Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated board
The most important advantage is that you can make a garage from corrugated board with your own hands, and for a relatively small amount and a short period of time. If the foundation is already ready, it may take up to a week to independently build a medium-sized building. Another plus is the light weight of the material. It is easy to work with him, and the foundation can be made lightweight, saving on this.
There are also disadvantages. First of all, it is worth considering that the metal profile is not the most durable material. It is easy to cut, misses even from a strong blow. For this reason, a corrugated garage is built mainly in the courtyard of a private house. The second point - the metal has a high thermal conductivity and without insulation in the garage in winter it is very cold, in summer it is hot.
After asking several owners about the benefits of this material, we were able to identify 7 key benefits:
- The possibility of long-term operation of the building;
- Rapid erection of the structure at any stage;
- Light weight of the structure (no need for an expensive foundation);
- Low cost of component materials;
- No need for additional garage finishing;
- Good protection of the garage from rain and snow;
- Possibility of self-assembly with step-by-step instructions.
Advantages and disadvantages of frame construction
The frame technology for the construction of various buildings and structures is widespread both in residential and industrial construction, and in the construction of auxiliary facilities, which include garage buildings.
The frame construction technology, when using metal profiled pipes, has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the possibility of using such structures in certain conditions for performing construction and installation works and operating the finished construction object.
The advantages of this technology are:
- Relatively low construction cost compared to brick, concrete or sandwich panels.
- Short terms of construction and installation works.
- The ability to do the work with your own hands.
- No need to attract special construction equipment.
- Long terms of operation.
- All seasonality of work.
- There is no effect of shrinkage of building structures.
- Small labor costs.
- There is no need to build complex and expensive foundations.
The disadvantages can be considered:
- The complexity of self-development of nodal joints that provide the necessary strength and rigidity of the structure.
- The cost of a frame made of a profile pipe is higher than the cost of a similar structure made of wood.
- A frame made of metal requires high-quality thermal insulation, because. the metal profile is a "cold bridge".
Deciding on the design
Before starting work, you will need to decide on the functionality. Thus, the building can be a summer car park or a real insulated structure on the territory of your private house. In this case, the garage can be equipped with a viewing hole and a workshop. If you do not have a lot of time, then it would be advisable to choose a metal profile as a material, with its help it will be possible to complete the process in one month. If there is a need for a viewing hole, then ready-made concrete blocks should be used. The foundation will be tape.
Foundation for a garage made of corrugated board
When building garages, three types of foundations are popular: tape shallow, piles or a monolithic slab. Tape can be done on soils that drain water well and are not prone to heaving.In the rest, it is more reliable to make a slab or piles. The slab costs more at the manufacturing stage, but the good thing is that along with a reliable foundation, you immediately get a finished floor in the garage, which remains only to be leveled and covered with something.
Since a garage made of corrugated board implies the presence of a frame, then when constructing a foundation, for a better bond, it is necessary to make reinforcement outlets or monolithic studs, to which the frame is then attached.
There is also an economical option - not to make a foundation at all, but to dig the racks into the ground. In this case, the frame is made of thick-walled pipes. A hole is made under each rack, crushed stone is poured into it, a rack is placed (be sure to treat it with anti-corrosion compounds), crushed stone is tamped around the pipe, poured with concrete. Next, strapping is welded to the racks, assembling a full-fledged frame. A small groove is dug between the posts. It is about 20 cm wide, and in depth - it is necessary to remove the fertile soil. Crushed stone is poured into the resulting ditch, rammed. The level of the crushed stone cushion should be slightly below the ground level. During installation, the profiled sheet is lowered to crushed stone, leaning on it (it must be leveled). After erecting the walls of the garage from corrugated board, strips of concrete are laid on both sides of the corrugated board, which should cover the groove. From the side of the street, you can immediately form something like a blind area - to divert water from the walls of the garage. This is not to say that this method is “correct”, but they do it. Especially often - in summer cottages, where the garage is only a temporary shelter.
What foundation to choose for a frame garage from corrugated board
If you, like me, appreciate quality and build for centuries, then I recommend using 2 main types of foundations for frame garages. This is a pile-screw foundation and a slab foundation (slab).
One is fast and technological, but requires further arrangement of floors. And the second is reliable, universal - the plate is an ideal base for all types of floors.
Multi-turn pile foundation
- This is the possibility of mechanized installation in 1 day.
