Silence law from January 1, 2018
Violation of silence is an encroachment on the tranquility protected by the norms and a strict violation of sanitary standards, the monitoring of which is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. Employees of the executive authority have at their disposal instruments - sound level meters that measure the pressure of a sound wave and record this indicator in order to identify the fact of a violation.
Residents of megacities often face a problem when neighbors neglect generally accepted rules, disturbing them with noisy gatherings or repair work. In order to protect its citizens, Russian legislation adopted federal law No. 52-F3. But each individual subject of the Russian Federation has its own regulatory document, which corresponds to the conditions of life in a particular region. So in the capital, the law on silence in Moscow has been in force since January 1, 2018.
16 Mar 2019
Law on silence in voronezh 2019
At night and during the day, their screams and cries, obscene threats from adults, loud music and conversations in raised tones are regularly heard. - If the neighbors littered the common hall with building materials or other personal broadcasts - write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. After all, this can cause a fire, for example.
Noise measurement The law establishes the noise level in apartment buildings. But even focusing on time and rules, a person needs to be able to prove a violation of his rights. To do this, you need to learn how to measure the loudness of noise, as this will allow you to prove your case legally.
Law on silence in the Moscow region
3. Until 9:00 am and from 7:00 pm on weekdays, until 10:00 am and from 7:00 pm on Saturdays, around the clock on Sunday and non-working holidays established in accordance with federal law in relation to protected objects (this refers to apartments and common areas in apartment buildings, residential buildings, residential areas and common areas in dormitories).
Citizens are divided in their opinions regarding amendments to the legislation. Many are dissatisfied, because they will not be able to carry out repairs, because on weekdays people are at work, and noisy work is strictly prohibited on weekends. That is, there will be no time for repairs.
The law on silence in the Voronezh region in 2019 detailed review
(as amended) Adopted by the Regional Duma on October 17, 2014
)2. This Law of the Voronezh Region does not apply to the actions of legal entities and citizens: 1) aimed at preventing illegal acts, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, other emergencies, extinguishing fires, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the safety of citizens or the operation of facilities life support of the population, implementation of defense measures (including measures for civil defense and mobilization), ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protection of public
Good rest at night is a prerequisite for a comfortable human life. Ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens is one of the requirements of the federal law
adopted back in 1999.
You can contact him if, through someone else's fault, silence is disturbed at night. In addition, almost every subject of the federation developed and adopted its own law on silence, which may differ from the federal one and clarify its individual requirements.This article discusses the law on silence in the Voronezh region from January 1, 2019.
According to federal law No. 52
, in residential premises, the norms established by SanPiN must be observed. This document contains the maximum noise limit.
Garbage Reform 2019
It is supposed to cancel the tariff (zero cost) for "dry" sorted waste. Those. plastic, paper, glass and metal collected separately (at the moment it is not clear whether it is enough to separate these wastes from the rest or whether each item needs to be collected separately). Since there is about 30% of such waste, the “total” tariff will decrease by the same 30%.
- Landfills for the reception of solid waste do not process waste, but simply store it.
- For this reason, each landfill has a limiting capacity (garbage is accumulated, not recycled)
- Many landfills were created in the dashing 90s and initially did not meet the requirements for such facilities.
Is it legal to drill on weekends in 2019
If you yourself find yourself in a situation where your neighbors disturb your peace with “noisy” actions at the wrong time, write a complaint against them (of course, after preliminary peace negotiations). You can file such a complaint with the local administrative court, which, after considering it, will make its decision.
- Employees with a sound level meter visit the plaintiff on weekends exactly at the time interval specified in the legislative documents.
- Measure the noise level in the plaintiff's apartment.
- Record data on official procedures and results in the relevant documents (acts of the survey of housing conditions).
- They go to visit the offender.
- They measure the noise level in the offender's apartment during repairs (that is, when he starts drilling, knocking, etc.).
- Write down all the results of measurements in the drawn up act.
Voronezh Regional Duma has adopted a new law on silence so far in the first reading
And the deputies of the regional Duma decided that citizens urgently needed to be saved from the night noise. Now, from 10 pm to 7 am, it is legally forbidden to listen to loud music, repair or drive around the city in cars without silencers. The only exception is New Year's Eve.
