Which boiler to choose gas or electric

Manufacturers, characteristics and design

Combined heating equipment on the Russian market is represented by products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Some of the most popular are:

Let's start with Korean products. Navien gas-electric boilers are fully adapted to work in Russia. They easily cope with voltage drops in the network, do not respond to a decrease in pressure in the gas main. The use of this technique allows you to save money on operation due to low gas consumption. They have a high degree of protection, and the schemes of electric-gas boilers make them completely safe to operate. The operating modes of the device are set in a software way and can be selected independently.

The boilers of the Korean company have an optimal price-quality ratio. The presence in the configuration of a special chip that protects the device from power surges, significantly extends the life of the device, and also prevents it from breaking. The operation of this boiler is configured in such a way that it adapts to the conditions in a particular room, which saves fuel. The presence of a remote control panel allows you to control the operation of the device from a distance.

Electric-gas boiler of a Russian manufacturer under the Hercules brand - can be used to heat rooms up to 300 m². The company's products are represented by a wide range of models. It includes samples with different configurations, depending on the energy carrier and the functional features of the device. They have two circuits and are able not only to heat the room, but also to supply residents with hot water without connecting additional gas water heaters. The DHW circuit in such boilers has a protective coating that increases its service life.

The device of the Swedish manufacturer has a power of 45 kW, and is able to heat rooms up to 500 m².

The STS gas-electric boiler is a model that can operate on any of the existing types of fuel. Its distinctive feature is the equipment of heating elements with a capacity of 15.75 kW. The presence of an internal automation system allows you to maintain the temperature of the water at a constant level. If necessary, programming devices can be included in the boiler circuits, allowing you to adjust the operation depending on the outside temperature.

The presence of a heat exchange unit in the configuration allows you to prepare up to 730 liters of water per hour.

The advantages of this device are:

  • Easy access for cleaning flue channels
  • Overtemperature control
  • Possibility to turn off the pump and burner if necessary

Having considered the possibilities of three models of combined boilers from different manufacturers, you can make the right choice. It should be based on the size of the room, its thermal insulation properties and the availability of the required amount of money.

Gas or electric boiler

When designing a way to heat a house, many people think: “Gas or electric boiler?”, - after all, the cost of thermal devices is high, and the use of solid fuel for a boiler requires constant supervision of the heating process. What is more profitable to use for the boiler: gas or electricity? This requires not only a comparison, but also a technical calculation together with installation work, skillfully performed commissioning operations.

The starting point

To make an economical and safe settlement, answer the following questions:

  1. How accessible are communications, and what characteristics do they have, namely:
  • Will there be power outages?
  • the maximum value of the power of electricity,
  • average value of gas pressure and its purity.
  1. What kind of house is yours: type of building, its footage, wall material and the presence of insulation,% of heat loss, which rooms will be heated.
  2. What is required from the boiler? The situations are different: heating with the help of only radiators, or using underfloor heating, is there a need for hot water based on the number of residents plus the average amount of water they consume per month.

Only after that, experts will be able to decide what is right for you: a gas boiler or an electric boiler.

When designing turnkey heating, it is important not only to familiarize yourself with the estimate, but also to require the organization to calculate monthly costs, depending on which energy source has become a priority for you

Compare networks


Indisputable advantages of electric boilers:

  • no need to constantly be in the house during the operation of the boiler and clean it,
  • no additional communications and storage are needed,
  • activation of automatic shutdown in case of a short circuit in the network or high temperature conditions.

Be sure to find out the condition of the internal and external electrical networks, incl. "Free" power of the transformer substation, which is located near your home, how uninterrupted the power supply of your site will be, whether it will be possible to build a cable with a voltage of 380 V (three-phase).

Electricity is safer than gas, so the cost of paperwork will be less, and the installation of systems will be many times faster. But homeowners are not always satisfied with the stability of the voltage and the uninterrupted operation of the network: electricity disappears from several hours to a day. This is another feature that distinguishes an electric boiler, since a gas boiler is not so outwardly dependent. To insure yourself by providing yourself with energy for the operation of the refrigerator, alluvial or sewer equipment, install diesel generators and batteries.

