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Water heated floor
Water supply
Snow melting system
Efficient and durable heating system for all types of buildings and structures, as well as heat sources
- About the water warm field
- Underfloor heating pipes
- Types of water floor heating systems
- collectors
- Automation
- Mixing and heat exchange units
- Electric heaters
- Manifold cabinets
Thermotech MultiSystem - water supply and radiator connection system
- Pipes
- Fitting
- Cabinets
GEOSystem - snowmelt and anti-icing system from Thermotech (Termotech)
- Pipes
- collectors
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Water heated floor
Water supply
Snow melting system
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- Water heated floor
- Fitting
Thermotech (Termotech) provides a variety of fittings and couplings for connecting pipes of a water-heated floor.
The complete fitting is a nipple, a split ring and a compression nut. Used to connect PE-RT pipes with threaded fittings.
The press fittings are made of nickel-plated brass, with a stainless steel ferrule and rubber o-rings. Straight, elbow and T-fittings are available to order.
Thermotech compression fittings (Termotech) are made of brass, O-rings are made of ethylene-propylene rubber.
Catalog Thermotech-RU
Compression fittings for connecting pipes
Press fittings for connecting pipes
Compression fitting kit_50000-xx
618.47 kB
- About the water warm field
- Underfloor heating pipes
- Types of water floor heating systems
- collectors
- Integrated manifold
- Automation
- Mixing and heat exchange units
- Electric heaters
- Tool
- Manifold cabinets
- Compression fittings
- Press fittings
- Additional materials and accessories
Contacts Thermotech in Russia
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Water heated floor
- About the water warm field
- Underfloor heating pipes
- Types of water floor heating systems
- collectors
- Integrated manifold
- Automation
- Mixing and heat exchange units
- Electric heaters
- Tool
- Manifold cabinets
- Fitting
- Additional materials and accessories
Water supply
- Pipes
- Fitting
- Water supply manifolds
- Cabinets
- Verktyg
Snow melting system
- Pipes
- collectors
- Heat exchange unit TMix-E30
- Automation
Contacts Thermotech in Russia
- Russia
- Sweden
- Finland
- EU
Contact us
- About Thermotech
- Contacts Thermotech in Russia
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2019 Thermotech-RU LLC
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XLPE pipe, PEX pipe
This is a homogeneous construction of molecularly cross-linked polyethylene. In the structure of cross-linked polyethylene, hydrocarbon chains have cross-links between themselves, which gives the material high rigidity, strength and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Unlike metal-plastic pipes, PEX pipes are less flexible. For their installation, more fasteners are required. Also, unlike metal-plastic pipes, on which kinks are not allowed, PEX pipes damaged by bending can be straightened with virtually no loss of strength when heated.
To facilitate installation, XLPE pipes must be bent by preheating. After cooling, they take the desired shape.
If the bent pipe is again subjected to heat, it will again take its original shape. This property is called shape memory.It is preferable to use pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene if it is planned to use non-freezing liquid as a heat carrier in warm floors, because. they are more resistant to aggressive environments.