Loaded vinyl "Noise block"

Loaded vinyl "Noise block"

This is a new very effective, and most importantly very thin 2.5 mm soundproofing material. Noise block is soundproofing using loaded vinyl. Noise block - loaded vinyl is designed for soundproofing walls, ceilings and floors in apartments and industrial premises. This material is used as an integral element in the construction of sound insulation and noise reduction - sound propagation by 25..26 dB. Noise block - loaded vinyl works to reduce noise even in a private range below 100 Hz, this material is resistant to moisture, does not contain lead and asbestos components, and is very flexible. Noise block - loaded vinyl - is a heavy material of 5 kg / m2, because. contains mineral components, in terms of its sound insulation, the noise block is superior to lead, which for a long time stood in the first place in terms of sound insulation effect. Loaded vinyl - soundproofing material - these are heavy mineral membranes with a high degree of elasticity with a thickness of only 3 mm !!! The material is absolutely safe for human health, meets all European fire safety requirements.

Soundproofing an apartment or any other room using the noise block material - loaded vinyl, is quite simple. This soundproofing material can be attached to walls, ceilings in various ways, for example, it can be nailed, stapled, glued. When soundproofing the floor, it is enough to lay it on a reinforced concrete floor (screed) or between GVL sheets or under a laminate.

Loaded vinyl - noise block, of course, is not able to provide 100% sound insulation, the fact is that not a single single-layer material is “capable” of this.

The NOISE BLOCK is able to work to reduce sound (noise) to barely audible, indistinguishable levels, so the fact is that a 10 dB sound reduction by the human ear feels like a noise reduction by half (by 50%). Therefore, one layer of noise block material - loaded vinyl, 2.5 mm thick reduces the sound (26 dB) by 80% - and this is the result. Using a 5mm soundproofing gives us a soundproofing effect of 32dB.

Noise is one of the serious environmental problems of modern society. The main component of the loaded vinyl is Barium Sulfate - derived from the mineral Barite - a substance that people take orally during x-ray examinations of the esophagus and stomach, so its use in residential and public buildings is completely safe for people and animals. Barite Density -4 480kg/cu.m. meter.

This is much higher than, for example, the density in any other materials. As a result, the loaded SOUNDBLOCK vinyl is heavier than many other materials, its volumetric weight is greater, which is better for soundproofing. Loaded Vinyl, Texound and Green Glu Compound are the three most effective, and therefore most commonly used, popular soundproofing materials in the US, Europe and Asia.

A graph showing the statistics of the use of soundproofingmembranesin the world:

Why is Loaded Vinyl and Green Glu chosen for soundproofing around the world? Soundproofing of the apartment. SOUNDBLOCK - Loaded Vinyl is the technology leader in noise reduction in North America, Europe and Asia. Soundproofing SHUMOBLOK - loaded vinyl is used in the construction of new buildings and the repair of old ones, for soundproofing any premises.

You won't find other materials in the US market other than loaded vinyl and Green Glu, and both materials complement each other in wall, ceiling and floor soundproofing systems. Of course, it is important that loaded vinyl, having even better soundproofing properties than, for example, Texound, is much cheaper than the latter! NOISE BLOCK is significantly cheaper than Texound, but gives even better sound insulation than Texound.We offer discounts for construction and repair companies!

Discounts are also available for individuals if the purchase volume is more than 100 sq. m. Are you tired of the noise of your neighbors? Sound insulation of the apartment, walls loaded with vinyl SHUMBLOCK - loaded vinyl is the right decision! This soundproofing material can be used in combination with any finishing materials for walls, ceilings and floors. Installation of soundproofing of an apartment SOUND BLOCK - loaded vinyl has a few simple principles, following which, it can be installed by anyone who knows how to hold a hammer and a screwdriver in his hands. For one person it's music, for another it's noise...

Of course, this is a problem if you do not have the material SHUMBLOCK - loaded vinyl! The main material of the SHUMOBLOK company. – thin soundproof mineral membrane SHUMOBLOK – loaded vinyl with a thickness of 2.5 mm. - one of the thinnest materials in the world for soundproofing an apartment, ceiling, floor, walls!

NOISE BLOCK - loaded vinyl will save you from unnecessary and harmful noise, as it has already helped millions of customers around the world, Neighbors from above constantly stomp like elephants and drop everything on the floor. The neighbors downstairs sometimes have a child crying, sometimes a dog barks, sometimes they quarrel and your ears “wither” from their swearing. The neighbors on the left are always rebuilding the apartment and tormenting you with the noise of a drill and the sound of a hammer. Noisy neighbors on the right watch movies in their home theater every evening until 1 am, and when they are not watching movies, they like to listen to music at full volume.

Outside the window is a busy avenue, the roar of engines and the howl of alarms. Familiar situation! What to do? Spoil relations with neighbors, call the police, arrange daily showdowns, move to the forest or ... Each of us always has a choice. The first option is to accept and endure all this noise. But keep in mind: intense exposure to sound is dangerous to health.

