DIY decor: making frames from a ceiling plinth

Nothing decorates the interior of an apartment, bringing a touch of home comfort, like handmade things and decor items. When looking at the trimmings of pretty fillets that remained after the repair, the thought probably comes to mind that they can be used not only for their intended purpose. We will tell you how to make wonderful frames from a ceiling plinth that can be used to decorate photos, paintings, panel, mirrors.

fillet frame

Production of frames from ceiling plinth of different types

For work, molding made of foam or polystyrene foam is suitable. A foam baguette frame will be the most budget option. If the product is not made from excess material, but is specially bought in a store, then creating a frame will require minimal costs. However, it must be borne in mind that the foam is quite fragile and crumbles easily. Expanded polystyrene is stronger, can bend, which makes it more comfortable to work with. The most durable basis for the frame will be trimming a wooden plinth.

Choosing a material

Necessary materials and tools

To make an original frame you will need:

  • baguette made of foam or polystyrene;
  • glue "Liquid nails" or universal adhesive ("Moment", "Dragon");
  • construction or clerical knife;
  • ruler;
  • miter box or protractor for measuring the cut off angle;

miter box

  • marker;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic putty for wood;
  • thick cardboard (corrugated cardboard).

Remains of a frieze

Step-by-step instruction

A fillet frame can be made in many ways. Consider step by step the option using corrugated cardboard, which will add rigidity to a rather fragile craft. If it will serve as a frame for the mirror, there is no need to use cardboard.

Frames from different types of plinth

Cutting parts and gluing the product

The first step is cutting out the base for the future frame. The parameters depend on the size of the photo or picture that will be framed using a homemade frame. The cardboard rectangle that will serve as the basis should be slightly larger than the image being drawn up or match it in size.

  • In the rectangle, you need to cut out a window that will be slightly smaller than our picture, so that its edges will hide under the frame.
  • We cut out a second cardboard piece of the same dimensions, but with a smaller window, each side of which will be 5 mm smaller than the first.
  • Both cardboard parts are glued together, forming a place for inserting an image. If the frame for a mirror or for a picture will be attached to a thick base, the previous paragraphs of the instructions are omitted.
  • Now you need, using a ruler, measure 4 pieces of the plinth, which will be the sides of the frame. With the help of a miter box, the panels are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. If there is no such device, the necessary slope and cut line are drawn on paper, applying a plinth to it. A mark is made with a marker, then the baguette is carefully cut off.
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Marking and cutting the frieze

  • Check the alignment of the sides by attaching the individual parts of the workpiece to each other. Glue the plinth pieces onto the cardboard blank. If you are not using cardboard, simply attach the pieces of foam board to each other by applying glue to the ends of the planks and pressing them firmly. It is most convenient for these purposes to use a glue gun.

Applying glue with a glue gun

The most difficult thing in making a photo frame from a ceiling plinth is to achieve even joints at the corners of the product.

Plastering, painting and decorating

Most often, gaps form at the junctions of the skirting board, but they can be easily masked with putty and painting.

gap at the joint

  • After the glue has dried, putty the corner slots, the junctions of the plinth with the cardboard base and the back of the frame.This will not only hide defects, but also make the structure solid and more durable. The ends of the product will have to be puttied in several layers or glued foam strips between the cardboard and the plinth before puttying.

Acrylic putty for wood

  • Wait for the putty to dry and start painting. It is best to use acrylic or water-based paint. Other types of compounds can spoil the foam, so before using them, you need to cover the surface with PVA glue in several layers.

Product coloring

Advice. A dark frame painted in a shade obtained by mixing black and red or dark brown will look spectacular. A light milky shade is obtained by combining white with ocher. Antique product can be gilded with acrylic gold paint or construction water-based enamel. Gilding is applied with a semi-dry brush in circular motions on a completely dried previous layer.

Antique gilding

  • After painting, the frame is covered with a water-based varnish.

If necessary, fastening is made on the back side. To do this, take a piece of twine and cut a rectangle out of thin cardboard, the length of which will be slightly shorter than the width of the product. Attach the rope to the back of the frame and glue the cardboard so that it presses the ends of the twine.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Modern bathrooms: design, photo

Video instruction

The following video shows a master class on making a spectacular frame for a mirror from a ceiling frieze with a three-dimensional relief.