- Suitable for all types of soil, does not require earthworks and does not need to be removed from the site.
- Do not depend on the weather, no need to mess with concrete.
- And most importantly, you do not need to wait until the concrete dries and gains strength. You can mount the frame the next day!
But you need to understand that you will need to additionally deal with flooring. If there is a slope on the site, then you will need to sew up the distance under the foundation and organize the entrance to the garage.
Wall thickness 3.5 mm. Coated with polymer powder paint, service life 75 years, hold weight up to 3 tons - each. They build houses on them. Will withstand any frame garage, floors and the weight of any civilian car.
For strapping I use an I-beam or a channel. But more and more often, he immediately began to weld a profile pipe 80 by 80 mm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm.
Conclusion: the fastest, most technologically advanced and versatile foundation. For any sites, with any slope, and any soil!
The second option is for flat areas and who is not afraid to "get their hands dirty". I'm talking about the "slab". It is difficult to imagine a more reliable foundation for a garage than a monolithic slab.
Slab foundation (slab)
- Suitable for all types of soil.
- No need to worry about the base under the finishing floor. The plate is the best base for any kind of fine finish. But it may be necessary to insulate the slab if the garage is planned to be warm.
- Installation of the plate can be completed in 2 days. But gaining strength of concrete will take at least 21 days.
- It is necessary to carry out earthworks. Remove or move soil. Provide an entrance and a place for unloading equipment (concrete mixer).
- Depend on weather conditions and time of year.
The thickness of the slab must be at least 150 mm. Concrete brand - M300. Rebar 10 mm. Reinforcement step 200 mm. Sand cushion 150 mm. Roll waterproofing is required.
I rarely use the stove, because it is expensive and long.Of the 10 foundations, only 2 are on the slab.
Below about other types of foundations, which also have the right to exist ... And also in more detail about screw and slab foundations.
Strip foundation for a frame garage
Most often, you can find recommendations on just such a basis, with a caveat - a shallow foundation. But is there any point in doing this? Digging a trench, assembling and installing a reinforcing frame (and you still need to be able to knit it), working with a solution, loading and compacting it, waterproofing - all this increases costs and increases the time for construction. Moreover, it is significant, since the complete hardening of the artificial stone over the entire depth will take at least 3 weeks.
Foundation options:
No. 1 - after digging a small trench around the perimeter, lay the reinforced concrete beams. Such a base will provide the required strength. Construction time and costs are minimal. But there is a problem - how to attach metal profile racks to reinforced concrete?
No. 2 - the same, only use timber instead of beams. Waterproofing is easy. At the bottom of the trench, after backfilling a small “cushion”, for example, a polyethylene film (thick) is laid. You can argue about the durability of such a foundation for a long time (railway sleepers are evidence of reliability), but there is no doubt that the installation of the frame will be greatly simplified.
Columnar foundation for a frame garage
This type of foundation is the easiest to use. It can be made without seeking the help of professional builders. A columnar foundation is often chosen if you plan to make a wooden floor in the garage. It is arranged in different ways, and during the construction they use all kinds of materials - concrete blocks, reinforced concrete products, bricks, or even combine different materials.
But this is not the best solution for a frame garage. When choosing a columnar foundation, you will have to make a powerful flooring from timber and thick boards that will be able to withstand a decent mass of the car. In addition, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of a convenient check-in device - a special entrance ramp. True, for a lightweight structure, especially if there is a problem with the minimum construction time, this is a valid option.
The advantages of this foundation design are:
- Low cost compared to other more complex designs;
- Not affected by heaving soils and groundwater.
- Cannot be used in the construction of heavy structures;
- Does not have sufficient strength to move in a horizontal plane.
The construction of the foundation, this design, is carried out in the following sequence:
- The planning of the construction site is carried out, the fertile soil layer is removed;
- Area marking is in progress. The corners of the garage under construction, the installation sites of the gates and intermediate pillars are marked. Intermediate posts are installed every 2.5 - 3.0 meters between the corner posts, on straight sections of the perimeter of the structure. The option and method of arranging the pole is selected. It could be:
- Casing pipe - metal or asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 250 - 400 mm and a wall thickness of at least 25 mm are used;
- The use of wooden formwork;
- The use of foam blocks or bricks.
Depending on the chosen option for the device of the column, work is carried out on its device.
When using a casing pipe:
- Prepared pipes are cut. Their length must be at least 1.5 meters.
