Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

How to change the drain mechanism in the toilet bowl detailed instructions

You may need to change the flush mechanism in the toilet bowl if you notice that the liquid is drawn slowly or too quickly. and leaks into the bowl devices.

Main reasons for replacement

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many modelsAll elements of the drain mechanism are interconnected, and the failure of one of them can lead to disruption of the entire system.

After prolonged use of the toilet, the quality of the trigger mechanism may decrease due to dirt, hard water and wear of parts. Violation of the functioning of the drain system in the tank occurs for various reasons:

  • A constant set of water and draining its excess mass into the toilet. The float or stop valve should be checked. During operation, the plastic float mechanism wears out and cracks, so it will float more slowly than necessary, and water will continuously accumulate - replacement is required.
  • Other reasons, when liquid is continuously collected, may be: bending of a metal twist or breakage of a ratchet. The first can be straightened, and the plastic part needs to be replaced. And if the valve does not work (high water pressure), then an additional float valve is installed.
  • If the liquid does not enter the drain tank. This happens due to the following factors:
    • A blockage in a flexible hose - you can check by turning off the water, disconnecting this element from the tank, directing its end into the toilet. If water does not flow after opening the valve, the tube is clogged and needs to be replaced.
    • There was a blockage of the shut-off valve hole - it is cleaned with a thick wire or knitting needle.
    • The valve itself is faulty.

Required Tools

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many modelsSome parts of the drain mechanism are quite fragile, so all dismantling work should be carefully carried out without using excessive force.

To replace the internal fittings of the drain tank, you will need the following tools:

  • pliers;
  • wrench or wrench.

Step-by-step instruction

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many modelsA complete replacement of the entire drain system will save time finding the cause of the malfunction and will avoid possible breakdowns of old parts in the future.

In the device of the toilet drain system, several malfunctions can be detected at once, in order not to change several parts, it is more expedient to install a completely new internal fittings of the tank. The replacement algorithm is as follows:

Close the valve for supplying water to the tank and drain the remaining liquid.
Remove the lid, if the toilet with a button, first dismantle it - unscrew or remove the clips.
Using an adjustable wrench, remove the hose supplying water.
Turn the upper part of the mechanism through an angle of 90° and remove it.
The fixing bolts that serve to connect the tank and the toilet bowl are unscrewed, the tank is carefully placed on the floor.
They unscrew the fasteners from the drain and inlet valves, take out the old fittings and prepare a new one.
First, the trigger mechanism is placed in the washed prepared tank, it is fixed at the bottom of the tank with a threaded cuff. Then a soft pad is placed under the hole and the tank is placed on the toilet bowl.
Align the position and with the help of fixing bolts screw the tank, do it evenly so that there is no distortion.
A sealing rubber gasket is put on the supply valve, inserted into the tank and secured from below with a threaded cuff.
Before connecting the water hose, let the liquid through (holding it over the basin) to prevent the ingress of scale particles.
The water level is regulated by a leash on the supply valve.
Install the cover and screw on the bleed nut with the button.

When choosing a new fitting for a drain tank, design features should be taken into account: the fitting can be installed on the side or bottom, on the left or right, the size of the process holes may differ

And also you need to pay attention to the quality of the material, it is better to buy parts from trusted manufacturers. If replacing drain fittings is difficult or lacks skills, then it is better to contact the plumbing service

In what cases does the question arise about the replacement of valves

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Drain cisterns entering retail chains, as a rule, are equipped with the necessary set of fittings.

And the majority of users are not interested in what mechanisms ensure the normal functioning of the device.

But time passes, and the tank ceases to cope with its task. It is at this moment that the user has to get acquainted with his device, solve the problem of acquiring spare parts.

Moreover, the problem is not that they are difficult to buy, but how to buy a quality product.

The quality of the cistern fittings plays a huge role in its normal functioning.

It is faulty mechanisms that cause various problems. For example, water begins to seep into the toilet bowl, which is why the snow-white surface of the toilet bowl is covered with red streaks.

Or the flushing mechanism ceases to control the volume of flushed water. Such troubles can occur for various reasons, but the most common ones are as follows:

  • the low quality of the plastic elements of the mechanisms leads to their curvature. A too sharp drop in water temperature can give the same effect, even if high-quality fittings are installed in the tank;
  • many imported mechanisms (they use membrane float valves) cannot withstand the quality of our water: hard, with a large amount of impurities (for example, chlorine). To protect imported equipment, it is sometimes necessary to install coarse and fine filters at the inlet of the water pipe to the apartment;
  • when using low quality materials for the manufacture of cistern fittings, it is subject to premature aging and abrasion.

