Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Why do water pipes buzz when the faucet is closed

If, regardless of whether the taps in your house are closed or open, the hum of the water supply is heard in the apartment, you need to start fixing the problem from the basement.

In the basement, find the riser from which your water supply is powered. This is easy to do if you compare the location of the risers with the layout of your entrance. You can also navigate the stairs.

If you find a water leak in the basement, then you can hardly do without calling a plumber. Contact the organization servicing your home and call a specialist. He will have all the necessary tools with him, and he will certainly be familiar with the plumbing connections in your basement.

In addition, this way you will not leave the residents of the entrance without water by twisting something wrong or accidentally damaging any valve

It is also important to remember that in the winter season the temperature in the line can be very high.

Repair of such a line requires special care, because it is fraught with burns.

If no water was found in the basement as a result of the inspection, then it is necessary to ask the neighbors if something is leaking from them.

Finding a bad gasket in a kitchen faucet is easy. Damage to the gasket causes hot water to enter the cold water faucet because the pressure in the hot liquid riser is almost always higher.

If a poll of neighbors did not bring results, then you can walk along the highway and try to determine by ear the blockage in the bottlenecks of the pipe. Most often, pebbles fall into valve bodies or at the junctions of two pipes. To check the valve, you can also try to see if anything is preventing it from fully opening and closing.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Noise in the pipes with a working radiator

Understanding why radiators in a private or apartment building are cracking, it is important to consider the option when the reasons lie not in the radiator. There are many places of occurrence of various types of hum and breakdown of heat supply that make the pipes make noise, since it consists of:

  1. metal-plastic pipe;
  2. ball valve;
  3. direct flow valve;
  4. membrane tank for heat supply;
  5. circulation pump;
  6. radiator;
  7. air vent;
  8. heating boiler;
  9. control valve.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Thus, we can name several possible problems with a working radiator, which entail the appearance of noise.

The case in the stand

Sometimes you can understand why the heating radiator is making noise by paying attention to the riser. After examining all the components of the heat supply sections, you will definitely find a wet leak, it must be eliminated immediately! This can be done on your own or with the help of a utility company.
Blame the water pump

The operation of the pump also helps to discard the reason why the radiator is noisy. If he hums, then:

  • - it was poorly installed;
  • - there is air in the heat supply sections;
  • - power is not up to standard;
  • - failure of adjusting washers;
  • - overheating;
  • - wear.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Pressure testing of the heating system.

Extraneous hum in the pump itself may be a signal of its unstable operation. Power surges lead to desynchronization and uneven operation of the coolant. If the rotor or impeller - the parts of the pump - breaks down, all its components are violated, and this is also the cause of the buzz. It is possible to determine the quality of the functioning of the pump only after diagnostics with special equipment.

A hum in the heating device due to a malfunction of the circulation pump may occur due to installation and power mismatch - the rotor must be located only horizontally. To determine the rumble in the pump, it is necessary to disassemble the entire structure.The pump or parts must be replaced by a professional.

Check the heating boiler. After checking the radiators and the circulation pump, making sure they are in good condition, you still hear an unpleasant noise. A heating boiler will help to understand this. If it does not function properly, the frequency of turning it on and off is set incorrectly and creates a crackling sound. The appearance of different types of hum in the heating boiler depends on the fuel used.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Heating boiler in a private house

In solid fuel models, a crack appears in the chimney. Due to its clogging and reduced air draft. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to clean the chimney and turn on the heating boiler at full power.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Solid fuel boiler for home heating.

  • In gas boilers, a breakdown can be caused by a different burning frequency of the burner. In this case, the burner must be replaced.
  • Heating boilers for diesel fuel emit a whistle that occurs from the nozzle due to an excess of soot that prevents heat transfer. To fix it, you need to install a thermostat.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Having found out the reason indicating a malfunction of the boiler, you can easily understand why the pipes in your apartment or house began to knock. The reason is the control valve. Breakage of the control valve is a common consequence of the occurrence of noise in the heating installation. In this case, the liquid flow is blocked. Water pressure rises sharply and leads to the rupture of heating sections in the house. Repair of such a breakdown should only be carried out by specialists.

Causes of knocking and noise in batteries

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Because of what, metal knocks, creaking and scratching are heard from radiators? This is usually due to one of two reasons:

  1. The first case is less likely and is associated with insufficiently reliable mounting of the radiator on the wall. If you just moved into an apartment or recently replaced the heating in your house, it is likely that the installers fixed the radiator poorly or used the wrong brackets. Also, fasteners can simply loosen. Try to substitute spacers in those places where the radiator comes into contact with the brackets.
  2. The second option is due to the fact that suspended particles circulate in open heating systems that are not captured by filters. Getting into the radiators and complemented by rusty flakes, they cause knocking sounds. Often these extraneous inclusions linger inside the heating radiator. In this case, the problem cannot be solved without disconnecting and cleaning the battery.

