Do-it-yourself washbasin


1. Washbasin from a bottle

2. How to make a garden washstand with a faucet?

3. How to make a cabinet under the washbasin with your own hands?

4. VIDEO: do-it-yourself washstand.

5. Ideas for garden washstands that you can make yourself.

The long-awaited summer season is the time not only for planting and harvesting, but also for the improvement of the summer cottage. On a properly equipped summer cottage, everything is at hand: garden tools within walking distance, a convenient country toilet and, of course, a garden washbasin. Agree, it’s more convenient to quickly wash your hands with the help of a country washstand than to go into the house, to the bathhouse or ask someone to pour water from a bottle.

Currently, there are a huge number of models of garden washstands: simple and functional, traditional and original forms. However, the skillful hands of the summer resident strive to make something for their site on their own, and even making a street washbasin for giving with their own hands is completely easier than ever.

How to make a washbasin for a summer residence with your own hands, the construction portal of Russia will tell

Washbasin with a tap from a can, small barrel or bucket

This is a more thoughtful, but simple washbasin design that even a teenager can do with his own hands. An outdoor washbasin for a summer residence can be made from any aluminum or enameled container of a suitable size. You will need a brass faucet, a pair of rubber gaskets, a nut and a drill bit.

We drill a hole in the lower part of the future washbasin using a drill nozzle. We insert a tap there, put a gasket on the inside and fix everything with a nut. Do-it-yourself washstand for a summer residence is ready. Such a washstand can be hung on a pole or made a special cabinet under the washbasin with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself washbasin

Do-it-yourself washbasin

Do-it-yourself washbasin

Where is the best place to install a sink

Of course, in the country there are a lot of places where you can put a washstand. But you have to choose where to mount: outdoors or indoors.

At home, installation will be more difficult, as complex work is needed with the water supply and sewerage, but just in winter it is best when the water is at home.

You can install the most versatile washbasin "moydodyr", which is good to bring home in the cold and leave in the summer in the country.

Do-it-yourself washbasin

Also, the installation of a washbasin depends entirely on what material it is made of (or part of it, for example, a cabinet); washbasins with wooden parts are best installed at home, but made of plastic or painted metal.

If the washbasin is outside, then you can put an ordinary bucket for draining, thanks to which the flowing water will be collected and drained directly into the ground - this is the most ergonomic, “cheap and angry option”.

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Bulk washbasin

A bulk washbasin is one of the simplest and is sold in almost every specialized store and it is just a container and a lid where water is supplied manually (there is a water faucet at the bottom, when pressed, water opens).

Such a washbasin is made from a variety of materials, but most often it is a plastic model that is used and can be mounted on a specially equipped panel, vine arch, gazebo wall or house wall. For application, you will only need to add water.

Hanging washbasins are highly mobile and can be installed almost anywhere in a summer cottage, but to install them, you must definitely find any vertical surface (for example, a tree, a wall).

Benefits of a sink over a washing machine

The purpose of combining the sink and washing machine is to save on the already scarce bathroom space. This is also the main advantage.

Installing a sink above the washing machine will allow you to place all the necessary plumbing and electrical equipment in a small area. Moreover, there is no need to look for a place for a machine in another room (kitchen, corridor).

Do-it-yourself washbasinSometimes installing a washing machine under the sink is the only option to put appliances in the bathroom.

The design idea does not stand still, and every day more and more new models of sinks designed to be installed above the machines appear on the market. This allows you to find more interesting interior solutions, which is difficult to do in a small limited space. Undoubtedly, such a sink will become a highlight of the bathroom, and the saved space will make your stay in the bathroom more comfortable.

Sometimes even a few advantages can overcome multiple disadvantages. The sink above the washing machine is one such case.

The easiest way


1. Light a candle and split an awl over its flame. Then make about 10 holes on the lid, distributing them as evenly as possible.2. Now, in the same way, make two parallel holes in the middle of the container. Make sure they are the same diameter as the wire.3. Pass the wire through the holes on the side. Having selected the desired branch, tie the ends of the wire on it. If you did everything right, then the washstand can be turned over like an hourglass.4. Put the bottle upside down, pour water up to the middle and screw on the cap.5. Now turn the bottle over. If water does not flow from the punched holes, then they need to be expanded. Otherwise, you can start using a brand new washbasin from a bottle. When you wash your hands, turn the bottle upside down.

