How much noise can you make in an apartment without violating the law on silence
- If the general rule is:
- an individual (that is, just a person) - in the amount of 3,000 rubles;
- an official (including an individual entrepreneur) - in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles;
- a legal entity (that is, an organization) - in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles.
- If "special rule" (noisy repairs):
- an individual (that is, just a person) - in the amount of 3,000 rubles;
- an official (including an individual entrepreneur) - in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
- a legal entity (that is, an organization) - in the amount of 10,000 rubles.
- If a general or special rule (except between 13:00 and 15:00) re:
- an individual (that is, just a person) - in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
- an official (including an individual entrepreneur) - in the amount of 10,000 rubles;
- a legal entity (that is, an organization) - in the amount of 70,000 rubles.
The law on silence in the Novosibirsk region
- New Year's Eve from 22:00 on December 31 to 3:00 on January 1;
- work on rescue or liquidation of accidents;
- work on civil protection of the population;
- maintenance of facilities that support the life support of citizens;
- planned work on the construction of structures that are technically difficult to stop;
- actions that prevent offenses;
- violations that are already subject to administrative liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
- MKD and adjacent territories;
- places where private residential buildings have been erected;
- yards next to educational institutions;
- territorial zones near medical organizations;
- places near rehabilitation institutions, sanatorium and resort centers, social organizations;
- objects providing temporary residence to citizens;
- gardens, dachas and gardens in non-profit partnerships of Novosibirsk.
How much noise can be made during repairs
- In the upper right corner, the name and position of the inspector are indicated. You can check this information by phone at the office.
- After these data, indicate your full name, address of residence and phone number.
- On a new line in the middle, write the word "statement". And below you describe the essence of the complaint: who makes noise, how it makes noise, what time and how long it lasts; why does it bother you; What measures have been taken, what has changed. If there are witnesses or other victims, be sure to include their details.
- After the description of the complaint, the date and signature with a transcript are put at the bottom.
- Submit the application by registered mail or personally take it to the department and request an incoming number.
Time to make noise and quiet time
Taking into account the latest innovations in the law of the Novosibirsk region on silence, as amended for repair work, it is allowed to engage in any activity that produces noise:
- from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm — working days. According to the Labor Code (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), a five-day working day is from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday are days off;
- from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. - weekends and holidays that are officially non-working days (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- New Year's Eve is highlighted separately. In the new version of the law, on December 31, it is permissible to make noise not until 22:00, but all night until 4:00 in the morning on January 1 of the new year that has come (previously it was allowed until 3:00 in the morning). After 4:00 pm, silence is required according to the first two points.
In paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of Law No. 47-OZ, additional time is allocated for quiet hours from 13.00 to 14.00. Two fundamental points are worth noting:
- Breaking the silence during daytime rest is prohibited only in apartment buildings. This paragraph does not apply to other institutions (hospitals, rest homes, etc.).
- Quiet hours are required every day, from Monday to Sunday.
As a result, the following noise limits exist in the region (not counting repairs). You can make noise:
- in apartment buildings - until 13:00 and after quiet hours from 14:00 to 22:00;
- in other places designated by law - until 22.00.
Quiet mode in Novosibirsk in an apartment building
Citizens living in an apartment building suffer the most from noise. Where there are thin walls, there is no peace from the neighbors, not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. Especially on the weekends of January. Although the new law makes it possible to break the silence on January 1, you will still have to keep quiet on the rest of the weekend in January. But let's talk about everything in order. The law clearly prescribes the level of noise in decibels and the provision of silence over time. You can read more about the violation of the peace and quiet of citizens during the day, on weekends, at night in the Russian Federation in 2019 on our website. Let's look at what kind of violation of silence is punishable by law under the law in the Russian Federation:
Alexander Terepa, Chairman of the Committee on State Policy, Legislation and Local Self-Government:
“Often this issue is related to everyday situations - someone has a wedding, someone has a child sleeping, someone came to the dacha to relax, and someone intends to build a house. Repairs, redevelopment of apartments, completion of finishing works - we understand that not all buyers today have enough money for ready-made housing. Therefore, there are many contradictions
Taking into account the competent opinions of all persons, it was not easy, but by a majority of votes, we decided to agree with the duration of the day's rest of 1 hour.
Silence Law, official text
The government of the Russian Federation first thought about introducing such a bill a couple of decades ago. As a result, at the end of the second millennium, the first version of the document was adopted. For a long time, it was constantly supplemented and changed, and amendments were made both at the federal and regional levels.
