Bathroom design examples with shower and bathtub

Increasingly, in the bathrooms of city apartments, bulky bathtubs are being replaced by compact and practical shower cabins. And it's not just about saving space: shower cabin is a stylish, modern and multifunctional attribute of the bathroom, which is preferred by active people. And if the place allows, then it is not necessary to dwell on one thing: it is quite possible to combine both options. In any case, a well-thought-out layout and design of a bathroom with a shower will play a decisive role, which will make it stylish, comfortable and beautiful, regardless of whether it is spacious or tiny, separate or combined with a toilet.

Bathroom design with shower and bathtub

Interior features of a bathroom with a shower

Design practice shows that a shower cabin is especially often installed in combined bathrooms. The bathroom and toilet, combined in one room, allow you to win additional space, which will make it possible to install the necessary items, such as a locker or washing machine, and free up space where you can move around without clinging to furniture.

When arranging a small room, take into account a few design tips:

  • If the bill goes to centimeters, when choosing a shower cabin, toilet bowl, sinks, you need to pay attention not only to the design, but also to their dimensions.
  • It must be remembered that corner showers take up less space than front ones.
  • Installing a wall-hung toilet next to sewer pipes will not only hide them, but also save additional decimeters.
  • Hanging cabinets will free up the area below.
  • A visual increase in space is achieved with the help of hanging toilet bowls and sinks. The freed up space on the floor creates the effect of a larger area.
  • The use of mirrors visually expands the boundaries of the room. A mirrored ceiling subjectively increases the height of a room, just as a mirrored wall doubles the area. The decoration of walls and equipment in light colors visually expands the territory.

The use of glass and mirrors in the design of a small bathroom

A few words about the shower

Produced shower cabins vary from the simplest to multifunctional models. In addition to the standard shower head, they can be equipped with hydromassage, bath function or rain shower. They can also be:

  • square, round and triangular;
  • fenced with frosted or transparent glass;
  • with sliding/folding or outward/inward opening doors.
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When choosing a cabin, it is useful to know the following tricks:

  • In the niche that was originally available, it is possible to technologically fit both a corner and a square (rectangular) shower cabin of a suitable size, summing up the necessary communications.
  • The transparent glass of the shower cabin is not visually perceived as an obstacle and will give the small room more volume.
  • Retractable (sliding) or folding doors will significantly save space. When choosing a shower model, pay attention to this detail.

A stationary shower enclosure looks original and impressive, which is mounted directly on site, based on the possible dimensions. In this option, the role of the rear walls is played directly by the walls of the room.

The organization of such a shower requires more time and costs than connecting a finished cabin: it is necessary to provide for the supply of hot and cold water, drain, high-quality waterproofing must be performed.

The outer walls of such a shower cabin are made of glass or special plastic. But together, all these efforts will help not only create the optimal ratio of usable area, but also organically fit the shower room into the overall concept of the room.

Stylish shower enclosure

A large selection determines the wide design possibilities: a shower cabin will be appropriate in bathrooms decorated in a variety of styles, from classic to hi-tech.

Benefits of a shower cabin

It makes sense to change the bathtub for a shower cabin for several reasons:

  1. A shower cubicle takes up less space than a bathtub.
  2. Water saving.
  3. The speed of hygiene procedures (no need to wait for the container to be filled).
  4. Dirt from the body is immediately washed off, and does not float around.
  5. Less cleaning, because dirty water does not spill out of the cabin.

Bathroom with shower box

If life is unthinkable without relaxation in hot water, install a small bathtub additionally. You can also purchase a shower with a deep tray of the desired size or the so-called shower box.

The location of the shower in the bathroom

When purchasing a shower stall, you should consider where it will be placed: in the corner, along the long or short wall of the bathroom.

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For a small area where you have to calculate every centimeter, the corner option is ideal. A shower cubicle with a quarter-circle tray occupies optimal space in the corner.

