The heating battery is half cold what to do

Why batteries do not warm up well in a private house

Just as in the case of a high-rise building, there may be several reasons for the poor performance of heating batteries in a private house.

Reason 1: problems in the hydraulics of the heating system

The most common reason batteries stay cold is due to the hydraulics of the heating system. In this case, one of the heating branches is working properly, and the second is intermittent. This picture is typical for a new heating system or when adding radiators to an existing one. If the hydraulics are incorrectly calculated, and in particular the diameters and lengths of the pipes, some of the batteries may simply not heat up. You can adjust the hydraulics using special taps.

Reason 2: one-pipe heating system

In many private houses there are single-pipe heating systems. In such a system, batteries often removed from the boiler heat much worse than those close to them. This does not mean that there are problems, this is a feature of the operation of a one-pipe system. The only solution here can only be to replace the system with a two-pipe one.

Reason 3: malfunction of the boiler

Batteries may not warm up due to malfunctions in boilers with built-in automation, pumps and sensors, which is a typical problem for autonomous heating systems. In this case, you must contact a specialist who works with such equipment directly.

Design features of the gas boiler Baksi baxi, Navien, Ariston

In any case, familiarization with the technique of this class and the features of modern models is useful. This knowledge will help to choose the right equipment, not to make mistakes during operation.

In domestic boilers Baksi (baxi), Navien and Ariston, gas, diesel and solid fuels are burned to heat water, electric heating elements are used. For a more complete use of the potential of energy resources, heat exchangers are being improved. They make long ducts of complex shape to ensure that the liquid remains in the working area for a long time.

Compactness is the current trend. Manufacturers offer gas boilers with square bodies of relatively small thickness. Some models, due to their aesthetic characteristics, deserve to be placed in a conspicuous place.

The next feature is the introduction of automated control systems. They control the combustion process, change the operating modes, taking into account the readings of temperature sensors on the street and in separate rooms. When overheating, the equipment turns off without user intervention.

It is necessary to carefully consider situations when the Baksi gas boiler does not heat water. This happens, for example, when the supply of energy resources is interrupted. It is not difficult to make an appropriate check even without special professional training.

Circulation pumps, valves, other typical components and assemblies rarely fail. Their designs are designed for many years of operation without mandatory maintenance. There are no moving parts in electronic circuits. Their breakdowns are due to marriage. Subject to the rules established by the manufacturer, the resource of modern gas heating boilers is more than 10 years.

Voltage surges in the power supply network can damage the electrical part of the equipment. To exclude such influences, an external stabilizer is installed. Checking the grounding system will come in handy. This completes the set of preventive measures for this group of problems.

It is much more difficult to provide protection against the most common cause of breakdowns in gas boilers - scale.
It is she who will be studied in detail in this article. When heated, calcium and magnesium salts are converted to a solid state.It is these impurities that clog narrow technological holes in heat exchangers. They also form a porous structure on the surface of electric heating elements. With a significant violation of the normal heat dissipation, their cases are damaged.

To prevent the formation of scale and lime inside the boiler, it is advisable to install non-chemical filters (water converters), magnetic and electromagnetic, which will ensure a long “life” for your boiler and an uninterrupted supply of hot water, as well as protect the heating circuit.

What to do if the bottom of the battery is colder than the top

If the battery is hot on top and cold on the bottom, it is not functioning properly. At the same time, diagnostics require not only the battery itself, but the entire heating system. The cause of the problem may lie in the recent work on the heating system and the change of the radiator. As a rule, the “hot top - cold bottom” problem appears due to the occurrence of an air lock (99% of cases), clogging of the radiator tap (due to improper start-up of the system).

This problem is solved in two ways. You can remove the air lock using a Mayevsky crane or a bleeder. First of all, shut off the coolant supply to the radiator and leave the return line open. Open the drain, wait for the air to escape, close the drain and open the coolant supply. As a rule, this is enough.

