How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

The algorithm for cleaning the radiator

  1. We remove from the heating radiator all unnecessary things and furniture items that may impede or delay flushing. If curtains are hung near it, then you need to remove them. In addition, if a laminate or parquet is used as a floor covering in a room, then it is necessary to spread some piece of fabric or film under the radiator - this is done in order not to harm the floor.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Turn off all taps before starting work.

Turn off the water supply to the radiator. If there is no shut-off valve due to which this is done, then you will have to go the other way - drain the water from the heating system. Take an ordinary bucket, remove the radiator by unscrewing it from the rest of the equipment, and drain the water present in it into the prepared bucket.
The cleaning process is just beginning and then you need to take the heating radiator to the bathroom, and then place it in the bath. There is a risk of causing mechanical damage to it in the form of scratches, and in order to prevent such a development of events, place something like a wooden pallet under the radiator. If you live in a private house, and not in an apartment, then you will need to take it out into the yard to flush the radiator.

End caps are unscrewed with a wrench

We unscrew the end fittings with a key. This must be done in the yard or in the bathroom, otherwise you can fill the floor with a muddy and littered liquid that has a very unpleasant smell, and you will create another problem for yourself - you will need to clean the floor.

Next, you need to flush the heating radiator from the inside, for this we supply water under pressure from a hose or shower into the holes at the end.

  1. Sometimes the owners are forced to deal with crystalline blockage, and in this case, slightly different means are needed. You can't do without a concentrated solution of vinegar. We install end fittings in the lower part and pour vinegar inside. Before using vinegar, it is recommended to dilute it by 70% with water. Such flushing will help remove hard-to-remove blockages from the heating radiator. The solution should “infuse” for about two hours, after which it must be poured out and the radiator cleaned with water pressure in order to achieve complete cleansing.
  2. You can also wash the outer surfaces of the radiator to give it a nice and clean look.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

One of the causes of clogging may be the formation of scale.

The radiator should be placed on wall mounts and lightly clean the threaded connections on it with a cloth, which must be dry. If you have a cast-iron radiator, then screw the tow onto all the fittings in the direction of the thread and apply paint to the seal. It is allowed to use any paint related to "Nitro" and "Enamel". Using a gas wrench, screw the fittings tightly.
If the apartment has more modern radiators, then it is recommended to use a film for waterproofing purposes. Do not use glue or paint.

So, as we can see, there is nothing super complicated in cleaning the radiator. This will not require any special skills and knowledge, just as you will not need any rare tools and tools that are difficult to get. This procedure, with a responsible approach, will not take too much time and effort, and therefore each owner can clean the radiator on their own. However, situations are known when, even after all the measures taken and the radiators installed in their place, the heating system still functioned poorly. In this case, you need to buy a new radiator and replace the old one with it, or resort to the services of specialized companies that carry out cleaning with a technical booster.

The main technology and sequence of flushing heating radiators

If you decide to flush the heating radiator yourself, then for this you will need a simple set of tools necessary for dismantling and installing the radiator, rags and a cast-iron bath. If you have an acrylic or cast iron bathtub installed, but you can do it outside, you are incredibly lucky. In the case of a cast-iron bath, everything is done in the following sequence:

  • remove the heating radiator - unfortunately, this is a necessary measure;
  • we line the bottom of the bathroom with unnecessary rags to protect the enamel from damage, also for safety, but already the sewage system, we install a mesh on the drain, which will protect the sewer from the ingress of washed solid particles into it;
  • we disassemble the mixer by removing the watering can from it, because for this procedure we need a concentrated pressure of water;
  • start flushing the radiator. To achieve the best effect, it must be rotated periodically.

During the flushing of the radiator, it may be necessary to additionally remove solid particles that must be pushed through with wire or other improvised means specially prepared for this purpose. Thus, it is necessary to flush the radiator until it is completely clean. This will be indicated by clean water that will flow from them. As for washing on the street, for this you need to stretch the hose with water and do everything in the same sequence. Naturally, after washing the inner surface, it is necessary to clean the radiator from the outside, giving it an aesthetic appearance.

