Dimensions length, width, height
The production of asbestos-cement profiles is organized in accordance with state standards: 3034095 for wave and 1812495 for flat.
Wave ACL
Although the composition of the building material is the same, the dimensions of the product may vary. This also applies to the thickness of the product. As a rule, it varies in the range from 5 to 9 mm. As for the width, it is determined by the number of waves.
The ACL profile depends on the shape of the cross section and the distance between the waves. The cross-sectional shape is of two types - 40 by 150 and 54 by 200. The first number of this indicator (40 or 54) indicates the height of the wave, and the second (150 or 200), respectively, to its step. The height of the slate is nothing more than the length of the segment connecting the top of the wave and the bottom without taking into account the thickness of the profile.
Slate option |
Height | Width | Length | Wave step | ||
7 waves. | 8 waves. | 6 waves. | ||||
40/150/1750 |
40 | 980 | 1130 | 1750 | 150 | |
54/200/1750 |
54 | 1125 | 1750 | 200 |
On a note
Domestic manufacturers have the right to produce non-standard ACL based on their own specifications.
Sheets with different profiles are classified into three groups:
- VO - regular profile;
- UV - unified;
- VU - reinforced.
- for ordinary ones - 1.2 by 0.68 m;
- for unified - 1.75 by 1.125 m;
- for reinforced slate length is 2.80 m.
- waves of modern asbestos-cement sheets - six, seven and eight. For example, a standard slate of 8 waves is 1.75x1.13 m with a thickness of 5.2 or 5.8 mm, the area is 1.977 square meters. m. 7 and 8 have the same height, but the width is different, because the number of waves does not match.
Flat ACL
Certain qualities of flat and wave profiles are similar, however, there are certain differences between them. For example, flat ones can be unpressed, which means that they will differ in their technical characteristics. It should be noted that flat ACLs are stronger than wave ACLs. For example, their compressive and bending strength reaches 90-130 and 20-50 MPa, respectively.
The main advantage of this material, most likely, is the variety of its use. Just a few examples:
- a sufficiently low weight allows the use of flat profiles for flooring, and additional reinforcement elements are not used.
- quite often used as interior and exterior decoration of buildings;
- with their help erect partitions of various types and vertical fences.
- length can be 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 m;
- width - 1.2 and 1.5 m;
- thickness - 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 cm.
On the construction market, you can also find flat sheets of industrial production of smaller dimensions (length - 0.6 m, width - 0.4 m), which are suitable for roofing.
It should be noted that manufacturers produce to order profiles of other dimensions and shades. The developed dyes are resistant not only to atmospheric influences, but also to fading.
2019 stylekrov.ru
How to correctly write the dimensions height, width, length of the designation in Latin letters
When solving geometric problems, students are faced with the question: how to correctly identify certain parts of the drawing? For example, the height of the triangle, the width of the rectangle, the dimensions of the pool. We will find similar designations in physical problems: the length of the pendulum, the height from which the body begins to fall ... Therefore, you should know some rules.
How the various options are labeled
In a unified measurement system, the designation is used with Latin letters:
- length - letter l, if we are talking about one straight line: a pendulum, a lever, a segment, a straight line. But if we are talking about a geometric figure, for example, a rectangle, then A is used,
- height or depth h,
- width - B.
What is the SI system, students learn only in high school, therefore, usually in the lower grades, special designations for these quantities are not introduced.
How to define depth?
Why is the same letter used for height and depth? If you build a drawing of a parallelepiped, then here you will mark the height of the figure.
And if you make a drawing of a rectangular pool of the same size as the parallelepiped, then the depth is indicated. Thus, we can say that the height and depth in this case will be one value.
The concept of "depth" is also found in geography. It is displayed in color on maps. If we are talking about expanses of water, then the darker the blue color, the greater the depth, and if we are talking about land, then the lowlands are indicated in dark green.
In drawing, this value is denoted by the letter S. It allows you to create a complete perception of the object, sometimes even with one view.
What is long
What is length and how is this indicator indicated? She points point to point distance, that is, the size of the segment. In geometric problems, it is usually denoted as A. In stereometry, it can be denoted by both A and l (for example, in problems where there is a line that intersects a plane).