However, an electric boiler will operate on more powerful generators, for example, to heat an insulated house with an area of ​​​​about 100 sq.m. working electrical appliances.

In houses that are located in the outback, traffic jams may fly out due to the simultaneous power consumption of more than 5-10 kW. If you have a typical boiler with a power of 6 kW, and the voltage in the outlet is 220 V, then we recommend equipping a three-phase network in the house.

gas network

Operational safety is an important indicator by which a gas boiler is worse than an electric boiler. Even the slightest leak in the pipeline associated with its accident will be a prerequisite for a significant catastrophe

In this regard, gas communications are always under the close attention of regulatory authorities, who, before installing a gas boiler, need to find out:

  • about the quality and level of pressure in the network,
  • connection features,
  • the price of connecting to the network or replacing the boiler,
  • how long it will take to coordinate all the work from the beginning of the design to the launch of the gas boiler.

If you want to replace the gas boiler with a new analogue, then get ready for the fact that the specialists of the gas office will check: the equipment certificate, the heating system plan and install the boiler.

Comparing both networks, we evaluate them on a 5-point scale in the table, where 5 is the maximum rating.

Double-circuit boiler equipment

For heating a private house, double-circuit electric-gas equipment is very well suited. Such heating has its advantages:

  • reduced gas consumption;
  • if we consider separately the generator of a two- and single-circuit boiler, then the cost of the first is higher.But comparing the cost of heating equipment of a single-circuit and combined boiler, the price is lower;
  • heating of water in the water supply and heating system occurs simultaneously;
  • installation in a boiler room or in kitchen is possible. But there is a need to comply with all safety and installation rules.

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

Gas and electric boiler

Cons of combined heating:

  • it is necessary to balance the costs of gas, electricity and water;
  • when the water flow decreases, the gas is supplied with the same force. Therefore, the temperature rises;
  • if the pressure in the system changes, then the device needs to be reconfigured;
  • equipment requires periodic preventive maintenance. Due to the deposits of scale on the heating elements, it becomes necessary to clean them;
  • while using hot water for half a minute, the water in the system will be cooled.

Gas-electric heating boilers

Now quite a few people want to buy a boiler in a private house, but the main issue is the choice of the boiler.

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

Gas or electric?

In this article, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Choosing a heating boiler: gas or electric?

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

An electric boiler is more designed for small houses with an area not exceeding 100 m 2. since many models cannot cope with a larger area and it is uneconomical to install such a boiler in large houses, it consumes a lot of electricity.

The only option for installing an electric boiler in a large house is only as a fallback (if something happens to the main one).

  • Safety;
  • Ease of use;
  • Small size;
  • The ability to hang on the wall and save space;
  • No need to worry about a separate room with an exhaust hood;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Do not need care;
  • Noiseless.
  • Needs separate wiring;
  • The power of the boiler is not enough to heat a large space;
  • Large consumption of electricity;
  • Uncomfortable with frequent and prolonged power outages.

In addition, in order to extend the life of the boiler, you need to pass current to it through a special voltage stabilizer.

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

It is convenient if there is a gas pipeline near the house. Gas boilers are designed for a large area, and for houses with a small area it is better not to install them.

  • Ease of use (gas is supplied automatically);
  • Relatively inexpensive fuel.
  • Need special permission;
  • Not safe (open flame);
  • Fluctuation of the flame from a change in gas pressure, due to which the burner itself deteriorates;
  • Need a chimney and a ventilated room;
  • Needs automation in case of a gas leak (in case of a leak, so that the automation shuts off the gas pipe);
  • Boilers of this type smoke;
  • Not recommended for small spaces.

