Silence Defenders Club Noise isolation in apartments. does it help to save

Features of soundproofing ceilings

Before choosing materials that can limit the flow of noise into a room with stretch ceilings, you need to decide which sounds bother you most often. It is no secret that there are several types of noise, and depending on its cause and strength, various methods of soundproofing are implemented.

Remember! Not always the sound insulation of a stretch ceiling in an apartment can completely save you from extraneous noise: in some cases, it is necessary to provide additional protection for the floor and walls, since sounds can enter the room from all sides.

However, it is the soundproofing of the ceiling that is the most important procedure, since the maximum sounds are received daily from the neighbors living above. By choosing a stretch ceiling for a room, you will greatly facilitate this work, since it is this design that allows you to get rid of noise with the best efficiency.

The simplicity of sound insulation in this case is ensured by the fact that in a soft or loose surface the sound is interrupted and disappears: solid structures, on the contrary, contribute to its further passage into the room. In addition, a layer of air between the base of the ceiling and the stretch film itself also contributes to noise absorption.

Silence Defenders Club Noise isolation in apartments. does it help to save

Thanks to the ability to install various soundproofing materials in the interceiling space, the choice becomes unlimited, and you can find an option that suits both quality and cost.

Important! Porous, soft or fibrous materials, as well as those that include several different layers, have the best noise-absorbing properties.

Silence Defenders Club Noise isolation in apartments. does it help to save

Most often, sound insulation under a stretch ceiling is created through the use of such materials:

  • mineral-basalt panels (distinguished by their durability, as well as ease and safety of installation, do not cause negative reactions upon contact);
  • foam and polypropylene (easily glued to the surface of the ceiling and enhance sound insulation with the additional use of plaster, used to protect against sounds of moderate volume);
  • mineral wool (in addition to sound insulation, it has fire-fighting properties and provides additional protection from the cold).

Silence Defenders Club Noise isolation in apartments. does it help to save

These and many other soundproof materials for the ceiling differ in their characteristics, but reliably protect against noise.

When choosing a material for soundproofing a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the sound absorption coefficient: for example, windproof materials cope with this task worse than others

Does ceiling soundproofing from upstairs neighbors help?

There are many ways to deal with neighbors from below, but what about neighbors from above? Especially if these neighbors are noisy and intractable.

Today, it has become fashionable to arrange additional protection for your home from noise among modern people who lead an active lifestyle - spending a lot of effort and nerves at work, they want to spend the evening at home in a calm atmosphere, without hearing extraneous noises, knocks and other sounds.

When carrying out work in an apartment building to protect an apartment from noisy neighbors from above, it should be remembered that there is a restriction both on the types of work and on the list of structures that can be worked with.

There are many ways to deal with noisy neighbors - there are solutions on the Internet for every taste. We all want something thinner, cheaper and least labor-intensive - only this explains the phenomenon of the successful existence of soundproof wallpapers and paints.

Of course, you can believe and test the “placebo effect” for yourself, or you can understand the physics of the sound propagation process and find an effective solution for your particular case.What if you live with noisy neighbors?

Soundproofing a home has a number of side effects, both positive and negative. Therefore, you should approach the matter carefully, having previously studied this issue or using the services and recommendations of specialists.

Modern technologies constantly offer new types of materials that contribute to the absorption of sound waves. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling is not particularly difficult, but requires a careful study of the basic concepts.

If you read reviews about a stretch ceiling with sound insulation in an apartment, it turns out that this is the most rational solution. The main problem of monolithic new buildings is reduced sound insulation and vibration transmission over the entire height of the building.

  1. Soundproof stretch ceilings solve two problems at once:
  2. Equipping the dwelling with a decorative durable coating that protects from the flood from above.
  3. The ability to hide electrical wiring, mounted without cutting channels in concrete. You can also hide additional soundproofing.

The best soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment

Soundproofing membranes make it possible to silence the room not only from the side of the ceiling, but also from the side of the walls, and even from the floor - this flexible polymer produced in rolls can be called universal.

With a blade thickness of only 3mm, it is able to reduce room noise by 26dB, and is designed to reduce noise in the low frequency range. The uniqueness of this material lies in the fact that it can be used in combination with any finishing materials.

Silence Defenders Club Noise isolation in apartments. does it help to save

Installation of soundproof membranes is quite simple - it can be mastered by any person who knows how to use modern construction tools.

The only obstacle on the way to independent soundproofing of walls in this way is the weight of the membrane - it is quite heavy, and three pairs of strong male hands are required to install it.

  1. In general, the whole process of attaching this membrane to the ceiling is as follows.
  2. A wooden crate is attached to the ceilings by means of dowels or self-tapping screws - as a rule, this is a beam 20x30mm.
  3. After the base for installing the membrane is ready, the membrane is hung from the ceiling with hooks and thin tubes (this is done in order not to keep heavy material under the ceiling).
  4. When the membrane is suspended, it is fixed to the crate with the second row of wooden beams - self-tapping screws are used for these purposes. After installing all the canvases, the seams between its individual parts are glued with a special tape. She also closes up all kinds of technological cutouts.

The only drawback of soundproofing the ceiling with your own hands through a membrane is the relatively large space required for its installation - on average, it will require stealing from 60 to 80 mm from the room.

We should not forget that the suspended ceiling itself can steal about the same height. In apartments with low ceilings, the use of an acoustic membrane does not look very appropriate.

Another best remedy is acoustic ceilings that can absorb the noise produced by the upstairs neighbors. First of all, CLIPSO can be attributed to such manufacturers, whose ceiling systems have a sound absorption coefficient of 0.9. Neither more nor less, and this coefficient can be "rephrased" in the ability of the system to absorb 90% of sounds.

Stretch ceilings with sound insulation consist of three parts - these are special mineral slabs made on a basalt basis, a stretch fabric with microperforation, which in its characteristics resembles a sound-absorbing membrane and mounting baguettes.

In principle, the installation of such a ceiling differs from the usual installation only at the first stage - mineral plates are first attached to the ceiling.Then everything looks standard - a baguette is mounted, on which a stretch fabric is installed using a gas gun.

There are other answers to the question, what is the best way to soundproof the ceiling - for example, in private houses soundproofing technology with a floating floor is quite common. Under the screed or wooden flooring, dense polystyrene foam is laid or a special granular material is poured. In principle, these technologies are quite effective.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to note once again that in order to achieve the best results, you need to apply a whole range of measures - soundproofing the ceiling should be carried out together with soundproofing walls and floors. This is the only way to achieve the necessary results and turn your home into a quiet and comfortable nest.