Design of a small bathroom with a corner cabin

  • It is convenient when the room has the shape of a square. Plumbing is organically located along the walls.

Layout of a square bathroom with a cabin

  • In a rectangular elongated room, the shower room can be placed along a short wall, occupying it completely.

The location of the shower in a long narrow room

  • In a room that has a rectangular shape with a door located on a long wall, you can arrange a shower, toilet and washbasin in a row along one wall.

The location of plumbing along one wall

  • A well-thought-out layout will allow even in very small room place both a bath and a shower.

Combined bathroom with bathtub and shower

It is important to remember that before leaving the cabin, there must be a free space of at least 70 cm. If it is located along a wall with a door, the distance to the door must be at least 15 cm. Other objects should not adjoin the walls of the cabin, the optimal distance is 30 cm

Design style

When designing small combined bathrooms, the following styles are popular:

  • High tech. Lots of glass and chrome steel, dark shiny surfaces. Sharp contrast. Compact equipment. Directional lighting. Lack of decorations.

Combined high-tech style bathroom

  • Japanese style. Natural materials: wood, bamboo, stone, glass or imitations similar in color and structure. Neutral colors. General lighting with spot lighting. Sliding doors. Decoration with hieroglyphs and flowers.

Japanese-style bathroom with walk-in shower

  • Minimalism. The equipment is only the most necessary. Lack of decorations and trifles. Beige, white and gray finishing materials. Glass is used for the shelves. General lighting.

Combined bathroom with shower in the style of minimalism

  • Sea style. All sorts of attributes of a marine theme: a shell, a helm, a sailor's suit, pebbles, harmoniously distributed. Colors and shades of turquoise, beige and white. The lighting is bright.

Bathroom in a marine style

Several proposed options do not limit the imagination, but it is very important to correlate the style of the bathroom with the overall concept of the apartment.

Partitions in the bathroom

A tiny room does not seem to need to be divided into microscopic parts. But if a lot of people use the combined bathroom, it makes sense to install partitions.

  • Matte walls of the shower cabin will be in place: one person takes water procedures, the second at this time can use the toilet.
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Frosted partitions in the bathroom

  • Folding fabric or bamboo screens will help solve the problem just as well. When folded, they take up little space, but they will give an additional zest to the decor of the room.
  • The same can be said about the curtains: there is a need - moved apart, the need has passed - pulled.
  • And of course, stationary partitions, on which you can attach an additional cabinet or shelf. Low walls are often used as towel holders.

Low stationary partition in the bathroom


Lighting in the bathroom primarily depends on the style. Romantic requires subdued light, with bright illumination of some elements. Classic prefers light of medium intensity. Modern - bright lighting. Hi-tech is a narrowly targeted point.

When choosing lamps, it must be taken into account that the dark finish additionally hides the light, so the lamps should be taken more powerful. Conversely, metal and mirrors reflect radiation from the surface, allowing you to save on electricity.

Bathroom lighting with bathtub and shower

The choice of finishing materials for the bathroom

The advantage in the design of the interior of the bathroom is given to materials that do not collapse under the influence of water, temperature changes, high humidity. Stone, plastic, ceramics are the main types of finishes used.

  • Space visually changes when laid horizontally or vertically ceramic tiles.

Finishing a bathroom with a shower tile

  • The walls of the bathroom are finished with plastic panels that look very aesthetically pleasing. The advantage of finishing with plastic is low price and that the work can be done independently.
  • To finish the floor of the combined bathroom, ceramic tiles, marble (including artificial), laminate, self-leveling floor are used.
  • For the ceiling, stretch ceilings, polystyrene foam tiles, plastic panels are used - any material that does not absorb moisture.

What to choose, a shower, a bath, or both at once is a personal matter for everyone. Using the right color, lighting, materials and combining different elements of the interior, you can create an individual and unique bathroom in which you will feel cozy and comfortable.