Device and principle of operation

In the device and principle of operation of combined devices for heating, there are various schemes that differ in actions. Two types of heating system operate simultaneously and in parallel to each other:

  1. in the first scheme, the electric heater is in the lead, gas equipment is connected only in order to increase the power of the water temperature;
  2. in the other, on the contrary, the leading position is occupied by gas equipment, and an electric heater is used as a support.

Combined heating boilers for heating a house can be of several types:

  • device using gas as the dominant fuel. Such heating equipment is used to heat a room with a large area. In this device, an electric heater is used to increase the temperature in the system;
  • considering the combined electric boiler as a leader, it can be understood that its principle of operation is the same as that of electric boiler equipment. When the temperature drops in the system, the gas burner is automatically switched on. For example, during a power outage;
  • boiler equipment that has two heating elements operating simultaneously (gas and electricity) has a complex work process. Such equipment is very economical and efficient.

Which gas and electric heating boilers to choose

Having autonomous heating in your home is very convenient, since you can independently set the start and end dates for the heating season, set any temperature regime.

The leaders in popularity among heating equipment are electric and gas boilers. Such demand is explained by the fact that they have the highest level of automation and temperature programming.

In this article, we will talk about the features of gas and electric boilers, leading manufacturers and how to choose the right boiler for your home.

heat exchanger

A gas boiler is a unit that uses the heat of the burned gas to heat the coolant, which heats the air in the room. The coolant can be water, antifreeze or air itself.

The transfer of heat from the flame to the coolant occurs in the heat exchanger. This is a metal tank (cast iron, steel or copper) connected to the heating system, through which the coolant circulates continuously.

The gas boiler heat exchanger may consist of two non-communicating circuits. In the first circuit, the heat carrier is heated for heating, and in the second, water is heated for household needs. Such boilers are called double-circuit.

Find out what are the benefits of installing a magnesium anode for a boiler:

Also read about the principle of operation of electric heating convectors.


The fuel for a gas boiler is not just gas, but a gas-air mixture. Preparation of fuel before combustion takes place in the burner: it mixes the gas with air and feeds the mixture into the combustion chamber in a certain amount.

The combustion chamber

The boiler element in which gas is burned and a heat exchanger is installed is called a furnace or combustion chamber. It can be open type (communicated with the air space of the room) and closed type (sealed combustion chamber).

Leading brands of gas boilers

AEG, Bosch, Buderus, Vaillant, Viessmann, Wolf are German manufacturers. The products of these brands are of high quality and the most expensive.

Alphatherm, Ariston, Baxi, Beretta, Biasi, Ferroli, Hermann, Lamborghini, Caloreclima, Nova Florida, Saunier Duval are Italian manufacturers of gas heating equipment.

Chaffoteaux, Chappee, De Dietrich, Frisquet are French firms. Roca - Spain. Termet - Poland. Protherm - Slovakia. Electrolux - Sweden.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which gas boiler is better. The products of these brands are very diverse in terms of automation, energy dependence, maximum power, functionality and price.

Electric heating boilers

Units that convert electricity into thermal energy of the coolant are called electric boilers. Their feature is a high level of automation and work efficiency. The efficiency can reach 98%, which means that almost all electricity is converted into heat.

According to the method of heating the coolant, electric boilers are divided into three types:

  1. Tenovye boilers - their principle of operation is similar to the operation of an electric kettle - the water is heated by the heat.
  2. Electrode boilers - for heating, electrodes are used that transmit electric current to water and under its influence intense heating occurs.
  3. Induction boilers heat the coolant through the induction process. The induction coil is located in a sealed compartment, and heating produces a core around which the coolant circulates.

Electric boilers can also be single-circuit and double-circuit, suspended and stationary, single-phase and three-phase.

Brands of electric boilers


Comparison of gas and electric heating

  1. Gas is cheaper than electricity.
  2. Gas boilers are able to operate in a non-volatile mode.

For example, the purchase of an electric boiler is less expensive than the purchase of gas equipment with all the additional elements. Now consider 2 options for using boilers:

  • Heating a small apartment requires a small amount of energy for heating, so the price difference between the costs of acquiring equipment will pay off in several years.
  • Heating a private house requires a lot of energy for heating, so the difference in price when buying equipment will pay off in a few months.

