What should be the temperature of the heating radiators

The fight for warmth

It is better to think about possible heat losses in the home in the summer. But if this has not been done, then it is possible to insulate the house with the onset of winter. The first thing to do is to identify weak points where heat loss is possible.

Windows according to standards

The main source of cold is windows. Now there are double-glazed windows almost everywhere above radiators and radiators. But even plastic window frames are aging. The rubber seal is worn out.

What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsCentral heating in the apartment

The windows are starting to let in the cold. The easiest way is to stretch the plastic film over the frames. It is sold in rolls. This material has no effect on the transparency of the glass. Heat losses in radiators or radiators will decrease.

The film is attached to the glass. Before this, the frames are thoroughly washed. Double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter. A film is attached to it. It's easier to do it together.

What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsbattery on the wall

If wrinkles have formed on the coating, the film is heated with a hairdryer until they straighten out. Then it remains to glue the frames. Do it with one-sided tape. Such a simple method helps to save up to 20% of heat.

Every morning you should part the curtains and raise the blinds. The apartment is perfectly warmed by sunlight penetrating into the room through the glass. Framed double glazing creates a magnifying effect, amplifying the warmth of the sunlight. When it gets dark, the windows should be closed. At night, glass draws heat from the room.

What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsRadiator under center window

Batteries by standards

Batteries are located along the walls. Damp damp partitions take away heat. A simple reflector will help avoid this. The reflector is not a technical device. It's just a sheet of foil attached to a battery or radiator.

The reflector sheet is made slightly larger than the area occupied by the radiator or radiator. A homemade reflector will raise the temperature in the room by at least 2 degrees.

Porilex and penofol have a lower thermal conductivity than foil. This is facilitated by the layer of insulation they have.

What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsHeating batteries

It is necessary to require compliance with water standards in heating appliances from utilities. But comfort in the house cannot be left only at the mercy of the management company. It is always safer to take care of the microclimate in the house yourself.

The temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment standards

The norms for heating apartments determine the specific value of a sufficient indicator for residential and non-residential premises, with permissible deviations from their indicators.

They are developed easier than for work premises, since those living in housing show low and, at the same time, stable activity:

  • For residential premises, the air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, while the permissible limits are from 18 to 24 degrees;
  • If we take corner rooms, then here the indicator should not be less than a twenty-degree mark, since such rooms are more susceptible to the action of low external temperatures and winds;

Air expansion parameters

The room should have a certain air exchange rate, for example, if the room is residential and has an area of ​​18 or 20 m2, then the rate should be 3 m3 / h per sq. m., the same parameters are necessary in regions where the temperature reaches -31 ° C and falls below.
In dormitory kitchens and apartments equipped with electric and gas two-burner stoves and having an area of ​​up to 18 m2, aeration is 60 m3/h.
If there is a three-burner appliance in the room, then this value will be 75 m3 / h, if there is a gas stove with four burners - 90 m3 / h.
For a bathroom with an area of ​​25 m2, the air exchange rate should be 25 m3/h, and for an individual toilet with an area of ​​18 m2 - 25 m3/h. If the bath and toilet are combined and their area is 25 m2, then the aeration is 50 m3/h.
If the common restroom has an area of ​​16 m2, then one toilet requires an air exchange rate of up to 50 m3 / h, and a urinal - 25 m3 / h.
If the room is angular, then the room should be 2 ° C higher than usual.
During the warm period, the temperature in the elevator room should not exceed 40°C.

Requirements for heating networks

With district heating, the source of heat is a boiler house or a CHP plant, where high-temperature hot water boilers are installed (steam boilers at CHP plants). The fuel is usually natural gas, other energy carriers are used to a lesser extent. The temperature of the heat carrier at the outlet of the boiler is 115 °C, but the water does not boil under pressure. The need for heating up to 115 ° C is explained by the fact that boiler plants in this mode operate with maximum efficiency.
The transition from 115 ° C to the required temperature value is provided by plate or shell-and-tube heat exchangers. At CHP plants, heat exchangers receive exhaust steam from turbines to produce electricity. According to regulatory requirements, the water temperature in the heating pipes should not exceed 105 ° C, the lower limit depends on outdoor conditions. In this range, the heating of water in the heating network is regulated depending on the weather, for which each boiler room has a temperature graph of the heating system. For home networks, 2 calculation schedules are used:
105/70 °С;
95/70 °C.What should be the temperature of the heating radiators
These figures show the maximum temperature of the supply and return water during the most severe frosts in a particular area. But at the beginning and at the end of the heating season, when the weather is still not too cold, it makes no sense to heat the coolant to 105 ° C, therefore, a real temperature heating schedule is drawn up, which describes how much water should be heated at different outdoor temperatures. The dependence of heating on weather conditions is shown in the table, which contains excerpts from the schedule for Ufa:
Temperature, °C
outdoor air average daily
on the supply with the estimated schedule 105/70
on the supply with the estimated schedule 95/70
in the return line
70What should be the temperature of the heating radiators
The table is presented as an example and is correct only for this city, another locality has its own dependence, because the climatic conditions in the country are different.
It is quite difficult to find out exactly what the temperature of the coolant in a centralized heating network is. To do this, you need to have a remote thermometer that determines the degree of surface heating. So to determine how the heating standards in the apartment are observed, it is possible only by the air temperature in the rooms.

