Soundproof materials

What are the advantages of the material and are there any disadvantages

Gypsum fiber sheets, like other material, have their own
Advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage of GVL boards is its cost.
This material is currently somewhat more expensive than such materials as:
drywall, plywood, chipboard and MDF boards. Also among the minuses of his canvas
significant weight

When making a frame, it is important to correctly calculate
an indicator of strength, since the mass of the plates is considerable. As for the cons,
this, perhaps, is all

Gypsum fiber has many advantages, which is why this
material is often used in modern construction. Thanks to
hypoallergenic qualities of the finish, it can be used for residential premises and in
particular children's rooms. The microporous structure of GVL sheets allows walls
breathe, which contributes to the protection of the surface to resist fungal
formations and mold.

Due to the hygroscopicity of the composition, the canvas can itself
regulate the humidity of the apartment. If the apartment has high humidity, then
the surface of the GVL absorbs it into itself. In case of increased dryness
gypsum fiber gives off moisture to create optimal climatic conditions. Also
It is worth mentioning the possibility of using GVL panels in rooms with
temperature fluctuations. Gypsum fiber sheet is an ideal finishing material
premises without heating.

Sound absorption coefficients of materials, objects, people, draperies, various types of fibrous thermal insulation depending on the sound frequency.

  • The absorption coefficient / sound absorption coefficient is the ratio of the absorbed sound energy to the total energy incident on the material.
  • Sound absorption of 1 m2 of an open window is conditionally taken as a unit of sound absorption.
  • The sound absorption coefficient can vary from 0 to 1. At a zero value of the sound absorption coefficient, the sound is completely reflected; at full sound absorption, the coefficient is equal to one.
  • Sound-absorbing materials usually include those that have a sound absorption coefficient of at least 0.4 at a frequency of 1000 Hz (“Protection against noise” SNiP II - 12 - 77).
  • The sound absorption coefficient is determined in the so-called acoustic tube and is calculated by the formula:
    • A (sv) \u003d E (absorbed) / E (pad)
    • E (pad) \u003d E (ras) + E (prosh)
    • where A (sv) is the sound absorption coefficient; E(abs) is the absorbed sound wave; E(pad) is the incident sound wave; E(neg) - reflected sound wave; E(ras) is the sound wave scattered in the material; E(prosh) is the sound wave that has passed through the material.

Table 1. Coefficients of sound absorption of materials, objects, people, draperies, depending on the frequency of sound.  

Sound absorption coefficients of materials, objects, people, draperies, depending on the frequency of sound.
Name of material or design Sound absorption coefficients at frequency
125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz
Building materials - sound absorption coefficients
Concrete wall smooth, unpainted 0,010 0,012 0,015 0,019 0,023 0,035
Brick wall, unplastered 0,024 0,025 0,032 0,042 0,049 0,070
Smooth gypsum plaster on a brick wall, painted 0,012 0,013 0,017 0,020 0,023 0,025
Dry plaster boards 0,020 0,050 0,060 0,080 0,040 0,060
Linoleum 5 mm thick on a solid base 0,020 0,025 0,030 0,035 0,040 0,040
Single glass 0,035 0,027 0,020
Draperies and carpets - sound absorption coefficients
Cotton fabric 360 g/m2 0,030 0,040 0,110 0,170 0,240 0,350
Velvet fabric 650 g/m2 0,050 0,120 0,350 0,450 0,380 0,360
Carpet 1 cm thick with pile, on concrete 0,090 0,080 0,210 0,270 0,270 0,370
Rubber carpet 0.5 cm thick 0,040 0,040 0,080 0,120 0,130 0,100
Absorption of objects and people - sound absorption coefficients
Chair with hard seat and back 0,020 0,020 0,030 0,035 0,038 0,038
Chair with upholstered seat and back 0,090 0,120 0,140 0,160 0,150 0,160
Listener (Human) 0,360 0,430 0,470 0,440 0,490 0,490

Table 2. Sound absorption coefficients of various types of fibrous thermal insulation depending on the sound frequency.