Vladimir Klyuchnikov, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma: “We have a lot of houses, the first floors of which have cafes, feasts and talkers built into them. And when they make noise, they don't let people rest. This is first of all, and secondly, look at what is happening on the streets of the city of Voronezh. Cars drive without dividers - specially gas, on purpose. I didn’t care about everything, they have such a car.”
Law on silence in voronezh 2019
Claims boiled down to one thing - the neighbors are noisy at a later time and do not allow you to sleep. People complained about the rumble of repairs and loud music. The deputies decided that it was easier to establish certain noise standards than to try to sort out each specific conflict.
Therefore, they developed a law on silence. The official text regulates the permissible sound volume level:
- during the day, 40 decibels is considered normal;
- the level of 30 decibels is set at night.
It is allowed to exceed the indicator by 15 units, but only during the day. For example: 40 dB is the volume of speech, the cry is fixed at a level of 80 to 90 dB.
The latest version of the law says that it is possible to violate the established volume indicators only on New Year's Eve.
Silence law as amended
In this case, it is allowed to exceed the limit value by 5 dB, and in the territories adjacent to railway tracks and highways - by 10 dB; At night - 45 dB.
Recall what types of noise are prohibited in Russia by the law on silence: For more information on the types of noise prohibited by law, see Art.
23 FZ 52
"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"
. The download link is at the end of the article.
How to legally resist lovers of "make some noise"
Peace and quiet at night for citizens who live in apartment buildings is guaranteed by law.This document was adopted in the Voronezh region back in 2014, but the most recent, and rather severe restrictions, came into force a year ago.
Oksana Yarkovaya, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma: The law on silence clearly defines the actions that fall under the definition of noise:
Oksana Yarkovaya, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma: The established norms for maintaining silence in an apartment are: 55 decibels during the day, 45 at night.
working vacuum cleaner - 75 dB;
the noise of a car passing outside the window - 55 dB;
the sound of the perforator and jackhammer - 95 and 120 dB, respectively;
In apartment buildings, it is allowed to exceed the permissible norm by 5 dB.
The law does not apply to the actions of legal entities and citizens, in cases where they: Under current legislation, a violator of silence at night faces an administrative warning. If this measure fails, the penalty is:
for citizens from a thousand to 2 thousand rubles;
for officials - from 2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
for legal entities - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.
The law on silence in voronezh from January 1, 2019
- during the day, 40 decibels is considered normal;
- the level of 30 decibels is set at night.
The deputies were prompted to develop the project by constant complaints from residents of apartment buildings. Claims boiled down to one thing - the neighbors are noisy at a later time and do not allow you to sleep.
People complained about the rumble of repairs and loud music. The deputies decided that it was easier to establish certain noise standards than to try to sort out each specific conflict.
Therefore, they developed a law on silence.
But sometimes it doesn't help. In this case, find an organization that deals with the maintenance of pets, and report the irresponsible attitude of a neighbor towards an animal.
Its principle of action is based on the work of such a human organ as the ear.
Two such filters are currently used:
- A - creates the effect of the middle ear, that is, it captures the range of low noise levels;
- B - effectively responds to strong noise (including actions such as drilling and knocking).
Thus, this device acts on peak levels and evaluates them in an average mode.
All sound level meters that are designed to measure noise in our country are manufactured in accordance with officially approved standards - GOST 17187-81.
- watch TV or listen to music loudly;
- shout;
- carry out repairs or move furniture.
In St. Petersburg, a number of legal exceptions have been made that allow you to violate the law on peace and quiet.
Indefatigable neighbors
But it should be borne in mind that not all such appeals are subject to verification using laboratory tests.
"Hot line" of the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Voronezh region: 8-800-700-92-84. Phone numbers of consultants in other areas are on the websites of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.
New minimum wage from January 1, 2019 table for all regions
Sometimes the salary may be less than the minimum wage after January 1, 2019, since the salary includes not only the salary itself, but also compensation payments (for example, various allowances for working conditions), as well as incentive payments (for example, bonuses) (Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, if for a month an employee receives, taking into account all allowances and incentives, an amount greater than or equal to the minimum wage, then this is quite normal.
Since January 1, 2019, a new federal minimum wage has been established in Russia - 11,280 rubles. How to apply it? To whom to raise the salary and correctly issue documents? What minimum wages will be established in the regions from January 1, 2019? We will answer the questions and provide a table with the minimum wage by region from January 1, 2019.