So, in what cases does it become necessary to replace the fittings:

  • continuous flow of water into the tank. Such an "accident" can happen due to a misalignment of the float lever.

    But if nothing has changed after adjusting it, then the float is damaged: it lets water in, becomes heavier from this and sinks to the bottom. In this case, you will have to purchase a new float.

    It is quite inexpensive - only about 4 rubles. But in practice, in the event of a float malfunction, the entire float valve is changed. This node costs an average of 200 - 300 rubles.

  • Continuous flow of water into the toilet. There is only one reason for this - the membrane of the drain tank siphon is damaged. In this case, there is only one way out: replacing the membrane.

The cost of this element depends on the method of its manufacture:

  • stamped membranes cost 6 rubles;
  • molded with vulcanization - 30 rubles.

Many users often think: is it worth replacing individual elements of tank fittings?

After all, if the mechanism begins to wear out, then one breakdown will be followed by others. It is safer to replace the entire set of fittings.

In addition, it is very difficult to find, say, a membrane or a float for an imported cistern. And replacing a part with a “non-native” one often does not lead to the expected result.

Drain device types of mechanisms

Inside each drain tank there is a mechanism for draining water. Today there are several varieties of this design:

  • Lever. It is a lever, by pressing which the descent of water into the bowl is activated. It is mounted in separate toilet bowls, in tanks with the top and bottom arrangement.
  • Pneumatic.The trigger mechanism is activated by pressing the button of the pneumatic chamber, which is connected to the exhaust valve by means of a flexible air duct.
  • Stock. To open the drain valve, it is necessary to lift the vertical rod, which is displayed on the top of the tank cap.
  • Push-button. The drain mechanism in this model is started by pressing a button on the lid of the drain tank. There are two-button variations, in which one of the buttons is responsible for draining half of the tank, the second - for draining all the water in the tank.

All tanks are filled with water strictly up to a certain level, after which their filling automatically stops.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Lever mechanism for descent of water. Most often used in older cistern models or vintage styled design devices

Depending on the method of supplying water to the tank, valves of various types can be built in. Floatless valves can be bottom and side. In this case, there is a special chamber in the design, which in its appearance resembles an inverted glass.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the Archimedean force. It changes its value depending on the degree of filling of the tank and changes the position of the chamber that shuts off the water supply.

The side float valve is either diaphragm or piston type. In any case, it shuts off the water when a certain volume of liquid enters the tank. All fittings can be presented as independent interchangeable elements or as a single structural set.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Toilet cistern with bottom water connection. The most hassle-free and silent option, therefore it is especially popular in city apartments

According to the type of connection of water fittings, all drain tanks are divided into two groups.

  • Side. The eyeliner is connected on the right or on the left. The tank is usually equipped with two holes. Non-working is blocked by a special plug. The main disadvantages of such tanks are the noise when filling the tank with water and the unaesthetic connection of the water pipe, which cannot be disguised.
  • Lower. The water supply pipe is connected from the bottom of the tank. This way you can hide the plumbing fittings. In addition, when filling the tank with water, minimal noise is created.

Each of the varieties of flush tanks finds its consumers and is used in various models of toilet bowls.

The most common breakdowns and how to fix them

The main malfunctions of the tank are:

  • leaking toilet bowl;
  • water from the water pipe constantly fills the tank;
  • water flows into the toilet or flushing occurs only after repeatedly pressing the button;
  • the button for draining the water does not function;
  • when filling the tank there is noise.

If the tank is leaking

If the toilet cistern is leaking, then the cause may be:

  • formation of a crack on the body of the tank. To fix the problem, you need to completely replace the toilet tank;
  • wear of the gaskets of the mounting bolts;
  • wear of the gasket between the tank and the toilet bowl.

To replace gaskets:

  1. block the flow of water into the drain tank. For the toilet, a separate faucet is most often installed;
  2. drain the water;
  3. unscrew the fixing bolts;

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Elements for fixing the toilet bowl

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Fasteners equipped with O-rings

  1. if replacement of the bottom gasket is required, then it is necessary to completely remove the tank from the toilet;
  2. assemble the system in reverse order.

When starting up for the first time, it is recommended to check the tightness of all sealing elements.

Continuous supply of water

How to fix the toilet cistern if the filling of the cistern from the water supply does not stop? The causes of a malfunction of the float, which is responsible for the water level in the tank, may be:

  • the formation of a crack on the float;
  • shifting lever.

When a crack is formed, it is necessary:

  1. remove the float and pour water out of it;

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

The device responsible for filling the tank with water

  1. dry the device
  2. close the crack with heated plastic, for example from a bottle;
  3. install the device in its original place;
  4. check the functionality.

