Law of the Kirov region dated June 18, 2019 No. 168 zo on silence in an apartment building

Repair work in an apartment building time law 2019 kirov

Conducting high-profile construction or finishing work is prohibited between 19.00 and 9.00 on weekdays. True, some subjects have shifted the time frame and allowed to make repairs until 22.00. At the same time, it is allowed to take out construction waste in most regions from 8.00 to 22.00.

Expert 2019-01-05 668.8k Most of us live in apartment buildings and have to put up with pretty poor soundproofing. Such audibility haunts loud music, noisy quarrels, sounds of repair.

But do not rush to spoil relations with your neighbors by trying to explain your attitude to what is happening behind their doors. There are norms according to which you can make noise in your own apartment, but within a certain time frame.

Let's find out when this will not threaten liability. Most often, neighbors are annoyed by the sounds of repairs being carried out.

But this cannot be avoided if the house is multi-storey. Constantly someone improves their comfortable living conditions, someone moves and renews the situation.

It is planned to significantly increase fines for noise at the wrong time on December 8, 2015.

Note that the actions that break the silence include: whistling, loud speech, singing, screaming, using sound-reproducing devices, car alarms (if triggered repeatedly), doing chores and operating mechanisms.

Svetlana Shilova, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region

The city authorities addressed the wrong department with the initiative to increase it.

Recall that on September 28 this year, deputies of the Kirov City Duma, together with the head of the city of Kirov Vladimir Bykov, appealed to the Regional Legislative Assembly with the initiative to change two articles of the law

"On administrative responsibility in the Kirov region"

. Officials asked to extend the "period of silence" at night by 1-2 hours and increase the fines for those who like to make noise at night. On October 25, the deputies of the Regional Legislative Assembly adopted the relevant bill in the first reading at the regular plenary session.

2019-06-06 740.2k Most of us live in apartment buildings and have to put up with pretty poor soundproofing. Such audibility haunts loud music, noisy quarrels, sounds of repair. But do not rush to spoil relations with your neighbors by trying to explain your attitude to what is happening behind their doors.

There are norms according to which you can make noise in your own apartment, but within a certain time frame. Let's find out when this will not threaten liability. Most often, neighbors are annoyed by the sounds of repairs being carried out.

But this cannot be avoided if the house is multi-storey.

Constantly someone improves their comfortable living conditions, someone moves and renews the situation.

Repairs are frequent and noisy. Therefore, having planned such work, everyone should know the legislative norms and strictly observe them.

// When it is allowed to make repairs, whether it is possible to do it on weekends and on holidays, as well as many other issues, both related to repairs and not at all related to it, are considered in the law “On Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens”.

  • Sanitary standards: 2.2.4 /
  • In accordance with Government Decree No. 354 and No. 58, indicating the boundaries of loudness when performing redevelopment and restoration of premises.
  • Federal Law No. 52, which provides for permissible hours when an increase in the degree of sound is permissible.
  • The Civil Administrative Code establishes measures of violations and liability for repair work.

If you complain again, the amount of the fine will be doubled, and the confiscation of items that create noise is possible, so it’s better not to break the law.

Federal Law on observance of silence in an apartment building in 2019-2020 official text

For the first time, State Duma deputies faced the need to adopt Federal Law 52 in 1999. The new bill has determined the time when you can not make noise in the apartments. The official text was repeatedly changed, establishing new periods of silence.

Today, the law requires residents of apartment buildings to reduce the volume level in the premises to 30 dB between 21.00 and 8.00 on weekdays. Silence on weekends and holidays must be provided from 22.00 to 10.00. The parliamentarians made an exception for New Year's Eve, when it is officially allowed to make noise.

There are certain rules for carrying out repairs. Under the Silence Act, residents of apartment buildings are required to keep noise levels low, regardless of the reasons for which it is produced. Otherwise, other tenants have the right to complain about the violators, and they will have to pay fines for violating the silence.

Time of silence according to the law in the Kirov region

Law of the Kirov region dated June 18, 2019 No. 168 zo on silence in an apartment building

On April 17, a meeting was held in the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region on a legislative proposal to increase the "time of silence" in our region. Now this period is from 22 to 6 hours daily.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Bykov, his deputies German Goncharov and Vladimir Kostin, deputies of the OZZ, chairmen of relevant committees Valery Basyuk, Galina Burkova, Vladimir Yagovkin.

According to the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region, Roman Zyablikh, Deputy Minister of Internal Policy of the Region, Irina Shchegoleva, Deputy Head of the Kirov City Administration, Roman Zaitsev, Head of the Department for Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Personnel of the Regional Government Administration, Elizaveta Belousova, Head of the Rospotrebnadzor Department for the Kirov Region, also joined the discussion, ASMO executive director Alexey Potapenko.

Law on silence in an apartment building 2019 kirov

Law of the Kirov region dated June 18, 2019 No. 168 zo on silence in an apartment building

Citizens living in an apartment building suffer the most from noise. Where there are thin walls, there is no peace from the neighbors, not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. Especially on the weekends of January.

Although the new law makes it possible to break the silence on January 1, you will still have to keep quiet on the rest of the weekend in January. But let's talk about everything in order.

The law clearly prescribes the level of noise in decibels and the provision of silence over time.

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  • Silence Law 2019
  • Law on silence Kirov region
  • Law on silence in the Kirov region
  • Law In Kirov On Noise In An Apartment Building 2019
  • The law on "silence" will be tightened?
  • Kirov law on silence
  • Silence Law of the Kirov
  • Law on noise in apartment buildings kirov

Silence penalties

Fines will have to be paid not only by ordinary residents, but also by organizations that do not monitor the noise level in the building where they are located.

For the first violation, law enforcement agencies are usually limited to a warning, but for a second violation, they issue a fine. The following sanctions are currently in place:

  • primary collection from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. (determined on the basis of a complaint from neighbors and exceeding the volume level);
  • the second violation will cost 4 thousand rubles;
  • for the third time, law enforcement agencies will issue a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

These amounts apply to residents of apartment buildings. But legal entities cannot do without such small fines.They will have to pay several tens of thousands of rubles for breaking the silence. The maximum amount of recovery is 150 thousand rubles.

You will need the video when you call the district police officer, because by the time he arrives, the neighbors may stop making noise. A law enforcement officer must file a written complaint. After the trial, the violator will be fined.

You can also apply to Rospotrebnadzor, the police and even to the court. If there are witnesses and a video recording confirming the violation, you have every chance to punish a neighbor who constantly harasses you with noise at night, and even recover funds from him for the moral damage suffered.

Follow the rules established by law so that you do not suddenly see a notice of an upcoming trial in your mailbox. Not all neighbors are ready to resolutely fight troublemakers, but if the volume level is constantly exceeded, the number of people who want to write a complaint will increase.