Temperature Measurement Methods

An ordinary, household thermometer on the surface of a heating device.
A device that is designed to measure temperature in a non-contact way.
This meter is called What should be the temperature of the heating radiators.
Alcohol thermometer.
A special electrical device. If you take measurements with an ordinary thermometer, you will need to add a few more degrees to the indicators.
The most accurate readings can be found using an infrared device - a pyrometer. Its error is no more than 0.5 degrees. For regular temperature monitoring, only the safest device is used - an alcohol thermometer.
For these purposes, it is attached to the radiator with adhesive tape and wrapped with heat-insulating material. How to use the electric version of the thermometer?
You need to take a wire with a thermocouple and wind it to the heating device. In this manner, indicators are taken.
If a commission came to your apartment to measure the temperature of the batteries, they must have a certified device. You have the right to demand from the representative of the inspecting organization documents confirming that the equipment has passed state verification. Very serious requirements are imposed on the heating system.
The process of delivering hot coolant by circulation pumps (the rules for installation in the heating system are written here) to a residential building and its uniform distribution over all apartments is not an easy task.What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsIt is necessary to approach this issue responsibly, and with an understanding of all technological subtleties.
In order for the heating system to work efficiently, all its elements must function smoothly. This applies to all pipes and batteries in each of the apartments in a multi-storey building.
Therefore, when replacing radiators (read how to install heating batteries in a private house in this article), you need to take into account the features and subtleties of the heating main.
If this is not done, some apartments will experience an excess of heat, while the tenants of other apartments will have hard times (they will have cold batteries). How can the heating of urban dwellings be optimized?
Answer: by introducing the following rules:
the safety regulations say that the temperature of the working liquid substance in the heating main should be 20 degrees lower than the temperature of self-igniting materials. For residential multi-apartment buildings, the coolant limit has established standards - 65 - 115 degrees Celsius (this is seasonally adjusted); if the water, for some reason, overheated and reached a reading of 105 degrees, emergency measures must be taken against boiling it; the normative limit for water circulating through the batteries is 75 degrees.What should be the temperature of the heating radiatorsIn case this indicator is exceeded, a restrictive structure must be installed on the battery (it is written about the methods of distributing heating in a private house here); in regions located in the middle latitudes of our country, the heating period, as a rule, begins on October fifteenth and ends on April fifteenth.
In some cases, these standards may be changed.
Service providers should be guided by the average daily temperature outside.

The apartment is cold where to complain

Before going in search of heat, it should be remembered that the heat in the room will be supplied through the heating system only when the street temperature reaches a certain level.

Regulations require starting heating when the outside temperature is set to no more than 8 degrees. This temperature indicator must last five days in a row, and only after that the premises will begin to be heated.

When the heating in the house is established, and temperature deviations are observed only in your room, it is necessary to check the in-house heating system for airing.

It is enough to feel the individual batteries in the apartment from top to bottom, and vice versa. If part of the batteries is noticeably warm and the rest is cold, you can be sure that air is the cause of the thermal imbalance. Air is released using a separate valve, which is located on each radiator battery.

Before opening the tap, you should substitute some container under it. When you open the faucet, the water should come out with a characteristic hissing sound. If the water began to flow evenly and without hissing, then the air is released from the system, and the job is done.

After that, lock the valve in the closed position. After a while, check the cold places on the battery, they should warm up.

If the matter is not in the batteries and they are completely cold, you should contact the Criminal Code. The technician will come during the day.He will be able to draw up a conclusion on the temperature regime in the housing and call, if necessary, a team that will fix all the problems.