In the event that this method did not work, and we are talking about an apartment building, it is better to call a specialist. For private houses, there is another option. First you need to turn off the heating supply, open the drain at the highest point of the system and squeeze out all the air with back pressure.

Each heating system may have its own characteristics, and therefore there is a high probability of atypical problems. These include incorrectly selected pipe diameters, incorrect distribution of the coolant, poor throughput, lack of pressure, malfunctions of the circulation pump or expansion tank. In any case, only a specialist will be able to fully understand all the nuances, therefore, in case of difficulty in solving the problem, it is better to seek help.

The effective operation of the heating system depends on how comfortable the temperature will be in the cold season in the house. Sometimes there are situations when hot water is supplied to the system, and the batteries remain cold

It is important to find the cause and eliminate it. To solve the problem, you need to know the design of the heating system and the reasons for the cold return during hot supply

Scheme of consumer actions if batteries are not heated in his apartment

If, after the start of the heating season in an apartment or house, the batteries do not heat well, where to complain? First of all, to a company that is engaged in heat supply of a residential building. Its technical staff are required to inspect the problem area and record temperature indicators. Based on the data received, an act is drawn up. If within 3-7 days no action is taken to solve the problem, the consumer has the right to draw up an act-claim. The video will help you to understand the nuances of the issue in more detail:

We are all well aware of the situation when in our own apartment with the onset of cold weather, we are forced to get extra blankets, warm clothes and use electric heaters for heating. The reason for this situation is banal - the disgusting quality of residential heating. In some situations, this state of affairs is temporary, falling on the off-season. However, sometimes the quality of heating in apartment buildings throughout the winter leaves much to be desired. Who is responsible for heating in our apartments? Where to look for the extreme and what to do? We will try to answer these and other related questions.

Let's start with the official documents "technical operation of housing facilities", section II, they say that the responsibility for maintaining communication systems in residential facilities is assigned to the Management Company. The scope of its tasks and area of ​​responsibility includes ensuring the normal operation of residential heating systems, sewerage and water supply systems. This norm was approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003. Therefore, if your house is serviced by the Management Company, all questions about the normal operation of heating are directed to it.

The organization on whose balance sheet your house is located is responsible for maintaining the normal temperature regime in the rooms covered by the central heating system. The competence of the management company also includes control over the temperature of the coolant at the outlet (return).

This also includes control over the technical side of the issue. Assessing the state of engineering networks, carrying out scheduled routine maintenance and inspections in order to identify the technical non-compliance of common property with established standards - all this and much more is part of the responsibilities of the management company.

Inspection of the centralized heating system is carried out by a specialist whose duties include the elimination of detected malfunctions in the operation of heating, as well as the prevention of cases of excessive heat consumption of a residential facility. This inspection is usually carried out once a year. According to the results of the inspection, appropriate repair work is carried out, adjustments are made to the preparation of the residential building for the next heating season.

Evaluating the above, and fixed at the regulatory level, it is clear who is responsible for the state of the heating networks in a residential building and whose competence includes organizing the normal operation of the heating system directly in the house. Thus, all responsibility for the proper condition of the common property to you and the residents of other apartments in your house lies with the management company or housing office, with which you have a very warm and difficult relationship.

Out of habit, when the heating system does not work, we blame the energy company, which ensures the supply of heat to residential buildings. Few of us think that the supplier company is responsible for the temperature of the coolant, which must comply with the established standards, for normal operation in the line. The responsibility of the utilities extends to the functionality of the backbone networks to the place where your house is connected. Further, the management company or housing office is responsible for the heat in your house.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

There are options when the temperature of the coolant is not sufficient for normal heating of residential premises, there are interruptions with the inclusion of centralized heating on time. In these cases, the responsibility lies entirely with the energy company that supplies heat to your apartments.

Causes of return problems in batteries of a private or apartment building

There are several reasons why the return flow is not warm enough or even cold at all. Common problems are:

  • insufficient water pressure in the system;
  • a small section of the pipe through which the coolant passes;
  • incorrect installation;
  • air pollution or contamination of the system.