Sound absorption coefficients of various types of fibrous thermal insulation depending on the sound frequency.
Frequency range Sound insulation thickness 50 mm
basalt insulation porphyrite fiberglass, glass wool mineral thermal insulation
Low frequency, 125 Hz 0,20 0,1 there is no data 0,18
Medium frequency, 1000 Hz 0,95 0,94 0,8 0,76
High frequency, 2000 Hz 0,94 0,94 there is no data 0,79
Frequency range Sound insulation thickness 100 mm
basalt insulation porphyrite fiberglass mineral thermal insulation
Low frequency, 125 Hz 0,4 0,26 there is no data 0,36
Medium frequency, 1000 Hz 0,96 0,9 0,81 0,85
High frequency, 2000 Hz 0,85 0,93 there is no data 0,8

What indicators allow you to set the level of sound insulation

There are 2 main indicators that allow you to evaluate the level of sound insulation of a particular material (for example, an interior partition):

  • Soundproofing index;
  • Sound absorption coefficient.

In fact, there are much more various indicators related to the acoustic properties of materials, but this is quite enough for an approximate assessment of the situation.

What do these indicators mean?

Sound insulation characterizes the ability of a material to reflect sound vibrations, preventing them from propagating through itself. In general terms, the thicker the structure, the less likely it is that a sound wave will pass through it.

The sound insulation index is measured in decibels (dB), and indicates the amount of reflectivity of a material. The higher the score, the better. Materials with good sound insulation are considered as such if their sound insulation index is equal to or greater than 54 dB.

A single brick wall with plaster (280 mm thick) provides just such a level of sound insulation.

When choosing a material for interior partitions, it should be borne in mind that the reflectivity of multilayer materials is higher than that of monolithic ones. For example, to achieve the specified level of sound insulation of 54 dB, a drywall partition must be 160 mm thick, and not 280 mm like brickwork.

Sound absorption characterizes the ability of a material to absorb sound vibrations and dissipate them in its own internal structure, without passing to the other side. The sound absorption coefficient varies from 0 to 1: a zero indicator means that the sound is not scattered by the material at all, a single indicator indicates that the sound is completely damped.

We can talk about good sound absorption when the value of the indicator is higher than 0.4.

When choosing a material for an interior partition, the sound absorption coefficient must be taken into account along with the sound insulation index (part of the noise impact will be reflected, part absorbed).

Optimum sound insulation of partitions

For reference, here are some coefficients:

  • Tree - from 0.06 to 0.1;
  • Brick - 0.032;
  • Concrete - 0.015;
  • Drywall - from 0.06 to 0.2;
  • Styrofoam - from 0.3 to 0.5;
  • Mineral wool - from 0.2 to 0.4;
  • Chipboard with acoustic properties - 0.4-0.8;
  • Slabs based on mineral wool with acoustic properties - 0.8.

Traditional partition materials have low sound absorption, they also do not shine with special reflective properties. To ensure a good level of sound insulation, it will be necessary to increase the thickness of the partition, which is expensive, impractical, and not always possible.

It is also obvious from the above data that a layer of insulation in a double-sided partition (such are often made of drywall) can significantly increase the insulating properties of the structure.

In addition, sound insulation can be enhanced by using special materials with acoustic properties. Some of them can serve as structural elements of partitions (chipboard), some are designed to be laid on top (slabs based on mineral wool).

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GVL varieties and main characteristics

GVL cloth is made on the basis of two components, gypsum, which is 80% in the product and 20% cellulose fibers. Manufacturing technology involves pressing raw materials, resulting in a finished sheet of gypsum fiber.If we compare drywall with GVL, then it is worth noting the fact that the second product does not have a paper shell, and the whole structure is homogeneous. Due to the large number of fibers, the sheet structure is strong and reliable.

Gypsum fiber is produced from cellulose obtained from
waste paper recycling, so the material is environmentally friendly
a product that does not have harmful additives and substances. Gypsum fiber sheets
apply both in residential and industrial premises.