- The reinforcing frame is being made. The dimensions of the frame are determined based on the dimensions of the casing.
- With the help of a drilling crane machine (BKM), pits are drilled for poles of the required diameter.
- Casing pipes are installed in the made pits, in which the reinforcing cage is placed.
- Concrete is poured into the casing pipe using a deep vibrator.
When using wooden formwork:
- The pit is being dug. The work can be done with an excavator or by hand.
- At the bottom of the pit, a formwork is mounted for the installation of a concrete support. The support is wider than the column.
- In the formwork of the support, a reinforcing cage is mounted, so that outlets are provided for attaching the frame of the pillars to it.
- The supports are poured with concrete.
- The frames of the pillars are made, after which they are attached to the outlets of the frame of concrete half-shells.
- Post formwork is mounted around the mounted pole frames.
- Concrete is poured into the prepared formwork.
When using bricks or foam blocks:
- The work is carried out, as with the use of wooden formwork, until the pillows are poured with concrete.
- 2 layers of waterproofing are laid on the upper surface of the pillows.
- Brickwork is being carried out, from concrete half-bearings, to the mark of the height of the foundation above the ground. The laying of pillars is carried out not less than 1.5 bricks.
- Masonry is waterproofed with special mastics or compounds.
- To create the stability of the foundation in the horizontal plane, the installation of the grillage is carried out. The grillage can be made of metal, wood or reinforced concrete.
The material is chosen by the developer, depending on the material of the frame of the object under construction.
Tape (shallowly buried) foundation for a metal profile garage
Perfectly supports the weight of the frame structure. It is more difficult to make it, since it will be necessary not only to manufacture the formwork, but also to reinforce the structure in compliance with all the requirements of the technology. It will take more time to build, as you will need to wait until the poured concrete seizes and matures.
But the strip foundation has the possibility of building a well-equipped and convenient viewing hole. You can make both wooden and concrete floors. If you decide to make wooden flooring, then you will have to provide additional supports for laying the log, it is convenient to make them in the form of concrete or brick columns. Or you can simply dig in wooden posts treated with mastic at the necessary points.
The main advantages of the strip foundation:
- Can be built by yourself.
- Minimal shrinkage, no wall deformation.
- With high-quality filling, it can withstand a large mass.
- Increased strength.
- It is convenient to use such a foundation if the floor in the frame garage is cement, pouring the screed simply over crushed stone poured onto the ground.
Disadvantages of strip foundation:
- The costs are higher than with the construction of a columnar foundation.
- You can fill it only in the warm season. During heavy rains or in winter, it is impossible to make a strip foundation.
- Requires hiring equipment - an excavator for preparing a trench and a concrete mixer.
- It takes a long time to wait until the concrete gains full strength.
- Additional work is needed - the manufacture of formwork, the creation of a waterproofing layer.
The construction of the foundation, this design, is performed in the following sequence:
- The width of the foundation tape is determined. This value is chosen by the developer individually, depending on the size of the garage and financial capabilities.
- A trench is being dug around the perimeter of the garage. The width of the trench is 200 mm more than the width of the foundation tape, the depth of the trench is 500 mm from the ground.
- The formwork of the foundation under construction is made from lumber.
- The lower edge of the formwork must be at least 100 mm below the ground.
- Upper edge - determines the size of the foundation tape and is located above the ground at a height of no more than 700 mm.
- The upper edge of the formwork is mounted in a horizontal plane, for this a building level, level or theodolite is used.
- A sand-gravel mixture or sand, coarse or medium fraction, is poured into the trench.
- When laying it, layer-by-layer tamping is performed. The thickness of the tamping layer is 200 mm.
- A reinforcing cage is mounted inside the formwork. Reinforcement is connected using binding wire, plastic clamps and bricks used for lining under the lower reinforcement bars.
- Concrete grade M250 or M300 is poured into the prepared formwork.
- On the top layer of concrete, after it hardens, waterproofing is laid.
Foundation slab for a garage made of corrugated board
It is mistakenly considered the most difficult base for a frame garage, since before pouring concrete it is necessary to lay several layers of gravel, sand, crushed stone and compact them well. Such a foundation is much more expensive than other foundations for a garage, and more effort will be required.
But that's how you do it very durable floor that will last a long time. Even if after some time you decide to build capital walls instead of a frame structure, then your foundation will already be ready.
