Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Ensuring sound insulation in a monolithic house

For such an apartment, the only effective way out of the situation is to isolate the entire apartment: walls, ceiling, floor, door and window openings. The fact is that in such houses the thickness of the floors is minimal, and the concrete used in construction is an extremely poor soundproofing material.

Partial isolation will not bring a significant effect - sounds propagate both from the side of the walls and the ceiling and floor. For this reason, a complete installation of sound insulation is required, which reduces the useful area of ​​​​the apartment as a whole.

Types of sound insulation

For monolithic houses, both full and partial sound insulation are used - the choice of methods depends on the budget of the work and the level of silence required by the owner of the apartment. You can avoid unnecessary costs only if you carefully choose the building material - the modern market offers a wide range in different price categories. When choosing, you should focus on the optimal ratio of price and quality of products.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Apartment soundproofing scheme

For complete soundproofing, the following work is required:

  • floor soundproofing;
  • ceiling soundproofing;
  • sound insulation of inter-apartment walls;
  • sound insulation of interior partitions;
  • replacement of low-quality windows and doors.

You can perform work both independently and with the involvement of specialists. Today, there are many organizations specializing in soundproofing houses and apartments, and if you have the slightest experience in construction, it is recommended to trust professionals.

However, do-it-yourself soundproofing an apartment for an experienced homeowner does not fall into the category of complex work, and is comparable to a major overhaul.

Partial soundproofing is used to localize a separate section of the apartment, which is the strongest source of noise.

As a rule, such work consists in eliminating minor shortcomings made during construction, and is easily carried out on our own.

The most popular methods of partial soundproofing include the following:

  • door insulation. Often, when installing them, installers do not completely fill the voids with insulating materials, which negatively affects the ability to absorb sounds. You can use both mounting foam and a more modern and superior quality material - non-hardening sealant;
  • window insulation. The work also consists in filling voids and adjusting double-glazed windows;
  • isolation of sockets, junction boxes and other equipment that is a source of sound from neighbors;
  • sewer risers are recommended to be insulated with foamed polystyrene. Modern plastic pipes transmit sound perfectly, and the whole entrance often hears about visiting the restroom.

Options for getting rid of noise in the apartment

Offers of new materials on the modern market come almost daily. Today it is not difficult to find a soundproofing material that optimally suits the owner of the apartment both in terms of sound-absorbing characteristics and in appearance.

A lot of materials allow you to make sound insulation quite well on your own, without resorting to the services of companies. Such building materials are usually easy to install and do not require further maintenance. They combine excellent insulating qualities and spectacular appearance, which allows owners to save on further finishing of the apartment.

Not all property owners are able to correctly select the required material and perform installation work.For them, numerous construction organizations specializing in soundproofing work offer their services. They have at their disposal all modern types of building materials and numerous work experience - they often use several coatings at once, which together provide one hundred percent protection against the penetration of sounds.

Insofar as the sound insulation of almost any apartment in a monolithic house is a whole range of works, the complexity of which is not much different from a major overhaul, their implementation should be trusted only to professionals. This will avoid many of the mistakes often made by property owners in an attempt to get rid of the problem themselves.

Apartment isolation step by step instructions

To improve sound insulation, mineral wool and drywall are often used - these are one of the relatively inexpensive, but very effective ways to deal with sounds penetrating from everywhere. Along with these materials, basalt (stone) wool, polyurethane foam blocks, cork, coconut fiber and many other insulating materials are used.

Ceiling soundproofing

To insulate the ceiling, a number of works must be performed: first of all, a system is mounted that holds the entire structure, and only then the insulating material is laid.

There are three types of ceiling soundproofing systems:

  • False ceilings mounted on a metal frame. The sheathing of such a ceiling consists of drywall, and all insulating materials are hidden behind the sheathing.
  • Stretch ceilings are plastic or fabric materials stretched just below the main ceiling. They also allow you to hide insulation materials and communication systems.
  • Suspended ceilings commonly used in office spaces. They are easy to install and highly functional.

Soundproofing, electrical wiring, ventilation systems and other options for decorative ceiling systems are easily hidden behind finishing materials, and the choice largely depends on the imagination of the apartment owner.

Increasing the thickness of walls and ceilings is a great way to increase the soundproofing of an apartment.

Acoustic insulation is a structure that combines sound-absorbing materials and sound-proofing materials. Mineral wool is used as a sound absorber, which is used to sheathe the walls and ceiling of the room. The sound, passing through it, is muffled, and the external insulation, which is also a decorative finish (wall panels, drywall, etc.), completely prevents the penetration of sounds into the apartment.