If a problem with a cold return has arisen in an apartment, then the first thing you should pay attention to is pressure. This is especially true for rooms on the upper floors.

The fact is that the principle of the return flow is to quickly and continuously run the liquid through the system. And if its speed drops, then the coolant will not have time to push out cold water and the batteries do not heat up.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Another reason for the malfunction of the return flow is pollution of the heating circuit. As a rule, major cleaning of systems in multi-storey buildings is not carried out often.Sediment, which accumulates over time on the walls of the pipes, prevents the passage of fluid.

The main reason for interruptions in the operation of the heating system in a private house is improper installation. Most often this happens when the installation is carried out without the participation of specialists. Being incompetent in this matter, it is quite easy to mix up the supply and return pipes, or choose pipes of the wrong size.

Both in an apartment and in a private house, the problem of a malfunction of the heating system can be associated with insufficient water supply rate or airiness. In a similar way, the work of the return is affected by the contamination of the pipes.

Troubleshooting methods. Why is cleaning necessary?

To understand exactly how to solve the problem, you first need to establish its source. If the batteries become cold due to insufficiently fast water circulation, the installation of a special pump will help in this case. It will regularly push water into the circuit under a certain pressure, thereby not allowing the system to stop or slow down.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Photo 2. Marking the Grundfos circulation pump allows you to choose the most suitable one and install it correctly.

If the cause is clogged pipes, then they just need to be cleaned. You can do this in several ways:

  • using a water-pulsing mixture;
  • with the help of biological products;
  • by means of a pneumatic hammer.

Important! Such cleaning is carried out regularly in order to prevent the appearance of new problems. In the event of a malfunction due to improper installation of the equipment, contact the wizard

A qualified specialist will certainly understand the problem and fix all the problems. In addition, he will give practical advice and recommendations for the care and operation of the system.

In the event of a malfunction due to improper installation of the equipment, contact the wizard. A qualified specialist will certainly understand the problem and fix all the problems. In addition, he will give practical advice and recommendations for the care and operation of the system.

This is interesting: The heating scheme of a one-story house with forced circulation (open, closed system) (video)

Boilers with automatic ignition.

The water circulation in the heating circuit is disturbed.

Due to the slow movement of the coolant in the heating system, the water in the heat exchanger overheats and the boiler stops in emergency mode. The speed of movement of the liquid in the system can be affected by a decrease in the efficiency or breakdown of the pump, contamination of the filter installed on the "return" of the heating circuit, incorrect operation of the three-way valve.

The performance of the circulation pump is reduced due to contamination of the turbine blades or the internal cavity.

Photo 1 - gas boiler circulation pump module with automatic ignition.

For its revision it is necessary:

  1. Stop smoothly by moving the water temperature regulator knob to the extreme zero position and wait for the process to complete, turn off the power to the boiler.
  2. Dismantle the front of the housing.
  3. Determine the location of the pump.
  4. Close the shut-off valve (No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 photo 2) of the supply, return line, cold water supply.
  5. Drain water from the boiler through the drain cock and leave it in the open position.
  6. Loosen pump fasteners until air enters the circuit to drain residual fluid from the system.
  7. Dismantle the fastener, power plug and remove the module (engine with turbine).
  8. Clean the blades, the inner cavity and the rubber seal of the mechanism from dirt.
  9. Assemble the pump.
  10. Open the cold water supply tap.
  11. Slightly open the make-up valve to check the tightness of the hydraulic part of the boiler.
  12. Open the supply and return valve.
  13. Fill the system with water up to a pressure of 1 bar.
  14. Turn on the boiler in circulation mode to remove air.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Photo 2 is an example of piping of a heating system.

In boilers with electronic control, if the pump breaks down, the corresponding fault code will be displayed on the dashboard, which is decoded using the boiler passport or electronic catalogs posted on the manufacturer's website.

