Five countries without district heating

How can heat be produced

The role played by district heating in a given country depends on factors such as climate, economic or political conditions, the authors of the book "Energy: history, present, future" note. Successful operation of a district heating system requires both a market and a “cheap local source of energy”, which can be heat generated with electricity (Denmark and Finland), geothermal energy (Iceland), heat from incinerators (Norway) or a combination of various energy sources (Sweden). Recall that in Russia a significant part of thermal generation is associated with the combustion of gas in the cogeneration mode - the combined generation of electricity and heat.

Successful development experience, which is generally similar to the Russian heat supply system, is available in Denmark. But there are also significant differences. Since 1973, several energy development programs have been implemented in this country at once. The share of heat generated in the combined cycle with electricity increased from 33% to 60%. Renewable energy provides 20% of district heating, waste incineration - 10%, biomass combustion - 9%, industrial waste heat - 1%. Only 16% of the heat of centralized systems is produced by burning fossil fuels in hot water boilers (oil - 1%, natural gas - 11%, coal - 4%).

Five countries without district heating

District heating is the main heating method in Finnish cities. The main fuels for district heating and combined heat generation are coal, natural gas, peat and oil.

In 1990, the City of Helsinki was awarded the United Nations Environmental Honor Award for implementing a district heating program that used combined heat and power to reduce fuel consumption and ultimately improve the environment.

District heating in Sweden is in most cases managed by municipal companies, which are usually also responsible for supplying electricity to consumers. In the structure of district heating in Stockholm, a special place is occupied by 3 combined heat and power plants and one heat supply station.

The experience of Norway is interesting, where they relied on the incineration of household waste and actively use petroleum products. Norway's district heating system supplies heat to 3% of households. Waste (49%) is the main source of energy for generating heat supplied by the district heating system, oil is another important source (20%), while the share of electricity is 11%.

The capital of Norway, Oslo, which has 800 thousand inhabitants, only 10% is supplied with heat from the district heating system. This is due to the peculiarities of the Norwegian energy sector (98% of the total electricity generation in the country is the share of hydropower, and the rest is covered by wind turbines). A sufficient amount of cheap electricity stimulated the development of electric heating (its share in the country reaches 70%).

Five countries without district heating

Icelandic experience is unique. This country has large reserves of geothermal energy and therefore the heating of the country is almost completely provided by this source of energy. The share of geothermal heat in district heating is 96%, the remaining 4% of heat is generated by electric boilers. This experience can be taken into account, for example, for heating geologically active regions of Russia, for example, Kamchatka.

Benefits of using Tenov for batteries

The tubular electric heater is made in the form of a metal tube, inside of which there is a spiral.When installing heating elements, it is necessary to strictly observe safety regulations. In operation, they are quite simple. In order for the unit to start working, you just need to screw it into the battery socket, and then connect it to the electrical network. They can be installed on all types of radiators: cast iron, metal, aluminum. During their manufacture, a mandatory galvanization process takes place to give greater strength and durability. A special protective cover serves as a reliable protection against liquid ingress, and protects a person from electric current.

In order to make the most correct calculation of a heating battery for a room, you need to use the regulatory documents and SNiP, which give clear instructions and recommendations on how to do this. The calculation of the heating battery for the room will be based on the power of one section of the battery. Under normal conditions, the average heat output per 1 m3 is taken - this is 41 watts. We take the volume of the room and multiply by 41. We select the type of radiators that will be installed in the room, knowing the heat transfer of one section, you can calculate their exact number. The lower the coolant temperature, the more battery sections you need.

You can not discount the heat loss of the room. If your plans include closing the heating radiator with a decorative panel, then in this case the heat transfer will be much less, which means you need to increase the number of battery sections. In case of unsuccessful counting and installation of more or less sections, the room may be too cold or very hot. For this reason, if you doubt your abilities for mathematical calculations, contact knowledgeable people, they will tell you how to do everything right.

Euro batteries - a modern choice!

Euro batteries for heating is a good solution for those who want to have in their apartment or house not only a comfortable temperature for living, but also a beautiful appearance of the room. Euro batteries for heating are able to properly warm the air in the room, and they are a great addition to the design interior. In stores you can find a lot of interesting offers of batteries from various manufacturers. For any, the most demanding and refined taste, you can pick up the product you are interested in at good prices.