To temporarily eliminate the leak, you can use an ordinary plastic bag, carefully and tightly wrapping the float with it. Such a system will allow you to postpone repairs for 3 to 5 days.

If the float lever is mixed, then it is enough to simply adjust the mechanism. The optimal location is considered to be 2 - 2.5 cm lower than the underwater hose enters.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Scheme for adjusting filling fittings

Leakage of water in the toilet

If water does not linger in the toilet bowl, then the cause of the breakdown is the wear of the protective valve. mounted on the trigger. You can fix the problem yourself in the following way:

  1. remove the tank cover;
  2. install any crossbar on the tank, to which the trigger cable is fixed;
  3. drain the water;
  4. disconnect the trigger mechanism by loosening the corresponding fixing nut;

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Dismantling the system responsible for draining the water

  1. get the membrane;
  2. install a new valve that is fully sized and assemble the entire system in reverse order.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Installing a new valve on the trigger

Flush Button Repair

When using a toilet with a button, the rod connecting the trigger lever to the flush mechanism often breaks. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to replace the failed element of the system. For a short period of time, traction can be made independently from a piece of wire, but over the next 1 to 3 months it is recommended to completely replace the device.

The device of the mechanism for lowering water

In some cases, for example, when there is a lot of natural wear or breakage of individual parts, it may be necessary to completely replace the installed valve. How to do it, look at the video.

Noise elimination

The reason for the noise when collecting water is a short inlet hose. This problem can only occur on fittings provided for lateral water supply. To eliminate noise, it is necessary to extend the hose with a rubber tube of a suitable diameter. Ideally position the end of the hose at the bottom of the cistern.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many models

Replacing the inlet hose with a longer one will eliminate noise

Knowing the structure of the fittings of the toilet cistern, all repairs can be done independently and with a small cash outlay.

  • Autonomous sewerage
  • Household pumps
  • Gutter system
  • Cesspool
  • Drainage
  • sewer well
  • Sewer pipes
  • Equipment
  • Sewer connection
  • The buildings
  • cleaning
  • Plumbing
  • septic tank
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Possibilities for adjustment and repair

During the operation of the toilet, various minor problems arise from time to time. You should not immediately run to the store and buy a new filling in the tank, since some problems can be solved in no more than half an hour. At the same time, it is not necessary to invite a specialist and pay him money, but it is enough to try to do it yourself.

How to adjust the water level in the tank

In devices with a bottom water supply, it is always better to adjust the water level after installing the toilet, since they are all adjusted at the factory to the maximum level, which can be redundant and uneconomical.To adjust the level in the drain tank, it is enough:

  • Drain the water tank and turn off the water supply.
  • Unscrew the button.
  • Remove cover.
  • Adjust the height of the float using a special screw located at the top of the float mechanism.

  • Close the tank with a lid and install the button.

There are cases when, after installing the toilet, water constantly flows from the tank. This indicates that the water level in the tank is high enough and the water flows through the overflow system. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the water level by lowering the float according to the technology described above.

If the float mechanism consists of a curved lever, then the water level is adjusted by bending this lever, which is even easier

It is important to understand that the lower the float in the tank, the less water it will take.

Choosing a cistern for the toilet, how not to get confused among the many modelsBending the float lever changes the water level

Toilet cistern leaks

Water leaks in the toilet are possible even if the water level is normal, but then you will have to look for other reasons. Water may leak if:

  • The sealing gum of the drain valve has silted up, so it will have to be cleaned. For this you will have to:
    • Turn off the water supply and empty the tank.
    • Remove the water release mechanism.
    • Remove the bleed valve and carefully inspect the gasket. If necessary, it is cleaned or polished with a fine emery cloth.
    • Install the mechanism back into the drain tank, turn on the water and test the device. If this does not help, then you will have to replace the gasket.

The escapement mechanism was demolished during operation. This is easy to check, just press the mechanism with your hand. If the water stops flowing, then that's the way it is. In this case, you can make the glass heavier by adding some weight to the bottom of the glass.
Adding weight

In any case, you will have to disassemble the mechanism, and then assemble it and check it. If these little tricks do not help, then it is better to buy a new drain mechanism and replace the old one with it. In fact, this is the best option.

The tank does not draw water

There is also such a problem that water is not drawn into the tank at all or is drawn, but rather slowly. If the water pressure is normal, then the reason is obvious - the filter, tube or valve is clogged. The way out of this situation is quite simple and comes down to cleaning the filter, tube or inlet valve. To do this, you will have to completely remove the water supply mechanism, and then collect everything as it was.

How to do it right, you can see in the video.


