How to decorate a bathroom with your own hands photo

The bathroom is a truly sacred place in any apartment, where in the mornings before a hard day we gain strength under the sharp jets of an invigorating shower, in the evenings we wash away fatigue, and sometimes depression, basking in clouds of fragrant foam that heals ailments. Sometimes the question arises, how to arrange a bathroom? Interesting ideas that will tell you how to decorate the bathroom with your own hands will help create a special atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

We decorate the bathroom with our own forces

Some rules

When decorating a bathroom, consider factors such as:

  • increased air humidity and vaporization;
  • condensate;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • exposure to chemicals.

The decor elements with which you plan to decorate your bathroom must be selected according to the following parameters:

  1. Waterproof.
  2. High resistance to corrosion, deformation or aggressive detergents.
  3. Ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

The main factor in the design of the bathroom is a quality repair. With the existing abundance of wall and floor tiles, ceramic panels, moisture-proof decorative light sources, floor skirting boards, suspended ceilings and ceiling moldings, heated towel rails, mirrors and furniture presented in the richest color palette, you can design a bathroom in any style and with the help of additional paraphernalia give her a special delicacy. Even if it's a small bathroom in Khrushchev.

Key features of decorating a bathroom

How to decorate a spacious bathroom with a window during the renovation phase?

A spacious bathroom with a window offers inexhaustible decorative possibilities. The room can be arranged in different interesting styles:

Option to decorate a spacious bathroom with a window

Making out the bathroom at the stage of repair, you can:

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  • make a two-level ceiling and install spotlights;
  • lay down matching wall and floor tiles;
  • decorate the room with paintings and mosaic panels in the chosen style.

Such an interesting tile can be made independently

The walls in the bathroom, lined with photo tiles with images of the depths of the sea with giant algae and bright tropical fish, look especially advantageous. The choice of topics is extremely diverse - it can be coastal cliffs, sea expanses and seagulls against a cloudless sky, magnificent sandy beaches surrounded by palm groves, frigates and sailboats, picturesque tropical islands.

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Lovers of floral motifs will enjoy mosaic panels decorated with orchids, cherry blossoms, roses, lilies, poppies, daisies, lilacs. Colorful photos will help you decide on the choice of your individual style and understand how to decorate the bathroom with your own hands.

Photo printing on tiles: a forest landscape in the bathroom will create the illusion of space

The spacious bathroom does not exclude the use of mirror tiles, which can be laid from floor to ceiling with fragmentary inserts of marbled ceramic tiles.

Making a bathroom in a Mediterranean style

Among the most popular trends is the Mediterranean style, when using which the bathroom is decorated in a blue-white-green color palette interspersed with beige, cream, silver-gray shades.

  • A spacious Mediterranean-style bathroom can be supplemented with beige or coffee-and-milk floor cabinets for storing towels, bathrobes, and detergents.
  • It is advisable to choose hanging cabinets for storing hygiene and cosmetic products with glass doors, matching the floor cabinets.

Mediterranean style is the most relevant today

  • For decoration, you can use glasses for toothbrushes made of thick colored glass with drawings designed in a marine theme.
  • It is recommended to design a large-sized bathroom with large tiles or artificial stone.
  • You can accentuate one of the walls of the room by laying out the central or side fragment with small tiles in a contrasting color and arranging an additional light source nearby. This technique is appropriate to highlight the zone of the glass shower.
  • The floor in the bathroom looks advantageous, lined with large tiles of a darker shade than the wall covering.

The atmosphere of the Mediterranean is perfectly complemented by stylish accessories and seafood.

  • It is permissible to use artificial stone. As an additional decor, you can use floor spotlights.
  • A spacious bathroom provides plenty of space-playing opportunities with mirrors that can be built into walls, placed between shelves and placed in convenient places. It is important to listen to your intuition and have a sense of proportion so that mirrors do not become an annoying factor.
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The use of mirrors in the interior in the Mediterranean style

How to decorate a window in a bathroom?

If your bathroom has a window, here are some tips for decorating it:

  • A large window in the Mediterranean-style bathroom is decorated with climbing plants in ceramic pots in the shape of sea shells.
  • You can glaze the window with frosted glass or use blinds with a marine photo print.
  • A window opening draped with roller blinds or curtains made of light fabric looks spectacular.
  • A wide window sill can be used as an additional shelf, which can be decorated with large multi-colored pebbles and sea shells of different sizes.

A beautifully designed window in the bathroom can be the highlight of the whole design.

You can add originality to the window by installing large outdoor decorative flowerpots next to them, stylized as amphorae, which will house tropical plants.

Bathroom decor in Khrushchev under renovation

An apartment in Khrushchev significantly limits the possibilities of its owner in terms of decorating a bathroom, but there are many ways to transform a bathroom beyond recognition, making it an oasis of comfort and beauty without sacrificing functionality. Photos that will tell you how to decorate a small bathroom, are presented below, and the tips will be as follows:

  • Refreshing the bathroom at the stage of repair is the replacement of plumbing - an ordinary bathtub with a container with a color coating that is in harmony with the overall color concept, sinks, a matching toilet bowl, plastic pipes - with metal ones with a nickel-plated surface.
  • The bathroom can be visually enlarged by using tiles of medium and small sizes in light pastel colors to decorate the walls and floor.

Decor on the wall in an ordinary Khrushchev do-it-yourself

  • The tile of light pink, cream, light blue, light green shades, the color of coffee with milk looks spectacular.
  • You can lay out one wall with photo tiles or mosaic panels depicting landscapes, plants or animals.
  • A combination of colored and snow-white tiles is acceptable.
  • The bathroom, tiled in chocolate and beige tones, looks extremely comfortable.
  • The cream ceiling, adorned with several flat lamps with frosted shades and groups of spotlights located between them, will add zest to the interior design of the room.
  • To visually increase the height of the ceiling, the bathroom can be lined with mirror tiles laid in narrow vertical stripes, alternating with wide lime, green, beige fragments.
  • To visually expand the space, mirrors with spot lighting are used.

A small bathroom with a low ceiling is perfectly complemented by medium-sized flat square, rectangular or oval ceiling and wall lamps.

The small space of Khrushchev's apartments is not an obstacle to creating a sophisticated environment.

A small bathroom in Khrushchev can hardly accommodate the necessary household appliances, so every centimeter of free space should be taken into account:

  • Instead of floor cabinets, it is better to use glazed wall shelves for cosmetics and hygiene products with transparent doors and an internal mirror wall.
  • For detergents, you can allocate space in the cabinet under the sink.
  • You can arrange a place to store household items on the side shelves next to the bath tank, covered with a decorative screen.
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Shelves for storage can also become an independent decoration.

Additional bathroom decor items

If the bathroom is in good condition and it is too expensive to start repairing again, you can use additional decor elements - nickel-plated towel warmers, bath curtains with a pattern, decorative soap dishes and toothbrush glasses, a vinyl sticker decorating a wall cabinet, a large sea shell on a shelf under a mirror, bottles of cosmetics, foam or salt, soft terry rugs.

Moisture-resistant vinyl sticker will be a spectacular accent in a monochromatic room


If you really want to use pictures, you can laminate your photos and photos of idols, favorite pets, flowers, landscapes or still lifes as a decorating element of the water treatment room and place them on the shelves.

If a child lives in the house, you can stencil flowers, mushrooms, animals and birds, butterflies, fish and dolphins on separate fragments of the walls, cabinet doors under the sink, toilet tank.


