If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctly

Plasterboard sheathing

If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctly

arrangement of ceilings from plasterboard

Equally effective will be the use as an insulator

  • coconut fiber;
  • traffic jams;
  • polyurethane foam blocks;
  • mineral wool and others.

Scheme of how to make frame soundproofing with your own hands

  1. The frame is assembled from a metal profile, on which the sound insulation and the plates themselves will be attached.
  2. To break the rigid connection of the metal elements of the frame with the walls and ceiling, a damper tape and vibration suspensions are used.
  3. Plate insulators are laid inside the frame.
  4. The metal profile is sheathed with gypsum fiber sheets, which are smeared at the joints with silicone sealant with a non-hardening composition.
  5. In compliance with the principle for GVL and GKL seams, drywall is screwed onto the gypsum fiber “in a row” to the structure.

Under the stretch fabric

The organization of soundproofing the ceiling in tension systems is carried out as follows

  1. A baguette for a tension structure is mounted along the perimeter of the walls.
  2. The surface of the ceiling must be pre-prepared, primed, so that rolled or slab insulation is attached with mushroom dowels.
  3. A stretch ceiling is installed when the entire surface of the room is covered with a uniform layer of insulation.

The method is economical, efficient, and does not take up extra space for the thickness of the material.

Creating a new interior includes not only choosing the style of walls, floors, door and window openings, but also the design of the ceiling. In order for an unusual ceiling to blend well with the rest of the decor and interior, you need to adhere to the correct combination of colors, textures of materials, installation method

Read our articles on how to make "Starry sky", Armstrong, as well as textured, wooden, fabric, aluminum.

Scheme of how to mount in an apartment and a house

If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctlyIf the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctlyIf the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctly

If a roll insulator is taken, then the installation scheme will be as follows

  1. For the location of the anti-vibration system, guides are installed on the ceiling surface.
  2. If the surface has minor defects, then it must first be covered with a primer layer.
  3. The use of rolled material requires applying glue to the ceiling, followed by fixing the insulator on it and additional fixing to the suspensions.
  4. The profile begins to be assembled only after reliable fastening of the sound insulation.
  5. A frame is installed along the perimeter of the room, on which plasterboard or other decorative trim is then attached.
  6. Finishing is applied to the ceiling structure.

Quantity calculation

  1. Determine the area of ​​the room to be processed. If its shape is correct, then the school formula for multiplying the width by the length of two adjacent walls is used.
  2. Then you need to determine the surface area that will be insulated. To do this, the numbers obtained in the first step are divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material indicated by the manufacturer. Rounding should be done up, since it is better to cut off the excess than to leave part of the surface without insulation.

Example Let the area of ​​​​the room being finished be 24 m², and the manufacturer indicates the number 6.5 m². Then 24 / 6.5 = 3.69 (insulator packs). Since rounding up is required, the required number of packages will be 4 pcs.

It is best to use graph paper or a regular checkered notebook page. Then it will turn out to roughly recreate the scale for more accurate calculations. It is necessary to arrange the soundproofing elements so that there is a minimum number of joints between the individual parts.

To get rid of sound bridges, they take a thinner insulator, but it must be laid in several layers

Causes and types of noise

If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctly

In an apartment building, the penetration of sound waves into a room can come from various directions:

  • noise from neighbors above or to the side;
  • repair work in the apartment of neighbors or on the landing;
  • noise from the street;
  • vibration from industrial facilities or railway lines, if any, within the reach of an apartment building.

Noise in an apartment building propagates in two ways - vibration transmission and sound wave propagation.

Depending on the nature of the sound vibrations that cause noise in the apartment, you should choose the method of isolation. However, it should be remembered that the most reliable sound insulation is complex, in which not only the walls and ceiling, but also the floor are insulated, and double-glazed windows and door blocks are replaced.

When carrying out such work, special attention should be paid to joints and seams, since neglect of these technological elements can significantly reduce the soundproofing effect. Before starting work, you should evaluate your financial capabilities, the source and degree of noise, as well as the desired effect of future sound insulation.

On the basis of such data, work should be planned further.

Before starting work, you should evaluate your financial capabilities, the source and degree of noise, as well as the desired effect of future sound insulation. On the basis of such data, further work should be planned.

If only the noise from the neighbors above is of concern, then it is enough to arrange a simple sound insulation in the form of a device on the surface of the walls and ceiling of additional layers to absorb noise. This is the cheapest and easiest way to reduce noise from upstairs neighbors. However, it is also the least efficient.


  • Soft - rolled basalt or mineral wool, fiberglass. They are distinguished by the presence of several layers, dust-repellent composition, simple installation.
  • Semi-rigid - flexible slabs of basalt or mineral wool with a cellular fibrous structure.
  • Solid - produced in the form of plates based on mineral wool with inclusions of vermiculite or perlite, which have natural porosity.

If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctlyWith an increase in density, the insulating property of the seal increases.

Mineral wool

Available in rolls or pressed boards

In the case of organizing a tension structure, it is required to maintain a distance to the web of at least 20 cm, which requires frequent installation of dowels for fixing. This contributes to the appearance of sound bridges, since the insulator should not be allowed to sag, its contact with the canvas.

Self-adhesive tape

The self-adhesive layer perfectly adheres to the surface, has a small thickness

  • ease of installation;
  • practicality;
  • convenience;
  • low price.

Self-adhesive tape does not contain toxins or other harmful chemical compounds, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly type of sound insulator.


If the neighbors are very noisy, will noise and sound insulation of the walls in the apartment help, how to do it correctly

Other materials for organizing a noise-absorbing barrier on the ceiling

  • liquid materials;
  • membrane insulators;
  • coconut fiber;
  • felt;
  • ecowool or basalt (stone) wool;
  • cork slabs;
  • wood structures;
  • acoustic plates;
  • Styrofoam.