By design, this is a monolithic, flat reinforced concrete support. Buildings on slab foundations stand stable, even if the soil is weak or mobile. It is also called a floating foundation, due to the fact that no matter how the soil moves, the walls will not skew.
There are 2 types of slab foundations – smooth and with special stiffening ribs. They give additional stability, increase the strength of the foundation, resist deformation, keep the base and the building in a horizontal position. The top of such a plate plays the role of a floor - for this reason it is made smooth.
Pile (screw) foundation for a garage from a profile pipe
If you have weak soil (for example, with a large slope or solid sand), then take a closer look at the foundation on piles (preferably on screw piles). Such a foundation is a metal pipe with helical blades. This design improves grip on the ground.
The average bearing capacity of a pile foundation is 4-5 tons, which is quite enough for a frame garage. But if you need to build a heavier structure, this type of foundation will no longer suit you. Be sure to cover all the metal with anti-corrosion compounds, this will significantly increase the life of the entire foundation.
In the design of the pile foundation can be used:
- Screw piles.
- Reinforced concrete piles.
These types of piles differ in design, geometric dimensions, installation methods and application conditions.
Advantages of using pile foundations:
- Possibility of use on moving soils;
- All seasonality of work performance;
- The possibility of building a foundation on a slope;
- Minimum movement during shrinkage of the structure;
- Design reliability.
The disadvantages are:
- Installation is carried out using special equipment (reinforced concrete piles) or devices (screw piles);
- Not recommended for possible ground movements in the horizontal plane;
- If a pile is damaged, it is impossible to calculate its damage;
- For reinforced concrete piles with significant weight - heavy, physically, installation of structures.
As already mentioned above, a frame garage is a lightweight structure, so the option of constructing a pile foundation using reinforced concrete piles does not correspond to the type and nature of the building, therefore it will not be considered.
The construction of the foundation, using screw piles, is carried out in the following sequence:
- The planning and marking of the site is carried out, as in the case of a columnar foundation;
- In marked places, piles are screwed into the soil layer;
- After screwing all the piles, with the help of a level or theodolite, elevation marks are marked, so that all the head parts of the piles are in the same plane;
- According to the marks made, the piles are trimmed;
- Concrete is poured into the interior;
- Headers are welded to the head of the pile;
- On the headrests, the grillage is installed. The grillage, as in the variant of the columnar foundation, is made from materials selected by the developer.
From the considered options for the foundation device and the technologies for its installation, it can be seen that in order to make the right choice, you need to carefully study and calculate everything, and then stop at one or another design.
brick foundation
The most outdated and economically disadvantageous design. It is often said that the foundation for a frame garage made of bricks is very reliable, but these are just rumors. If there is an extra brick available, then it will be more practical and economical to lay down a columnar foundation from it.
But in this case, a lot of high-grade cement will be required for the necessary strength of the posts - otherwise the brick will not last long. Currently, developers almost do not use a brick base, considering this option of the foundation to be economically impractical.
block foundation
If you need a heavy garage of a large area, then it is best to use a block foundation. Its device is expensive and requires the involvement of heavy equipment. But it stands out among other options for high reliability, long service life and a truly extraordinary load-bearing capacity.
The disadvantages include the high cost of material and work, the complexity of mounting the structure (it is impossible to fold it on your own) and the need to prepare the site (leveling the area, creating a pit, etc.).
Foundation design calculation. Design
The strip foundation is calculated in two ways: taking into account the bearing capacity of the soil and the deformation of the soil.
The foundation is calculated last. It serves to transfer the load from the mass of the garage to the ground. And the mass will be known after you decide what materials to build the garage from. Therefore, before planning the foundation structure, you will need:
- Create a general building plan;
- Decide if there will be a viewing hole and what size;
- Determine the material for laying the base and its height;
- Decide what kind of insulation will be used, as well as methods of exterior and interior decoration.
For all materials it is necessary to determine their specific gravity. To do this, it is better to prepare a table, after which the calculations begin.
Conventionally, the calculation is divided into several stages:
- Calculation of the future load on the foundation;
- Determining the characteristics of the tape;
- Necessary adjustment.
Effect of building weight on foundation
The weight of all materials to be used is summed up:
- Wall (the total area is used);
- Floor and materials used for its device;
- Floors and ceilings;
- Roofing materials;
- Foundation (approximately so far);
- fasteners.
By this time, a general plan with the dimensions of the building should already be prepared. It is easy to calculate the load from the materials used - you need to determine the area where they will be located and multiply by the specific gravity.