Most of the improvements were related to the maximum noise level and the time allowed to forget about the silence.
A kind of impetus for the creation of this draft law was the regular complaints of the owners and residents of apartment buildings. The main problem was the noise coming from the neighbors and not allowing a normal rest. It took a lot of time to consider each individual claim, as a result of which it was decided to limit the level of permissible noise by introducing an appropriate bill.
According to it, the noise level can be as follows:
- Daytime - 40 dB;
- Night - 30 dB.
In the daytime, it is allowed to exceed the allowable indicator, but not more than 15 dB. As for noise sources, this included the operation of electrical appliances, the noise emitted by repairs and construction, barking dogs, people screaming and other sounds.
Humming and smells
If noise from refrigeration equipment is heard in the apartment or a persistent smell of dishes being prepared is noticeable, then it is worth writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. He will send specialists who will measure the noise level in the apartment and check the operation of the hood. Some companies prefer to compensate for noise discomfort by installing double-glazed windows in apartments and providing residents with special discounts.
If a compromise could not be found, then a protocol on violations is drawn up, which is then sent to the court. You can also call independent noise measurement organizations, after which you can file an appeal to the court on your own. The more residents join the complaint, the more likely it is that the judge will agree to recover substantial compensation from the violator for moral damage.
Night unloading of shops
The law does not prohibit stores from unloading at night, but from 23:00 to 07:00 it is forbidden to make noise. You need to unload the goods from the end of the house, where there are no windows. It is necessary to turn off car engines, exclude the operation of noisy equipment, loud conversations between employees, and take other measures to reduce noise.
For example, use rubberized flooring instead of iron, lubricate creaking doors.
Applications are accepted both in writing and through the electronic reception. You can also call the unified information service of the Moscow City Hall by phone: 8 (495) 777-77-77. Night gatherings Sometimes in the evenings, noisy companies gather near the shops, disturbing the residents with loud conversations, music and even fights.
It will not be possible to measure such noise with instruments, so you should call the district police officer or the police on duty.
In addition, a dubious outlet can be asked to check for compliance with the law banning the sale of alcohol at night. Violating the silence regime in Moscow, when it comes to repair work, as well as work on the reconstruction or redevelopment of residential apartments and non-residential premises (which are not the common property of apartment owners in high-rise buildings), in accordance with the law on silence, is prohibited during the following time intervals: on weekdays - from 19 pm to 9 am and from 1 pm to 3 pm (the so-called "quiet hour"); any time on Sunday and non-working holidays. An exception is the carrying out of repair work, as well as work on redevelopment or reorganization of living rooms in apartment buildings, from the date of commissioning of which no more than one and a half years have passed.
Violation of silence at night
The Federal Law on observance of silence regulates all the necessary provisions:
At night, noise is considered to be any loud sound that disturbs the neighbors to sleep.
You can not talk loudly and stomp your feet, arrange noisy events, turn on the TV and music at high volume, carry out construction work.
With some amendments, the bill is in force for different regions of the country, but, as a rule, noise is prohibited from 23.00 to 8.00 on weekdays, from 22.00 to 10.00 on weekends. Repair work can be carried out from 9.00 to 20.00. In the afternoon, builders are required to take a break from 13.00 to 15.00 if small children live in the neighborhood who need daytime sleep.
How much noise can you make in an apartment?
The current version of the document allows you to "ignore" the limits only on the night of December 31 to January 1. The rest of the time, residents are required to adhere to these standards.
In accordance with the document, the night restriction is valid from 9 pm to 8 am.
During this time it is impossible to produce sounds whose volume exceeds 30 dB. It should also be noted that individual restrictions apply in a number of Russian regions. Let's consider them in more detail.
In Moscow and the Moscow region
Residents and guests of the capital will have to come to terms with the fact that the period of silence provided for the specified region lasts from 11 pm to 7 am.
However, don't be fooled. In the near future, the list of restrictions may be supplemented by a ban on repair work from 7 pm to 9 am. It is also planned to introduce an additional time of daytime silence, which will last from 13-00 to 15-00.
As for the Moscow region, somewhat different standards have been adopted here.
What sounds are considered noisy
According to SanPiN, sound limits are set:
- in rooms where people live: from 7.00 to 23.00 - 40 dBA, from 23.00 to 7.00 - 30 dBA;
- the territory near the house: from 7.00 to 23.00 - 55 dBA, from 23.00 to 7.00 - 45 dBA.