Gypsum fiber is produced in two types: for standard
applications and moisture resistant. The use of moisture resistant GVL is recommended in
high humidity areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and showers.
The water resistance of the sheet is obtained through the use of a hydrophobic structure in the design.
impregnation. Due to the additive, moisture does not penetrate inside the sheet structure, so
thus protecting the structure from destruction. GVL is used not only for rooms
with humid air, but also ordinary rooms. It is worth noting that the cost
waterproof gypsum fiber practically does not differ from the price of standard GVL

Density, strength

The characteristics of the material show that it can be widely
apply when finishing walls, ceilings and for the manufacture of interior
partitions. The main advantage of the material is its strength.

Product parameters have the following meanings:

  • sheet thickness can be 10, 12.5, 15.18 and 20
  • the length of the canvas is 1.5, 2, 2.5, 2.7 and 3 meters;
  • product width 120 cm;
  • material density is 1200 kilograms per
    centimeter cubic;
  • the compressive strength of the structure varies in
    within 100 kilograms per square meter.

Also, sometimes on sale there are gypsum fiber boards with
one and a half meters in size. You can choose according to your needs
optimal settings. Speaking about the merits of the material, but it is worth mentioning it
thermal insulation properties, which is ideal for the installation of soundproofing
structures and barriers.

GVL weight

The weight of the GVL product is very important, since according to this parameter
you can calculate the load on the structure as accurately as possible, and plus everything
mass will determine the conformity of the quality of the material.

It's important to know! If the product is not manufactured in accordance with
technology, the weight of the GVL sheet will be lower than the original product. Hypofibrous sheet with a thickness of 10 mm and a standard size of 1.2 by 2.5 meters weighs within 36 kilograms

If we compare GVL with GKL, then the mass will differ, while the strength of the first material is much higher. When working with gypsum fiber, it is necessary to use special fixing devices or work in pairs

A hypofiber sheet with a thickness of 10 mm and a standard size of 1.2 by 2.5 meters weighs within 36 kilograms. If we compare GVL with GKL, then the mass will differ, while the strength of the first material is much higher. When working with gypsum fiber, it is necessary to use special fixing devices or work in pairs.

Flexibility and fragility

Considering the fact that drywall construction uses
paper base, the material is considered more flexible. Such a gypsum canvas can
lift from the end of the sheet and it will only bend, but remain intact. In case of
gypsum fiber, the sheet will crack, since there is no reinforcing layer. In accordance with
characteristics, the most suitable canvas with the appropriate

Sound absorption coefficient

Gypsum fiber, like drywall, has a relatively low
sound insulation coefficient compared to other sound insulation materials.
However, in combination with filler, the finished gypsum fiber structure
effectively protects the room from various types of noise.

Environmental friendliness

At the base of a gypsum fiber sheet, about 80
percent gypsum mixture and 20% paper pulp. Raw material for forming
product is an environmentally friendly product that does not emit toxic
vapors and other harmful compounds. Given the characteristics of the material, it can
be used both in the decoration of public premises, and your own


Considering that gypsum fiber is used for finishing
indoors, this material must be non-combustible. In case of occurrence
a fire in an apartment, gypsum fiber does not ignite. The material does not burn
does not melt and does not emit smoke, so it can be safely attributed to the group
flammability G1, that is, absolutely not burning.

13. Roofing and waterproofing materials

roofing materials include
roofing steel, asbestos-cement
corrugated sheets, asbestos cement
flat slabs and
also big
a group of bitumen and tar, which
at the same time they are waterproofing.

materials consist of petroleum bitumen
or alloys of petroleum and natural
bitumen, tar - from coal
and shale tar. Roofing and
waterproofing materials for
based on bitumen and tar binders
have been most widely used in
industrial construction. To bituminous
include: roofing material, glassine, borulin,
waterproofing, etc.

- roofing and waterproofing
material. There are two types of ruberoid:
armored with large and small
sprinkles. Rolls have a width of 650-1050 mm
and an area of ​​10 and 20 m2.
Ruberoid with coarse dressing is used
for the upper layers of rolled roofs, and
also for waterproofing, and with fine
sprinkle - for the lower layers.

differs from ruberoid in that
the surface of the layer is free of bituminous mastic.
Rolls are produced with a width equal to
roofing material, the area of ​​one roll is equal to
20 m2.
It is applied to the lower layers
multi-layer roll roofs, as well as
for steam and waterproofing. Ruberoid and
glassine glued to the surface
hot or cold bituminous mastic.