Calculate the width of the sole
You need to calculate 2 parameters:
- Foundation depth + plinth size = total height;
- Tape width.
The length of the foundation is already known - this is the total length of the walls that will stand on the foundation.
The depth of the sole is determined by the type of soil on the site. There are special tables for this purpose. After that, it is necessary to calculate the width of the foundation - this indicator is affected by the weight of the materials and the gap between the walls.
Foundation impact
Next, you need to calculate how the garage will affect the foundation with its mass. The total weight of the building is divided by its area. It is not difficult to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation - we multiply its width by its length. After that, the total weight of the garage must be divided by the base area in cm2. We find the specific load per 1 cm2 of the strip foundation.
The soil | Soil resistance (kg/cm2) | |
Dense | medium density | |
coarse sands | 4.5 | 3.5 |
Sands of the middle fraction | 3.5 | 2.5 |
Fine sand | 3.0 | 2.0 |
Clay | 6.0 | 3.0 |
gravel, crushed stone | 6.0 | 5.0 |
If the soil on the site has a bearing capacity higher than the mass of the garage, the sole area is calculated correctly. If not, then you need to make adjustments.
Necessary materials and tools
To make a foundation, you need the following materials and tools:
- Roulette 10 meters long;
- Level;
- Fishing line, nylon thread or cord;
- Shovel;
- Several rolls of roofing material (depending on the length of the foundation);
- Fittings, and wire for knitting;
- Crushed stone, cement, coarse sand;
- fiberboard;
- Liquid waterproofing;
- Small concrete mixer.
Preparatory work
The area where you will build a garage needs to be flat, without debris. It is desirable to remove the fertile soil layer. After preparing the site, marking begins. Referring to the plan, the edges of the foundation are beaten along the cord. When the stakes are clogged, and a rope is stretched along them, they check the geometry of the future foundation (measure the diagonals - they should be the same). Check the corners - they should all be exactly 90 degrees, with the wrong corners you will end up with uneven garage walls.
A few tips will help you accurately calculate the depth of the foundation:
- If in winter the soil on the site does not freeze deep, then you can lay the foundation to a depth of 40 cm and prepare the same amount for a sand cushion;
- For loamy soils and clay, it is necessary to deepen the foundation by 1.5 m so that it does not collapse due to the dynamic qualities of such soil;
- On the sands, a trench is dug to a depth of 80 cm - there are no heaving processes on such soil.
Foundation instructions
The foundation trench is covered with fine gravel or coarse sand to reduce heaving processes and prevent water from accumulating under the sole.
After that, the recesses for the installation of piles are prepared with a drill. They must be placed at the corners and along the perimeter of all walls at intervals of 2 meters.
Important! It is necessary to install wells to a depth exceeding the level of soil freezing by 0.5 meters.
The diameter of the holes must freely pass the installed piles.
Coarse-grained sand is poured into the holes with a layer of 18-20 cm - it will serve as a pillow. It must be well watered and compacted. After that, metal or asbestos-cement pipes are lowered, concrete mortar is poured into them by 30 cm. Then the pipe is slightly lifted so that the concrete flows out - creating a kind of sole, it will provide reliable adhesion of piles and dense soil.
Until the concrete has hardened, it is necessary to align the piles vertically with the help of a level. When the concrete sets, bars of reinforcement are lowered into the pipes, tied together in the form of a lattice. The reinforcement cage should protrude from the pipe and reach the top of the foundation.
After that, a wooden formwork from boards is created at the soil level. It is assembled with nails and self-tapping screws, reinforced with bars in the corners. All protruding parts of the formwork must be outside the structure. The walls must be strengthened by installing struts and fixing the ties. A reinforcing cage is installed inside the formwork. Bars with a thickness of 8-10 mm (taking into account the load) are connected in the form of a grid at the intersection points, the reinforcement is connected with wire. It is necessary to connect the reinforcement of the piles and the reinforcement cage of the foundation.
The prepared foundation and piles are poured with concrete mortar. During pouring, it is necessary to pierce the solution with a rebar to help the air escape.After that, the upper part of the foundation is smoothed and protected from precipitation by covering it with plastic wrap.
While the foundation dries, you need to control its moisture content. Drying must not be allowed. In the heat, the foundation gaining strength should be periodically watered.