The disadvantages of this design are that in strong winds it can turn over by itself, and the bottle has to be filled only to the middle. Therefore, this method is only suitable if you are not going to be in nature for a long time.

How to DIY

Often, summer residents save on buying a special washbasin for a summer residence and build a similar washstand with their own hands. By cutting off the bottom of a bottle with a capacity of two liters or more, you can get a homemade washbasin for a summer residence. To get a kind of cover, you can not cut off the bottom to the end.

The lid of the bottle will act as a tap, in order for the water to flow, you need to slightly unscrew the lid, and to close the water, you need to twist the lid. This design is attached to any surface with a wire. In a country house where there is no house, such a home-made washbasin will fit perfectly and fit perfectly into the exterior of any courtyard.

Also, for giving with your own hands, you can make a washbasin from a bucket. For these purposes, you can use not only a plastic, but also a metal bucket equipped with a lid. This detail is necessary so that debris does not fall into the water.

At the bottom of the bucket, a hole for the faucet is drilled in any convenient place, the sanitary shackle crashes into the bucket and a faucet is attached to it.

If desired, you can install the oldest, simplest sink under such a tank, as well as a bucket for collecting dirty water.

They are not afraid to be left unattended in an uninhabited dacha, because it is unlikely that anyone will need to steal them, unlike new purchased washbasins.

A beautifully designed bathroom is extremely important and necessary. After all, where, if not here, everything should be as beautiful and neat as possible.

In the bathroom, most people relax, rest, basking in the foam of pleasure and warmth. Today we will not talk about the bath itself, but about its important component. And to be more precise, about the washbasin. Gone are the days when it was just an element for washing hands. According to modern renovation trends, this element of the bathroom is usually designed very elegantly, beautifully and thoughtfully.

Just about it further and will be discussed. It will be told not only about herself, but also how to make it with her own hands.

Washbasin for giving types and their features

If you look at the country washbasin globally, then all country-type products can be divided into two main varieties - an outdoor washbasin and a similar product designed for installation in a country house. The difference between these two varieties is quite significant and cannot be ignored when choosing. Let's take a closer look at the differences between these two country washbasins.

  1. Outdoor washbasins for summer cottages. In most cases, this is a container in the form of a tank, from which the liquid flows by gravity - you simply press a special valve and a certain portion of water falls into your hands. Such a washbasin can be used both in tandem with a sink, and without it. The main advantage of such devices for washing is their mobility - they can not only be easily transferred from place to place, but generally installed on any vertical surface. A wall, houses, a fence, and even a tree trunk - the water is drained from such a washbasin directly into the ground. Such containers can be made from both plastic and metal - their design can be called primitive and it is quite easy to reproduce it at home, as they say, from improvised materials. You simply hang an ordinary plastic bottle on the same tree, after cutting off its bottom, fill it with water and use it for your pleasure - a cap is used as a tap or valve in this design. By unscrewing it more or less, you can control the amount of water pouring out of the bottle.
  2. Wash basin for the house for a summer residence. This is a more complex product, which in all respects resembles a washbasin for an apartment - the difference between them lies only in the ability to work without

    water supply and sewerage

    . The Moidodyr washbasin for giving has a rather complex design - it is a full-fledged cabinet, on which a sink and a storage water tank with a tap are placed. In the same cabinet, under the sink, a bucket is installed to collect polluted water - it is in this bucket that the disadvantage of such a country washbasin lies. You need to constantly monitor its filling and manage to empty it in time. The presence of a container of impressive size (usually about 10 liters) allows you to install a heating element in it - a heated washbasin

    water for giving is the best solution in choosing these products. The only "but" is that for the operation of such a washbasin, it is necessary to have


    : if it is missing, then such a function in the washbasin will simply be useless.

You can see how to make a practical and convenient washbasin for giving with your own hands in this video.

Both types of country washbasin are quite simple to make with your own hands. The most important thing here is to choose the right materials. Well, we'll talk about the assembly of such a device further.