Very good results can be achieved using special devices for flushing radiators. In this case, the dismantling of the radiators is not required. However, this method has a significant drawback - the high cost of equipment, which, given the infrequent work on flushing the radiator, is not advisable to buy. Such devices are often used by utilities or construction companies that have to deal with a similar problem quite often.

Flushing radiators with special equipment - video

If it so happens that none of these methods suits you and rinsing with running water is not possible, you can do it differently. To do this, simply fill the radiator with hot water and add a cleaning agent, it is better to use soda ash for this. After about an hour, knock on the radiator with a wooden mallet, drain the water and do the same procedure several more times until it is completely clean. Also for this you can flush car radiators and whey, but such methods are used much less frequently.

Cleaning process

Whatever means for cleaning cast-iron radiators is chosen, the flushing procedure looks the same. How to rinse cast iron radiators at home? To work with simple means, you need to go through several stages:

First, you should free the radiator from the plugs and wash all the dirt out of it with plain water under pressure. Well, if there is a water supply or a well with a column. If not, then you can use a large volume tank and a deep pump

It doesn't matter which way, but the pressure needs to be created.
Next, it is necessary to muffle the radiator from three sides, and through the fourth hole, fill the internal cavities with a solution of any caustic-based agent. Install the futorka in place, stand for some time with constant shaking of the radiator

Caustic soda will rid the battery of organic dirt.
Empty the device from the liquid and, in the same way, pour the citric acid solution. It is better to make this composition hot, so it will act on the sediment faster and more efficiently and dissolve it. In this state, the radiator should be left for three to four hours. But not at rest, it needs to be moved periodically.
After the specified time, the solution must be drained, lightly tapping the battery from all sides. The plaque softened under the influence of acid will detach from the cast-iron surface. It can be washed with plain water. Flushing must be done until clean water flows from the battery.

In particularly difficult cases, when flushing the radiator in the assembled state does not give the desired result, it is disassembled into separate sections. Cleaning is performed alternately for each part separately. Only when reassembling it is recommended not to use old intersection gaskets, it is necessary to replace them with new ones.

How to clean an aluminum radiator

The use of chemicals

Aluminum is an extremely "capricious" metal. When choosing how and how to rinse aluminum radiators, you need to focus solely on the agent whose composition will affect the deposits without affecting the walls themselves.

Chemical flushing is good because it does not require dismantling the batteries and it can be carried out even at the height of the heating season.

It is based on 2 stages of work:

  1. Scale dissolution.
  2. Flushing and removing them from the system.

The disadvantages of this type of cleaning include increased toxicity of chemicals. When carrying out it, you need to use protective measures and be very careful.

Care is also required when diluting the chemical composition if it is sold as a concentrate. The wrong proportion can destroy aluminum along with scale

The most popular is the Master Boiler Power concentrate, which is suitable for all types of pipes and radiators. You can also use "folk" remedies, such as vinegar, whey or caustic soda.

Find out useful information about aluminum batteries on our website:

Hydrodynamic washing

This is one of the most time-consuming ways to clean the heating system. It is based on a shock jet of water, under the pressure of which the scale exfoliates from the walls of the radiator.

Work sequence:

  1. The media is completely drained from the line.
  2. Areas to be washed are determined.
  3. Part of the pipe is removed, and in its place a hose with a special nozzle is connected, the end of which is inserted into the line.
  4. Water under the action of a pump under high pressure is supplied to the radiator, sweeping away scale and all debris in its path.

After the cleaning is completed, the system should be filled with water and run it several times to remove scale that has been beaten off the walls of the radiator.

hydraulic flushing

This work can be carried out during the heating season, since it only takes a run of water through the system:

  1. Before starting work, a hose is connected to the drain cock, the second end of which is led into the sewerage drain system.
  2. The valve on the feed side opens and the layer of dirt leaves under the flow of incoming water.
  3. Cleaning can be considered complete after clean water flows through the system.