When the concrete is completely set, you can begin waterproofing the foundation. To do this, use bituminous and polymeric roll materials - for example, roofing felt or self-adhesive film. Before work, cover the surface of the concrete with an antiseptic and a primer. When the surface is completely dry, it is waterproofed.
After that, it is necessary to insulate the foundation, most often polystyrene is used for this purpose. Plates are attached to the surface with a special adhesive. When it seizes, the plates are additionally fixed with dowels.
Dimensions, location on the site
When you are just thinking about building a garage, you need to decide on a place. Most often it is built near the entrance. Sometimes the gates swing open directly onto the street, sometimes several meters recede from the entrance gate, preferring to put the car further away, under the protection of the fence.
The dimensions of the garage are chosen based on the availability of free space and the work that you plan to carry out. If you don’t plan to do anything, add a meter to the dimensions of the car (to the length and width), This will be the minimum size of the dwelling for your car. If you put some equipment, you will need to add at least another meter to the length.
The comfortable height of the garage is 2.6 m, the minimum is 2.2 m. If there are two cars, the depth is considered larger in size, and a distance of at least 0.6-0.8 m must be left between two cars.
First of all, you need to draw up a diagram of the future structure, taking into account the dimensions and number of cars. For one passenger car, a minimum amount of consumables is required. Their number depends on the scheme of the garage, which is determined individually.
Most often, frame garages are built with a size of 3 * 6 or 4 * 6 meters, which fully meets the requirements for maintaining a sedan or hatchback passenger car.
For crossovers, minivans, SUVs, as well as light trucks, a larger building may be required - 5 * 7 meters and other proportions.
Usually, drivers prefer to build more spacious garages, which is advisable not only for reasons of convenience, but also from a safety point of view. The small interior space contributes to an increased concentration of fuel vapors, which is hazardous to health and is fraught with a risk of fire / explosion.
Materials and tools
To build a garage, simple materials and tools are required:
- profiled pipe;
- corrugated board;
- welding machine;
- fasteners for connecting structural elements;
- wrench;
- drill or screwdriver for metal work;
- grinder (angle grinder) for cutting metal;
- marking marker.
It is also important to take into account the materials and tools for the foundation:
- bayonet shovel;
- scrap;
- level;
- plumb;
- brick, cinder block, gas block, concrete or piles;
- sand, gravel.
Cost of work
A garage based on a profile pipe can be built with your own hands, without the involvement of outside help. Therefore, the cost of work will include only the prices for the purchase of necessary materials and equipment rental (if necessary).
The construction of a garage from a metal profile involves the purchase of two main groups of materials - profile pipes 10 * 10, 20 * 20 or 25 * 25 mm and more. Most sellers offer products with a length of 3 - 6 meters. The cost per linear meter depends on the size of the profile.
By drawing a detailed diagram of the future garage, you can calculate the required number of pipes and their total moldings. It is easy to calculate the total cost of pipes from it.
For sheathing walls and roofs, it is necessary to choose a bearing profiled galvanized or painted sheet of a trapezoidal profile NS 35, NS 44, NS 57, H 60, H 75, H 114. The average number of sheets required for sheathing long and end walls and roofs is from 12 to 20. The number of running meters depends on the size of the selected sheet.
If we take for example a sheet of 1000 * 1000, then 12-20 linear meters are needed to build a garage.
Building a garage
The construction begins with the work of the zero cycle and the laying of the foundation, after which the frame is assembled from pipes. They can be connected by welding or with fasteners. Before erecting the foundation, it is necessary to mark the area, having previously freed it from debris, branches and vegetation. Wedges are installed along the perimeter, on which a twine thread is pulled to mark the foundation.
Features of laying the foundation
The simplest and most inexpensive type of foundation for garages is slab or pile. Instead of metal rods, you can build columns from cinder blocks. To do this, at the corners of the marking, pits are dug about 1 m deep, into which cinder blocks are laid.
Before that, it is necessary to pour sand and gravel into the pit, compact them tightly - this is necessary so that the foundation does not subsequently give a drawdown and the garage does not warp. Support pillars should rise to the height of one cinder block.
The construction of the frame is the most critical stage in the construction of the garage. It is more convenient and more expedient to assemble it directly on the foundation.
- The bottom trim is constructed from two long and two short pipes, which is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts.
- Vertical profiles are installed first at the corners, then connected by horizontal elements.
- After that, the top harness is installed.