You can make your own washbasin rack. To do this, we need things such as: a grinder, a welding machine, steel pipes. We should have from two supports, with a distance between the ends of the legs of 20-25 cm.

Rack manufacturing

You can make a similar rack under the washbasin yourself. You will need steel pipes, a grinder and a welding machine.For greater stability of the racks - there should be at least two supports and the distance between them should be 20 - 25 cm.

Work progress:

  1. We measure and cut off the length of the pipe we need (two pipes).
  2. The ends of the pipes must be cut at an angle so that they fit better into the ground. The end of the post due to the sharp angle enters the ground very easily.
  3. We cut off the upper bar and the lower jumper, to which we will attach the washbasin.
  4. Then we weld the top bar and jumper to the supports.
  5. Instead of pipes, steel corners 25x25 mm or fittings can be used.

If you decide to build a washstand with your own hands

A device for washing hands can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle, it is more expedient from 5 liters). You don't even need a special tool.

You just need to cut the bottom, turn it over, fix it on a wire or clamps, to a grape arch, a tree. In order for the water to run, you only need to unscrew the lid a little.

Cabinet under the washbasin design and types

First you need to understand what is a cabinet for washstands? In simple words, this is a kind of design that imitates a closet. First of all, it is needed in order to perform a purely aesthetic function. It covers the washstand's knee, which doesn't look bad, but isn't attractive enough either. The second purpose of such a cabinet is to organize some space under the sink, to make sure that everything is used as rationally, sensibly and thoughtfully as possible. This cabinet can accommodate shelves that can be very compactly folded, for example, various chemicals, cleaning products or stocks of household goods. Each hostess herself will find a use for this space.

As for the types of shells, the following can be distinguished: rectangular invoice, rectangular invoice and mortise. In general, they are all similar. You could even say that these are only variations, not species. Therefore, the manufacturing scheme will be general.

It happens that the purchase of finished products in the store can not be done for one reason or another. Therefore, instructions will come to the rescue that will tell you how to make a cabinet under the sink with your own hands. It's not difficult at all. Moreover, almost everyone can do this, even if there was no experience of repair work before. To make a cabinet for a washbasin, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • boards, chipboard sheet and slats;
  • metal canopies for doors;
  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • pliers;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint, water-repellent coating.

Heated washbasin

A country washbasin with heating is a more advanced model of a washbasin with a cabinet. The main feature (and difference from a simple washbasin with a pedestal) is that there is a heating element in the water tank that heats the water.

Thanks to the thermostat, you can set the temperature from + 30-70 0C - and thanks to this you can feel the comfort: wash the dishes with hot water, wash yourself.

Do-it-yourself washbasin

It should be remembered such a nuance that the heating element must be installed only at the bottom of the tank.

The container (volume 10-20 l) for such a washbasin is most often made of plastic, similar to that from which electric kettles are made. Ready-made store washbasins have standard sizes: the height of the cabinet is 1.0-1.5 m, and the width and depth are half a meter.

Let's start making cabinets with our own hands

You must first take all the necessary measurements. There is nothing complicated here, since the cabinet will consist of a countertop, 2 side walls and 2 doors.

After taking measurements, you can start cutting out the parts under the cabinet with your own hands using a saw of the necessary components from chipboard

It is very important to make the necessary spaces and openings, for example for pipes. In the countertop under the cabinet, a special opening is cut out to fit the size of the sink

Now the boards need to be painted in the desired color (if there is no laminated part on top).As a rule, some light shade is chosen for the bath. You should also make sure to cover the chipboard with a water-repellent coating, because in the bathroom you will have to deal with water, which can ruin the countertop. If desired, a more durable and expensive material can be used for this part of the cabinet. But this is a matter of taste and possibilities.

Next, the so-called frame under the washbasin is laid with your own hands. First, the tabletop is put on from below. It is necessary that someone temporarily support it, since it has not yet been fixed in any way. At this time, the side walls are attached to the countertop. Actually, they will act as a support for the entire structure, and therefore their height should fit perfectly.

From sheets of chipboard thinner or even from plywood, shelves are made in the cabinet. Then we move on to fixing the doors. They are attached using special door canopies. The size of the doors should also be as accurate as possible.