- waterproofing roll material,
bitumen with dry asbestos fiber
followed by rolling into a sheet.
Due to the high plasticity
it is used to insulate surfaces
with a complex profile (pipelines,
equipment, etc.).

– waterproofing roll material
- this is asbestos cardboard impregnated
oil bitumen. Used for
waterproofing in underground structures
and on flat roofs, as, unlike
from roofing material and glassine is not exposed
rot-resistant, flexible, waterproof and durable.

To tar materials
include: roofing and non-covering
tol etc.

impregnation of roofing paper with tar
compositions and dressing from one or both
sides with wood. Roll width 750-1050 mm,
area 10 and 15 m2.
They cover the irresponsible
structures. Good waterproofing


made without sprinkling and used
as underlayment under roofing
only for sticker
tar roll materials are used
tar mastics. Tar materials
less resistant than bituminous.

Soundproof materials and products

Materials designed to address sound absorption and sound insulation issues are not interchangeable. Soundproofing materials are intended for use as a sound and vibration insulating and damping (elastic) layer in multilayer building structures in order to improve the insulation of airborne, impact and structural sounds. Their task is to reflect the sound and not let it pass through the wall. According to the definition of GOST 23499, they are characterized by viscoelastic properties and have a dynamic stiffness of not more than 250 MPa/m.

Therefore, soundproofing materials cannot act as sound absorbers, while high-quality sound absorbing materials help to improve soundproofing in rooms. Therefore, in modern construction, as a rule, the combined use of soundproofing materials as part of building envelopes and floor structures and sound-absorbing materials as finishing materials are used, which determine the interior architecture and the final appearance, as well as acoustic comfort in the room.

Reducing the level of airborne noise is carried out by the installation of enclosing structures (walls, partitions, ceilings). Their soundproofing ability is proportional to the logarithm of the mass. Therefore, massive structures have a greater soundproofing ability from airborne noise than light ones. Since the construction of heavy barriers is not economically feasible, adequate sound insulation is provided by the construction of two or three layers of barriers, often with air gaps, which are recommended to be filled with porous sound-absorbing materials. It is desirable that the structural layers have different stiffness and tightness, which increases the degree of sound insulation.

The effectiveness of building envelopes is assessed by the airborne sound insulation index (averaged in the range of the most characteristic frequencies for housing 100 ... 3000 Hz), and the efficiency of floors is evaluated by the reduced impact noise index under the floor, measured in dB. For enclosing structures, the sound insulation index should optimally be 52 ... 60 dB. The higher the airborne sound insulation index and the lower the reduced impact sound index under the ceiling, the better the insulation.

Soundproofing materials designed to protect against impact noise are porous cushioning materials with a low modulus of elasticity. Their soundproofing ability from impact noise is due to the fact that the speed of sound propagation in them is much lower than in dense materials with a high modulus of elasticity. Resilient pads are placed between the load-bearing floor slab and a clean floor or ceiling, i.e. the use of structures of the so-called "floating floor" or "suspended ceilings". These include:

  • soft, semi-rigid and rigid products in the form of plates, mats (stitched mats, fibreboard, products made of foam plastics, polyurethane);
  • backfill (sand, expanded clay, slag, perlite, etc.);
  • rolled and tiled floor coverings (base and baseless PVC linoleum, PVC tiles, carpet).

However, today preference is given to universal soundproof materials based on natural raw materials, for example, products based on stone (basalt) wool. Their excellent soundproofing properties are determined by a specific structure - chaotically directed finest fibers, when rubbing against each other, turn the energy of sound vibrations into heat.



Sound absorption is the process of converting sound energy into heat, in the process of sound hitting the boundary of two media or when sound waves propagate in a medium. As a rule, in building acoustics, under the boundary of two environments, the boundary "air-enclosing structures" of the room is meant.