Noise levels exceeding the figures given and which are unacceptable during quiet periods:
- sounds coming from any sound-producing equipment located in the house or on the vehicle;
- playing musical instruments;
- loud singing, screaming, screeching and the like;
- launching firecrackers, fireworks;
- knocking, drilling, sawing during repairs, moving furniture, etc.
Silence Law
It is a pity that this law does not save if the windows are located towards the roadway. Uninterrupted public transport is more paramount than the peace of the Russians. The law also does not apply to the need for rescue and emergency measures.
The latest version of the law prescribes when you can not in the apartment. This is the interval from 21:00 to 08:00 on weekdays. It is worth taking into account that the time frame in the regulations of different regions may vary slightly. For example: for St. Petersburg it is from 22:00 to 8 in the morning, in Krasnoyarsk - from 22:00 to 9:00, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. from 22:00 to 7:00.
Additional Information:
Responsibility for disturbing the peace of citizens
If the persuasion of neighbors to calm down voluntarily has no effect, you can complain about them. The Disturbance of Peace Act gives you the right to rest in your home (especially in an apartment building) at night and day, on weekdays and weekends. You can read more about this on our website. If there is still no desired peace, the citizens of Russia in 2018 may complain. To do this, you must follow a certain procedure:
- shouting and loud talking;
- the use of pyrotechnics;
- carrying out repairs in the house that disturb the peace of citizens (including not only neighbors);
- carrying out construction work in an apartment nearby or directly in the residential buildings themselves (including during the daytime);
- the use of sound amplifiers (day and night during prohibited hours) in public places and through motor vehicles;
- loud music or singing;
- repeated alarms on cars;
- loud household appliances;
- loud sounds made by animals will also cause punishment for citizens - their owners, etc.
Law text
Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region
dated 03/24/2016 N 47-ЗС
Article 1. Subject of legal regulation of this Law
1. This Law regulates certain issues of ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region.
2. The provisions of this Law do not apply to the actions of citizens, officials and legal entities:
1) for carrying out emergency and rescue work, other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety of citizens or the functioning of life support facilities for the population;
2) for the performance of work, the suspension of which is impossible due to production and technical conditions in accordance with the design and construction documentation;
3) aimed at preventing or suppressing offenses;
4) for the commission of which the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses establishes administrative liability.
Article 2
The objects where the peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region should be ensured are:
1) apartment buildings and adjacent territories;
2) development zones with individual residential buildings;
3) territories of educational, medical organizations, as well as organizations providing social, rehabilitation, sanatorium and resort services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary stay of citizens;
4) territories of horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens.
Article 3. Ensuring peace and quiet of citizens
In order to ensure the peace and quiet of citizens, it is not allowed to commit, during the periods of time established by Article 4 of this Law, actions that make noise and violate the silence of citizens, including:
1) the use of sound-reproducing devices and sound amplification devices, including those installed on vehicles;
2) shouting, whistling, loud singing, playing musical instruments;
3) the use of pyrotechnics;
4) construction and installation, repair and (or) unloading and loading operations, accompanied by noise (vibration) impact.
Article 4Periods of time during which the violation of peace and quiet of citizens is not allowed
1) at night, the commission of actions that produce noise and disturb the peace and quiet of citizens, from 22:00 to 07:00 local time on working days, from 22:00 to 09:00 local time on weekends and non-working holidays, except for the period from 22:00 December 31 to 03:00 January 1 local time;
2) in the daytime, the commission of actions in apartment buildings that produce noise and disturb the peace and quiet of citizens, from 13:00 to 14:00 local time;
3) performance in apartment buildings of the actions provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 3 of this Law, from 20:00 to 07:00 local time on working days, from 20:00 to 09:00 local time on weekends and non-working holidays.
Article 5
Violation of the peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region entails administrative liability in accordance with the Law of the Novosibirsk Region of February 14, 2003 N 99-OZ “On Administrative Offenses in the Novosibirsk Region”.
Article 6. Entry into force of this Law
This Law shall enter into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.
Is it possible to make repairs on weekends, drill and carry out other noisy construction work?
A neighbor who loves to work as a puncher at any time of the day or night, a frequent hero of domestic jokes. But it so happens that the joke turns out to be true, and on the next day off, when you want to sleep, the annoying sound of construction equipment wakes you up. At these moments, everyone wonders if it is possible to drill on weekends, disturbing peace and sleep, is there responsibility for this and where to complain. This article has answers to all these questions.