This method is used when regularly flushing batteries. In the event that the system has not been cleaned for a long time and the pollution is strong enough, it will not help.

Pulse flush

If the question is posed, how to clean an aluminum heating radiator with minimal risk to it, then the answer is unequivocal - with the help of pulse flushing.

This is a fairly “young” and progressive method that guarantees safety to the aluminum walls of heaters, but it requires special devices, so you can’t do without calling specialists.

The method is based on a short-term impulse effect on water, during which a shock wave is formed, which moves through the system under a pressure of 12 atmospheres. This allows you to remove scale of any thickness without damaging the walls of the radiator, provided that it can withstand such water hammer.

This method is effective if:

  1. The pipe diameter does not exceed 4 inches.
  2. Even at a distance of 60 m from the device that creates an impulse effect, the radiators are effectively descaled.
  3. Pulses do not affect the integrity of fittings and line assemblies.

This flushing method increases the efficiency of the radiator up to 25%, which, in practice, returns the parameters to the design, corresponding to the product that has just left the assembly line of the factory.

Tools for disassembling a cast iron device

Their list consists of:

  1. Radiator key.
  2. Chisels.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Small sledgehammer.
  5. Brushes with metal bristles.
  6. Blowtorch.
  7. Plumbing key No. 2.3. They need to unscrew the side plugs or plugs.

In many cases, there is no radiator key. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is almost impossible to find it in hardware stores. In the markets, of course, it is. Also, plumbers must have such a key.

The key itself is a round metal bar. which is 18 mm in diameter. One of its ends is flattened and resembles a spatula. It has dimensions of 28x40 mm. Thickness 6 mm. At the other end is a welded ring. You need to insert a lever into it. As for the length of the key, it should exceed half the length of the radiator by 30 cm.

You also need to prepare a few boards. Chocks may come up instead. They will put the battery before disassembly.

Flushing heating radiators made of cast iron - specifics and methods of cleaning

In this publication, we will talk about how you can flush outdated cast-iron heating batteries. One of the good qualities of good cast iron radiators is a reliable service life. However, such a circumstance as blockage of heating devices leads to worse heating of the room.

Several factors influence battery clogging. But the main one is considered to be the occurrence of rust due to the draining of water from the heating system in summer and the poor quality of the heat carrier.

If the temperature of the heating pipes is very high, critically contaminated heaters will produce an extremely low heat index. To eliminate this, it is necessary to take preventive measures in 15-20 years in order to clean the heating devices from all kinds of pollution.

It is not difficult to take preventive measures to clean a multi-section cast iron radiator, but not everyone will be able to lift and dismantle the radiator design on their own. A great option would be to do this work with a plumber or assistant.

Another way out of the situation: disassemble the cast-iron sectional heater into very small parts. In such a case, cleaning the radiator will not make a problem.

If the cleaning work will take place in a multi-apartment building with central heating, it must be ensured that the heating system is not turned on during the preventive measures. In a private house outside the city, familiarization with the weather forecast for the next few hours or days will be a sufficient requirement.

Basically, soda ash dissolved in hot water is used to clean the battery. To prevent the solution from spilling out of the heater, it is necessary to install specialized plugs at the ends of the radiator. Moreover, you need to shake the battery a little and leave it for about an hour.

Another stage consists in tapping with a wood hammer (mallet) on all sections of the heater. This is necessary to separate rust and build-up, exfoliated due to the action of soda ash, from the surface inside the heating unit. Then you should remove one of the plug-futors and fix a rubber hose connected to the water meter assembly instead of it. Next, you need to remove the second plug. The faucet of the water meter assembly must be fully opened in order to create a powerful coil of water that will flush out all the debris from the heater.

If you use a compressor to carry out this procedure, then the effectiveness of the workflow will be increased. A solution of soda ash can be decisively changed to ordinary whey from milk, which also contributes to the exfoliation of all kinds of contaminants in the middle of the heater.

