Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

Bulk water heaters for giving. Manufacturers, characteristics, prices

Among the manufacturers of heaters for summer cottages, the most famous brands are Ariston, Atlantic, ATMOR, Bosch. You can also choose a storage or bulk water heater among domestic manufacturers. Among domestic manufacturers, Alvin holds a stable position in the market.

For dachas without running water, EVBO water heaters (Alvin's own original development) are a simple and economical solution. This series is equipped with plastic tanks placed in a metal case. Between the metal and plastic there is an air gap that creates the principle of a thermos. Also, the system of built-in thermostats allows you to get the most comfortable water temperature.

The internal structure of a bulk water heater

A typical example of a water heater of this series, most suitable for a washbasin, is EVBO-20. With an average price of 2100-2200 rubles, it has the following parameters:

  • capacity - 20 l;
  • power - 1.25 kW;
  • heating time up to 45°C - 45 min;
  • height - 410 mm;
  • width - 360 mm;
  • depth - 320 mm.

Water heaters of the EVBO series with a larger capacity are suitable for showering, but are somewhat more expensive. For example, a 60-liter heater will cost up to 5,000 rubles.

Gas water heater in the country kitchen

One more domestic manufacturer should be mentioned - SUCCESS. The peculiarity of its development is that the storage tank is made of stainless steel, the seams of which are glued with a sealant. This design eliminates leakage. The thermostat allows you to set the heating in the range of 15-70 degrees. The cost of devices in this series is not high and depends on the size of the tank: 1500 - 2500 rubles.

The use of a bulk water heater is possible even without a main water supply

Instantaneous water heaters for summer cottages

The next in terms of cost and complexity of installation are instantaneous water heaters. In my opinion, if you do not live in the country for the entire summer season, but spend time there only on weekends, then this is a great option, and now I will tell you why.

Instantaneous water heaters come without a tank, and heating occurs immediately after opening the tap, due to contact with a powerful heating element. Literally in 5-10 seconds the water will already be hot. Due to the fact that a limited flow of water can be heated by the flow method, a diffuser is placed on the mixer, which saves water and compensates for the lack of pressure.

Conventionally, instantaneous water heaters are divided into two types:

  1. Cranes-water heaters;
  2. Standard instantaneous water heaters.

Instantaneous electric water heaters for summer cottages

Water heater taps are compact, do not require space, because replace the conventional mixer. Usually go up to 3 kW.

Standard instantaneous water heaters come with power from 2 to 28 kW. Not many networks can afford such power, but in some cases such power is needed.

The principle of operation of the flow-through tap-water heater

Cons of an instantaneous water heater

  • Higher electricity consumption with continuous use
  • low pressure
  • In inexpensive models, the heating temperature is about 40 degrees

Most of the disadvantages of instantaneous water heaters are inherent only in budget low-power models. In models with a power of more than 6 kW, there are usually no problems with pressure and heating temperature. But powerful models are not our case, often in summer cottages there is rather weak wiring and loads of more than 5 kW can knock out traffic jams.

Both of them can be equipped with a faucet or a shower head. With an instantaneous water heater, you can easily take a shower or wash dishes.Taking a bath will not be so easy, due to the fact that the bath will take more than three hours.

Accumulative water heater for giving

Electric water heaters are very often used in apartments and country houses on an ongoing basis. This option is more suitable for permanent residence and is rarely installed in houses that are used only for the summer period, because. the water in it stagnates and must be drained if the water heater will not be used for a long time.

Electric storage water heater in section

Of the main advantages over bulk country water heaters:

  • Water enters the water heater from the water supply - you do not need to fill anything into the tank, it is automatically filled and maintains a constantly set temperature.
  • Thermal insulation between the inner tank and its body can significantly reduce heat loss and thus keep water hot longer and save energy.
  • The volume of the storage tank varies from 8 to 500 liters, which allows you to cover almost any need.
  • A huge number of functions up to smart inclusion. Those. the water heater remembers when water is most often required and heats it up in advance, and the rest of the time it works at minimum power.

All these advantages by themselves significantly increase comfort, but they are all aimed at the full and comfortable use of domestic hot water on an ongoing basis. And we are considering exactly the best water heater for giving.