Thus, despite the fact that sounds penetrate the walls, the additional layers of insulation completely load them, allowing the owner of the apartment to fully enjoy the comfort.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house. Who did it and how

I bought a house in a new building. Did a great renovation. Spent a lot of time and money. And then the neighbors settled in. It turned out that behind the wall of the living room was the kitchen. From the kitchen there is a constant noise of slamming furniture doors, pots, stools grinding on tiles, etc. The plumbing sounds at 30 decibels. Checked with a noise meter on a smartphone. So much effort was devoted to the repair that it was morally not ready to radically redo everything without knowing what the result would be. Among the neighbors there are no music lovers, drunks or party-goers at night. I just grew up and used to live in brick houses with thick walls and apparently a normal layout. Get used to silence. Who was able to significantly isolate themselves and in what ways? It is in a monolithic house. Tell.

Well, if you are ready to reduce the area a bit. It is possible to put a 5 cm foam block in parallel with the walls bordering the neighbors and the elevator. Yes, the gap is at least 1.5 - 2 cm. And push the Izolon rolled PPE into this gap. It is even better to plaster these blocks. Who likes, but I do it. Everyone is happy so far

Soundproofing in an apartment with terrible audibility

I bought a new apartment in a new monolithic building. After living for a while, I realized that on the old one I had wealth that I did not suspect - heady silence. Either the neighbors were quiet, or the house was better in quality, but there was no noise at all, even between rooms the audibility was low. Now I have the feeling that I live in a communal apartment or a marginal hostel - sounds from everywhere, from all corners. And not only from four apartments outside the walls and from top to bottom, but also from the periphery, i.e. out of 8 Conversations, TVs, knocking, children running on their heels (it's generally a horror movie), drunken voices, karaoke. And you can hear not only the sounds of increased volume, but even just ordinary household sounds - the sound of water, the toilet bowl, the slight creak of doors, I even hear how the man from below spit toothpaste relish in the morning. Now there was the first NG in this place, all the neighbors were at home, I spent 80 percent of the time in earplugs, the rest in headphones. I thought about soundproofing, although this was not included in the budget. I found a company, a measurer came. On Saturday they sent an estimate - for two large rooms the cost is 300 tr. I'm already desperate, so I'm ready to pay so much. I have a question - people who did it, who faced it, as a result? If they make me, as they promised, a “room in a room” of the most absorbing materials, I will lay out such grandmothers, and then I will hear sounds again, I will go to the neurosis clinic. Does this thing work? There was an idea to sell this apartment and buy a one-story house in a neighboring cottage village, but my purchase and sale deal was long and complicated, I was not ready to harness it again. Although it may be more rational in this case?

What is the ideal partition

The best sound insulation resembles a multi-layer cake in a section, and ideally, all the walls in the house, both interior and exterior, should consist of such a “pie”. The main filling of the walls is reinforced concrete, on both sides of which there should be a heater, and then a wall stone.

wall soundproofing plan

For internal partitions, the thickness of the reinforced concrete base must be 60 mm, as well as for external walls, it must be at least 180 mm.

Also, the quality of double-glazed windows and entrance doors plays a significant role in soundproofing, and in addition to soundproofing characteristics, the thermal insulation of the apartment also depends on this.

If, after acquiring a living space, the happy owner of square meters begins to notice the presence of extraneous sounds and noises with dissatisfaction, it means that it is time to make additional soundproofing.

There are more than enough options for doing this - from large-scale work that reliably isolates the owner from any noise, and ending with the localization of a particularly annoying sound source.

Monolithic house pros and cons

Advantages of a monolithic house

  • Sufficiently high construction speed.
  • Small shrinkage.
  • Light weight. Due to improved technology, the required thickness of the outer walls is reduced.
  • Uniform distribution of the load on the foundation.
  • High strength. Achieved by minimizing the number of butt joints.
  • Free layout of apartments.
  • Increased living space by reducing wall thickness.
  • Long service life.
  • High seismic resistance.

Cons of a monolithic house

  • Price. Compared to a panel house, material costs are 10-15% higher.
  • Influence of weather conditions. Since the creation of building elements is carried out directly at the construction site, the air temperature significantly affects the quality of the structures being created and the construction time.
  • Importance of exact observance of correctness of technological processes. Good heat and sound insulation, high strength of the building and its durability are achieved only with the proper level of control over all operations.
  • The need for high-quality compaction of the poured mixture.
  • Reinforced concrete walls imply the need for insulation.
  • Soundproofing is also poor in monolithic structures.

