Law On Silence In The Irkutsk Region 2020 Full Text

Violation of peace and quiet of citizens at night

Article 3. Objects that ensure the peace of citizens and silence at night Objects that ensure the peace of citizens and silence at night are: 1) multi-apartment and individual residential buildings, including common areas located in them; 2) hospitals, dispensaries and other medical institutions, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, educational institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, premises of boarding schools for children, the elderly and the disabled; 3) hotel rooms and living rooms of hostels; 4) adjoining territories; 5) territories of campsites, motels, recreation centers; 6) territories of horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations.

  1. The subject of regulation of this Law are relations arising in connection with ensuring the peace of citizens and silence at night.
  2. This Law does not apply to: 1) the actions of legal entities and citizens aimed at preventing illegal acts, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, other emergencies, extinguishing fires, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the safety of citizens or the operation of vital facilities the population, the implementation of defense measures (including measures for civil defense and mobilization), ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting public order and public safety, saving citizens, eliminating the threat to their life or health; 2) actions of legal entities and citizens when they perform religious worship within the framework of the canonical requirements of the respective confessions; 3) actions of legal entities and citizens, due to the celebration on non-working holidays established by law; 4) actions related to the holding of mass cultural events in accordance with the established procedure, as well as those related to the holding of mass events due to the celebration of significant events at the federal, republican and municipal levels; 5) actions for which the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses establishes administrative liability.

29 Jun 2019

Silence law in 2019 time when you can not make noise, fines for violators

  • Daytime - 40 dB;
  • Night - 30 dB.

In the daytime, it is allowed to exceed the allowable indicator, but not more than 15 dB. As for noise sources, this included the operation of electrical appliances, the noise emitted by repairs and construction, barking dogs, people screaming and other sounds.

A kind of impetus for the creation of this draft law was the regular complaints of the owners and residents of apartment buildings. The main problem was the noise coming from the neighbors and not allowing a normal rest. It took a lot of time to consider each individual claim, as a result of which it was decided to limit the level of permissible noise by introducing an appropriate bill. According to it, the noise level can be as follows:

The new federal law on silence in Russia in 2019

If your neighbors regularly exceed the legal noise limit, then you can call representatives of Rospotrebnadzor and conduct an appropriate examination. The only drawback will be the relatively high cost of such an assessment, but if the case goes to court, then the violators will be forced to compensate for the costs.

In practice, not everyone knows the law on silence, so if the noise came out involuntarily, you do not need to immediately call the police squad. Perhaps the problem can be solved peacefully.When the method of verbal persuasion did not help, and it was not possible to reason with noisy neighbors, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. You should call the police squad by phone numbers 112 (from a mobile phone) and 02 (from a landline). Often the police are contacted in such cases:

The law on silence in Moscow and the Moscow region time of silence and responsibility for its violation, noisy work

  • night time is the period from 23.00 to 07.00;
  • supplemented the list of works that are noisy;
  • a ban on redevelopment and noisy repairs on holidays and Sundays;
  • the period for noisy activities is from 09.00 to 19.00;
  • from 13.00 to 15.00 there is an hour of silence;

Sound sleep is the basis of human health. Living in apartment buildings can reduce the quality of recreation. Not every neighbor is ready to respect the personal time of others. To avoid such situations, the legislator provided for the Silence Law, which was duplicated by many regions. How to deal with violators of the peace of citizens, we will consider in more detail.

Irkutsk region law on silence

Citizens are divided in their opinions regarding amendments to the legislation. Many are dissatisfied, because they will not be able to carry out repairs, because on weekdays people are at work, and noisy work is strictly prohibited on weekends. That is, there will be no time for repairs.

Violation of public order, expressed in the commission of actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings on Sundays and non-working holidays from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., with the exception of emergency and rescue work, as well as other urgent work necessary for ensuring the safety of citizens or the functioning of life-support facilities for the population, — “As a result, a ban was introduced from 21:00 to 08:00 the next day on construction, repair, loading and unloading operations that violate the peace and quiet of citizens living in residential premises, with the exception of emergency and rescue operations, as well as other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety of citizens or the functioning of life-support facilities for the population, ”the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Angara region said. Thus, this device acts on peak levels and evaluates them in an average mode.