There are several ways to clean a heating radiator, but they are all divided into chemical and mechanical. In the first case, a special agent is poured inside that corrodes pollution, and then the liquid is drained and the radiator is further operated. During mechanical cleaning, the radiator is washed with a powerful jet of water, which flushes out all the dirt from the inside.

What causes noise in the heating battery

As a rule, the causes of unpleasant noise and clicks in the battery are associated with errors made during the installation of the heater, its components, or with the wear of the elements of the heating system.

In order to correctly navigate this issue, you need to know the information that will allow you to quickly identify the malfunction and make the right decision to fix it.

The main sources of problems are:

  • difference in liner diameters. In this case, the radiator inlet and the supply pipe have different internal cross-sections. Due to this difference, additional pressure is created on such sections of the heating communication, which is the cause of the unpleasant sound;
  • clogged radiator or riser. Over time, solid debris can accumulate in the heating system, which, when water flows inside the radiator or pipe, will hit the walls;
  • air inside the heater.When water murmurs or gurgles are heard in the battery, this indicates that an air lock has appeared in the system;
  • poor fastening of the battery on the brackets. From the vibration of passing water, the battery can rub against loosely docked brackets, while making sounds similar to clicks;
  • leak in the system. Occurs in case of violation of the tightness of heating communications;
  • incorrect connection of the thermal valve or shutoff valves. Due to inexperience and inattention, the valve could be installed the other way around;
  • pressure drop. It appears due to the lack of a pressure regulator - a special washer that is installed in front of the elevator nozzle to reduce pressure;
  • incorrect operation of the circulation pump. If for some reason the pump starts to work outside the norm, then a slight vibration can be created, which through the pipe system will reach the radiators in the apartments in the form of noise;
  • incorrect piping. Often, pipes are installed in prepared "ditches", which are subsequently sealed with cement. So, without a special gap and insulation around the pipes, the structure can also make noise.

What to do to eliminate the hum

Not all valves provoke a hum. The cause of noise can be mixers or faucets of outdated designs, with valves, as well as half-turn crane boxes.

Modern or joystick-type mixers do not have gaskets in their design. Therefore, they cannot enter into resonance with water pipes.

To get rid of the noise, sometimes there is no need to buy a new faucet. Often it is enough to dismantle the crane box, remove the gasket and correct it or replace it. Such elements often hang freely on the stem or have tapered edges.

Loose hanging gasket should be replaced. A deformed, irregular shape can be cut with scissors. Then the faucet box should be assembled and installed in the water supply. If the repair is done correctly, then there should be no more noise.

The simplest solution for an obsolete valve design is to replace it with a newer ball valve model. High-quality ball structures cause fewer problems during the operation of the water supply system.

The same advice can be given for obsolete faucets. Replacing an old faucet with a new model with one lever is the best solution to the problem.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Knocking in highways

How to find the source of knocking in pipes? To do this, you need a keen ear. If strong blows are heard from time to time, then the best solution would be to replace the valve that blocks the riser. Plumbers from housing and communal services are required to replace such units at the request of residents.

Knocking in the pipe may be associated with a change in the temperature of the water in the riser or with a hot water supply. To identify the problem in such cases, it is necessary to inspect the main and outline the places where the water supply is in contact with other stationary objects.Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Poorly fixed sections of the water line are fixed with staples, anchors or welded to eliminate knocking.

You can also eliminate the contact of two pipes by creating a gap between them, and thus get rid of knocking in the lines.

Even the most modern heating system is not protected from extraneous noise during its operation. There may be several reasons for this, ranging from improper installation to operating conditions. How to diagnose and eliminate noise in heating systems: batteries, radiators, pumps, pipes? To do this, you must first understand the factors that cause this phenomenon.

Sounds in the battery, similar to clicks

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

What else makes batteries noisy, making sounds like clicks and how to remove them at home? Usually the problem manifests itself when heating radiators warm up or cool down. The reason is uneven heating / cooling, as the metal expands and contracts, respectively.

To eliminate clicks and get rid of the causes of noise, try putting something between the brackets and batteries - rubber spacers up to 2-3 mm thick are enough. In the case of inexpensive bimetallic radiators, similar sounds arise due to their internal design. Their structure differs from other batteries, since two types of metals are used at once. When they don't fit well together, the expansion causes clicks and clatter.