Soda ash can also be replaced with a liquid or car heater flush. But in this case, you will have to carefully approach the study of the instructions in order to correctly calculate the required dosage according to the volume of the heater.

From the very beginning, liquid is poured into the radiator design to flush cast iron heating radiators, then hot water is added there. The battery should be kept in this state for about 2 hours, but every 10 minutes you will have to magically move the parts. At the end of 2 hours, the cast-iron sectional heater must be carefully washed with a flexible hose and running water.

To keep the heater clean, you can go to the trick and install a tap with a plug in front of the inlet. In such a case, rust particles will be attached to the magnet installed on the outside. Let's watch the video. Thanks to such actions, all dirt and corrosion will be attracted to a specific place and will not get into the battery. Of course, a similar plug must sometimes be cleaned and put back. But the measures taken in the future will protect against the purification of the entire battery.


How to rinse cast-iron radiators, as well as all others with them? You can put the radiator in order from the outside in several ways - it all depends on the degree of its contamination.

Dry cleansing

Everything that we will tell here is more suitable for everyday cleaning. For the general one, more serious methods are needed. So, there are two simple and effective ways:

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

  1. Use of a vacuum cleaner. It’s very good if you have special nozzles - after all, battery sections are sometimes very close to each other, so you can’t get close to them with a regular floor brush.
  2. Use of a hair dryer. In this case, a damp cloth of suitable size is attached between the wall and the radiator. The air from the device is simply blown out of the dust between the sections of the battery onto this fabric. Then it remains to carefully remove the matter and rinse it from dust.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Wet cleansing

How to wash the heating battery when it is very dirty? If you want to carry out a high-quality general cleaning, then you are here. First of all, we focus on the degree of contamination of the radiator:

Light to medium soiling. Before wet cleaning, it is best to carry out dry cleaning, which we described above. It is advisable to use hot water, even boiling water. Be sure to find a container that is suitable in size, which can be substituted for the entire duration of the battery - water will flow there

Further, from another container, section by section, the battery is carefully poured with boiling water. After water drains from it, it is additionally dried with prepared rags, napkins

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Flushing areas between sections. In order for wet cleaning to touch areas between sections that we cannot physically reach with our hands, it is best to use a steam mop (pictured). Some housewives additionally spread cotton napkins for better steam absorption. As an option, you can wind a rag on a pointer, stick, narrow handle, nozzle from something and, wetting it in water, clean hard-to-reach areas.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Strong pollution. Anti-fat agents are used. An aqueous solution is preliminarily prepared from them, which is poured into a spray bottle, spray gun and carefully sprayed over a moistened battery. Then some is given for “kissing”. After that, the washing solution is completely removed with water, rags from the surface of the battery.

Radiator cleaning

Imagine what the cleaning procedure will look like under different conditions.

Washing with a special device

For quick and efficient cleaning of radiators "on the spot" there are special devices for flushing them. Of course, having such a device for infrequent cleaning of a home battery is, in fact, a luxury.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

The device works from the mains - with a powerful jet it drives water into the radiator, which, with its pressure, removes scale, rust, grease, and various chemical deposits. But if you don’t have this device, you can replace it by cleaning the radiator in the bath.

Bath Rinse Algorithm

How to flush the batteries in the apartment without being able to pull them out into the street? The instruction will consist of the following blocks:

  1. Hot water inlet. You will need to use a hose, a shower, a watering can, a kettle with a narrow spout, or an ordinary funnel to pour hot water into the radiator. Open both plugs so that dirty water can flow freely from them. After there is enough liquid in the battery, shake it and pour out all the contents. The action should be repeated until large pieces of dirt fly out of the cleaned radiator. It is worth noting that the procedure is difficult to perform alone - the weight of the battery is significant even for a brave athlete. Therefore, 1-2 assistants in this matter are vital for you.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Filling with cleaning agent. The second step is to pour the substance you have already chosen for flushing into the radiator, diluting it with water

Now it is important to put plugs on all the holes in the battery so that the “useful liquid” does not leak out of it. Depending on the drug, it is left to "sour" for a period of 2 hours.
As soon as the time of action of the active component has come to an end, it is necessary to shake the radiator again

You can knock on its various parts with a wooden, plastic, rubber mallet. This will help to further remove rust and other contaminants from its internal parts.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Now it is important to thoroughly wash the cleaning agent. Therefore, it is necessary to clean until the foam stops coming out, the smell stops being felt, or the rest of the characteristic features of its presence appear in a different way.

