Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation


The drip irrigation system "Zhuk" is produced by a Russian manufacturer - the company "Cycle", located in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. The company specializes in the manufacture and sale of plastic products for the garden and home.

Drip irrigation "Beetle"

The range of Zhuk irrigation systems includes sets for watering 30 and 60 plants. The kits differ in the type of connection: from a water pipe or a container, as well as the presence or absence of a timer. An expansion kit for 20 plants can be purchased separately.

Drip irrigation "Beetle" is based on the use of a drip tube and external droppers. The special structure of droppers (sinusoidal) prevents their contamination. Each set includes a filter.

You will have to mount the system yourself: using the supplied awl, holes are made in the tube, then micro-hoses with droppers are attached to it.

The set for watering from a barrel includes a transparent tube-level, with the help of which the amount of remaining water is controlled.

The kit includes Watering from the water supply for 30 plants Watering from the water supply for 60 plants Watering from a container for 30 plants Watering from a container for 60 plants
Automatic watering timer + / — + / — + / — + / —
Main hose 9 m 18 m 9 m 18 m
microtube 30 60
Fitting + + + +
Dropper compensated 31 61 30 60
Arrow with clip 30 60
Fine filter 1 1 1 1
Awl 1 1 1 1
Level tube transparent 1 1
Suspension for level tube 1 1
Operating pressure 0.1-0.2 bar 0.1-0.2 bar
Water consumption 4 l/hour 4 l/hour
Price in rub. with/without timer 1330/2710 1764/3139 1262/3145 1688/3418
Irrigation area (sq.m.) 6 18 6 18

Signor tomato

Produced by Krovstroy LLC. On sale there are three types of kits with a minimum configuration: they include an emitter tape with a distance between emitters of 30 cm and the necessary fittings for connection. The manufacturer also offers ready-made kits based on a drip tube and external droppers with and without a timer. Included in the kit are special splitters that help organize watering as conveniently as possible.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operationDrip irrigation system "Signor Tomato"

The drip irrigation system from "Signora - Tomato" allows you to organize and automatically control irrigation on the site. The most expensive set includes a controller. The control unit is completely autonomous, as it is powered by the included solar battery. To install the system, there is no need to lift the container and insert a tap into it - the kit includes a submersible pump, which is lowered into the barrel and provides water supply.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operationDrip irrigation "Signor Tomato" with a solar battery

Included 24 meters 50 meters 100 meters Signor tomato 60 Signor tomato machine
Drip tape emitter 24 50 100
drip tube 18 m 18 m
microtube 12 m 17 m
Splitters 30 30
Droppers 60 60
Fitting + + + + +
Timer + / —
Controller +
Solar battery +
Pump +
Watering from a container + + + + +
Price 750 1150 1150 2900/1400 5200

Instructions for self-assembly

The system is installed according to the following scheme:

  1. laying the main hose and fixing it with brackets. The hose is laid bypassing the shower, washbasin, toilet, greenhouse and other garden buildings, as well as away from the places of permanent residence of vacationers, so as not to damage the device;

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Laying and fixing the main hose on the site

Before further assembly and laying of the Zhuk drip irrigation system, it is necessary to wait 1-2 hours, during which the main hose will fully straighten.

  1. drip assembly. It is necessary to attach thin hoses to the small tee and droppers to the other end of the hoses. To facilitate the assembly process, the parts can be held for 1 - 2 minutes in hot water, which will soften the material of manufacture;

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Connecting hoses and drippers

  1. at the locations of the droppers, holes are made in the main hose. The work is carried out with the help of an awl included in the system kit;

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Arrangement of holes for droppers in the main hose

  1. installation of drips. A tee is inserted into the prepared hole.Droppers are stuck into the ground at a minimum distance from the seedling;

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Arrangement of watering from droppers

  1. choice of connection method. As a source of water supply can be used:
  • plumbing available in the garden. In this situation, it is necessary to purchase a kit for connecting to the water supply system;
  • any capacity. If it is planned to supply water from a barrel, then the kit should contain all the elements necessary for this situation.

The source of water supply for which the kit is intended is indicated on the packaging.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Systems with different connection methods

  1. connection. If the water supply is from the tank, then the fitting is installed in the hole of the selected tank. If the water will come from the main water supply, then a tie-in is made into the system accordingly. Next, a cut of the main hose, a large tee, a hose - level, a cut of the line, a tap and a filter are installed.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Wiring and assembly diagram

The assembly process is shown in the video.

For the safety of the system in the cold season, it is necessary to drain the water and place the hoses in a warm place.

Benefits of the Zhuk system

Drip irrigation systems Zhuk (the name was obtained due to the similar arrangement of droppers) are manufactured by Cicle (Cycle), located in the Vladimir region.

Based on consumer reviews, we can conclude that its significant advantages over similar designs are:

receiving root watering that does not damage the upper part of the plants. Moreover, the droppers are arranged so that large plants can be watered from two sides, and small plantings, two pieces from one branch;

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

The location of the droppers of the system

  • a variety of systems for greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground;
  • the ability to monitor the water level using a special hose supplied in the kit;
  • the presence of a filter, which prolongs the work of droppers;
  • the presence of a punch for the hose, which helps to arrange the droppers in the order that is most optimal for the consumer;
  • the possibility of watering from a water pipe or a separate container;
  • the possibility of additional acquisition of the system without loss of quality;
  • the possibility of automating the process with the setting of certain time intervals, thanks to an additional element - a timer.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouses Zhuk main advantages and features of operation

Process automation device