If the problem could not be fixed on your own, in order to avoid trouble, it is better to turn to professionals. The masters of the San Remo company will find out and eliminate the cause of the noise in the batteries inexpensively and in a short time. And if necessary, they will qualitatively install a heating radiator.

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Good afternoon, my dear regular reader! Today I will consider the reasons why the radiators in the apartment are noisy and how to deal with it.

If you are a happy owner of your own apartment, then most likely you are also the owner of pipes and radiators connected to the centralized heating system of an apartment building. You are not involved in the boiler, fuel, installation and configuration of a complex engineering system.

Often there are no thermostats in apartments, and sometimes even valves before and after the battery. Pipelines and radiators only need to be washed occasionally. It would seem that this is the least troublesome option for heating. But what to do if the apartment is suddenly filled with unusual, not very loud, but ominous sounds that disturb sleep?

Noise in heating boilers

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Constant noises in the heating boiler occur for the same reasons as pipes and radiators. Most often, this is the deposition of lime and clogging of the heat exchanger. But it all depends on the design of the equipment and the principle of its operation.

If the timely cleaning of the heat supply system did not give results, you should look for reasons elsewhere. In practice, the noise in the boiler may indicate its incorrect operation. Therefore, it is best to call specialists from the service center who will eliminate the cause under warranty or by taking a moderate fee.

If it is impossible to perform these steps, you can try to independently determine the cause of the noise in the boiler. It largely depends on the design and type of fuel used:

  • Solid fuel models
    . Extraneous sounds may occur in the chimney. This is facilitated by its clogging and a decrease in traction. To eliminate it, clean the pipe and start the boiler at full power;
  • Gas
    . Uneven burner operation. This is typical of older models without flame and CO2 control devices. It is best to install a new modulating burner;
  • Diesel and waste oil
    . A characteristic whistling sound comes from the injector nozzle. This indicates an excessive amount of soot, which also prevents the complete heat transfer of the combusted fuel.

After identifying the causes, you should try to fix them at home. Cleaning is carried out only according to the method recommended by the manufacturer of heating equipment

It is important to choose the right cleaning products and technology for their application.

In the video you can see the technology for removing air pockets that cause noise in heating:

In multi-storey buildings, you can hear various extraneous sounds, especially when the walls in the apartments are not soundproofed enough. It is not uncommon to knock on pipes and crack, which is heard in the heating system. Such phenomena indicate the unstable operation of the heat supply structure or the presence of malfunctions in it.

Tips for preventing noise in individual heating systems

Extraneous sounds in the heating circuits interfere with comfortable living and the stay of residents in the premises, and may cause the expenditure of additional financial resources for their elimination. Therefore, when arranging a heating main in an individual house, it is worth adhering to the following basic recommendations:

  • The heating pipeline must have the same diameter of the passage channel throughout, in addition to reducing hydraulic losses and increasing the efficiency of the system, this will significantly reduce the noise of the coolant in the circuit.
  • When installing the line, an excessive number of turns and branches, leading to hydraulic losses and increased noise, should be avoided.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Bleeding air from radiators

Rice. 5 Radiator venting

  • It is not recommended to use polypropylene pipes in heating systems without a reinforcing layer of aluminum or fiberglass. In addition to low temperature resistance, they have a high coefficient of linear thermal expansion, which contributes to the movement of their shell and the appearance of noise.
  • If pipes made of metal-plastic are used for laying the heating main, they are bent using a special pipe bender, which ensures a constant cross section of the passage channel.
  • For the installation of polypropylene, qualified specialists with high soldering skills should be hired - this will avoid excessive narrowing of the passage channel when the pipes overheat or violation of the sealing of the joints if the parts to be joined are not heated enough.
  • When purchasing shut-off ball valves, they choose from two types - reduced with a reduced cross section of the passage channel and full bore. To reduce hydraulic losses and the likelihood of noise, you should choose the second type of valves.
  • All shut-off and control valves, the circulation electric pump should be installed according to the arrows indicating the direction of movement of the heat carrier flow.
  • When choosing an electric pump, its power must correspond to the heating circuit, that is, the operating parameters of the system must be maintained at the average reading of the three-speed speed switch.
  • When installing radiators, their strictly horizontal arrangement should be observed; in gravity systems, the required angle of inclination of the pipes must be maintained.
  • To prevent the appearance of scale and other deposits in the heating circuit and the boiler, they are periodically flushed with appropriate chemical reagents that dissolve the sediment. Work should be carried out at the end of the heating season - this will allow flushing the system for a long period of time (liquid can be left in the circuit for several days) and, accordingly, increase the efficiency of cleaning the pipeline and boiler.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Rice. 6 Flushing the heating system

Use of vibration compensators in heat supply systems

It is possible to provide sound insulation of pipes by installing vibration compensators. In the presence of vibration and water hammer, the installation of special flange elements will help solve the problem. They are designed to eliminate mechanical influences and protect the heating system from unwanted loads.