Heater Requirements

For many of us, a dacha is not only a piece of land with beds and fruit trees. With due diligence and certain financial investments, the cottage can be turned into a full-fledged suburban area with a comfortable house where you can live from early spring to late autumn, and only in winter move to a city apartment.

Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

Various models of boilers

However, for a full life, it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main communications. And here you can not do without electrification, as well as water supply. In addition, in holiday villages, central water heating stations are the exception rather than the rule, and therefore additional care must be taken to install a device that is responsible for hot water supply.

If your cottage is electrified, then an electric boiler is the best choice.

It is desirable that it meets the following requirements:

  • Economical energy consumption. Dacha networks usually do not have high power, and the load on the generator must be minimized, therefore it is worth sacrificing the heating rate to the detriment of the rational use of electricity.
  • Ease of adjustment. It is desirable that there is a function to maintain a certain temperature level: it will be much more convenient to use the device.
  • Significant tank volume. The more water we can heat at once, the easier it will be for us to take a shower or even a bath. Yes, and washing a large number of dishes will be greatly facilitated.

Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

In principle, such devices as in the photo can also be used to organize a summer shower.

  • The instruction also recommends choosing models that do not require frequent maintenance and prevention (replacement of heating elements and other components). If the cottage is far from the city, then it will be equally expensive and inconvenient to take the boiler to the service center and invite the master.
  • Finally, do not forget about such a requirement as safety at work. Of course, electric heaters are not included in the list of leaders for the causes of fires, but it is still better to choose models with the most reliable protection of electrical circuits from short circuits.

As for such a parameter as price, it is largely determined by the requirements for the device, as well as your financial capabilities.Both budget models are available on the market that can heat a small amount of water for washing, as well as branded products for several hundred liters. If you can’t imagine a good rest without a bath, you will have to pay!

Water heater for giving the choice of the best country water heater

This article describes the main types of water heaters for country use, so that you can choose the option that suits you best.

Also, we will show the connection diagrams so that you can connect it yourself.

The need for hot water in the garden was previously solved in a simple way - by heating a barrel of water. This option is less expensive, but at the same time you begin to completely depend on weather conditions. For a summer shower - this option is quite suitable, but washing dishes, vegetables or fruits is not very good, for such cases it is better to use a water heater.

Types of country water heaters

In this article, we will consider only electric and wood-burning water heaters. There are also gas ones, but they are very rarely used due to the lack of gas in garden plots.

Electric storage water heaters for summer cottages

The main condition for a comfortable stay, which a modern cottage has, is the presence of an autonomous hot water supply system. The best of modern household appliances for heating storage water are considered to be high-quality water heaters of well-known companies: Hungarian Hajdu, German Aeg, Italian Superlux, Ariston, Korean Hyundai, Russian Thermex, Elsotherm, Swedish Electrolux, Timberk.

An electric, energy-efficient storage water heater is the best solution to the problem, given the lack of a centralized hot water supply. Such a storage type water heating boiler is an original design consisting of a powerful electric heater and a heat-insulated tank. Usually the dacha is not used for permanent residence of the owners, therefore the correct choice of the volume of the storage capacity of the household heating device is of great importance for the economical consumption of electricity. A powerful boiler with a storage tank made of alloyed alloys quickly raises the temperature of the heated water in automatic mode, consumes a minimum amount of electricity.

High-quality storage water heaters for summer cottages will provide the necessary conditions for fruitful work and comfortable rest!

Water heater for giving bulk with a heater device, installation and operation

Bulk water heater is a tank of various capacities: from 10 to 250 liters. As a rule, the tank has double walls to create the effect of a thermos. External walls are made of steel, internal - steel or plastic. There is a heating element inside the tank. A number of manufacturers use the design when the heating element is below the drain valve. This is not always convenient if all the water needs to be removed from the tank, for example, before winter.

Some models use a water level sensor to protect against dry switching. Also, a mandatory element of a water heater for giving a tank with a heater is a thermostat that allows you to maintain the temperature in the tank from 20 to 80 ° C. The heating temperature is determined by an external temperature controller.

Installing any storage water heater for a summer residence is simple and does not require a plumber. A storage tank of a small volume can be hung on the wall, large models of water heaters are best mounted on the floor. Grounding is also required. Experienced summer residents do not recommend manually filling the bulk water heater with the heating element turned on.