How to choose a soundproof apartment

Apartments with the proper level of sound insulation can be identified by several features. For example, in the joints, seams and junctions of walls to the ceiling, a special material based on polyethylene should be used (looks like white elastic tubes). It is also recommended to ask the builder or former owner if a floating floor system was used in the construction.

Hollow floors made of reinforced concrete are several times better in terms of soundproof characteristics than monolithic ones. The reason for this is both the considerable thickness of the floors and the use of various fillers in their manufacture. Expanded clay, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool are added to modern materials, shavings or construction debris are added to old structures.

Monolithic ceilings are perhaps one of the most "noisy" materials - they perfectly transmit all sounds and noises, so soundproofing in a new building made of a monolith is simply necessary.

Which house is better, monolith or panel

First, let's figure out what a monolithic house means. This is a building constructed by pouring a concrete mixture into a prepared formwork, inside of which a reinforcing cage is located. In this case, each subsequent element is connected to the previous one without connecting seams.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

There is also another concept. Brick-monolithic house - what is it? The difference between a brick-monolithic house and a simply monolithic one is that in the first type of building, the outer walls of the building are additionally lined with bricks.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Let's go through the main properties that characterize housing construction.


For a potential buyer, this characteristic is the most important when choosing the type of house. And the "panel" here stands out from the best side

And even if the cost of a monolithic house does not differ much from the cost of a panel house, then at the stage of repairing and finishing an apartment, the future owner of a “monolithic” living space will have to spend a considerable amount.

Speed. Panel houses are built almost 3 times faster than monolithic ones.

The panel house, in fact, is created at the factory, and is transported in parts to the construction site. Monolithic is being built directly on the construction site. Here, the speed of construction is influenced by many external factors. Weather conditions play a significant role here. For example, at negative temperatures, concrete does not set at all, and therefore it becomes impossible to carry out construction. It is necessary either to heat up the concrete mixture, which reduces its quality, or to introduce special antifreeze additives, which significantly affects the cost, or to freeze the construction during the cold period, which increases the construction time.

Appearance. Here, on this point, monolithic housing construction occupies a leading position. "Monolith" does not limit the imagination of architects both in choosing a facade solution and in planning apartments.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Panel houses are characterized by the uniformity of forms, patterned facades and standard planning solutions. Apartments in a panel building, mainly one- and two-room apartments, are small in size and have a boring layout.

  • Shrinkage. The question of whether a monolithic house sits down is relevant for many potential apartment owners. After all, experts often advise not to immediately make serious repairs in a new building, but to wait a year or two, because due to shrinkage of the house, freshly laid tiles can crack and fall off, drywall will also crack, and plaster will begin to crumble in pieces.

A monolithic house shrinks less than other types of houses, since due to the one-piece construction, shrinkage occurs evenly.

In order for you to form an objective opinion, we will determine which house is better, a monolith or a brick.

Dependence of sound insulation on types of houses

For each house, depending on its design, a certain type of insulating material is required. Knowing this allows you to organize an optimal insulation system at minimal cost.

If in brick houses it is possible to dwell only on partial sound insulation, then in monolithic construction large-scale work is required. Otherwise, a high risk of wasting time and materials is created - the design features of monolithic objects require the implementation of large-scale work after construction is completed.

How to provide soundproofing in a brick house

For brick houses, partial sound insulation is used, which consists in localizing the most disturbing sound sources. There are few sound sources in such apartments - entrance doors, windows, ventilation system.

It is necessary to fill the voids in the door and window openings, if possible, change the wooden windows to modern double-glazed windows, install a special grille for ventilation. Given the material and thickness of the inter-apartment walls, they practically do not transmit sounds in brick houses.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Impact noise such as the grinding of stools against tiles, or the slamming of furniture doors, if this noise propagates through the floor, the ceiling cannot be removed.

Advice (considering that your repair is over, and that now you will be bombarded with nonsense about all sorts of “magic” Soundproofs and Shumanets). So, the experiment is to understand how to fight. You buy an inexpensive thicker foam - say 50mm (in rolls). Hang it in strips close to the entire problematic wall from top to bottom. Preferably without cracks. Make sure the effect is zero. You hammer on a problem. If you don’t feel sorry for the money, you can hang Schumanets as such an “experimental carpet”, so that later you can throw it away without regret.