If you do not flush the radiator to the end, then the active components of the product will continue to act, destroying the metal from the inside, which will cause leakage and failure of the battery.

The videos in this article will show you how to follow the instructions visually.

Features of cleaning in a private house

Flushing batteries in your homes is even more important than in apartments. This is due to a number of features of heating:

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

  • The coolant is water from a well, a well, or even a reservoir. Hence, there is more coarse dirt stuck in the radiator than in the water circulating through the mains of urban heating systems. Therefore, the need for cleaning arises much more often.
  • Not only the radiator is washed (purged), but also the heating main. After all, all the debris stuck in it will invariably fall into the cleaned battery.
  • In case of urgent need, you can clean the radiator during the heating season. In a different state of affairs during the cold period, it makes no sense to turn off the heating system for cleaning.

Features of flushing during the heating period

If you decide to clean the battery in the cold season, then pay attention to the following:

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

  • The method of cleaning, as well as detergents, are the same.
  • It is possible to flush the radiators (in a private house) without removing them and without draining the water from the heating boiler:
  • Turn off the steam line completely while cleaning.
  • Perform a purge.
  • Put all the valves back, then let the water through the heating circuit.
  • Feed it until absolutely clean water flows out of the pipeline.

The measures taken will clean not only the radiator, but the entire heat pipeline in general.

Thus, it is only possible to clean the radiator without removing it in your own home. Residents of apartments to clean the battery from the inside will have to remove it. An exception for those who have a special apparatus for cleaning batteries.

How to disassemble a cast iron radiator

The joints of the old battery are strong enough. In many cases, they “grow together” so much that one force is not enough. Therefore, before disassembling the battery, it should be placed on boards and prepared properly.

The simplest preparation involves heating the joint. To do this, use a building hair dryer or a blowtorch. The latter is able to burn old paint. However, this is not scary.

More serious preparation involves heating the metal to such an extent that it begins to glow. After that, they try to unscrew the nipple. This can be done both when the alloy becomes very hot, and when it has cooled noticeably. The second option is even better, because during cooling, the gasket becomes cracked and the strength of the connection becomes weak. It is often shown in videos.

To disassemble a battery made of cast iron, follow these steps:

  1. Unscrew the plugs (plugs).
  2. Attach a radiator key to the device from above so that the flattened end falls on the nipple. On the key, in the place where the battery ends, make a mark using chalk or electrical tape.
  3. Insert the key into the bottom hole.
  4. Twisting it along the axis to the right and left, insert it into the product to the drawn mark.
  5. Determine in which direction the nipple is twisted. To do this, bait it with the right and left sides. If you managed to bait it with the right side, then you need to unscrew it counterclockwise.
  6. If it was possible to move the nipple, then make one turn. Further, a similar procedure is done with the nipple at the other end of the section.
  7. Both nipple-nuts are unscrewed in turn. Otherwise the section will crack.
  8. Similarly, you need to unscrew all sections.

If it was not possible to disassemble the heating battery in this way, you will have to saw the section that is leaking. At the same time, they saw it in the center of the nipple. The work is done by picking up a grinder or a hacksaw.

Another option is to smash the bad section with a sledgehammer. You need to break the middle part of the section. The nipple, which remained intact, is unscrewed using a plumbing wrench. It can also be knocked out with a hammer and chisel. After that, you need to clean the threads in entire sections.