Summer shower at their summer cottage

Varieties of water heaters

According to the type of energy carrier, water heaters are:

  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • solar;
  • electrical.

Gas water heaters have a high thermal power (up to 30 kW), but their use is possible only if there is a gas pipeline in the holiday village or with a special setting for bottled gas

The use of bottled gas is troublesome from the point of view of filling cylinders, it requires increased caution during operation. The installation of heaters of this type requires coordination with the gas service, and their operation requires annual maintenance (prevention)

The internal structure of a gas water heater

Solid fuel - very autonomous water heaters, can work in the absence of gas and electricity. However, they are difficult to install indoors, because building a chimney requires special knowledge and skills. The use of solid fuels always takes a lot of time, which is due to laying, ignition, maintaining combustion, and removing combustion products.

Solar water heaters are the most environmentally friendly, completely autonomous, and the easiest water heaters to install. Very effective for giving in the summer. In late spring or early autumn, they can only be used on especially warm sunny days.

A solar water heater will provide a country shower with warm water in the summer

Electric - the most massive. They combine the advantages of different types and successfully solve many problems for giving. Among the advantages of such water heaters, they note the simplicity of supplying electricity, sufficient environmental friendliness, ease of installation, installation and operation.

Electric bulk water heater 250 l from the manufacturer AtlantidaSPb

Electric water heaters for summer cottages

Electric water heaters are divided into:

Flow - very productive and comfortable for the shower. Manufacturers offer a wide range of instantaneous water heaters for summer cottages. Characteristics, prices and design solutions are very diverse. However, such heaters require sufficient water pressure (at least 2 l/min). Quite difficult to set up and repair. Due to the high power (at least 8 kW) they are designed for a separate power supply of 380V.

With a 220V supply, such power requires a separate agreement with the local electricity supplier. To achieve this heat output, gas water heaters are more efficient than electric ones.

Instantaneous water heater located under the kitchen sink

A storage water heater allows you to get by with much less power (up to 2 kW) by using the time when hot water is not used. Also, the storage type of heaters is insensitive to the pressure of the water supply.

A bulk water heater is similar in design to a storage water heater. The fundamental difference is in the gulf of water through the top cover, that is, such a heater can be used to give without running water. It is convenient to use such a heater if a washstand or washbasin is installed in the country house.

Plastic tank with a tap for a bulk water heater for a summer residence

How to choose a water heater for a summer residence

Simplest washbasin for a summer residence - the so-called "moidodyr". Assumes installation of a water heater on a sink. Waste water flows into a special container under the bowl of the washstand. A washbasin of this type does not require heating a large amount of water. The recommended tank volume is a maximum of 20 liters. With a 20-liter tank, the washbasin remains very compact, while at the same time it contains enough water to wash the hands of all family members. It is convenient that the washbasin can be “refilled” with warm water taken from the shower, for example.

Related article:

Choosing a tankless shower water heater

A hot shower in the room is not just a comfort, but also a requirement for personal hygiene. The tank for such a shower must be large enough, at least 50 liters. Large capacity water heaters (200 liters or more) are easy to use, but require careful attention to installation.Indoors, the usual place for mounting such a heater is a wall. It should be ensured that the wall is even and strong, without cracks or other defects.

To provide warm water for a summer shower in the country - a capacity of 50 liters is enough

All sorts of variations of the summer shower deserve special attention. With all the diversity, solutions can be combined into two groups:

  • stationary summer cabin;
  • portable country shower.

When installing the water heater in a stationary position, sunlight should be taken into account

Also, increased attention should be paid to the insulation of electrical wiring from possible precipitation. Also, a bulk water heater for a shower, like any electrical appliance, should not be left to “winter” without a roof.

Since in a summer shower the water tank is almost always overhead, special attention must be paid to the strength of the ceiling and frame. The water heater is located on the wall in the bathroom

The water heater is located on the wall in the bathroom

A portable outdoor shower is a great solution for those who have just started building a summer house. Such a heater has a small tank capacity (10-15 l), it is conveniently attached to any available support - a tree or a column. The main thing is that the container should hang higher than a person's height (2 m or more). Such a volume of water heats up quickly, in a maximum of 20 minutes.

The variety of choices on the market is great. Attentive and thoughtful attitude to the selection of a water heater will give you joyful work and comfortable rest in the country.