Checking and cleaning the filter:

  1. Gently stop the boiler.
  2. Using taps (No. 1, No. 2) installed in front of the filter and behind it, shut off the water supply.
  3. Using the drain cock of the filter, remove water from the isolated area.
  4. Unscrew the flask and clean the strainer.
  5. Assemble all filter components.
  6. Open previously closed valves.
  7. If the system pressure drops, energize the circuit.
  8. Switch the boiler to the venting position.

Checking the three-way valve.

In double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers, switching from heating mode to hot water position is carried out using a three-way valve. It consists of a servo drive (motor with a gearbox), a stem, rubber seals, a valve and a housing with inlets and outlets. A malfunction of this device can lead to a cessation of the circulation of the coolant and, as a result, an overheating of the heat exchanger is formed.

To check the condition of the three-way valve, it is necessary to smoothly stop the boiler and de-energize the system. Check the condition of the engine, and for this, connect the ohmmeter probes to the power terminals. If it shows 80 - 300 ohms, then the engine is working, and if other indications (0 or 1), then it is faulty.

The three-way valve may not switch due to jamming of the actuator gearbox, or due to deformation of the valve itself. If violations of the valve operation are detected, it is changed to a serviceable one, or is subject to revision.

Moscow. Hotlines for heating issues. Where to call

What phone numbers to call for questions

heating season in Moscow?

The heating battery is half cold what to do

The heating battery is half cold what to do

If you have any questions about the beginning of the heating season in Moscow, or any problems directly with the heating itself (for example, poor-quality heat supply to the house when the batteries are barely warm), then you can call the numbers below - this city ​​"hot lines", allocated specifically for solving such issues.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

For questions about the onset of the heating season, as well as for all other problems with heating, utilities, complaints about poor-quality heating supply to the house, you can call here:

The heating battery is half cold what to do

The same organizations also accept all kinds of comments on the supply of electricity.

if they can’t solve your question, they communicate with you incorrectly, then you can still call here:

Yes, hot lines have been opened in Moscow on heating issues. For example, if you live in the Central Administrative District, then

If in the Eastern District, then

Learn more about all hotline phone numbers by county here.

In addition, there is another line that operates around the clock.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Residents usually have questions, especially at the beginning of the heating season. You can ask them by calling the Hotline:

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Do not forget that you are not the only one dialing this number, but a very large number of people, so you can often hear short beeps in the handset. In order not to overload the line with your question, first try to solve it in your managing organization or dispatcher, and only after a refusal or an unsatisfactory answer to this, dial these numbers.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

Of course, if residents and citizens have questions about the new heating season, they can call the hotlines. Here are some phone numbers for example.

» Hot phones » for heating, electricity and hot water:

» Hotlines » Moszhilinspektsii on problems of heating in districts

The heating battery is half cold what to do

For any questions regarding heating in Moscow, please call:

Moszhilinspektsiya recommends calling the hotline if you have cold batteries, despite the heating at home, it is cold and on other issues related to the heating season in Moscow.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

As far as I know, the issue of turning on the heating this season is no longer relevant. Residents of the capital waited for the heat, their square meters are now heated. To be honest, very early this year. But, such conditions are dictated by the weather outside the window.

But, questions may arise during the heating season itself, as well as in subsequent seasons.

There are hotlines for these purposes.

The heating battery is half cold what to do

I don’t know how easy it is to call these numbers and get comprehensive information, but there are numbers where you can call.

And there is also a "hot line" in the Moscow Housing Inspection, where phones work around the clock. Here are their numbers:

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

OtherLife – Part 4
OtherLoan to students on a card without refusal

The procedure for contacting executive services if the batteries do not heat up

The heating battery is half cold what to do

What do you pay for if the batteries are cold?

