Acoustic drywall
Acoustic drywall is needed to improve the acoustic characteristics of the room. He can:
- reduce the amount of background sounds that appear in the premises;
- reduce hum;
- eliminate echo;
In such a room, speech is perceived much better.
Drywall is produced with a different shape and arrangement of holes:
- Solid perforation (over the entire surface).
- Block perforation (in separate groups).
- Round perforation (holes with a diameter of 8 mm).
- Square perforation (square with a side of 1.2 cm).
- Scattered round perforation (with different hole sizes).
Drywall from KNAUF is light and elastic, it can be processed quickly and can be painted.
Features and types
It has proven itself well and has earned a lot of positive feedback from Knauf cotton wool. The manufacturer offers a wide range of materials for different areas of operation. Depending on the properties, different types of materials are distinguished.
- Knauf Insulation - high quality insulation, which are designed for use in industrial purposes, as well as in public facilities with large areas for processing. The manufacturer claims that such cotton wool will last up to 50 years.
- TeploKnauf - designed for domestic use, often used in country houses.
- AkustiKnauf is a product line designed for high-quality sound insulation of interior partitions, floor and suspended ceiling acoustic systems. Mineral wool products are produced using the technology of elongated thin fibers.
All Knauf products are distinguished by good thermal conductivity and water absorption, the material use temperature is from -60 to +200 degrees.
Distinctive features
The main distinguishing feature of Knauf acoustic materials is the high quality of products. The production of mats is based on German technology using exclusively high-quality equipment. Together, an ideal soundproofing material is obtained, having all the necessary qualities and features.
If we compare KNAUF mats, it is important to note that the product has a relatively low cost, which is especially nice for a grandiose repair. Of course, when comparing cotton wool and gypsum-based boards, the differences will be significant.
First, the composition of the material is different. Secondly, a frame is not required for its installation. In addition, the panels can be used as a leveling surface. The thickness of sound insulation does not exceed five centimeters, and this is ideal for working with small rooms.
Today, there can be a lot of options for soundproofing a room, but if it is possible to use a frame without harming the space, it is better to take soft fiber boards that absorb sounds and noises as much as possible. Despite the high sound insulation performance, the joints between the seams in the finished partition or wall must be sewn up with a special reinforced tape or mesh.
Today, soundproofing a house or apartment can be done independently, while it is important to follow the rules of repair
- Make a project;
- Choose the right materials;
- Hire qualified professionals.
Of course, if there are builder skills and knowledge, then there will be no problems with repairs and soundproofing.
Soundproofing knauf is perfect for working with walls, ceilings and floors, as it has undeniable features and characteristics. Proper installation will provide the apartment with the necessary silence and warmth. Soundproofing Knauf in addition has high thermal insulation performance, so using an integrated approach you can make the house warm and comfortable.
Of course, it is impossible to achieve complete sound insulation in an apartment, but it can be possible to reduce the percentage of sound.Using high-quality consumables, you can ensure the desired silence at the same time quickly and without problems. High-quality insulation of an apartment can be performed using not only good building materials, but also an integrated approach. Soundproofing should be carried out throughout the house, not individual walls.
Modern developers often miss the point that it is necessary to do soundproofing and in such cases you have to do it yourself. With the use of high-quality consumables, you can achieve the expected effect. You should also remember to purchase soundproofing only from a reliable and trusted supplier who has all the necessary documentation and quality certificates. Only in this case it will be possible to be sure that he has high-quality sound insulation from Knauf. The German quality of the material made it competitive with other manufacturers, but everyone has the right to decide for himself what exactly does not suit him.
Dimensions and scope
Plate parameters
correspond to such indicators, the length is 1.25 meters, the width is 61
centimeter, and a thickness of 50 millimeters. When using soundproof boards
absolutely no leftover pieces. When building a standard frame for
partitions or walls distance between load-bearing structural elements
is 60 centimeters, which is ideal for acoustic knauf slabs.
Scope of soundproofing
material is quite extensive. This material is ideal for
internal work in residential premises. It is possible to isolate from noise the walls, the ceiling, and
even flooring, while you need to choose the right flooring and
use only the correct laying technology
When installing soundproofing
it is important that the frame of the box against the wall or the partition is well protected from
vibrations. The thing is that if you do not use insulating tape in
as a lining, the vibrational resonance will be accompanied by an unpleasant
The material contains no harmful
impurities and phenol-formaldehyde resins, which allows the use of sound insulation in
hospitals, kindergartens and schools. Also, the thermal insulation qualities of the material
suitable for use in production halls and warehouses.
sound insulation from Knauf acoustics, walls can be processed,
ceilings and floors. In the case of the ceiling and wall, a frame base is needed. When
the flooring is soundproofed, then the slab acts as the main
floating floor component. The material under the screed creates an excellent
noise-absorbing effect for vibration and airborne noise.
Composition and characteristics
Soundproofing Knauf
Acoustic made of fiberglass and available in the form of mats or plates. It is worth noting,
that in its structure the product resembles mineral or basalt wool,
which are often used today as
insulating materials. Air is retained between the fibers of the plates, which makes
The material is ideal not only for sound, but also for thermal insulation.