OK! The thickness of the floors and walls of the monolith? Then the options are: 1) There are openings to the neighbors (heating risers, sockets, slots). 2) Sound goes through the ventilation channels 3) Structural noise (i.e., transmitted from the source to the walls / floor not through the air, but by contact - say, a chair is moved on a tile). Before fencing a garden with soundproofing walls, try to experiment with “carpet” coverings of problematic walls. So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful

This is the main reason for my awakening in the morning. Maybe I'm having too much sleep. Experimenting with carpets is certainly good to have these carpets. But I don't even know where to get them. Probably expensive to buy, I don’t even know how much they cost approximately. In general, amazing. How many monoliths have already been built, how many people live in them, but no one does soundproofing? I can't really find any good reviews. You will probably have to experiment yourself. I think to start with one wall, and then evaluate the effectiveness and already think about the rest. I can't determine where the sound is coming from. The fact that from the side of the neighbors on the side is for sure, but it seems that the neighbors above the neighbors also invest their share in the overall background noise. And from them the sound can go along the ceiling. And he definitely goes, because the clatter of a child who lives there is periodically heard. Although 15 profiles and 10 sheets of drywall also cost money, not to mention mineral wool. In 6 thousand, one wall will definitely pour out, not counting the work.

Types of sound insulation

To ensure sound insulation at the junction of walls with the ceiling, the seams must be sealed with a special material. It is made from polyethylene. A floating floor is required. Overlappings hold sound better if they are hollow inside. They are not only thicker than monolithic structures, but also incorporate a filler in the form of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.

The optimal partition is a pie. In the middle is the main material - reinforced concrete, and on both sides it is lined with a sound insulator.Such work is carried out with external walls, the thickness of which must be at least 180 mm, and internal. Their thickness should be from 80 mm.

By type, soundproofing materials are divided into:

  • sound-absorbing. Mineral wool;
  • sound-reflecting. Drywall.

To completely eliminate noise in the apartment, it is necessary to use these types in combination. Mineral wool is laid inside, which absorbs sound. Drywall is laid on top, which reflects it.

Full soundproofing includes works:

  • floor insulation:
  • ceiling;
  • inter-apartment walls;
  • partitions between rooms;
  • replacement of door and window openings (read the article on choosing an interior and front door with good sound insulation);
  • ventilation soundproofing.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

With partial sound insulation, only the elimination of flaws is carried out:

  • If the installation of entrance doors and window frames was performed poorly, then voids remain through which noise enters the room. They need to be filled with mounting foam or non-hardening sealant. Detailed article on soundproofing doors.
  • Sockets and junction boxes are isolated. They receive noise coming from neighbors.
  • Sewerage is insulated with expanded polystyrene.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house is needed or not

In practice, a happy newcomer, who hastened to make repairs, is faced with the fact that the neighbors are aware of the events of his life, and he himself is an unwitting participant in the life of the entire entrance. The fact is that soundproofing standards are not maintained. Of course, not all developers. And if we take into account the current trend in the construction of houses for self-finishing, when the developer, at best, makes a minimal screed on the floor, then what kind of sound insulation can we talk about? And what about open-plan apartments, where everyone is their own boss?

Comfort is disturbed by numerous noises, they are divided into shock and air. Is the neighbor's kid in the apartment above you dragging a typewriter across the laminate on a string? This is shock noise. It spreads across the floor slab. Does a musician live somewhere in the house? His rehearsals will delight all residents of the house, since acoustic vibrations (airborne noise) are re-emitted in all directions from the instrument, and cause the monolithic ceiling to vibrate, and then thin partitions made of brick, foam concrete and drywall.

What to do? Equip your apartment at the renovation stage, thinking through the details. Insulating one bedroom will do nothing, well, who will install the safe door there? Soundproofing in monolithic houses should be only complex, an apartment in an apartment. This is a costly business, the loss of usable area is inevitable, but it's worth it.

It should be warned against possible errors in the choice of materials for sound insulation and installation of structures. When buying, you must clearly distinguish the purpose of the material. For example, cork flooring. Cork does not have soundproofing properties, it reduces acoustic noise, i.e. the noise that is created by the residents of a particular apartment where this cork is pasted. Soundproofing and sound absorption are not the same thing. Or polystyrene and all derivatives of this material. Styrofoam is a good thermal insulation material, but it does not increase the level of sound insulation, installing foam behind a plasterboard structure can reduce the sound insulation coefficient due to the acoustic rigidity of this material. Wasted money. It is also impossible to solve this issue by fastening only thin and effective soundproofing materials.