It was found that the batteries in the apartment do not heat. Where to apply? First of all, they call the dispatcher of the company that deals with the heat supply of the house. It can be either a public or a private company. The consumer must record the date and time of filing the application, its number and the operator who accepts it. Further, during the day the application is processed. As a result of its processing, a technical worker is sent to the place.

He is obliged to inspect the thermal circuit of the house, to measure the temperature regime in residential premises. Based on the data obtained, an inspection report is drawn up. Copies are made, one of which remains with the owner of the home. The act is considered by the company serving the house within 3-7 days. However, deadlines are not always met. If the utilities do not fulfill their direct duties and the batteries still do not heat in the apartment, why complain? Further, based on the rule of a reasonable time (according to Article 314 of the Civil Code), it is necessary to prepare a claim act based on the act on the measurements of the temperature regime.

If cold batteries, how to write an application? A lawyer will help you with this. However, the claim statement must indicate that heat supply services are not provided properly. The statement of claim is printed in two copies. One is transferred to the heat supply company, the second remains with the consumer. It is stamped with the date the claim was sent. The document can be sent by registered mail. As a rule, public utilities respond very quickly to such statements. But if the batteries do not heat up in the apartment, where to go next?

Problems with the heating circuit

The heating battery is half cold what to do

The pump must be selected according to the requirements of the heating circuit.

Not always failures in the operating mode of the heating circuit are associated with a malfunction of the main heating element. If the boiler works, but does not heat the batteries, the reason must be sought in the wiring itself.

The list of the main malfunctions of the heating circuit:

  • the filter on the return line or the needle valve (Mayevsky's crane) is clogged;
  • insufficient power of the circulation pump;
  • the rules for installing a heating circuit with natural circulation are not observed.

Any of the above problems should be addressed before the start of the heating season. Otherwise, the room may be left without heat for several days, since the repair involves the complete draining of the coolant.

So, why does the boiler not heat the batteries if everything worked fine over the previous years? The reason is a mud plug, which has formed on the filter of the heating circuit and by itself completely blocks the flow of the coolant.It is solved simply - the water is drained from the pipes or with the help of bypasses its circulation is blocked, the filter is cleaned. To prevent the recurrence of such a situation, it is necessary to make a complete replacement of the coolant with parallel

The heating battery is half cold what to do

In a gravity system, the slope of the pipes is of key importance.

The second reason why the boiler is working and the batteries are cold is the insufficient power of the circulation pump. The performance of the device is not enough to timely and efficiently pump the entire volume of coolant. Or in the house, the heating system has branches that are at a significant distance from the pump. As a result, the circulation pump overheats, the heating equipment operates with excessive energy consumption, and the radiators remain cold. The solution is to change the coolant pumping device to a more powerful one.

If the house has a two-pipe heating circuit with natural water circulation, and during the heating season it is often noticed that the boiler is on and the batteries are cold, then the reason lies in the non-compliance with the slope of the main. According to the regulatory documentation, only a pipe slope of 10 mm per linear meter in a heating system with natural circulation will ensure the normal movement of the coolant. As a result - uniform heating of the batteries throughout the house. If there is no slope, the coolant stagnates, which negatively affects the temperature of the radiators. You can solve the problem by completely redoing the wiring.

Is it possible to solve the problem on my own

The heating battery is half cold what to doIf the batteries with the beginning of the heating season continue to be cold, do not immediately raise a panic. You can try to solve the problem on your own.

For example, the riser is hot and the radiator is cold. The reason is that hot water does not enter the system. To fix the problem, it is worth checking the position of the tap, which provides access to the coolant. It's probably locked. To remedy the situation, simply open the tap: water will flow into the battery and heat supply will resume. You also need to make sure that the riser is not blocked in order to carry out repair work in the basement. In this case, the riser will be hot, and the battery will be cold.

But if there is no heating in one room, the reason probably lies in the formation of air in the battery. In apartment buildings, this situation occurs quite often. The fact that air has accumulated in the system may indicate gurgling in the battery.