Electric heating is best used in small and well-insulated apartments, while gas boilers are perfect for large private houses with high heat losses.

equipment profitability

Now consider the difference in gas and electric heating, not only in terms of operating costs, but also in terms of equipment profitability. As noted above, the initial investment in heating apartment No. 1 amounted to 35 thousand rubles, of which 15 thousand were spent on the boiler itself. All elements of the water heating system, with the exception of pipes (although they are not eternal) have a limited resource. In addition, it is necessary to carry out annual maintenance of the gas boiler, and in the worst case, also its repair. According to statistics, gas boilers have to be overhauled or completely changed after 7-10 years. Moreover, expensive branded boilers are not a panacea. They also break, and their out-of-warranty repairs are much more expensive. However, it breaks or does not break - this is a matter of chance, so we will not take breakdowns into account. Let's just note this as an existing risk factor and a likely cost item. Electric convectors can also break, but their cost is incomparably lower than that of gas equipment, and they break less often, especially branded ones.

Starting expenses for the heating equipment of apartments No. 1 and No. 2 amounted to 35 thousand and 6 thousand rubles, respectively. It follows from this that the owners of apartment No. 2 saved 29 thousand rubles, which they can spend on paying for electricity. This amount is enough to buy 7,232 kW, which is enough for 3 heating seasons. During this time, apartment No. 1 will spend about 10,000 rubles on gas, which gives an occasion to present one more heating season as a gift to apartment No. 2. And only after 4 years of operation of the heating equipment, the heating systems of both apartments are aligned, which is called “by zeros”. Further, apartment No. 1 receives net savings ... However, savings are only possible if the gas boiler works flawlessly. If it has to be replaced, then the payback of the system will be extended for another couple of years.

What gives thermomodernization?
The owner of apartment No. 2 (with electric heating) next year decided to spend less on heating and for this purpose insulate the northern outer wall of the apartment. The area of ​​this wall was 17 m². This is the only solid wall (without windows) in the apartment. The other wall had a balcony block and a window in the kitchen, so we didn't expect a big effect from its insulation. Warming was carried out by the method of bonded insulation using polystyrene foam 50 mm thick. As a result, the total heat transfer resistance of the wall was doubled to 2.0 m² °C/W. And the owner of apartment No. 1 did not want to insulate the wall, having calculated that this investment in his case would pay off at least 10 years. How did the insulation affect?

In December 2013, 500 kW of electricity was spent on heating apartment No. 2, and 150 m³ of gas was spent on apartment No. 1. In terms of money, these are 2005 and 674 rubles, respectively, i.e. the difference was no longer 3.5, but 3 times, i.e. decreased by 14.3%.

The owner of apartment No. 2 spent 8,000 rubles on thermal modernization. The payback period for this investment, according to approximate calculations, will be about 5 years.But the benefit in this case is not only in reducing the cost of electricity, but also in reducing the load on the power grid.

In the example given, the comparison was made in one-room apartments, but if these were three-room apartments, the difference between the costs could be greater, since more electric heaters or an electric boiler with a water heating system would be required. In addition, in order to heat a three-room apartment with electricity, it would be necessary to lay a dedicated line, because. the domestic network is not designed for loads created by simultaneously switched on 3-4 electric heaters or an electric boiler with a power of more than 10 kW.

: the actual difference between gas and electric heating costs is 3-3.5 times
and not 8-9 times. If we take into account the cost of servicing gas equipment and its planned replacement in the future, then the actual difference can be reduced to 2-2.5 ra
h. But thermal modernization pays off faster with electric heating than with gas. That is why, in the absence of a connection to the main gas, country cottages are recommended to be well insulated.