If the vibration compensator is installed in a private household, then this should be done near the pumping equipment. When a problem occurs in an apartment building, these devices are mounted near the central riser from which the coolant comes, or at wall partitions.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Installation is simple and many property owners do it themselves. This method of soundproofing eliminates the main noise irritants transmitted through the pipes.

If it was not possible to deal with the problem of the presence of noise in the system on your own, and the heating pipes in a private house are still clicking or there is a rumble and clicks in the radiator, you should dismantle the heat supply structure and install it again, but with the help of specialists.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is impossible to foresee all problems with the heating system, and individual cases in general can be unique.

Let's find out why there is noise in the heating system of a multi-storey building and how to eradicate it. Residents can often hear extraneous sounds during battery operation. And this means that there are problems in the heating system due to improper installation or operation. Most often, steel pipes are installed in the heating system, which conduct sound waves well. And their round shape makes it possible to spread the noise.

Causes of sounds from the water supply, or Why water pipes are buzzing

The most common cause of unpleasant sounds in pipes is bad gaskets installed in plumbing. The sound appears as a result of the resonance of the vibrations of the gaskets and the water running through the pipes. Resonance amplifies the sound and spreads it throughout the house. In this case, it can be extremely difficult to identify which of the residents in the house has problematic plumbing.

If the pipes in the house are not constantly buzzing, then the cause of the noise is, as a rule, a set of water in the drain tank of one of the apartments or an opening by the tenant

If the buzz is observed constantly, then its cause is the difference in pressure in the risers of cold and hot water. Liquid is squeezed from one riser to another through a broken faucet in one of the apartments. Sometimes valves can be broken at the same time in several different apartments.

Why do water pipes hum when you turn on a faucet? Probably, the problem lies in a poor-quality or deformed gasket. Plumbers with many years of experience recommend, in order to eliminate noise from water pipes, to begin the fight against an unpleasant phenomenon with the search and replacement of a poor-quality gasket.

What sounds do batteries make?

Conventionally, the noises emitted from the battery are divided by the nature of the sound into knocks, hum, clicks, murmur.


Why are radiators noisy in a private house

The knock is heard from the battery as from the element of the system with the largest flat surface. In fact, the sound source is located elsewhere.

The main reason for the occurrence of knocks is the uneven pressure in different sections of the pipeline.

Under high pressure, the coolant is supplied to the system, but, encountering narrowed fragments on its way, it tries to overcome them. That's where the knock comes from.

The diameter of a pipeline section can decrease for several reasons:

  • There is no bypass - a jumper connecting the inlet and outlet pipes in front of the battery. Many residents carry out the replacement of heating sections, inviting various craftsmen, or on their own. When changing steel pipes to polypropylene, it is not always considered necessary to install a bypass. You can install a jumper only by redoing a new section.
  • A shut-off valve with a smaller diameter has been installed or its working diameter has narrowed due to poor quality hot water. When the shut-off valve is used to regulate the heating of the battery, a similar effect is obtained. In the simplest case, you need to open the valve completely. If this does not help, you should clean the gap in the tap or install a tap with a larger working diameter.
  • The battery contains air pockets. Excess air is bled using a Mayevsky crane at the end of the battery.
  • The problem lies in the heating radiator - a jet pump that increases pressure. Incorrect operation of the elevator can cause unstable coolant pressure in the entire circuit. The tenants themselves cannot eliminate the problems in the elevator, and they do not have the right. The management company is responsible for servicing the common heating units. Calling the dispatcher will help solve the problem.

Important! All work related to the replacement of old or the installation of additional elements of the heating system may be carried out only after all liquid has been drained from the pipeline. Only employees of the service organization are allowed to drain the water and then refill the system.


A hum, sometimes similar to a whistle, can be caused by several reasons:

When pressurized water passes through the battery, turbulent eddies are formed due to air bubbles. A sign of airiness is uneven heating of sections. It is eliminated by removing air through the Mayevsky tap.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

Photo 1. Mayevsky's faucet, which makes it easy to release excess air from the heating system.