It should also be noted
that the structure of the fibers does not rot or decompose when in contact with
humid environment, which significantly expands the scope of the plates. Thanks to
soft material base, it absorbs sound waves well, lowering the air and
vibration noises. The porous base passes steam and air well, therefore, when
using Knauf on the wall surface is not
fungus and mold develop. Given all the properties of the product, you can confidently
declare that this material can be considered one of the best of its kind.
Insulating mats
Knauf do not burn, as evidenced by the NG indicator. In the event of a fire in the room and provides protection
wooden structures. Also, under the influence of temperature, the stove does not emit
harmful toxic substances that adversely affect the body and human health.
Due to these properties, sound insulation is actively used for residential
premises, hospitals and canteens.
panels is 50 years, while this figure is common, and use
insulation can be much longer, while it will not lose its qualities and
characteristics. The material does not react to temperature changes, which allows
use products as thermal insulation.
Mats are produced
dimensions 1250 * 610 * 50 millimeters. The package contains twelve square
meters. If expressed in quantity, it turns out 16 mats in one package.
The compact shape of the container allows you to easily carry and transport
products. Acoustic knauf
soundproofing characteristics of which, in many ways, exceed their counterparts.
If used, then only products from a reliable and trusted supplier.
Products can
install in the frame base and sew up with plasterboard sheets. This option
soundproofing is considered the most effective and suitable for any type of
premises with sufficient space. Due to their light weight, soundproof
activities can be carried out independently, without involving specialists.
Pros and cons
Soundproofing Knauf acoustic, like any building material, has its advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the merits of the material, then there are a lot of them, and they are as follows:
Non-combustible material belonging to the group "NG". Such characteristics allow the use of insulating boards in rooms with increased fire hazard.
The durability of the product makes it possible to operate insulating boards for at least fifty years, while they do not lose their properties and characteristics.
Due to the fibrous base of the panel, rodents, insects, fungal formations and mold are not afraid. Such indicators make it possible to use insulating material under conditions of high humidity.
The composition of the plate does not include harmful components that have an unpleasant odor, so they can be used even in rooms for allergy sufferers and children.
In the process of working with plates, cutting and installation, a lot of dust is not generated, which clogs the treated room less and saves time for cleaning.
The soft base does not cause discomfort during the laying of soundproofing. The elastic base easily returns the original shape of the slab structure.
The product contains natural ingredients. The adhesive base consists of wood resins that do not have a negative impact on human health and well-being.
Affordable cost plates. Compared with analog materials, the cost of acoustic kunaf soundproofing is suitable for an average family with an average income
Using such soundproofing, you can not only effectively protect the house from noise, but also spend the minimum amount of time and money on this, which is important.
Despite all the positive qualities of acoustic knauf sound insulation, there is one minor drawback, during installation it is necessary to create a profile frame. Such soundproofing takes up space in the room. More precisely, on average, the thickness of the insulation will vary in the region of ten centimeters. Considering that the distance will be removed from each wall, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to be processed will decrease slightly. The insulating material simply does not have other disadvantages, which is the reason for its popularity among buyers.
Advantages of Knauf Acoustic stoves
The main advantage of the material is its ability to absorb various types of sounds and noises. The soft basis most effectively captures sounds and absorbs them. Fine fibers provide good air and steam permeability, which allows the insulation to be used in rooms with high humidity.The flexible structure helps to insulate and insulate the sounds of sewer drains. The material can be tightly wrapped around the pipe, thereby reducing the noise of the sewer. You can use cotton wool for both apartments and private houses. Quite often, Knauf ceiling soundproofing is used as a heater for roofs, attics and attics.
Speaking about the advantages, it is impossible not to note the environmental friendliness of the material. The product is made from natural raw materials, so there are no harmful elements and resins in its composition. Knauf wall insulation is odorless, so they are often used in soundproofing residential buildings and public areas.
The material is easy and convenient to work with. Given the low weight of the material, it does not require special equipment for loading and transportation. In one package there are 16 plates with a size of 1250*610*50 mm. This number of plates is enough to process an area of twelve square meters. To work with the slabs, you do not need special equipment or tools; the laying technology is similar to those used when installing basalt or mineral wool.
Knauf ceiling soundproofing is carried out using an aluminum profile structure or wooden beams. Due to the parameters of the plates, the frame base is erected according to generally accepted dimensions with a step width of 60 centimeters. The slabs have the same width, which makes it possible to use sound insulation with virtually no waste.
Panels are made on high-tech equipment. The ends of the slab can be flat or have the form of a locking system.
Panel dimensions:
- width -1200 mm;
- length - 2 or 2.5 m;
- thickness - 12.5 mm;
- weight of 1 m2 - from 8.5 to 9.6 kg;
- density—from 650 to 730 kg/m3.
Advantages of sound insulation "Knauf Acoustic":
- fast installation;
- panels are easy to process;
- harmless environmentally friendly material;
- service life of more than 25 years.
Plates are used for sound insulation of interior spaces in office, residential and administrative buildings. They are mounted on metal profile frames on the walls and ceiling. Sheets of flexible material fit tightly to each other.
The light weight and other characteristics of the Knauf Acoustic sound insulation make it possible to transport and fix the slabs without much difficulty. Products do not lose volume, which allows you to keep the technical characteristics longer than those promised by the manufacturer. Immediately after installation, you can feel the quality of sound insulation.
In addition, the installation of plates allows you to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of the room, which is an additional advantage of Knauf Acoustic products.