The principle of operation of a combined heating system using gas and electricity

Combined equipment for heating from gas or electric energy has a separate combustion chamber for the gas mixture and a heating element for generating heat from electricity. The chambers are installed one above the other, which does not require additional switching of the combined boiler from gas to electricity.

Independent switching from one type of energy consumption to another occurs thanks to the automatic control system, which guarantees the safe combustion of the gas mixture. This switching can also be done manually. Heating control and regulation devices have automatic or manual control. The combined boiler using gas and electricity is characterized by high quality safety equipment.

The presence of several outlets allows the use of a gas-electric heating boiler as a multi-circuit one:

  • organize sauna heating;
  • maintain the optimum temperature in the greenhouse or in the winter garden;
  • heat the water in the pool;
  • to heat the floors when installing the "warm floor" system;
  • produce hot water.

If manufacturers have not provided a special tank for accumulating hot water used as running water in the combined gas and electric heating design, then to obtain it, it is necessary to connect a storage boiler.

An electric pump connected to a combined heating system will significantly reduce costs due to the accelerated circulation of water. However, such an improvement will lead to the impossibility of operating gas equipment when there is no supply of electrical energy.

Electric and gas energy carriers are traditional types of fuel for many regions. Simultaneous use of the gas mixture and electricity for heat production reduces the environmental burden. Gas-electric equipment is characterized by high-quality automation that controls the use of the gas mixture. Combined gas and electric equipment allows you to make the heating system as autonomous and economical as possible.

Combined gas and electrical equipment and its installation have a fairly high cost, which pays off with the convenience and efficiency of its use.


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Combined boiler gas and electricity weighted choice of heating

Installation of a combined heating system allows you to economically and efficiently heat rooms offline and expand the services you receive.

Important advantages of the combined heater:

  • has small dimensions;
  • has excellent efficiency;
  • reduces the cost of heat energy production;
  • automatic switching of gas or electricity supply modes;
  • reduces the environmental burden.

Which boiler to choose gas or electricRice. 3 Gas-electric boiler

Its most effective work can be achieved when a combined gas and electric heating system is designed at the stage of construction and equipment of premises. Professional installation and commissioning of combined equipment will also increase the quality and long service life of the gas and electric heating circuit.

Gas-electric heating boilers allow not only to heat water for supply to heating radiators, but also combine several functions at once. Combined boilers can be responsible for the operation of the "warm floor" system, heating water for domestic purposes. Additional heat exchange units will maintain the water at the proper temperature in the pool, the installation of a boiler will provide hot water needs.

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

  1. Content:
  2. What are the differences between gas and electric boilers
  3. Which boilers have higher efficiency - on gas or electricity
  4. Which is more profitable - an electric boiler or a gas boiler
  5. Which boiler is easier to operate

One of the main decisions when creating autonomous heating at home is the choice between using an electric or gas boiler as the main source of heat. Several factors will influence the decision:

  1. Ease of installation and installation costs.
  2. Safety.
  3. efficiency and functionality of the system.
  4. Features of operation.
  5. Economic component.

For each region of the Russian Federation, the solution of the issue will be different, depending on the availability of central gas supply and other factors.

Which boilers have higher efficiency - on gas or electricity

What is more profitable financially - an electric boiler or a gas boiler

To determine which boiler is more economical, take into account not only the cost of the fuel used to produce heat, but also the costs associated with the acquisition, installation and subsequent operation:

  • The cost of fuel - gas, despite the constant rise in price, remains the cheapest type of fuel. Considering the cost of electricity, some manufacturers of electric boilers began to manufacture models that connect to a multi-tariff meter and are equipped with a thermos storage tank. This solution has reduced energy costs by approximately 30%.
  • The cost of boilers - models that run on electricity are much cheaper than analogues on gas. Domestic gas boilers will cost 30-40% more than an electric boiler. The difference with foreign models will be approximately 300%.
  • The cost of installation and subsequent maintenance. Registration of gas equipment and production of project documentation, in some regions of Russia, will cost several tens of thousands of rubles. If we take into account the additional costs of connecting and connecting the main, the efficiency of such boilers will not be as absolute as it might seem at the beginning. To install an electric boiler, you will also need costs, mainly associated with the allocation of a separate voltage line. But even with the most unfortunate "scenario", the costs will not exceed 20,000 rubles. There are differences in the cost of installing an electric boiler from a gas boiler.

