Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Blind area around the house with their own hands. How to make a blind area

The blind area at home plays an important role in ensuring long and comfortable use of the house itself. It protects the foundation structure and the soil around it from moisture. The accumulation of water near the house during precipitation or when snow melts and runs off the roof can erode the top layer of soil and reach the foundation.

If it seeps to the sole of the foundation and damages it, its strength and bearing capacity will be reduced, which can cause the destruction of the house.

Some builders believe that when arranging a drain, you can do without a blind area, and they are deeply mistaken. The gutter will protect the soil near the foundation from water flowing from the roof, but not from precipitation.

It is especially important to make a blind area correctly in the case of using a shallow foundation, in which the sole is located close enough to the surface, and water can easily reach its depth. When wet, the sole loses its strength and begins to sag unevenly, deforming and destroying the foundation

But even in the case of using buried foundations, the blind area is required

When wet, the sole loses its strength and begins to sag unevenly, deforming and destroying the foundation. But even in the case of using buried foundations, a blind area is required.

It must always be equipped, regardless of the design of the foundation, the type of soil and other conditions.

Natural stone finish

Any natural stone, including ordinary cobblestones or pebbles, can be used as a finishing material. However, the most practical option is considered to be using ready-made polished stone slabs.

They are easier to handle and process, better fit and fit together, forming a beautiful natural pattern. The only drawback of stone slab is its price, which is much higher than the cost of raw natural stone.

To lay natural stone, you must perform the following steps:

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Thoroughly clean the surface of the finished blind area from construction debris and dust. Dig a shallow trench around the entire perimeter.

Its depth should be slightly less than the width of the stones used. Lay a layer of building sand on the bottom and compact it tightly. Place the stones vertically in the trench around the entire perimeter so that a border is slightly higher than the thickness of the finishing layer. It is necessary to further strengthen the blind area and keep the decorative finish from slipping towards the slope. Apply a thin layer of cement-sand mortar to the cleaned surface, and lay stones on top according to a pre-selected pattern or in a chaotic manner. After the base has hardened, fill the seams between the stones with cement mortar or grout for outdoor use. After some time, grout the surface and leave to dry completely.

Decorative finish of the blind area with natural stone

Types and methods of coating protection

For the blind area around the house, various types of coatings are chosen. They differ:

  • consistency;
  • decorative properties;
  • functions performed;
  • application method;
  • composition.

Depending on the listed characteristics, the cost of finishing materials also varies.


Painting is considered the easiest way to finish the blind area around the house. By choosing the right soil, enamel, it will be possible to protect the path for at least 5 years, minimize the negative impact of moisture on the foundation of the building, and increase the aesthetic characteristics of the blind area.The paint is selected with great care, since not every composition is suitable for exterior staining of concrete, so you should first study all the options and make the right choice.

The use of polymer paints

You can paint the concrete pavement around the house with special polyurethane, primer enamels, acrylic paints. They have high performance and strength characteristics, easy to apply. The compositions on the market have the following features:

  • Betyl is recommended for use when painting at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Aquacrete is suitable for covering fresh concrete;
  • Polymerdecor perfectly resists chemical attack.

Protective composition Elakor

  • prevents dusting;
  • resists moisture;
  • reduces slip;
  • increases the strength of the structure from the inside;
  • improves chemical resistance.

This solution increases the strength of the structure from the outside and from the inside at the same time, since it is able to penetrate deep into the concrete layer and forms a thin crystalline film on the surface. Elakor strengthens the track and significantly extends its service life - up to 15 years. If you are interested in how to paint a concrete blind area so that it lasts a long time, then Elakor is the best choice, but the cost of such a coating corresponds to the quality characteristics.


  1. Dry technology. The process is carried out after setting the fill. A layer of cement is poured onto the concrete and gently rubbed into the surface. The required thickness of the cement layer is 1-2 mm. Excess is swept away after setting. This technology can significantly improve the strength properties of the structure.
  2. Wet technique. Such finishing of the blind area is carried out 2 weeks after pouring. A solution is preliminarily prepared from water, cement, sand and lime paste. On a path moistened with water, a prepared mixture with a thickness of 3-5 mm is applied with a spatula.