For violation of the noise regime, administrative liability is provided, and in special cases, termination of the contract for renting a dwelling. Both a citizen and an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur can be brought to administrative responsibility.
How much and how much noise can be made in the apartment on weekdays and weekends
The time period during which noise is prohibited. This period is called night time. Its definition forms the exact time from which you can make noise in the morning, and ending with the exact time in the evening. Some regions have recently introduced additional legislation that introduces a rest break during which noise is also prohibited (in most cases, this is the period from one to three in the afternoon). This bill is designed to protect the right of children and the elderly to nap or just relax.
A separate norm is responsible for protecting the right to rest on weekends and public holidays;
Public and other places where special attention is paid to disturbing the peace. These places include apartments located in the MKD, the adjacent territory, public institutions and public transport, etc.
The set of rules for maintaining and maintaining peace also applies to residents of a private house. For example, playing musical instruments, if it threatens to disturb the peace of a neighbor in the area, may also be banned. In this case, the main criterion is the deterioration of the living conditions of other people, and not the location of the noise source;
Noise level limit. The value of the noise level is regulated by the normative act "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" and sanitary standards. It says that during the day the noise level should not exceed 40 dB, and at night - 30. To make the numbers more understandable, the noise volume during repair work is about 140 dB, while the vacuum cleaner is 80 dB, and an ordinary conversation reaches a volume level of 65 dB ;
Exceptions to the law, that is, situations in which exceeding the regulated noise threshold does not entail liability. We are talking about the elimination of the consequences of emergencies such as technical accidents, fire, natural disasters, as well as the provision of emergency assistance to people who are threatened with death, and other circumstances that require emergency measures. There are also exceptions on national holidays. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod, on Victory Day, you can make noise and use pyrotechnics all day long. And on New Year's Eve, fireworks can be fired until 03:00;
Liability of violators of this law. It implies the payment of a fine in accordance with the administrative legislation of a particular region. Harmony, in this regard, has not yet been achieved in our country: if in some regions the sanctions are practically not felt, then in others they are too harsh. For example, if you carry out repairs in an apartment in Tyumen at night, you will need to pay only 200 rubles. In the same situation in Nizhny Novgorod, local authorities will force you to pay 500 rubles. But in Omsk, such a repair will cost you 5,000 rubles.
How much noise can you make in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation
- playing any musical instrument. If your neighbor arranges rehearsals for a symphony orchestra at night or simply torments the violin alone, he violates applicable law and may be subject to administrative punishment. Be sure to tell him about it, but extremely correctly so as not to offend the subtle soul of the night musician;
- watching TV programs or playing music. A lot of people in our country are not averse to watching TV after midnight, but this should be done as quietly as possible;
- repair work. This type of "entertainment" falls under another law, which determines when you can not only make noise, but also shake the house with a powerful hammer. However, this cannot be done at night anyway.
Where are the privacy laws required?
Citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are required to comply with the law on silence in Novosibirsk in an apartment and other premises. The list of places where the law works includes:
- residential areas of an apartment building, common areas in it, offices, shops located here;
- territory owned by MKD;
- places with private residential buildings;
- institutions with adjacent territories: educational, medical, rehabilitation, resort, for temporary accommodation of people;
- private gardens and orchards.
Of all the above, silence during the daytime hour break for rest is mandatory only in residential apartment buildings. In all other places, it is not forbidden to make noise from 13 to 14, but do not forget that in the same kindergartens and hospitals there are people who need peace.
Key points
The law of Russia No. 52-FZ spells out the necessary requirements for noise level standards:
Dear readers! Our articles talk about ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.
If you want to know
- it is 40 decibels (+10 decibels allowed) during the day;
- this is 30 decibels (it is forbidden to increase) at night.
Moreover, due to constant actions that increase the noise level to 70 decibels, there are consequences that worsen health:
- nervous collapse;
- headache;
- sleep disturbance;
- other nervous exhaustion.
To specifically determine the volume of sound, you can compare with the following indicators:
- car alarm - 100 decibels;
- perforator in operating mode - 95 decibels;
- loud human cry - 90 decibels;
- baby crying - 78 decibels;
- vacuum cleaner operation - 75 decibels;
- calm speech - 40 decibels;
- a normal whisper is 30 decibels.