The choice will be influenced by the actual location of the heated building, the presence of a connected gas main, and other factors. The feasibility of installing an electric boiler and gas equipment is determined in each individual case.

Which boiler is easier to operate - on electricity or gas

The advantages of gas heating boilers, relative to electric boilers, are solely in the cost of fuel. For the smooth operation of gas equipment, a well-tuned automation is required, connected to shut-off and control valves. Even small violations in the settings lead to a refusal to start the heating system.

The electric boiler is controlled by several sensors, and safety is ensured by grounding and the installation of RCDs, and automatic machines.

In settlements with a central highway passing next to a residential building, it is more economical to install gas boilers. In other cases, due to the high installation costs, it is better to choose electric boilers.

Calculation of power and temperature of a warm water floor

Boiler power selection calculator

Calculator for calculating the number of radiator sections

Calculator for calculating the footage of a warm water floor pipe

Calculation of heat losses and boiler performance

Calculation of the cost of heating depending on the type of fuel

Expansion tank volume calculator

Calculator for calculating heating PLEN and electric boiler

Heating costs by boiler and heat pump

Combined boilers for heating a private house

In general, all autonomous heating systems differ from each other in the type of fuel used. The most popular in Russia are solid fuel boilers, in second place are electric boilers, and only in the last place are gas boilers. This is due to the fact that not in all regions and not even in every district a gas pipeline has been built and gas is supplied, while electricity is available everywhere.But even with this type of energy there are interruptions, especially in the autumn-winter period, when substations cannot withstand voltage. In such cases, combined boilers are the optimal solution to the problem of heating.

Which boiler to choose gas or electric

Photo 1 Combined boilers for heating a private house

In terms of sales only over the past 3 years, this type of boiler has already outstripped gas boilers, despite the fact that its cost is much higher than mono-fuel ones. The main reason why consumers began to single out this particular type of equipment is the ability to quickly switch to an alternative type of fuel. So, for example, in the absence of electricity, you can heat with wood or diesel fuel by simply switching the burner.

Video 1 The principle of operation of the combined boiler

Operating principle

Combined devices are available in various modifications. Gas-electric boilers are considered one of the most convenient and cost-effective. They not only simplify the choice of fuel, but are also able to work offline, providing the house with heat in the event of a power outage. These boilers provide maximum efficiency of the system, allowing the choice of the most profitable fuel.

They have several outlets for connecting heating systems, which allows them to be used simultaneously for heating a bath, pool or connecting to a warm floor. A design feature of such equipment is a heat exchange unit that provides the preparation of more than 730 liters of water per hour. It is also possible to connect a boiler to the device.

In combined devices, a pressurized burner is used, which ensures high efficiency, as well as the operation of the device when the gas pressure in the line decreases. Such devices are able to work even when gas and electricity are turned off, due to:

Eco-friendly and practical electric boilers

Easily mounted and affordable in cost, the electric boiler has gained well-deserved popularity.

Attractive sides of the electric boiler:

  • modest dimensions, which makes it possible to install it on the wall;
  • during the heating process does not emit combustion products;
  • works without additional equipment of the exhaust system.

Which boiler to choose gas or electricRice. 2 Electric combi boiler

Features to consider when installing an electric boiler:

  • high power consumption;
  • not effective for areas with an old electrical supply system;
  • heated area does not exceed 100 squares;
  • sensitive to voltage fluctuations in the network;
  • ineffective during a power outage.

The high cost of space heating using electrical energy and possible failures in the operation of the electrical network significantly reduce the popularity of this type of heating. The gas-electricity heating boiler reduces the use of energy resources, such equipment is combined.


