What will determine the level of comfort in the premises
Electric underfloor heating consumes very little electricity, which makes the device economical
When choosing the equipment you are interested in, you should pay attention to the power indicator of the device, which is given in relation to one meter of area or surface. When developing a project concerning the choice and subsequent installation of a film, cable or water coating, a heating level is provided that is not only considered optimal, but also at the lowest cost.
Low thermal conductivity of wooden coatings. To warm them up (heating), you will need more powerful heating devices, the power consumption of which will be much greater.
The performance indicator depends on:
- the intended purpose of the room, which should take into account both the material from which the windows are made and the floor covering (it will allow you to determine the level of the optimal microclimate);
- effective area, which is an exclusively free surface, not cluttered with furniture, decor items or appliances;
- types (types) of heating. If you plan to make an infrared warm floor the only source of heating, then the design should cover at least ¾ of the entire area of the room. In this case, the performance will have an indicator of 160-180 W / sq.
Based on the selected device, you should additionally take care of the diameter of the pipes used, the boiler, pumps and other elements.
What is the most economical underfloor heating, the right choice
Modern consumers are trying to rationally approach solving problems with energy costs. To this end, construction markets offer the operation of heating systems, water supply, the use of heat-insulating materials in the process of construction and decoration of the premises. To correctly determine which warm floor is the most economical, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of such heating mechanisms. There are more and more people who want to install warm floor coverings in their home. Such methods provide comfort and warmth in the room without cluttering up the space. An economical underfloor heating can become both the main source of heat and an additional one.
Heating systems that are used for heating are water and electric.
Water technologies work due to a special liquid that circulates through plastic pipes mounted in the screed. The electric method provides heat to the room thanks to special cables.
What should I pay attention to in order to correctly determine the appropriate option?
Let's carry out a comparative analysis of the main types of heating. Water heated floors are noticeably cheaper to operate, but require much more effort and money to install equipment. In addition, when installing water floors, it is advisable to rebuild the existing heating system. Therefore, water options are installed only in newly built or overhauled houses and apartments.
Water or electric floor?
After a thorough analysis of the two types of heating that are placed in the floor, it should be noted that the water floor is much more economical. This conclusion is confirmed on the condition that the coolant is supplied from the boiler, regardless of what it is (gas or coal). For many years, the prices for these heat sources are much lower than for electricity.
Despite these arguments, before choosing the best option, take into account a few nuances.
water heated floor
The cost of installing a heated floor with a water system is much higher than the cost of an electric one. Therefore, the result of savings can be felt only after a few years.
The system pays off much faster if it is necessary to heat a room with a large area. If this method is used, for example, to arrange a place for pets, then a film floor with an electric heat source will be much more convenient and economical.
Film infrared floor and cable: advantages and disadvantages
The rather high cost of an electric underfloor heating has led to the search for a more modern option, which could reduce the cost of equipment and the installation process. As a result, a film infrared system appeared on the modern market for heating mechanisms.
infrared floor heating
The film floor is distinguished by the ability to give off heat over the entire surface, while the cable floor concentrates heat in zones. Therefore, it takes much less time and, accordingly, energy to heat a room by means of an infrared mechanism. In addition, one of the advantages of such a system was the screed layer, which reaches from 1 to 3 cm. The electric cable floor required a screed to be applied with a layer of 4 cm. warm the floor and air, but also pieces of furniture. This effect is achieved through infrared radiation.
How does the flooring material affect the economy?
When choosing which underfloor heating is best for your home, think about flooring options. Ceramic tiles perfectly transfer heat if they are laid directly on concrete. The conductivity of parquet and laminate is lower. Carpets have a minimum level of thermal conductivity. Thus, the earth will be heated, and not the air in the room. Drawing a conclusion, we can confidently say that the ideal option is to install a water heating system and tile.
Economical underfloor heating available to everyone
1. Determining the efficiency of an electric underfloor heating
2. Arrangement of an autonomous water system for underfloor heating
3. Rules for installing underfloor heating under tiles
In order to provide your home with reliable and modern heating, it is enough to equip it with a floor heating system, which compares favorably with standard heating using radiators. To date, it is possible to create an economical underfloor heating using water, gas, and electricity. The principle of operation of such equipment is as follows: cold air enters special air heaters, which, having received the desired temperature, is then transferred to grates mounted in the floor.
Which underfloor heating to choose, in detail on the video:
Power indicators of different types of devices
The amount of power of underfloor heating that is consumed by the heating unit will directly depend on its purpose. It is understood whether the device will be an additional or main source of heating for residential premises. If it was decided to make the unit the main source of heating, many criteria should be taken into account that will influence or characterize possible heat losses. The power of the infrared device will be spent only to compensate for the losses that will occur through the passage of warm masses through the walls, floor and ceiling. The rest will go to heating interior items and air masses.
For installation in the usual way, a resistive cable will be used. It consists of an outer type of insulation, a shielding shell, an inner layer of insulation and heating elements (cores). You can buy a two-core and single-core cable, depending on the power of the heating device itself.Installation of the first one is somewhat easier, which will allow even a beginner to do this, without any experience with similar materials.
It is used for general networks with a voltage of 220-230 V. The existing designation on the material indicates a power level commensurate with one linear meter of the floor surface. The total figure can be 395 V, while when distributed per meter it will decrease to 18 V. In addition to the resistive cable, a self-regulating cable is often used, which is recognized as safer, more economical and easier to operate. For the manufacture of the material, a high-quality variety of conductive polymer is used. With a decrease in temperature, the number of electrical networks in the device should increase. Installation of warm electric floors can be carried out independently, without involving third parties.
Use of mats and films
The power of the warm floor will also depend on the type of heating device chosen, its initial power and other important characteristics. The use of cable mats is very economical. They are strips made of polymer on the surface of which the necessary turns of the cable are already fixed. Such a device does not consume much, since the power is 100-160 watts per square meter. In rare cases, the figure is increased to 200 watts.
The infrared electric floor consists of strips made of graphite, which in turn are tightly fixed on a polyester sheet. The approximate power of devices of this type is 130-230 W per square meter
When using rod mats, it is worth paying attention to the principle of operation similar to infrared floors. Graphite rods act as a heating element, which in turn are connected to copper conductors.
The maximum power is only 160 watts, while the minimum is at least 130 watts.