Sound absorption is very clearly manifested in cases where materials are placed on the border with the air medium that have pronounced properties to convert the vibrational energy of sound waves into heat. Such a group of materials and products based on them is called sound-absorbing.

As a rule, sound absorbing materials are used for the production of most modern noise protection products.These materials are included in almost all devices designed to isolate structural vibrations and sound as elastic coatings and gaskets, to increase sound insulation as a sealant and fill holes and crevices, to dampen noise that propagates through the channels of the ventilation system, as well as to absorb sound waves acoustic lining of enclosing structures.

What distinguishes gypsum fiber from drywall

According to the previously viewed qualities of gypsum fiber, it is enough
it is difficult to say something about the difference between it and drywall. When comparing
characteristics of these materials, it can be confidently stated that they are somewhat
are similar. If the house is being renovated, then you can use any of the materials, the main thing is that it
matched the quality and cost.

Due to the high level of stability of GVL material, its
can be used in the construction of sports halls and industrial
premises. As for less demanding buildings, for them the optimal
drywall is the solution. In the manufacture of complex building structures
it is better to choose gypsum fiber with increased mechanical strength

Both can be used to level walls and ceilings.
material, however, in most cases, preference is given to drywall, so
how the loads in such structures are small and there is no need to apply more
thick panels.

3.1. Sound reflection, sound insulation and sound absorption

To reduce noise
various methods (shelter, screens,
acoustic treatment) use
sound-reflecting materials
sound absorbing and soundproof

Sound reflection
– the ability of materials to reflect
sound energy falling on them,
estimated by the reflection coefficient
-, which is equal to
ratio of reflected sound energy
to the falling one. Good sound reflective
ability possess dense smooth
materials: metal sheets, textolite,
glass, smooth walls, etc. Most
have good reflective properties
walls clad in marble
sound reflections of which0.9 (marble is called acoustic

Sound absorption
occurs through the transfer of energy
sound vibrations mainly in
thermal energy due to losses on
friction in porous lining material
or absorber. sound-absorbing
materials are divided into 4 classes:

1) fibrous-porous
– felt, cotton wool, acoustic plaster,
fiberglass, polyurethane foam, etc.;

2) membrane -
PVC, PP and other polymer films, thin
sheets of plywood or metal on the crate

  1. resonant
    - special designs based on
    on acoustic properties of resonators;

  2. combined
    from the first 3.

Sound-absorbing materials are characterized
sound absorption coefficient ,
equal to the ratio of sound energy,
absorbed by the material, to energy,
falling on him. sound-absorbing
materials must have 0.2.

Noise reduction effect (dB) due to
use of porous sound-absorbing
lining can be estimated by the formula:

(dB)= 10lg(V2/V1),

where in1and B2– permanent premises before and
after acoustic treatment;

B \u003d A / (1-Wed),

where A = i
equivalent sound absorption area;

i and Si
– sound absorption coefficient
cladding and corresponding

Wed– weighted average coefficient




where Spovis the total surface area of ​​the room.

Soundproofing -
is the ability of the structure not to miss
sound energy beyond.
Soundproofing can be
due to use as sound reflective,
and sound-absorbing materials. For
sound-reflecting materials (casings,
screens, booths, etc., made from
concrete, brick, steel, alloys, plastics
etc.) soundproofing ability
fencing is assessed by the level
attenuation of sound energy, and for
single-layer partition can be
defined by the formula:

(dB)= 20lg(mof)
– 47,5; (4.12)

weight of 1 m2 of partition, kg/m2;

f is the sound frequency, Hz.

When spread
noise level inside the working room
(equivalent level) of sound in decibels
on the "A" scale of the sound level meter (dBA) or levels
sound pressure at geometric mean
octave band frequencies in decibels
(dB) at the workplace located on
distance (r, m)
from the noise source, you can calculate
according to the formula:


L'- sound level (equivalent levels
sound) or sound pressure levels
on geometric mean frequencies
octave bands
noise source, dBA (dB);

 —
direction factor if information
there is no noise directionality, then =1;

 —
spatial angle of sound emission,
sterad. If the distance from the source
noise to the workplace is greater than the maximum
source size, it is considered
point, and then 
= 2.