The principle of soundproofing in monolithic houses is built according to the scheme: soundproofing material - sound-absorbing material - material that increases the massiveness of the structure (GKL, GVL). In this case, a prerequisite: good acoustic decoupling at the junction of the fasteners to the walls, ceiling and floor (gasket). The rigidity of the structure will decrease, and sound waves will be damped.Gaskets should be in all places where different materials come into contact

When choosing a sound-absorbing material, it is necessary to pay attention to its sound insulation index, acoustic engineers are a rarity in our time, you will have to navigate yourself. Installation of stretch ceilings, if they are conceived, is carried out under the construction of soundproofing and sound absorbing materials

Drywall construction, without soundproofing materials, will only increase the impact noise coming from above.

The variety of flooring materials on the market is impressive. So that the neighbors from below do not visit with endless claims, laying ceramic tiles or other similar materials on a rigid basis is impossible. An additional increase in the height of the screed will steal a few centimeters (it should be at least 80 - 90 mm approximately), and is not always the best solution. You can use the option: building screed - gasket - profile grille - soundproofing material - gasket, the floor itself (plywood, board) and on top of it the desired flooring material.

Step-by-step apartment isolation

Depending on the need, full or partial sound insulation is used in the new building. Wherein can be used thin but dense insulators, sandwich panels, polystyrene or mineral wool boards.

floor soundproofing

The best option for soundproofing is the formation of a floating floor. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Mineral wool is laid on the prepared base.
  2. The top is covered with foil.
  3. A mortar is mixed, consisting of cement, sand and water. Prepared and poured concrete screed.
  4. The top coat is applied on top.

As a simplified version, soundproofing material is laid between the floor joists. From above it is covered with boards and topcoat.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Wall soundproofing work

If the area of ​​​​the room is small, then thin materials are used. These include:

  • Cork coating;
  • soundproof wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • foam polyethylene.

In the case when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, you can use less expensive material. This includes mineral wool, fiberglass or foam boards.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

The order of work is as follows:

  1. After carrying out cleaning work, the surface is treated with a waterproofing material. This is a special liquid, after drying which a film forms. It does not allow moisture to penetrate.
  2. Stuffed profile.
  3. A layer of vapor barrier film is laid.
  4. A layer of mineral wool is laid between the profiles.
  5. From above it is sewn up with sheets of drywall.

ceiling insulation

This work can be done in 2 ways:

  1. work on soundproofing your own ceiling;
  2. creating an insulating floor on top of the neighbors.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

The procedure with the ceiling is not much different from working with walls. Profiles are stuffed, and sheets of mineral wool are laid between them. Sheets of drywall are stuffed on top.

Soundproofing doors and windows

After installing the doors in the new building, you need to eliminate all the gaps between the jamb, the wall and the door. This is achieved in 3 ways:

  1. Leatherette with an overlap is stuffed on the outer surface of the door. As a result, he covers all the cracks.
  2. Sealing rubber bands are glued to the jamb, and the inside of the door is filled with a sound insulator.
  3. A second door is being installed. The resulting layer is a good insulator.

Window glass does not let in sounds. It remains to cover the cracks between the package and the window opening with putty, to adjust the sashes. To check: when they are closed, a sheet of paper should not be pulled out.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

Soundproofing work in the bathroom

To do this, the following materials are used in the bathroom:

  • Membrane, 4 mm thick, is glued to the surface of the walls. They are made from polymer.
  • Soundproof panels are glued.
  • Used plaster, which includes a porous filler.The maximum layer is 25 mm.
  • All sewer pipes are wrapped with polyethylene foam.
  • Slabs made of basalt fiber are laid on the floor and ceiling.

Soundproofing in a monolithic house material selection and installation recommendations

An apartment in a new building always needs soundproofing. This is due to the fact that this kind of construction is carried out in an economical mode. It is better to immediately conduct a complete soundproofing of the room, overlay reinforced concrete walls with mineral wool. Do the same procedure with the ceiling, and fill all the remaining voids in the doorway and windows with filler.

Soundproofing standards in panel houses

In Russia, noise insulation standards are strictly regulated and enshrined in the set of rules for noise protection SP 51.13330.2011. The regulations apply to airborne and impact sound levels:

  • airborne noise (voices, music, etc.) - sound insulation at the level of 50 dB;
  • impact noise (repair work, movement of furniture) - the permissible sound pressure level is 60 dB.

According to building codes, the optimal thickness of reinforced concrete floors is 160 mm. For inter-apartment partitions, 100-150 mm is enough. But practice shows that a comfortable stay in the apartment in terms of noise level will be possible with a partition thickness of more than 200 mm.