When the Criminal Code did not respond to the appeal you submitted or the appearance of the technician did not change the situation, you should take temperature measurements in the housing yourself by calling your neighbors.

When you have an instrument such as a pyrometer at your disposal, you should use it to take the necessary temperature measurements. Record all the data with an act on measuring the air temperature in the housing. It is compiled in the usual form. Let the neighbors sign the act.

You should pay attention to the fact that the temperature regime is determined by the "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises" SanPiN Recorded measurements should be compared with the limit values ​​specified in SanPiN

Then you need to re-go to the Criminal Code and the organization that supplies the house with heat to write a written claim

Recorded measurements should be compared with the limit values ​​specified in SanPiN. Then you need to re-go to the Criminal Code and the organization that supplies the house with heat to write a written claim.

The document is drawn up in two copies. One of the copies should be in your hands with a stamp, signed with the data of the person who accepted the document and the date of receipt of the document. The second one must be submitted for consideration.

If you were not satisfied with the answer, then you do not need to leave everything halfway, proceed further. You should contact the district Prosecutor's Office and the Housing Inspectorate, since it is she who is authorized to monitor the work of the Criminal Code and other communal structures.

Also write a letter to Rospotrebnadzor (based on the violation of your consumer rights). You can use the Rospotrebnadzor hotline (8-80-010-000-04).

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Strict accounting is important Temperature norms for heating radiators in an apartment

What should be the temperature of the heating radiators

Knowing the room temperature standards will help to detect a malfunction and contact the appropriate authority for a solution.

Temperature indicators are regulated by the norms of GOST and SNiPa.



The main indicator is indicated in the document number 51617-2000. According to it, the temperature should be:

  • on the flight of stairs - 14-20 degrees;
  • in the lobby and corridors - 16-22;
  • in hallways, residential and other rooms of the apartment - 18-25;
  • in the bathroom - about 24.

More precisely, the temperature is regulated by GOST 30494-2011:

Season room Recommended value +/- 1
Cold Residential 21
Residential, north 22
Kitchen 20
Toilet 20
Bathroom 25
Inter-apartment corridor 19
Children's 24
Warm Any 23

Minimum indicators

Space heating is important at any time of the year, but especially in winter.

The heating system has typical temperature values ​​that must be observed.

Each room has a small spacing shown in the table above. As such, there is no minimum threshold.

But there are several indicators, a fall below which indicates malfunctions. This applies to space heating: the law allows the temperature to drop to 12, 8 and even 4 degrees, but only for a short period of time - 16, 8 and 4 hours, respectively.

Maximum water temperatures in radiators

SNiP 41-01-2003 sets temperature limits from above: for piping from one pipe, heating of the coolant up to 115 degrees is allowed, from two - up to 95 ° C. Although permitted, values ​​rarely exceed 80-85°C.

Attention! These rules apply to the internal parts of the heating system

Parameters for turning on central heating in the house

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation characterizes the need to turn on heating at an average outdoor temperature of +8 ° C or less. During heating, a temperature of + 5 ° C or more is detected. Both values ​​must last at least 5 days in a row.

How to adjust and increase heat dissipation

To change the temperature of heating radiators, special regulators must be installed on them. There are 4 types of such devices: regulators with a locking mechanism, manually operated valves, thermostats with automatic settings, radiator thermostats.

Photo 2. Manual thermostat for a heating battery. You can set the desired temperature by turning the knob.

In order to increase the temperature of the radiator, it is necessary to open the regulator and let more coolant into the heater. Conversely, in order to lower the temperature, it is necessary to drain the excess coolant.

What to do in the absence of heating and a malfunction of the radiator

After detecting a problem, it is necessary to draw up an act, indicating an unacceptably low temperature in the room. It is addressed to the organization supplying heat. The application indicates the period during which the problem is observed, the actual values ​​\u200b\u200bof the thermometer. Based on the information, an audit is carried out, compensation is calculated and a decision is made.

According to the law, during the heating season there may be a break for a period not exceeding 24 hours per month. The conditions correspond to this: the temperature cannot fall below 12 degrees, and the shutdown should not last 16 hours in a row.

Important! There are two exceptions: the room can be 8-12 degrees up to 8 hours in a row or from 4 to 8, but not more than 4. Watch the video, which tells about what should be the heating standards in the apartment

Watch the video, which tells about what should be the heating standards in the apartment.

Knowledge of the norms of SNiP and GOST will help to detect the problem, solve it and receive compensation for default by the supplier.