Heat meter for a battery How to choose a solar panel for a home Screens for a heating battery Which heat regulator can be put on a battery

Cleaning batteries with special equipment

Cleaning cast-iron batteries without removing them from their place can be carried out using special equipment. The following complex equipment is designed for domestic needs:

  • pneumatic gun "Typhoon";
  • device for electrohydropulse impact ZEVS-24;
  • apparatus for cleaning Mole-Mini.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Pneumatic pistol "Typhoon"

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Flushing the battery with a Typhoon air gun

The equipment is compact and easy to handle. It is used to perform a point impact on blockages in water and sewer pipes with a diameter of up to 150 mm. The essence of the process is a hydraulic ram to remove hardened deposits from the walls of the equipment and adjacent risers with a shock wave at a speed of 1.5 km / h, which extends to a distance of 60 meters.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Pneumatic gun "Typhoon" in operation

Such cleaning of the heating system allows you to cleanly remove contaminants that are not amenable to conventional hydraulic flushing.

"Typhoon" is indispensable as a plumber's tool for cleaning blockages in various hard-to-reach places. Depending on the configuration and weight, the device has 6 modifications and the following indicators:

  • cleaning inner diameter up to 150 mm;
  • the maximum firing range to the object of influence is 60 m;
  • special valve design for kinetic ramming;
  • manometer on the body;
  • Possibility of manual loading.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Complex flushing of heating batteries

As a rule, "Typhoon" is used in combination with an automatic installation ZEUS-24 and a device for cleaning hard-to-reach objects Krot-Mini.

Installation ZEUS-24

ZEUS-24 has small dimensions and sufficient power to destroy hardened heating devices, internal and external water supply and sewerage networks that have firmly adhered to the inner walls. The essence of its work is based on electrohydropulse impact on solid pollution in pipes with a diameter of 7 to 150 mm. The electric discharge created by the device leads to the appearance of a shock wave and powerful hydrodynamic flows that act on hardened blockages, scale and deposits.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

The procedure for hydropneumatic flushing of heating radiators (batteries)

  • destruction of blockages of any strength;
  • safety of the cleaned equipment;
  • cleaning of hard-to-reach bent and spiral pipes;
  • wear resistance of manufacturing materials;
  • safety switch on the plug.

Apparatus Krot-Mini

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

The device has the following advantages:

  • the ability to work with various drums and spirals with a diameter of 6 to 13 mm;
  • easy procedure for replacing the drum;
  • to facilitate work, the distribution pipe is located inside the drum;
  • automatic feed of the spiral;
  • strong and flexible helix of hardened steel cable wrapped with hardened steel wire;
  • high torque allows you to remove persistent dirt;
  • standard equipment consists of 4 different nozzles that allow you to perform a complete cleaning of pipes and removal of foreign objects;
  • for use in wet rooms, the device is equipped with an RCD.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

Flushing radiators device Krot-Mini

How to provide warmth and comfort in your home depends on the choice and preferences of everyone. You can extend the life of old equipment or replace it with a new, more modern one.

Results of how to wash in order to maintain the functionality of the system

Repair of cast-iron radiators is possible on your own, but only with minor defects. If you do not have the necessary tools or lack of experience, contact professional plumbers.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

In addition to state-owned, there are many private companies with an urgent round-the-clock call for a master.

All home leak fixes and repairs are temporary.

Therefore, after the end of the heating season, invite specialists to replace damaged sections or the entire radiator. The sooner this is done, the safer the home will be.

In apartments and private houses, heating systems lose their efficiency over the years, which leads to a decrease in the quality of heating of housing. Among all the most common causes of this phenomenon, experts single out the problem of radiator pollution. There is a fairly simple explanation for this: the coolant during circulation through the heating circuit contributes to the destruction of the inner surface of the heating devices.

How and how to flush the heating system, batteries

In addition, the water contains some impurities that can settle inside the heat exchangers. From here, pollution, blockage and, accordingly, a reduction in the useful volume of radiators appear, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of their work. And the only correct solution (with the exception of replacing the heat exchangers with new ones) is flushing the radiators.