European batteries are elegant, light, tasteful units. They can be made of aluminum, there are also bimetallic sectional radiators, their design is particularly durable. There are steel panel radiators, which are in great demand among consumers. Among imported models, Italian aluminum radiators are in the greatest demand, and cast-iron ones are only made in Spain. The units produced in these countries are distinguished not only by their beautiful design, but also by their excellent technical characteristics. When buying a baratea, do not forget to ask the seller for a quality certificate and check whether they are suitable for your heating system.

The feasibility of a thermostatic valve

The thermostatic valve for underfloor heating is used to maintain a constant water temperature in the line at a level of 20 to 44 degrees. If the pump "monitors" that the water in the system circulates uninterruptedly, then the valve "feeds" the warm floor with water of a certain temperature, and monitors energy savings. There are two types of valves: pre-set and non-pre-set. It is more economical to use a thermostatic valve for underfloor heating with pre-setting. By installing a thermostatic valve, you will automatically solve the issue of a constant temperature of hot water, and this is a very important point for an underfloor heating system.

There are a lot of products of dubious quality on the market, and if you decide to install underfloor heating in your apartment, then you don’t need to save on cheap equipment, namely a thermostatic valve. Try to purchase products from trusted dealers or specialized stores where you will be given the necessary advice.

Heating of private houses in Europe today

Five countries without district heatingThe research results were quite interesting. It was found that both in Germany and in all of these Scandinavian countries, the same heating trends and technologies are popular in low-rise buildings. Thus, approximately 95% of the total volume of single-apartment residential buildings commissioned during the year in these countries have a mixed (combined) heating system, which is a combination of underfloor heating and classic radiator heating operating in parallel. Simultaneous use of two heat sources in the home has proved to justify the high efficiency of this solution, providing thermal comfort and at the same time contributing to energy savings. The principle of mixed heating of houses is obscenely simple.

The key role is given to the underfloor heating system, which ensures uniform distribution of heat in the premises. In turn, radiators are faced with the task of enhancing the resulting thermal effect, thereby contributing to maintaining a constant comfortable temperature in the house. The heat generated by the warm floor spreads evenly over the entire area of ​​the room and, in the process of cooling, rises up to the ceiling. In turn, the heat vector generated by radiators is directed in the opposite direction, i.e. tends to the floor. Thus, the efficiency of this heating system is based on the mutually opposite direction of heat distribution generated by each of the two sources.

Now let's look at specific schemes by which a mixed home heating system can be implemented.

Mixed heating schemes for individual houses

Scheme No. 1: "Heated floor from below, radiators from above"

Five countries without district heatingThe most common way to implement a mixed heating system for low-rise residential buildings in Europe is a scheme in which underfloor heating is arranged on the lower floor, and radiators on the upper one. This solution is ideal for houses that have a spacious double-height room.

When implementing this scheme, in rooms on the second floor located near the stairs, as well as in rooms with very high ceilings, warm air can only be concentrated at floor level within a height of 30-50 cm from its finished surface. Those. only the legs of a person will be warm, which is clearly not enough to ensure thermal comfort. In other words, in such a room it will be quite cold for a person in the winter season. Do not forget about this when planning home heating according to the indicated scheme.

In some rooms, the floor heating system is arranged by definition, regardless of which floor it is located on. We are talking about bathrooms, halls (at the entrance), kitchens, dining rooms - i.e. where ceramic tiles are used as a finishing floor covering. One thermal floor will be enough to heat the entire ground floor, provided that the house is well insulated and built in accordance with modern energy efficiency standards. In houses in which the entire second floor is reserved for the sleeping area, in most cases, radiator heating is sufficient.

Radiator heating is preferred in rooms that are not used all day long, such as bedrooms. As a rule, bedrooms are much smaller than other rooms and a comfortable thermal regime in them can be created in a relatively short period of time before going to bed.

It should be noted that radiators are more efficient than floor heating in rooms with parquet floors, as well as in the presence of floor carpets in the room, which prevent heat leakage from the room.

Scheme No. 2: "Heat-loving interior"

The second less popular way of mixed heating of residential buildings is that underfloor heating and radiators are arranged in all heated areas of the house. It is easy to guess that the implementation of this scheme will be much more expensive than the first one, but in some cases it is simply impossible to solve the heating problem in any other way. The simultaneous use of underfloor heating and radiators justifies itself in houses with unique architectural and planning solutions - large panoramic or balcony windows, glazed terraces, winter gardens, stained-glass windows and any other form of facade glazing.