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Methods for measuring water in radiators

Considering the question of how to measure the temperature of a battery in an apartment, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • conventional thermometer (on the surface of the radiator);
  • infrared thermometer;
  • alcohol thermometer;
  • special electrical device.

When measuring with a conventional thermometer, you need to add 1-2 degrees to the result. A more accurate result will give an infrared device, the error of which is 0.5 degrees.

In order to regularly monitor the temperature of the water in the batteries, you can use an alcohol thermometer. To do this, the device is attached with adhesive tape to the radiator and wrapped with heat-insulating material.

What should be the temperature of the heating radiators

The battery may not warm up evenly.

You can also use an electric version of the thermometer for measurements. To do this, a wire with a thermocouple is attached to the battery, and it takes readings of the degree of heating. If the consumer called a special commission to measure the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment, then their device must have a quality certificate and first pass the state check. The actions of specialists must comply with GOST 30494-96 (paragraph 4 in the section "Methods of control").

If the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is above normal, then it can be adjusted in several ways:

  • using special devices;
  • ventilation;
  • using thick curtains.

There are special taps with which you can adjust the temperature. They are installed on each radiator. A simpler method is to ventilate the room. You can also just use curtains made of dense material, which will let less sunlight into the room. It is much easier to deal with a high room temperature than with a low one.What to do if the minimum temperature of the batteries in the apartment is lower than indicated in the temperature chart? For this you should:

  • call utility services;
  • insulate windows, doors and walls;
  • install new radiators.

If you do not know how to check the temperature of the batteries in the apartment, then you can call specialists. Also read: "Purge and cleaning batteries".

Utilities measure plumbing and heating systems. After that, an act is drawn up. Then, if the tenant's claims are confirmed, the utilities must increase or decrease the water heating. Another way would be to install new heating radiators. For installation details, see the video:

Pay attention to the material from which the batteries are made. Aluminum radiators have high thermal conductivity, so they will give off heat well

But cast iron, although they are able to retain heat longer, will give it away more slowly. Because of this, the room will warm up for a long time.

Aluminum radiators have a high thermal conductivity, so they will give off heat well. But cast iron, although they are able to retain heat longer, will give it away more slowly. Because of this, the room will warm up for a long time.

The speed of water movement also affects the temperature in the heating pipes in the apartments. Do not forget that it is always cooler in corner apartments, because they have more walls in contact with the street. To reduce heat loss, it is necessary to insulate the walls. Insulation of windows and doors through which cold air penetrates will also not be superfluous.

You can read more about infrared heating and electricity consumption in this article.

Norm for an apartment

What temperature should be in the heating batteries of an apartment building? It is useful to know that each room has its own heating standard in an apartment building (2017). Heating standards in apartment buildings 2017:
for a living room it is +18;
heating rates in corner apartments due to the presence of external cold walls are higher - +20 degrees;
for the kitchen +18;
bathroom - +25. This is with regards to apartments, while for common premises the indicators are as follows:
at the entrance - +16;
for the elevator - this is +5 degrees;
in the basement and in the attic - +4.
All measurements in the apartment should be carried out along the inner wall of the room at least 1 m from the nearest outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor. If the obtained parameters do not meet the standards, then they should be presented to the heating network management. In this case, the payment may decrease by 0.15% for each hour of deviation.

heating requirements

According to the aforementioned Decree, the start of centralized heating is carried out after 5 days, during which the average outdoor temperature does not exceed +8 °C. If after 4 cold days on the fifth day heat comes again, then the start of the heating period is postponed until the specified conditions are met. Heating norms prescribe that the termination of heating operation occurs according to the same principle: 5 days must pass with an average daily temperature of +8 ° C.What should be the temperature of the heating radiators
There are changes in the Decree that provide for an individual approach to the supply of heat to buildings that fully comply with the requirements for thermal insulation. Heat supply organizations are required to turn on the heating of such houses as soon as the temperature in the street drops to the value provided for by the project documentation. It is not difficult to guess that in reality these changes are not carried out very well, and the start of heat supply occurs simultaneously in all residential buildings - insulated and ordinary.
During the heating period district heating system should provide multi-apartment residential buildings with sufficient heat energy.In order for the heat supply service to be considered fully provided, the following requirements for the permissible air temperature in rooms for various purposes must be met:
living rooms - from 18 to 24 °С, corner rooms - from 20 °С;
bathroom (or separate toilet and bathroom) - from 18 to 26 ° C;
kitchen (taking into account the heat source in the form of a stove) - from 18 to 26 ° С;
pantry - from 12 to 22 ° С;
corridor - from 16 to 20 ° С.What should be the temperature of the heating radiators
For apartment buildings located in cold northern regions, the lower limit of permissible temperature in living rooms has been increased to +20 °С (in corner rooms up to +22 °С). The increase comes into force on the condition that the frost on the street reaches -31 ° C (on average per day) and lasts at least 5 days. It is also allowed to reduce the temperature in the apartment by 3 ° C from midnight to 5.00 in the morning.
Heat supply to a number of apartments or the building as a whole may be interrupted as a result of an emergency and unforeseen repairs. But for the repair work, regulatory documents allocate a certain time, depending on weather conditions. The colder the outside air, the sooner the relevant service is obliged to rectify the fault. The total duration of breaks in heating operation is no more than 24 hours per month.