If the heating system has airing, the coolant cannot circulate freely throughout the battery. In addition, the air does not conduct heat. And this leads to the fact that the room warms up not completely and not evenly. The accumulation of air also negatively affects the life of the heater. Because it causes rust.

If the heating system is airy, what should I do to remove the air lock?

Actually, it's not hard. First you need to determine how the water circulates in the system: naturally or forcibly.

The heating battery is half cold what to doIn systems with natural circulation of the coolant, air the plug is removed through the expansion tank. It is located at the top of the system. If the wiring is top, the supply pipeline approaches the expander at an angle. With the lower wiring, the air is released, as in systems with forced circulation.

Consider how to remove an airlock from a heating system with forced water circulation. Such a system assumes the presence of an air collector.
Air bubbles accumulate in the air inlet. And they are removed through special taps. Therefore, in order for excess air to come out, it is necessary to open the valve. Sometimes automatic air vents are installed at several points in the heating network.

It happens that air is formed not in a room radiator, but in pipes that are located in the basement. In this case, you need to contact the housing and communal services and call a plumber. He will come, open a special valve in order to bleed the air.

The heating battery is half cold what to doUneven heating of the heater can also be caused by incorrect connection of the heating system. For example, some sections are heated well, and some are cold. When the battery is connected sideways, the coolant does not flow through the entire system, but chooses the shortest path. This may cause the bottom of the battery to be cold. To solve this problem, it is better to connect the battery in a diagonal pattern. But such work should be performed only by a highly qualified plumber.

The battery may be cold at the bottom and due to contamination. Rust and scale settle at the bottom of the system, on the walls of the radiator. This blocks the path of the coolant. In this case, the battery should be cleaned. To do this, it is washed several times under pressure with water.

Where to complain if the problem is not solved

If the management company has not taken measures to eliminate cold batteries, then it remains to write a claim to higher authorities.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

The heating battery is half cold what to do

The department of Rospotrebnadzor is designed to deal with problems associated with the supply of low-quality services.

The practice of contacting Rospotrebnadzor shows that after a utility consumer contacts this body, the problem will be eliminated in a short time.

State Housing Inspectorate

After the tenant was dissatisfied with the work performed and the inaction of the management company, he has the right to apply to a higher body - the State Housing Inspectorate.

Specialists will visit the apartments again and repeat the measurements. Then proceedings will be held with housing and communal services and, as a result, the problem will be eliminated in a short time.

A sample of a collective complaint against the Criminal Code to the Housing Inspectorate.

Local authority of the Federal Antimonopoly Service

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (we are talking about utility monopoly providers: Vodokanal, etc.) influences the management company.

This service oversees the provision of services. Therefore, it is highly likely that after visiting this body, the process of considering a complaint will be accelerated.

The same applies to repair work to eliminate violations in the apartment.

For information on how to write a statement to the prosecutor's office for the Criminal Code, read our article.

Visiting city and municipal authorities

The heating battery is half cold what to do

The current head of the city, region or district may influence the consideration of the issue of cold batteries.

It is in his power to bring violators to justice. However, the problem lies in the constant employment of the official.

If the head of the city or district receives a collective appeal from citizens, then the problem will be resolved faster.

Sample complaint against the Criminal Code to the local government.

Prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office is called upon to solve the problems of disadvantaged consumers. Its representatives will conduct an audit on the complaint received.

When applying, you will need to provide a copy of the application with which the owner applied to the management company, as well as the act of checking the heating, which was previously certified by the engineer.

Going to court

The judiciary is the last and most effective measure to resolve such an issue. However, one should remember to pay the fee for judicial review, as well as to thoroughly collect documents confirming the correctness of the plaintiff.

Experts recommend that you consult with a qualified lawyer in advance. It will help to correctly draw up a statement of claim, as well as correctly describe the problem with heat loss from the batteries.

Next, you need to be patient and participate in the consideration of the case. Then get a court order.

Sample statement of claim to the court for inaction of the Criminal Code.