Thus, the do-it-yourself cabinet under the washbasin is ready. As it turned out, there is nothing difficult or difficult in this. Yes, and you can do it easily and with your own hands. Good luck in your endeavors! And let it turn out to make a cabinet beautiful and original.

Designs with a pedestal

The next type of washbasins refers to stationary washbasins, which can be moved almost anywhere in the garden or summer cottage.

Washbasin-moydodyr, is arranged on the principle of hanging washstands, only much more comfortable thanks to a metal or plastic sink.

Slightly more complicated models are equipped with a mirror. And a shelf for soap accessories. You can put it both indoors (it is best to choose a heated model, which we will discuss later) and outdoors. despite the fact that such a washstand has a rather large weight, it has great functionality.

Before you buy a washbasin with a metal, plastic or wooden cabinet, you need to decide where you will put it - it entirely depends on where you best place the washbasin.

You can not put a cabinet made of wood (chipboard, plywood) on the street, because it can rot and deteriorate under the influence of weathering (precipitation, temperature changes).

A cabinet made of wood is very well suited for a room, it is desirable that it is still heated; a cabinet sheathed with polycarbonate or painted metal is well suited for the street. You can practically make works of art out of wood, but you should remember what was said above (a tree on the street can deteriorate).

Washbasins with cabinet

More advanced models are washbasins with cabinets or washbasins. They are equipped with a sink, a water tank with a tap, and a cabinet. The cabinet is made of wood, metal or plastic.

You can use such a washbasin both outdoors and indoors (for example, on a country veranda). These models are no longer so mobile, and are considered more stationary.

Depending on the model, moidodyrs are equipped with a mirror, a soap dish, a towel rack. Inside the pedestal, either buckets are installed to drain the water, or, using a corrugated pipe, they drain the drain into the sewer pit

Tanks in moidodyr are designed for a larger volume (up to 32 liters), which is also important for convenience

The presence of a sink makes the use of a washstand more comfortable. Here you can already wash fruits or dishes in peace.

The design of washbasins with cabinets can be different. Some models carry not only functional value, but also become an integral element of garden decor.

Do-it-yourself washbasin for a summer house manufacturing principle

Both a washbasin with a water heater for summer cottages and a washbasin for summer cottages without heating water are made according to the same principle. As you understand, the difference between them lies in the presence or absence of a heating element.Both products consist of three parts, the manufacture of which will have to be taken care of in the process of resolving the issue, how to make a washbasin for a summer residence on your own?

Sink. Let's start with it, since, in general, it is not necessary to make it - it would be more correct to say that it is almost impossible to make it at home. It is better to purchase a sink or use an old one - you can use any that is available

Even a kitchen sink will do - mortise or overhead, it doesn’t matter. Just based on its type, you will have to make a cabinet for it.

Cabinet - in a simplified version, it can be called a small table or a large stool

The only condition for the manufacture of such a base for the sink is that at the same time it also serves as the basis for installing a storage tank. In most cases, the back of such a cabinet rises up to a height of up to 800mm from the level of the sink - in fact, it is a panel, apron or work wall. Whoever likes to call her more, call her that - the tank is attached behind her. If the appearance of the product is not particularly interesting, then you can attach it to the front - in this case, its installation will be a little easier. Such a cabinet can be made from a fairly wide range of materials - in most cases, either natural wood in all its diversity is used for it, or its sheet composite in the form of chipboard, OSB, plywood, and so on. In general, what is at hand can be worked with - by and large, the cabinet can even be assembled from drywall or laid out with bricks.

Water tank. Without it, neither a simple nor an electric washbasin for a summer residence can work. The ideal solution for a country washbasin would be a rectangular container - it is easiest to place it on a cabinet. In general, any tank is suitable - both metal and plastic. The main thing is that you understand how it will be mounted on the cabinet. By the way, mounting the container on the pedestal is by no means the only solution to this issue - by and large, the container (of a rather large volume) can also be installed in the attic of the house. With this approach to business, you can even make a full-fledged plumbing in the house. But back to the manufacture of the container. Everything is simple here - the finished tank will need to be equipped with at least one tap outlet and, as a maximum, make another threaded hole with a diameter of one and a half inches for mounting a heating element into it. The necessary pipes with internal threads will have to be welded into the container in the right places.