What you need to know about the temperature in the heating radiators in the apartment

What should be the temperature of the heating radiators

A thermal head can be screwed into the end of the battery.

For a comfortable stay in the apartment, you need to monitor the temperature regime of the batteries. For this you need:

  • independently measure the temperature of pipes (used conventional, infrared, alcohol thermometers or a special electrical device with a thermocouple);
  • call the public utilities if the temperature does not meet the standards (as a rule, it is lower than required);
  • if the temperature of the battery during the heating period in the apartment is above the norm, then special taps can be used to adjust it.

A pleasant microclimate in the apartment is a guarantee of health, so do not neglect it. In addition, the degree of humidity plays an important role. If it is too dry, respiratory problems may result. The amount of fresh air is also normalized for each room separately. According to many experts, the norms are somewhat overestimated, so even if the air exchange is only half, this is quite acceptable.

Interesting on the topic:

  • Are there any special schemes for connecting to the system.

  • High quality in a small volume is a hundred.

  • Baseboard heating

  • Batteries don't heat well

When the housing office performs work on connecting batteries

On the territory of Russia, the heating season begins when the average daily outdoor temperature drops below +8°C, and ends when it starts to exceed +8°C, and it must be maintained for up to five days.


Consider the minimum room temperature:
In the living room +18°C;
In a corner room +20°C;
In the kitchen +18°C;
In the bathroom +25°C;
In the lobby and on the landing +16°C;
In the elevator room +5°C;
In the basement +4°C;
In the attic +4°C.
This value is measured on the inner wall of each room, and the distance from the outer wall should be 1 m, and from the floor 1.5 m.
If hourly deviations from the standard parameters are noticed, then the heating fee should decrease by 0.15%. It should be noted that this temperature standard is valid after the opening of the heating season, and there are no indicators for the off-season.
You also need to know that hot water must have a temperature of +50°C to +70°C (SNiP "Residential buildings").
It is measured by opening the tap and lowering the thermometer into the container to a special mark.

What is the temperature in the batteries

There are certain options for this:
Hot water should be supplied to the taps all year round, the temperature of which should be from + 50 ° С to + 70 ° С;
During the heating season, heating devices are completely filled with this liquid.
Consider how to measure the temperature of a heating battery, for this, open a tap and substitute a container with a thermometer. In this case, deviations are possible only in the direction of increasing by + 4 ° С.
If a problem arises in this matter, then it is necessary to file a complaint with the Housing Office, but if the batteries are airborne, then the application must be written to the DEZ. Within a week, a specialist will come and fix everything.
A few more methods for measuring the temperature of heating batteries:
The thermometer measures the temperature of the heating pipes or the surface of the battery. To the obtained value add 1 - 2 ° C;
In order to make these measurements extremely accurately, an infrared thermometer-pyrometer is purchased, which determines the temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C;
They take an alcohol thermometer and apply it to the selected place on the radiator, glue it with adhesive tape and wrap it with any heat-insulating material (foam rubber, flywheel)

This is a permanent device for measuring the temperature of the heating system;
If there is an electrical measuring device at home with the “measure temperature” function, then the wire with a thermocouple is tied to the battery and the temperature of the coolant is measured. This is important! In the event that the temperature of the heating batteries does not satisfy you, then, upon complaint, a commission will come to you, which must measure the temperature of the circulating fluid in the heating system. Their actions must comply with paragraph 4, which is specified in the "Methods of control" GOST 30494-96, and the measuring device must be registered, state tested and have a quality certificate

Its range should vary from +5 to +40°C, and an error of 0.1°C is also permissible.