Bulk water heater for giving

Let's start with the simplest and most inexpensive option - a non-pressure bulk water heater. This option comes in several versions - with or without a sink. As a rule, the capacity is from 15 to 30 liters with a heating element of 1-2 kW.

Bulk water heaters for giving

The design and principle of operation of this water heater is extremely simple and works like a conventional kettle, only the kettle heats a small container to a boil and turns off, and the bulk water heater constantly maintains the temperature set by the rotary switch.

Filling the water tank is done manually using the most handy container - a bucket or a basin. You can also install a hose or pipe with a tap on the tank, which will fill the tank if necessary.

Such a water heater is able to heat water up to 65 degrees. Depending on the initial temperature, the heating time can vary from a few minutes to half an hour.

It is worth noting that the water heater tank does not have any insulation that can hold the temperature for a long time. Therefore, heated water cools down to room temperature rather quickly.

Installation of a bulk water heater in the country

You need to decide on a place. Moreover, you need to decide before buying, since the version with a sink takes up space in length and width equivalent to a full-sized sink 50 * 60

Also, when choosing a location, pay attention that water does not get on the mechanical parts of the water heater.
Place the water heater tank on a secure surface. If you want to place it on a shelf, then take into account the load of the filled water heater and, if necessary, strengthen the fastenings.
Make sure that the faucet is in the sink area and does not go beyond it.
Fill the water heater tank with a hose or other container.
Plug the water heater into the mains and turn on the switch.
When the heating is on, the diode should be on, usually it is red and is located on the front panel of the water heater.

Which brand of tankless water heater?

Almost all bulk water heaters are produced in Russia. The main difference among them is the build quality. It seems to be such a simple mechanism, how can it be poorly assembled? Can. From my personal experience, I can say that Aquatex does the most conscientiously, the water heater itself and the sink come in a plastic film, plus the sink itself is covered with an additional layer that protects the sink from scratches during transportation.

The cost of a tank without washing varies within 1500 rubles, with a sink they go from 2500 rubles.

Main types of devices


Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

Basic structural elements

The most popular model, which is used to provide a private house with hot water, is a storage heater, better known as a boiler.

The design features of this device are as follows:

  • The installation is connected to the water supply system, therefore boilers are used only where there is either a centralized water supply system or an automatic pumping station.
  • Through a system of valves that prevent reverse movement, water enters the storage tank (the optimal volume is from 50 to 100 or more liters).
  • The tank contains a heating element connected to a thermostat. The operation of the heating part can be adjusted by setting the desired temperature on the control panel.
  • The option to maintain a certain degree of heating is very convenient: the heating element turns on only when the water in the tank cools down a few degrees below normal.

Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

Storage boiler connection diagram

The key disadvantages of such systems are:

  • High energy consumption.
  • Dependence on the stability of pressure in the pipeline.
  • Considerable cost.

However, the convenience that the boiler provides more than compensates for these disadvantages.


A flowing electric water heater to the country house can be used where it is not possible to mount a full-fledged storage model. (See also the article Sports ground in the country: features.)

Features of such devices are as follows:

  • The unit is mounted on the wall, as close as possible to the point of hot water consumption.
  • A supply pipe is connected to the device, through which cold water enters.
  • Passing through a system of tubes with internal heating elements, the liquid is heated to a certain temperature. The degree of heating can be adjusted on the control panel or using a special valve.

Electric bulk water heaters device, varieties, selection rules

Flow system for the kitchen

Despite a sufficient level of convenience (we get heated water almost immediately), flow models have serious limitations:

Firstly, for their efficient operation, a consistently high pressure is required. If the water supply in your village provides it - well, if not, then you will have to install an additional pump with an expansion tank.

  • Secondly, the performance of the device is low. You can wash your hands under a thin stream, it’s already more difficult to take a shower, but you definitely can’t fill the bathroom in this way.
  • Thirdly, the features of the heating part affect the nature of the installation: the peak power of the instantaneous water heater is quite high, so the load on the wiring will be serious. To avoid accidents, it is worth connecting such devices through a separate RCD.
  • It is also worth noting that the system works most efficiently on the principle of "one heater - one tap". So for the kitchen and the washstand in the country, you will have to buy two installations.