The law on silence of the Krasnoyarsk Territory what you need to know

  • Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 (as amended on July 29, 2017) "On sanitary and epidemiological well-being". Article 1 states that citizens and legal entities are obliged to carry out their actions taking into account sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Art. 23 obliges that residential premises comply with sanitary standards, including noise;
  • sanitary requirements for noise in apartment buildings are set out in Appendix 3 to the Decree of the Chief Physician of the Russian Federation No. 64 dated 10.06.2010 on the approval of SanPiN

Let us tell you in more detail how long and how long in the Krasnoyarsk Territory it is impossible to listen to music loudly, make repairs and otherwise disturb the peace of citizens; what threatens violators of the law on silence (or “on noise”, as it is also called); who are not subject to legal restrictions.

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Is it really not allowed to drill on weekends? Is it possible to get legal penalties for breaking the silence on weekdays and on the weekend? Read our article about it.

If you still decide to start repair work on the weekend, and you are afraid to receive a monetary punishment for your actions, do not worry, there is a way out. Experts suggest: you can negotiate in a good way with your neighbors, and then take their written permission to carry out repairs in your apartment on the weekend. Just do not forget to write down in it all types of “noisy” work that you will perform (for example, hammer, drill, etc.).

Silence Law Krasnoyarsk 2019 official text

They came into effect at the beginning of 2019.The innovations are as follows: An administrative penalty will not be imposed on persons responsible for the construction and reconstruction of facilities in preparation for the XXIX World Winter Universiade. This event is scheduled for 2019; The repair and construction work necessary for the construction of a sports and recreation complex located on the territory of the orphanage No1, located in the city of Krasnoyarsk, does not fall under the law.

On Sunday, April 28, the so-called “silence law” came into force in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, sharply limiting the periods during which residents of the region are allowed to make noise. From now on, residents of Krasnoyarsk will be fined for noise in their apartments and dachas throughout the day on Sunday and from 22:00 to 09:00 on other days. At the same time, on Sunday around the clock it is forbidden only to make loud repairs, you can listen to music in the same period as on other days - from 9:00 to 22:00.

Law on silence in the Irkutsk region 2019

As part of combat training, the pilots of the naval fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet conducted an exercise to defeat the means of air attack of a mock enemy. It passed in the sky over the Barents Sea. The crews of carrier-based Su-33 fighters fired air-to-air missiles at special targets. “It was in the teaching. more

In the Irkutsk region, at the session of the Legislative Assembly on December 19, 2012, amendments to the law “On administrative responsibility for certain offenses in the field of public order in the Irkutsk region” were adopted in the final reading, which have already been nicknamed by the people “the law on silence during the day”. Boris Alekseev, chairman of the committee on legislation on state construction of the region and local self-government of the Legislative Assembly, said that punishment is being introduced for breaking the silence in residential buildings during the daytime. Violators of public order who make noise from 7 am to 11 pm will be held liable, with the exception of construction and installation work, emergency and rescue work, as well as other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety or functioning of life support facilities for the population.

Law on silence in the Irkutsk region

If you need verbal advice, or practical assistance in drafting documents, we will be happy to help! Every Sunday from 12.00 to 17.00 you can get a free legal consultation at the address: Irkutsk, Baikalskaya street 261. Phone for appointment: 8 (950) 070-03-28

The law on silence applies not only to places of direct residence of a person, but also to the territory near them. Also under the protection of the law are: playgrounds and places around them; yard areas near places where people live; medical, preschool and other social institutions; sanatoriums and resorts; summer cottages.

Is it legal to drill on weekends in 2019

  • loudly turned on radio, TV, musical instruments;
  • playing musical instruments (trumpet, piano, piano, drums, violin, etc.);
  • pyrotechnic works (including on holidays, except New Year's holidays);
  • unloading and loading operations during the move (including the rearrangement of furniture);
  • shouting with scandal, singing, whistling, loud speech;
  • all types of repair work (including, it is impossible at this time, determined by the legal framework, to drill walls and ceilings).

The amount of noise produced during construction and restoration work is determined by special instruments - sound level meters, as it is measured in acoustic decibels (dBA). This unit of measurement is a physical quantity that indicates the sound pressure level at the human ear.