Thin efficient heavy mineral membranes SHUMOBLOK 2.5 mm thick or in 2 layers 5 mm are one of the best noise protection of all existing materials for soundproofing and soundproofing an apartment! Soundproofing the SHUMOBLOK apartment - loaded vinyl will save you from unnecessary and harmful noise, as it has already helped millions of customers around the world, Neighbors from above constantly stomp like elephants and drop everything on the floor. The neighbors downstairs sometimes have a child crying, sometimes a dog barks, sometimes they quarrel and your ears “wither” from their swearing.

According to one of the Austrian institutes, noise reduces life by more than 10 years! Noise causes aggression, stress and of course hearing loss. Another way - soundproofing the apartment.

Some Surprising Facts About the SHUMBLOCK Material - loaded vinyl Standard 2x4 wall with 15 mm drywall, with one layer of 2.5 mm of material SOUNDBLOCK - loaded vinyl - soundproofing, has better sound insulation than a solid concrete wall 30 cm thick. Lead, which is no longer allowed in construction, was the most good sound insulator. SHUMOBLOCK material - loaded vinyl - sound insulation is superior to lead in terms of sound insulation, and at the same time it is environmentally friendly.

A standard 2x4 wall with 15mm drywall has an STC (Sound Transmission Coefficient) of 36. Adding just one layer of SOUNDBLOCK - Loaded Vinyl - Soundproofing gives an impressive Coefficient of 52! (for the human ear, this gives a noise reduction of about 80%! ) NOISE BLOCK - loaded vinyl - is used in a project aimed at reducing the noise level coming from the bottom of space rockets during takeoff. Sound deadening material SHUMOBLOCK - loaded vinyl consists of 35% recycled material.

The developers of the material SHUMOBLOCK - loaded vinyl - soundproofing an apartment are striving to increase the percentage of recycled material and further reduce noise pollution.

Noise absorption and isolation materials

The noise elimination procedure will combine technical
features only in the case of the right choice of material. Through the development
production capabilities, each buyer can easily choose what
meets the needs.

Cork noise insulators

The material is suitable for soundproofing within the retention
high-frequency noise, namely, it can be barking dogs, screaming, loud
listening to music. In practice, cork is used as the main or
auxiliary material for wall and floor insulation.

Loaded vinyl (or noise block)

This is a dense, expensive membrane that performs the functions of
not only a sound insulator, but also a high-quality insulation. But here's a big one
the thickness of the product may create additional difficulties, therefore, initially
need is assessed. But at the same time, the thickness of the material provides
high-quality sound protection.


These are rigid materials that are excellent
have proven themselves in the field of soundproofing frame houses. As a rule, he
used for arranging space in interior partitions,
suspended ceilings and other similar structures. Allowed
gluing panels under wallpaper, as the small thickness and the ability to create
perfectly even coverage is considered the main advantage.


It is a thin roll material made from environmentally friendly
pure and reliable raw materials, so comfort is ensured in the process of application
and ease of use. An important property is the fact that the product does not require
effort when gluing, so the soundproofing procedure takes a minimum
time. Additionally, you will be pleased with the reasonable cost, thanks to which there is no
need for overpayments for popularity and brand recognition.


Refers to environmentally friendly materials, actively
used in the field of sound insulation and insulation, therefore, it is provided
quality, efficiency and convenience. Plates with a middle layer are suitable for
insulation of partitions and roofs, but to avoid deformation due to exposure
moisture, additional treatment with moisture protective agents is required.
Additionally, a non-woven fabric is used, in which glass wool is wrapped,
so that during installation it does not crumble, without creating inconvenience.

Expanded polystyrene

This is a popular material, but here is its level of effectiveness
leaves much to be desired. Present on the market in the form of slabs or granular
material, therefore, depending on the plane of work, a choice of
optimal shape. High thermal insulation qualities are combined with low
sound protection level.

Mineral wool

Available in soft and semi-rigid options. At the core
stone wool, fiberglass and slag melts are used, therefore
high quality is guaranteed, along with efficiency. Suitable material for
arrangement of the floor, roof, as well as good protection against


The material can be classified as universal, since in addition to
soundproofing, it is possible to create additional partitions for
space zoning. Experts say that the best option would be
the use of drywall in combination with chipboard, fiberboard, forming a multilayer

A frame house is a popular type of private property,
which from year to year develops and attracts new customers. But to get
desired quality, it will not be superfluous to take care of sound insulation, insulation,
so that no external influences cause discomfort during
use of the building.

Wall soundproofing

Effective soundproofing
frame house will only in that caseif all the walls are carefully
treated with soundproof panels, so you can count on
practicality and ease of use at home.

Many are of the opinion that for good sound insulation
it will be enough to use one insulation, but, as practice shows,
the desired effect will not be achieved. Therefore, the inner surface of the walls
must be treated with sound-absorbing materials capable of
guarantee a comfortable space. The standard option is to use
mineral wool, drywall, thanks to which a special
efficiency. But the connections must be sealed to protect against
vibration waves, as they can disturb the overall comfort of the room. Quantity
layers depending on the desired type of sound insulation is selected individually.

Loaded vinyl@Steni

In addition to standard mineral wool to create
layered soundproof construction, felt and
drywall. But it is best to select effective panels of small thickness,
to avoid "congestion" of the walls.

Exterior wall decoration with panels or
lining allows not only to form a comfortable sound space,
but also to emphasize the thermal insulation in the room.