Types of noise exceeding the normative indicators
In the "Law on the silence of the city of Novosibirsk 2019" The administrative offenses that are a violation are listed:
- the use of noisy household electrical appliances;
- loud talking and screaming, family quarrels;
- the use of pyrotechnics;
- construction work near the residential building or in the building of the house;
- repair of premises with sounds and noise above the permissible level or carried out at the wrong time of the day;
- loud music;
- car alarm that repeatedly turns on due to the fault of the car owner;
- cries of pets provoked by the owners themselves.
Frequent appeals and requests from citizens were taken into account and considered by the Legislative Assembly of the city of Novosibirsk, several amendments were made to the "Law on Peace and Peace in Novosibirsk 2019"
Time limits
Time limits were set and an amendment was adopted to observe silence during the day, from one to two in the afternoon:
- one to two o'clock in the afternoon - daytime;
- from ten in the evening to seven in the morning - during the working week;
- from ten in the evening to nine in the morning - Saturday, Sunday, holidays;
- in the new year from ten o'clock in the evening on December 31 to three o'clock on January 1.
Engage in construction work, repair, unloading and loading activities, strictly according to the established time:
- from seven o'clock in the morning to eight o'clock in the evening - Monday - Friday;
- 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on weekends and holidays.
The deputies of the city, considered, supplemented the changes in the "Law on the observance of silence in the city of Novosibirsk in 2018" regarding animals. The cries of animals and the loud chirping of birds must be controlled by the owner according to the established norms of silence.
Exceptions in the "Law on the silence of the city of Novosibirsk"
There are, of course, exceptions that would not be considered a breach of silence:
- work to prevent emergencies;
- sports competitions and cultural events;
- during worship with ceremonies;
- emergency alarm.
Who will help citizens under the "Law on the silence of the city of Novosibirsk"
In cases of non-compliance with existing norms, law enforcement agencies, Rospotrebnadzor, courts, city management companies will be involved in providing assistance to the victims.
Necessary consecutive actions directed against violators:
- independent notice to violators;
- contact the precinct;
- notification to the city management company;
- complaints sent to Rospotrebnadzor;
- file a lawsuit with the prosecutor.
Residents, in some cases, deal with noisy neighbors through negotiations, without turning to the authorities for help. Contact when the situation has turned into a serious conflict:
- can't reach an agreement on their own.
- the silence is often broken;
- the noise is much higher than the specified values.
Residents of the house will receive the desired and effective result upon presentation of serious evidence of a violation:
- written complaints in the form of a copy of the document;
- an act of experts in writing on ongoing violations;
- presence of witnesses and their testimonies;
- video and audio recordings of existing violations.
Where to complain about violators
If neighbors are not responding to requests to turn down the volume of music or stop renovation work, you need to act decisively. First of all, you need to stock up on evidence.
As far as possible exceptions are concerned:
- Elimination of the consequences of the accident;
- Rescue of people;
- Events initiated by officials;
- Holidays fixed at the legislative level or related to the city itself.
In all other situations, vehicle owners, owners of shops and entertainment centers and residents of apartment buildings will have to follow the letter of the law.
In Novosibirsk
If we talk about Novosibirsk, then there are also certain norms of silence, enshrined at the legislative level.In particular, residents and visitors to the city must comply with the following requirements:
- From 1 to 2 days - "quiet time" on all days of the week;
- From 10 pm to 7 am - noise is prohibited on weekdays;
- From 10 pm to 9 am - noise is prohibited on holidays and weekends;
- From 7 am to 8 pm - you can carry out repairs on weekdays;
- From 9 am to 8 pm - you can do repairs on weekends and holidays.
If you pay attention to the latest amendments made to the bill, then within Novosibirsk, the sounds made by representatives of the fauna are also qualified as a violation of the law.
Silence on weekends and holidays
On weekends, neighbors are required to ensure a low noise level from 22.00 to 10.00. In many regions, this norm has been changed and other periods have been established when it is forbidden to exceed the volume.
As far as possible exceptions are concerned:
- Elimination of the consequences of the accident;
- Rescue of people;
- Events initiated by officials;
- Holidays fixed at the legislative level or related to the city itself.
In all other situations, vehicle owners, owners of shops and entertainment centers and residents of apartment buildings will have to follow the letter of the law.
In Novosibirsk
If we talk about Novosibirsk, then there are also certain norms of silence, enshrined at the legislative level.
As practice shows, tariffs set in large metropolitan areas can reach exorbitant heights, especially when it comes to companies that violate the law on silence. The legislation treats natural persons more loyally.