In physics, the length of the pendulum, lever arm, etc. in "Dano" is denoted by the letter l, since we are talking about a separate straight line.
The difference between length and height
Length is a value that characterizes the length of the line.
And the height is perpendicular to the opposite plane.
That is, we can conclude that the length differs from the height in that it is part of the figure, coinciding with its face, and the height is obtained as a result of additional construction in the drawing.
The height is carried out in order to obtain new data for solving problems, as well as new figures as part of the original one.
This is the width
The width of an object is necessary in order to understand the shape of both a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional object. As a rule, it is denoted by the letter B.
The width is measured in meters (according to SI). But if the object is too small, then for convenience, smaller units are used:
- decimeters,
- centimeters,
- millimeters,
- micrometers, etc.
And if the object is too large, then the following prefixes are written:
Of course, such large units of measurement are necessary, for example, for astronomy. They are also used in quantum physics, microbiology, and so on.
What are the sides of a rectangle called?
Unlike a square, the sides of a rectangle pairwise equal and parallel.
This means that the sides forming the angles are different.
Generally, the longer side of a rectangle is called its length, and the width of a rectangle is its short side.
What are the dimensions of length, width and height according to SI
According to a single measurement system, length, height and width are measured in meters. But sometimes, if it is a fractional or multi-digit number, multiple units of measurement are used in calculations for convenience.
In order to know how to correctly convert units of measurement to larger or vice versa small ones, you need to know prefix values.
- Deca - 10 1,
- Hecto - 10 2,
- Kilo - 10 3,
- Mega - 10 6,
- Giga - 10 9,
- Deci - 10 -1,
- Santi - 10 -2,
- Milli - 10 -3,
- Micro - 10 -6,
- Nano - 10 -9.
After calculations, these units must be converted to meters.
There are also off-system units, but they are very rare:
- mile - 1.6 km,
- foot - 12 inches - 0.3048 m,
- yard - 36 inches - 91.44 mm,
- inch - 25.4 mm, etc.
When solving problems, such units must be converted to meters.
When performing geometric tasks, units of measurement are not given much attention, the main thing is that they were comparable
(if you make calculations in centimeters, then all values \u200b\u200bmust be converted to centimeters).
And when solving physical problems, the answer must be given in meters in accordance with a unified measurement system.
Designations of length, width, height in geometry
We measure geometric parameters
Now you know what letter indicates the length, what the width of the rectangle is measured in, and you can explain to anyone how the various parameters are indicated.
It is interesting! Easy rules for rounding numbers after the decimal point
1.1. A certain value is denoted by a letter of the Latin or Greek alphabet without indices or with indices that serve to clarify the various characteristics of this value.
1.2. Uppercase and lowercase letters "O, o" of the Latin alphabet should not be used in designations. The letters of the Greek alphabet should be taken according to the table. one.
1.3. The letter designations of the required values \u200b\u200bthat are not given in this SEV standard are set according to the principle indicated in Table. 2.
Force, the product of force and length, length to a power not equal to one
Uppercase latin alphabet
Length, the ratio of length to time to any degree, the ratio of effort to unit length or area
Lowercase Latin alphabet
Lowercase Greek alphabet
1.4. Indices are divided into numeric and alphabetic. Letters are further subdivided into one-, two- and three-letter. Arabic numerals are used to designate digital indices, and letters of the Latin alphabet are used to designate alphabetic indices.
1.5. Numeric indices are used to express the serial number of a given designation.
1.6. Single-letter indices are used to designate coordinate axes, location, type of material, stress state, acting load, and other characteristics.
1.7. Two-letter and three-letter indices are used when the use of single-letter indices may lead to ambiguities. They are separated from single-letter indexes by commas.
1.8. Indexes are located on the right side of the letters at the bottom. When typing on a typewriter, the letter and index can be printed on one line.
1.9. If this standard does not contain the necessary index, it should be set from lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet.
1.10. The designation expressing the geometric value may be supplemented with a vertical stroke on the right, if it is necessary to indicate that it means the compressed part of the section or element.
GOST 4541-70. Rotating electrical machines. Alphabetic designations of mounting and connecting and overall dimensions
(text of the document with amendments and additions as of November 2014)
Approved and put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Standard of February 26, 1970 N 235
Instead of GOST 4541-48
Date of introduction from January 1, 1971
Decree of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 26, 1970 N 235. Checked in 1984
Reissue (November 1984) with Amendment No. 1 approved in September 1984 (IUS 12-84).