Placement under the sink


Self-contained bulk electric water heaters for summer cottages are used where water supply is not organized.

In fact, such devices are improved washstands:

  • The basis of the system is a container (from 20 liters or more), inside which is a heat-insulating casing made of durable plastic.
  • The top cover of the container opens, which allows you to pour water from a bucket or hose.
  • Water heating is carried out due to the operation of the internal heating element.
  • At the bottom there is a faucet that allows you to adjust the water pressure. There are also models with an additional tank for cold water: their tap works on the principle of a mixer, regulating the temperature.

Despite the fact that this model is inferior to the above in terms of convenience, it also has its advantages:

  • Firstly, it is elementary mounted with your own hands: the tank can be hung on the wall or installed on a fairly solid base.
  • Secondly, it can be used where the source of water is a well without a pump.
  • Thirdly, such devices are quite economical in operation, and they are cheaper than flow and storage boilers.

Selection Tips

First of all, pay attention to the power of the heating element in the selected water heater. In most cases, the buyer needs the device to be economical, and the country wiring can withstand the load from its operation.
If in the country you will heat water only at one point (for example, only in the kitchen), then you can look at a portable heater mounted on a faucet

If there is a need to provide hot water to several points, such heaters will not work and you should opt for a more powerful flow device or a storage model.
Decide on the volume of the tank. At the same time, keep in mind that heating a significant amount of water at once, although it will be longer, will come in handy if you want to take a shower, especially if the whole family lives in the country during the summer.
Pay close attention to the safe operation of the heating device. Make sure that the model you buy has reliable protection against short circuits and fire.

Connection and installation

Having chosen and bought the necessary water heating device, it is transported to the country house, after which a place for installation is chosen.

Regardless of which type of water heater you have purchased, installing it is quite simple. To begin with, the load from the apparatus to the surface is determined in order to select fasteners. To do this, add up the mass of the device itself and the maximum volume of water that can be in it. It is advised to install the device on a solid wall, picking up fasteners with some margin.

Connecting a water heater is also not a problem.

It is only important to correctly bring water to the apparatus, as well as to arrange the removal of heated water. In addition, all taps and valves must be connected correctly, especially the safety valve responsible for relieving excessive pressure inside the appliance.

In the next video, you can see an example of how to properly install an electric water heater in a country house.

Manufacturers and prices

Accumulative heating devices powered by the mains are produced by many manufacturers.

  • In our market, boilers from Termex, Electrolux, Ariston, Timberk, Ferolli and other brands are especially in demand. Their cost depends on the volume of the device and its other characteristics. For example, a device for 10 liters can be purchased for 4000-6000 rubles, a boiler for 30 liters will cost 6000-8000 rubles, and for a device with a volume of 80 liters you have to pay an average of 7000-12000 rubles.
  • When buying a flowing electric heater, most often they choose devices from Electrolux, AEG, Termex and other brands. You can buy such a device, depending on its power, both for 2000 rubles and for 7-8 thousand rubles or more.
  • Faucet flow heaters are manufactured by Aquaterm and Delimano. Models from Aquatherm consume up to 3.5 kW, are protected from low temperature and power surges, allow you to adjust the water temperature and are presented in different designs. Such heaters serve for a long time and cost in the range of 3-5 thousand rubles.
  • Models from Delimano attract with their design (they are made in white), durability, instantaneous heating of water, ease of control of the heating level, ease of operation. In appearance, such a heater is similar to a conventional mixer. It is made of plastic and metal, and the inside is lined with ceramic insulation for greater safety. Such a device costs an average of 5,000 rubles.
  • The most famous manufacturers offering bulk water heaters are Ariston, Bosch, Alvin, Atlantic, Atmore. The average cost of such equipment is 1500-2500 rubles.

The result of which water heater is better for giving

For permanent and frequent living in the country, a storage water heater is best suited, it is more economical, but takes up more space and requires maintenance. Also, if you have a very weak network and the use of 3 or more kW can overload it, you should take a closer look at the storage type, since they usually have a 1.5 kW heating element.

For infrequent use, a faucet water heater is perfect, which is easier to install and does not take up space, or a standard instantaneous water heater.

In the event that the water supply and you simply draw water from the well yourself, then the choice is obvious - a bulk water heater will be an excellent assistant in heating water.


