Soundproof cabins

Collapsible announcer booths

Soundproof cabinsThe modern pace of life dictates new approaches to doing business! This also applies to the principles of building recording studios.

Sometimes it is required not only to deploy the work of the studio in the shortest possible time, but also to be able in the future, without loss, to dismantle and take away what has been built. In order to collect the same thing in another place, without starting capital construction.

It is for these purposes that the Master of Bars company developed the AUDIOSTOP-1 announcer (speech, vocal) booth, which is in fact a CONSTRUCTOR, which is assembled in 1 (ONE) day!

Our announcer (vocal) booth — watch the video

Announcer booth - watch video

Review of the announcer's booth Audiostop - watch the video

Short description

  1. An announcer's (speech, vocal) booth is an easily erected structure (i.e. this work does not require special permission from the architect to redevelop the premises and is not a capital construction)
  2. The basis of the announcer's cabin are sandwich panels based on gypsum fiber, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and MDF. View installation diagram.
  3. On the inner walls and ceiling of the announcer's booth, acoustic finishing is carried out, which is a specially arranged rows of strips of absorbing, scattering and reflecting materials. The type, number and principle of placement of which determines the acoustic project. The acoustic design is based on the calculation of the optimal reverberation time.
  4. The cabin is equipped with a vestibule consisting of two doors
  5. The cabin is installed on its own "floating", vibration-isolating base, the internal flooring is carpet.
  6. The cabin has its own noise-damped, supply and exhaust ventilation system.
  7. The cab is equipped with power lines for lighting, socket block and ventilation system.
  8. There is one ceiling lamp installed in the announcer's booth
  9. The cab is equipped with a cable-channel for audio switching.
  10. The cabin is equipped with a window consisting of two frames not rigidly connected to each other, each of which has glass 15 mm thick.
  11. Cabin Specifications:
    • RT60 - no more than 0.2 sec. in the frequency range above 120 Hz
    • The level of sound insulation from airborne noise at frequencies:
      • 120 Hz - 43 dB
      • 500 Hz - 47 dB
      • 1000 Hz - 53 dB
      • 2000 Hz - 70 dB
      • 4000 Hz - 75 dB
    • Cabin dimensions L x W x H: 2000mm x 1600mm x 2500mm
    • Cabin weight - 1200 kg
    • Installation time - two working days
    • Delivery time - 4 working weeks from the date of prepayment
    • Cost (excluding the cost of delivery and lifting to the floor) - 380,000 rubles without VAT.

Dimensions, paint color and technical characteristics of the cabin can be made for a specific task. In this case, the cost is determined by agreement.

Soundproof cabins

Brief digression

In all descriptions of cabins, different numbers are given. What is the meaning of these numbers describing the characteristics of the announcer's booth? As a rule, two parameters are presented - Soundproofing (dB) and Reverberation Time (RT60). And here is what I have to say about it:

1. Soundproofing:
At different frequencies, the announcer's booth has a different value of the sound insulation level. It is clear that for high, the value of the level of sound insulation will be higher, and for low - lower. And if the cabin "holds on the bottom", then it's "on the top" - even more so. Using “Audiostop” panels as the main structural element (which are a layered cake of alternating layers of MDF, GVL, polyurethane foam and mineral wool), we achieved 43 dB of sound insulation at a frequency of 125 Hz! Well, at 1000 Hz - all 80 dB.

And this is the best result for the money!

I will also say that the weakest point in the announcer's booth is the door and the window. In our announcer's booth, we make a tambour entrance consisting of two soundproof doors, and the window is arranged on the principle of two unconnected wooden frames, each of which has 15 mm thick glass.


Everyone writes - we have a small reverb ... But no one says that the reverberation in the announcer's booth should be not only small, but (most importantly) even. Here, for example, Ecofon panels, beloved by many, which are pasted over both announcer booths and studios, work effectively in a fairly narrow frequency spectrum - from 500 to 1500 Hz

And this means that the voice recorded in such announcer's booths will hum and whistle, and the middle will be “failed”. It is for this reason that we use not ready-made panels in the finishing of announcer booths, but hand-made, broadband absorbers operating in the entire speech range. And at the same time we achieve the value of the reverberation time - 0.12 sec +\- 0.02 sec!

And this is the best result for the money!

Well, you can judge what our announcer booths are, according to the reviews of our customers.


