energy will go to heat 10 sq.m of a dwelling;
  • 90 percent of the area is covered by basic heating;
  • underfloor heating as an auxiliary heating element is required to compensate 10 percent;
  • taking into account 6 kW of total consumption, (10x6) / 100 \u003d 0.6 kW.

Solid or stranded wire

This calculation is correct if underfloor heating is installed in all rooms of the apartment.

Sometimes averages are used to calculate

  • for kitchen and residential areas 110-150 watts per 1 sq.m;
  • for bathrooms 140-150 watts per 1 sq.m.

When choosing which warm floor is better, two-core or single-core, you need to take into account the level of comfortable temperature. Two-core models heat up most intensively. Adjustment of the temperature level depends on the heating time of the floor. When there are no special requirements for the microclimate, single-core modifications can be chosen.

Solid and multi-core cable

In order to give the wire greater flexibility and elasticity, a thread is sometimes woven along with the cores in production. In terms of strength and composition, it is very similar to kapron thread.

It is clear that each cable has its own purpose, otherwise they would not differ. And there really is a difference.And it is that a single-core wire has more rigidity than a stranded one. So you can do twists. That is, you can twist the ends of the wire with tongs, wrap it with insulating tape, and the connection is ready. And no clamps are required. It can also be used in high frequency circuits.

And if a single-core cable has a large cross section, then it can be very difficult to bend it. The high rigidity of a single-core wire is a property that is taken into account, for example, when installing electrical wiring in an apartment. That is, the use of a single-core wire, first of all, where stationary wiring is needed. It is used when it is necessary to supply electricity to sockets, lighting lamps, etc.

In industry, thick single-core conductors can also be used to divert the electricity generated by electric generators to the power grid. For industry, as indicated above, single-core wires are also used, however, provided that their cross section is much larger.

The great flexibility and elasticity of a stranded wire is a property that is taken into account, for example, in headphones, in extension tees, in car wiring, in household appliances, and so on.

Stranded wires have a higher conductivity than solid wires. If you use special terminals, then the connection of such wires becomes more reliable and has less current resistance compared to a single-core conductor.

These wires are easy to solder. But there is something confusing about multi-core cable when using it. Small veins break off. It is necessary, of course, to point out the disadvantages of both types of cable. Single-core wire does not tolerate strong vibration. All sorts of excesses are harmful to him. For stranded wires, there are restrictions on the use in high-frequency circuits.


