Neighbors complain about dog barking - our actions
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Dog owners often face the problem of complaints from neighbors. Animals, especially large ones, can also be a source of noise. This circumstance is very disturbing for some neighbors. What should residents from above do, whose neighbors complain about the barking of their beloved pet?
Actually, the algorithm of actions is the same as with claims for any noise from the apartment. First, it is worth explaining to the neighbors, pointing out the absence of violations of the accepted standards.
If the neighbors complain about the noise unreasonably, then they will have nothing to present to the police or the court
. With incessant complaints that interfere with a peaceful life, you yourself can write a statement about such neighbors to the police.
Neighbors complain about the clatter of the child, the noise of children what to do
Families with young children are familiar with this situation. The neighbor complains about the clatter of the child, which prevents him from sleeping and just living normally.
Moreover, claims are made not only about noise in the evening, but also during the day.
It is important for persons receiving complaints to be aware of their rights. No law provides for an absolute ban on noise
Therefore, the noise that accompanies the normal life of children and adults is not punishable.
Disgruntled neighbors can call the police, sometimes even the guardianship authorities, citing the constant noise of children.
However, without confirmation of the fact of violation of the standards, no real actions on the part of these bodies can be taken. Usually, everything ends with an inspection of housing, interviewing neighbors and drawing up an act indicating that there is no evidence of exceeding the permissible noise level.
Good afternoon. I settled with my family in a small family about a year ago during this time I will sue my neighbors 5 times already. In short, they constantly call the police on me if they hear something from my apartment, whether it be children or a TV. at 00.20 I immediately turned off the light and went to bed because it was for work. after 5 minutes, there was a knock on the police door. I opened it and explained that there were guests already sleeping, but they left. They wrote down their initials and left. the neighbor's wife did not decide anything there. 2 times with witnesses: for my part, my wife is that friend and neighbor down the corridor. A friend said that she left somewhere at 00.20, but we were sitting in the kitchen and just talking while the children were playing. A neighbor explained that during the year of our life there were no problems from me and there was no noise either. the lights were on and there was noise. My questions were about how I looked and what type of noise they answered while swimming. I submitted to the court a decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, where, together with sanitary standards, it is indicated that in such cases it is necessary to measure the noise level. Without them, everything is someone says this is very subjective. now there will be a 4th meeting, they will raise the protocol of the 1st parish of the district police officer who did not record any offense and reflected this in the protocol. This whole situation was preceded by the neighbor’s barbaric behavior: he broke into my apartment hiding behind his wife’s back and beat me in front of the child for which he was sentenced to 10 basic)) in favor of the state. I also told this in court and argued about the biased attitude of neighbors towards me in view of the fact that they also want to punish me. The question is whether I should prepare money for a fine or can I win?
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Special permit (license) for the right to practice law, issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No. 02240/2297.
Valid until 02/05/2018.
Munasipova Nina Viktorovna
(08/26/2014 at 16:05:41)
Hello, you can write a libel complaint against your neighbor to the police on the basis of Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code or go to court for the protection of honor and dignity on the basis of Article 152 of the Civil Code and demand payment of moral compensation in accordance with Article 151 of the Civil Code
What to do if the neighbors complain about the noise from our apartment
Relations with residents of neighboring apartments are not always good. Quite often, one has to deal with complaints about dirt in the entrance, as well as noise in the apartment. Usually, dissatisfaction is expressed by older people who spend almost all their time at home.
Loud music, the sound of a perforator, the nighttime clatter and screams of a child, especially adults, a constant rumble can really cause anxiety. But the most ordinary life of any person cannot pass in complete silence. And the claims of neighbors are not always justified. If a chair accidentally fell in your apartment, and a neighbor calls the district police officer, then this is already a problem. What to do with such complainers and how to behave in this situation?
should be aware of the rights and obligations of all persons living in apartment buildings. Residents should use their apartments only for living, taking into account the interests of neighbors and the requirements of sanitary standards and other mandatory rules.
Night time is usually recognized as the time from 23 pm to 7 am. It is not allowed to carry out repair and other work, turn on the music and create other loud noise after 23.00. Violation of these rules is subject to administrative fines. Some cities may have other restrictions.
if you are sure that you do not commit any actions that go beyond the norms, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Neighbors who constantly complain about non-existent noise or noise that does not exceed the norm should first try to explain the situation. You can calmly find out what exactly and at what time worries them. Then bring the indicated standards for noise acceptable in ordinary life. If reasonable arguments do not work on the neighbors, they constantly call the police on noise complaints, then you will have to go the other way. -
if it is not possible to negotiate with inadequate neighbors, then the following steps should be taken. You can interview other neighbors in the house and ask them to confirm that they have no complaints against you. When meeting with a district police officer or a police squad that has arrived at a call, you need to behave calmly, indicate that the permissible noise standards are not violated, there are no complaints from other neighbors. An annoying neighbor should be offered to call Rospotrebnadzor for the purpose. You can do it yourself, you will have to pay for the services of specialists.
Moreover, if the neighbors constantly pester you with their claims, then you can complain about them!
Fourth, it is worth worrying about the interests of neighbors in advance, for example, before carrying out noisy repairs. Regions have their own noise laws, so their requirements may vary. Some provide for the obligation to carry out repairs only during the day and only at certain hours, excluding lunchtime, late evening and night.