1. This standard applies to newly designed and modernized rotating electrical machines and converting units and establishes letter designations for mounting and connecting and overall dimensions.
2. Numbers of drawings with examples of letter designations of installation and connecting and overall dimensions of electrical machines and shaft ends are indicated in Table. one.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3. Letter designations of mounting and connecting and overall dimensions of certain types of electrical machines and units with other constructive varieties of mounting surfaces and forms of execution not provided for in Table. 1, it is recommended to install similarly to those given in this standard.
4. For designations of installation and connecting and overall dimensions of electrical machines and converting units, lowercase letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets with subscripts should be used:
b - for the width (in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the shaft),
d - for diameters,
l - for length (in the direction of the shaft axis),
r - for radii,
t - for dimensions in keyed connections,
- for angular dimensions.
Note. The height of the axis of rotation (h) is put down without a subscript.
5.Subscripts for letter designations should be set depending on their following purpose:
1 - 9 - for the ends of the shafts,
10 - 19 - for the dimensions of the paws and foundation slabs (frames),
20 - 29 - for flange sizes,
30 - 80 - for other installation and connecting dimensions,
80 and more - for unit sizes and special machines.
6. The letter designations of the installation and connecting and overall dimensions must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 - 12 and in the table. 2.
Electric machine of group 1M1
Electric machine group 1M2
Electric machine of group 1M3
Electric machine of group 1M4
Electric machine of group 1M5
Electric machine of group 1M6
Electric machine of group 1M7
Two-machine converting units
Three-machine converting units
The protruding end of the shaft of an electrical machine
The second protruding end of the shaft of the electric machine
Shaft section for pulley fit
In the drawings and catalogs, put down one of the sizes or, or.
The drawings serve only to explain the dimensions given in table. 2.
The number of dimensions affixed in the drawings of specific machine versions is set for each version.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
7. When placing the size designations on the working drawings and in the catalogs, the formation of closed dimensional chains should be avoided, for example (see Fig. 8) one of the sizes, or should be omitted.
8. In the case of identical in shape and size of both protruding ends of the shaft, the designations adopted for the first protruding end of the shaft should be established.
9. The letter designations of the dimensions of the ventilation ducts are not established by this standard.
10. Lettering in the drawings should be done with a slope. It is allowed to use direct letters and numbers in the designations. The shape and size of the letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets and Arabic numerals must comply with GOST 2.304-81.
Advantages and disadvantages of asbestos-cement sheets
Asbestos-cement sheets have earned their continued popularity due to a wide range of advantages. We will note only some of them.
- It is quite strong and durable material.
- The presence of open flame does not pose a threat, it is absolutely fireproof. Moreover, even being located in the source of ignition, it does not emit harmful substances.
- Resistant to sudden temperature changes. Pressed specimens are able to withstand up to 50 freeze/thaw cycles.
- High maintainability of the roof: it is enough to simply repair it by installing a patch or replacing entire sheets.
- The material is not threatened by such negative phenomena as rotting and corrosion, it is easy to process using the simplest tools.
- The installation of a roof with standard sizes of a slate sheet is quite simple, it allows you to reduce installation time and save on the professionalism of roofers.
- insufficiently high bending strength and mechanical impact;
- a relatively high level of specific gravity - about 20 kg / sq. m;
- the problem of the formation of moss, which negatively affects the strength of the profile and its external attractiveness.
Aviation: Encyclopedia. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Chief editor G.P. Svishchev. 1994
See what "Overall dimensions" are in other dictionaries:
overall dimensions — Fig. 1. Overall dimensions of the aircraft. overall dimensions of the aircraft, helicopter, limit values for length and height, full wing span (for an aircraft), rotor diameter (for a helicopter), etc. (see Fig. 1, 2). G. r. aircraft ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"
overall dimensions — Fig. 1. Overall dimensions of the aircraft. overall dimensions of the aircraft, helicopter, limit values for length and height, full wing span (for an aircraft), rotor diameter (for a helicopter), etc. (see Fig. 1, 2). G. r. aircraft ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"
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