- Upon completion of the installation of the primary rectangular frame, stiffeners and diagonal fasteners (jibs) can be installed.
- Roof trusses are attached to the top of the structure.
If desired, you can build simple swing gates from the same material as the walls - profiled galvanized or painted sheet. To do this, it is necessary to provide special fittings - hinges.
Before installing profiled sheet doors, it is necessary to weld a special frame of pipes in the form of two rectangles along the height of the garage and half its width. A corrugated board is attached to the frame and reinforced with diagonal stiffening ribs. The frame is mounted on hinges that are attached to the profile walls with self-tapping screws.
Sheathing and roofing
The roof is constructed from trusses that are welded or bolted to the ground, then installed onto the top rail of the garage. The roof can be double-pitched or single-pitched. It is undesirable to make a flat one, because. in winter, it will be subjected to heavy load due to snow.
Both the walls and the roof are sheathed with a profiled sheet, which was discussed above. This is done using special fasteners - bolts and self-tapping screws, which are screwed in with a wrench by hand.
How to insulate a garage
Warming is advisable to do from the inside. From above, waterproofing made of polyethylene film is attached to the walls using a construction stapler. Next, a crate is installed around the perimeter of the walls (you can take thin wooden slats). A heat-insulating material is attached to it - rolled mineral wool, polystyrene or polystyrene using a screwdriver or a stapler. Waterproofing is again installed on the insulation, and then - finishing wall cladding based on chipboard, plywood or plastic.
Positive aspects of using metal sheets:
- Light weight, so the construction does not require a bulky foundation.
- Affordable cost, such a building will cost several times cheaper than a standard brick garage.
- Ideal for a temporary or mobile garage option.
- Excellent strength properties.
- Simple installation, available with your own hands.
- High decorative effect.
- The ability to make the entire structure from a metal profile, including the gate.
A special coating will help improve performance, so the metal is not subject to corrosion and destruction. The structure organically fits into the landscape of the site, and if necessary, it is very easy to dismantle, for example, when moving
It will also not be difficult to expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe garage from a metal profile, which is important when buying a new car or a second vehicle. In general, this option has a lot of advantages, now the main thing is to understand the main principles of installation
Necessary tools and materials
profiled pipe
When the project (sketch) is developed, the next stage of the work will be the acquisition of the selected materials and the preparation of the necessary tools.
For the installation of the foundation, depending on its design, you will need brick and cement mortar, concrete, screw piles or reinforced concrete slabs.
For the manufacture of the frame - a metal profile pipe with a section of 100x100, 100x80, 60x60 and 60x40 mm, as well as sheet metal 4.0 mm thick.
For sheathing the frame - OSB sheets, plywood or profiled metal sheet, as well as lining and siding.
For insulation - mineral wool or polystyrene, for waterproofing - roofing material.
To perform the work, you will need: welding equipment, an angle grinder (“grinder”), a screwdriver, a metalwork tool and fasteners.
In garages, corrugated board usually makes a shed or gable roof. Both options showed themselves well, but a single-sided one is easier to implement - less material is required for trusses and rafters, and less consumption of corrugated board. The slope can be to one side (pictured below) or back. Chosen depending on the situation.
An example of trusses for forming a pitched garage roof
In regions with a lot of snow, shed roofs are rarely made - for the snow to melt, a large angle of inclination is required, and this eats up most of the savings (one of the walls has to be made much higher), and the wind load increases. Here, a garage made of corrugated board is often made with gable roofs.
An example of trusses for a gable garage roof
The angle of inclination of the gable roof of the garage is preferably not less than 20 °. With a larger slope, the roof turns out to be expensive, and with a smaller slope, the snow does not melt well.
The popularity of profile pipes in construction
Profile pipes are widely used in the construction of prefabricated buildings and structures - hangars, covered markets, kiosks, stalls, warehouse complexes. Pipes show themselves as a strong, but lightweight material for the construction of the frame, which is then sheathed with sheet steel, profiled sheet, plywood or chipboard.
The popularity of profile pipes in construction is due to their advantages:
- ease;
- strength;
- resistance to mechanical stress;
- high speed of frame construction;
- durability.
The most weighty argument in favor of profile pipes is the affordable cost. Compared to massive buildings made of bricks, cinder blocks, foam or aerated concrete blocks, building a garage will cost the user many times cheaper. At the same time, there is no need to waste time on the lengthy process of building walls and building subsidence, which often takes up to 6 months.