Who offers these devices
If previously a wall-mounted gas boiler was offered only by foreign manufacturers, today domestic models are already available. Unfortunately, if they are equal in characteristics and even outperform their Western counterparts in terms of adaptability to local conditions, then in terms of amenities, functions (both quality and quantity), they are significantly inferior to foreign-made models.
For example, the Italian boiler has been very popular for many years. The main feature of manufacturers from Italy is that they were able to hone their skills during this time, they began to produce models that are not only durable, but also user-friendly. Therefore, they are popular, although some Italian boilers are more expensive than domestic ones, or models produced in other European countries, buyers prefer to purchase Italian options.
Moreover, in Italy there are many manufacturers of these devices, each of which offers its own models on the market, and in a very wide range: both double-circuit and single-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler.
A distinctive feature that Italian boilers offer is a huge assortment from which it is easy to choose models for wall mounting or floor mounting, and the models are offered in a variety of sizes.
Existing Italian boilers and their manufacturers
Many Italian manufacturers offer their products on the market today. Among them should be highlighted:
- Baxi is one of the old and well-deserved brands;
- Ferroli is a well-known brand in the boiler market;
- Ariston is a major manufacturer of household appliances, not only boilers;
- Beretta - this name is more associated with firearms, however, the company is engaged in the production of gas boilers;
- Lamborghini is a world famous brand, most often known for its cars.
Each of the above manufacturers produces a boiler with special advantages and functions that are not available from competitors. Which manufacturer to give preference to, or which Italian boilers are the best, it’s impossible to say for sure - since they are all adapted to certain conditions and offer certain functions that will be relevant in specific conditions (one user will need them urgently, and another completely Not needed).
An example of such functions is the presence of a remote control, which Lamborghini offers for its models.
The possibility of remote control is not always needed, it is optional, so a model equipped with such a function will cost more than one in which such a possibility is not provided.
In addition, almost every manufacturer occupies its own niche in the market - for example, Beretta, as a newcomer, specializes in the production of economy class models that are not burdened with additional functions and capabilities, Baxi offers devices whose main purpose is maximum savings while maintaining the required level of heating, and Ariston can offer a convenient model for any individual, even a very specific case.
Manufacturer Baxi
The Italian wall-mounted double-circuit boiler manufactured by Baxi will be interesting, first of all, for its efficiency. It is the gas boilers of this manufacturer that are the most economical, and not only among Italian, but also among European, domestic models.
In Russia, Baxi boilers enjoy considerable success, their share in the total market is about 20%.
Moreover, not only a wall-mounted gas boiler for heating is offered, which can be hung on the wall, but also floor options equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger.
As for the level of efficiency, Baxi engineers were able to achieve it thanks to the presence of a programmable thermostat, which can be configured not only depending on the time of day, but even the day of the week (for example, on weekdays, during working hours, you can reduce the consumption by raising it before the owner comes home).
There is also automatic equipment in Baxi models - it works due to the street temperature sensor, and depending on its readings, fuel consumption is regulated (if it gets warmer sharply after severe frosts, the device itself will reduce fuel consumption).
Of course, automation implies the presence of a room temperature sensor. In this case, the device saves all changes (history of heating and cooling) for a certain period. This will optimize the operation of the device for a long time, say - for a week.
It uses a wall-mounted gas boiler manufactured by Baxi and special modulating burners. With their help, you can adjust the height of the flame, focusing on the need for heating and its level.
Even if the gas pressure is reduced, the gas double-circuit boilers of this manufacturer can continue to operate normally, which is very useful for Russia and the frequent gas supply failures that occur in it.
Beretta and Lamborghini
Beretta is a relatively new manufacturer of economy class boilers.
It is noteworthy that the models of this manufacturer will cost the buyer much cheaper than analogues from any other.
However, their quality is second to none. The reasons why the models of this manufacturer are lower than those of competitors are not exactly known, but the most real explanation will be the desire of Beretta to promote its products on the market, thereby winning a place next to other already well-known and well-deserved brands.
Therefore, it is possible to purchase gas double-circuit heating boilers manufactured by Beretta. In this case, the buyer does not risk anything and only wins - he acquires a quality item at an affordable price.
Of course, if the selection criterion is not the price of the device itself, but its efficiency, or functionality, even design, you should pay attention to gas boilers from other manufacturers.
An example of this is the Lamborghini. This manufacturer is better known for its luxurious and expensive cars, but in fact it also produces boilers. Moreover, it is one of the leaders in the market, offering not only ready-made devices, but also accessories for them.
Among the models of this manufacturer, there are double-circuit and single-circuit boilers, equipped with open and closed combustion chambers. In addition, there are floor and wall options.
For Russia, these models will also be relevant, as they are small in size (which will save space), they can work with reduced gas pressure (which is found everywhere in our country). They also offer additional functional devices - a remote control and a programmable thermostat.
In addition, the models of this manufacturer can work even at temperatures below zero (the limit for them is 5 degrees below zero).
Italy is rightfully considered one of the world's best manufacturers of household appliances and sanitary equipment, and Italian gas boilers
- not an exception. Italian boilers are characterized not only by high performance, but also by an exquisite stylish design.
Compared to other types of boilers, such as electric or diesel, Italian gas heating boilers
have a number of significant advantages.
The thermal power of Italian heating boilers, as well as gas boilers from other manufacturers, is not limited by the maximum permissible loads on the electrical network, which in private houses and city apartments, as a rule, do not exceed 5 kW.Yes, and currently expensive electricity, which is consumed in them only to power the control and service components, they consume very little.
Gas fuel, even liquefied, is much cheaper than diesel, which again provides significant savings. In addition, gas boilers are much more environmentally friendly, and the design is simpler and more reliable than diesel boilers. They require virtually no maintenance, such as regular cleaning of burners, combustion chambers and chimneys from soot and soot.
From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Italian gas boiler is an easy-to-use and very economical heating device with an exquisite design.