  • Too much pressure after the circulation pump in high-rise buildings, incorrect operation of the pressure regulator. Eliminated by the locksmith of the management company.
  • The increased vibration of the circulation pump is transmitted through pipes to the premises of the apartments. This is again the fault of the employees of the management company, it is up to them to fix the problem.
  • Strong leakage of coolant in the heating circuit outside the apartment. If it is found, contact the service organization.
  • The hum is created by worn rubber gaskets in valves or couplings. The defect is eliminated at the expense of the residents, if the tap is located in the apartment, or by an employee of the management company at the points of connection of the common nodes of the thermal circuit.


Why are radiators noisy in a private house

After replacing the radiator, sometimes clicks are heard in the battery, similar to shots. The reason lies in the fact that the metal of the pipe and the radiator has a different structure and a different coefficient of thermal expansion.

When the heating temperature changes, microdeformation of the connection of two metals occurs. This does not lead to the destruction of the elements, but it gives a lot of unpleasant sensations.

In the reverse process, cooling, the situation is exactly the same. It will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem, however, it is possible to reduce its manifestations. To reduce the uneven expansion of metals, a heat insulator made of a porous material, melon, is put on the pipes.

Reference. Even when using metals with the same thermal expansion, similar clicks can occur. These are the consequences of improper installation of elements of the heating system.

Deformation with temperature changes occurs in the transverse direction relative to the pipes or battery in the complex. When two riser pipes are placed too close to each other, almost touching, the deformation causes them to collide with a clicking sound.

clogged pipes

When the pipe diameter decreases, reactive water flows occur. They make the pipes vibrate, which is the cause of the noise in the apartment.

This problem can be solved only by replacing the clogged section of the water main.

To check if there is a blockage in the pipe, it is enough to turn off one of the mixers and look at what is happening in the pipe. If everything is covered with a thick layer of dirt from the inside, then it's time to change the communication system.

In rare cases, dirt in pipes can only accumulate at the ends of the lines. If you cut off the pipes and try to clean their ends, then there is a chance that the noise problem will disappear. If it does not disappear, the only way out is to replace part of the water line.

It should be noted that not only metal, but also plastic and polypropylene pipes are subject to clogging. The reason for the accumulation of dirt is the difference in the diameters of the pipe and hoses of the mixers.

Why are radiators noisy in a private house

How to solve noise problems

It often happens that the heater is clogged from the inside. In this case, pieces of slag will move along the radiator along with the flow of water, hitting the walls.

In this case, washing will help. A hose is put on the faucet, and the water, along with the debris, gradually drains.

If the procedure does not help, at the end of the heating season, the radiator will have to be dismantled, disassembled and cleaned, or replaced.

An airlock in a heating device is a common cause of unpleasant gurgling sounds.

This problem is solved with the help of the Mayevsky crane, which will allow the air to be released and the battery to continue to work silently.

Quite often, at the beginning of the heating season, problems with noise in pipes can arise due to pressure that has not been equalized to the end.

When the pressure difference in the pipeline exceeds 1.5 atmospheres, tapping may begin.

In an apartment building, a circulation pump is responsible for the movement of warm water through pipes and heating devices in apartments.

If for some reason it starts to work incorrectly, then specialists should determine the solution: it may cost to install a special valve that will correct the operation of the pump, or it may go as far as replacing the unit.

If the cause of the noise is identified in the place where the heating battery joins the bracket, then you should think about replacing the brackets or choose an easier way - put a rubber lining between the battery and the fastener to prevent friction.

Leaks can be identified by yourself. To do this, it is enough to inspect the pipes in your apartment or house. If one can be seen with the naked eye, then this is good luck, and you can immediately take measures to eliminate it.

Having found out that everything is normal in the apartment, you need to go around the neighbors in order to search for a pipe from which water is leaking.

If the neighbors also did not find a leaking pipe, then it is necessary to inspect the main node of the heating system.

In an apartment building, it is located in the basement, going down into which you can immediately come across steam - it is he who signals the place of the breakthrough.

In this case, the emergency service is called immediately.

As it turned out, there are various causes of unpleasant sounds coming from radiators. But it will be easier to find out the reason now.

In most cases, it is better to solve the problem of eliminating noise according to the opinion of experts, because they are guaranteed to have experience, knowledge, special tools and spare parts.

The main thing is not to hesitate, because this will help to avoid emergencies in the future.

If you have ever lived in an apartment building, you must have heard how loud and disgusting they sometimes buzz. In some cases, the hum is heard when several apartments are connected to the same water supply, in others, the hum of the pipes gets on the nerves of all the inhabitants of the house at the same time. Sometimes this sound can appear and disappear over time, and sometimes the noise from the plumbing is heard all the time.

Why are the water pipes in the apartment buzzing at night? There may be several reasons for this. Let's consider them in detail below.