And the rest, as they say, is a matter of technology, and assembling a washbasin is not a difficult task. First you need to fix the sink on the cabinet, then install the tank, after screwing the tap into it and, if necessary, a heating element that can be freely purchased on the market (such elements are used in storage water heating tanks). And, of course, it will be necessary to correctly connect such a heater to the power supply - it is better to ground it so that no one is accidentally shocked by current.

In principle, that's all - as mentioned above, a washbasin for a summer residence is a fairly simple product to make on your own

The only thing I would like to add is to pay some attention to aesthetic characteristics - they completely depend on your approach to business and your vision of this product. You should not think that it is impossible to collect something worthwhile from old and unnecessary things - here it is just the opposite.

The use of old things and objects is a guarantee of uniqueness, I'm not afraid to say again that it all depends on your diligence. Do not be too lazy to update the same old boards (for example, with the help of a grinder and a special circle) and you will get a quite decent and pretty product.

practical way


1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle.Burn the edges with a candle flame so that you don’t cut yourself on them later.2. Step back a couple of centimeters from the top and make holes using a hot awl or nail.3. Find a branch on which to hang the washbasin by inserting a wire into the holes.4. Unscrew the lid and make 7 holes on the side of it with a hot nail. Screw on the cap.5. Pour water into a bottle. The principle of using the washbasin is that it is necessary to unscrew the lid just a little and water will flow. Please note that you can not remove the cork completely, otherwise all the water will be on the ground.6. If you took a hammer and nails with you, you can nail the bottle to a tree trunk for greater reliability.

Do-it-yourself washbasinTo date, the most popular way to make a washstand from a plastic bottle is considered to be using a syringe.

The principle is the same: cut off the bottom, make a hole for the syringe in the cork, cut off the upper narrow part on the syringe, place the syringe in the cork hole with the piston down. Nothing complicated, but how convenient!

Bobrakova Natalia, especially for the Counsellor.

2016, Advisor. All rights reserved. Without the written consent of the author or an active, direct and open to indexing link to the source, the republishing of materials is completely or partially prohibited!

Making a stone washbasin

Transforming a shapeless piece of granite into a stylish washbasin that looks like a model from a European design line is quite realistic and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To make your dream a reality you will need:

  • solid granite or marble block. And the more it is, the more convenient the washbasin will turn out;
  • circular saw with a diamond blade for working with rock;
  • laser level;
  • hammer;
  • bit;
  • hammer drill;
  • grinder with a diamond blade.

Attention! When carrying out any work, be sure to wear safety goggles, a respirator and heavy work gloves. Stage 1

We make markings on the front side, which will indicate the boundaries of the surface of the future washbasin

Stage 1. We make markings on the front side, which will mark the boundaries of the surface of the future washbasin.

Stage 2. To level the surface, we make straight cuts with a saw within the markup. After we strip them across. The smaller the squares are, the easier it will be to remove them.

Stage 3. Using a hammer and chisel, we remove unnecessary rock.

Stage 4. We grind the resulting surface, the side parts and the sole of the future washbasin. To check the resulting surface for irregularities, you can apply a sheet of plywood to it.

Stage 5. We mark the bosom of the future shell. It is not necessary to depict it in the form of a perfect circle; asymmetry in this type of building art is more appropriate. It is best if the borders repeat the shape of the workpiece.

Stage 6. With a circular saw, we make straight cuts and one in the middle as part of the markup.

Stage 7. Now the most important thing - we begin to remove excess rock with a chisel so that a rounded surface of the future shell is obtained.

Stage 8. It turned out to be a rather bumpy bosom and uneven. If it seems to you that the depth made is insufficient, repeat the previous step. Now you can start finishing. It is produced using a grinder to a perfect flat surface.

Stage 9. When the blank has turned into a stylish washbasin, we bring our plan to the end. We make a drain hole with an impact drill.

Stage 10. Connecting such an unusual homemade sink is not so difficult with the help of ordinary plumbing kits. By the way, for the proposed model, you need to choose a free-standing faucet, and not built into the washbasin itself.

In conclusion, when working on creating a unique sink, be extremely careful and careful. And do not forget to use the building level at different stages of work.

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