Covering the concrete pavement around the house with cement is the least expensive option, while this technology makes it possible to give special strength to the house path and increase its resistance to negative factors.

Types of blind area

The blind area, which is made from ordinary concrete tiles, has gained great popularity today. In shape, it can be rectangular, square, hexagonal, wavy, smooth and corrugated. The thickness of one element is 4-10 cm, the tile itself can withstand very heavy loads.

To make such a blind area, you must follow these steps:

  • mark the site, excavate the soil, compact the bottom;
  • pour a layer of sand and gravel, compact, moistening a little;
  • after that, the tiles are laid out, the seams are filled with ordinary sand, a rubber hammer is used to lay the tiles themselves.

The time it takes to lay one square meter of tape takes from 60 minutes to 75.

stone paving

What are they made from? Preference can be given to such an attractive option - natural stone paving stones. For this, granite paving stones of yellow, red or gray shade, basalt black color are used.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Scheme of the location of the blind area.

The option of laying such a blind area is one of the most expensive, but the result is very high quality, beautiful and stylish. The installation process includes:

  • marking the site around the perimeter of the house, excavation to the required depth;
  • laying a layer of crushed stone and sand 3-5 cm thick;
  • laying tiles (you can lay out a pattern from colored elements), the seams between the stone are tightly filled with sand.

Laying time will take approximately 60-75 minutes per 1 sq.m of tape.

Concrete pavement

Concrete pavement is the most commonly used option. It is the simplest, although it may take more time than for other types of blind areas.The method consists in removing a layer of soil around the perimeter of the building, laying a layer of clay, sand and gravel as waterproofing, and then pouring the tape. It turns out a very durable and reliable coating that perfectly protects the house and basement from moisture. It should be considered in more detail how such a blind area can be made of concrete. The time spent on the construction of the structure will be from 35 minutes per 1 sq.m of tape.

The use of paving slabs

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

The scheme of the blind area with a border.

Often, the most common paving slabs are used for the construction of the blind area. Today you can buy tiles of any shape or just make it at home, if you have experience. It is best used for laying slabs that have a side size of 35, 40, 50 cm and a thickness of 4-8 cm. To make a bright and attractive blind area, you can use colored slabs. They must be selected in such a way that they look organically with the facade decoration of the house and the design of the site.

The surface of the plates can be different, ranging from simple smooth to corrugated. The width for the blind area is usually made in such a way that it comes out 20 cm more than the overhang of the eaves. Usually it is 1-2 plates. Installation process:

  • the surface is prepared, for which a layer of soil is removed;
  • a layer of gravel 3-5 cm thick is poured at the bottom, after which the slabs are laid;
  • the remaining seams between the individual slabs are filled with gravel, the surface should be dense and reliable.

Blind area from crushed stone

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Scheme of the construction of a concrete blind area.

What else is the blind area made of? The simplest option is crushed stone. This design is not only the simplest, but also the cheapest; instead of crushed stone, you can use ordinary gravel, expanded clay. This option is optimal if the groundwater is very close to the surface, that is, the soil is saturated with water. From crushed stone around the perimeter of the house, excellent drainage is created, effectively removing moisture, protecting the building from the damaging effects of water.

Crushed stone is purchased in fractions from 8 mm to 32 mm, you can take a mixture with only one size or mixed. It all depends on what appearance you need to give the blind area. The procedure is as follows:

  • marking is carried out along the perimeter of the house, after which excavation is carried out;
  • first, the soil is compacted, after which a layer of geotextile is laid on it;
  • then a layer of crushed stone up to 10 cm thick is poured.

Geotextiles are necessary so that weeds do not germinate through the blind area. The construction time for such a blind area is only 20 minutes per 1 sq.m of tape.

How to make a blind area around the house

A blind area is a protective path with a hard or bulk coating, arranged adjoining the wall around the entire perimeter of the building. Its main purpose is the removal of rain and melt water falling from the roof near the foundation and contributing to its premature destruction.

In addition, it is used as a convenient pedestrian passage and decorative design for the improvement of the territory adjacent to the house. The use of dense or bulk insulation when constructing a blind area allows you to protect the foundation from the effects of low temperatures and reduce heat loss through the building envelope.

A fairly simple device of such a protective coating simultaneously solves several important tasks related to protection and improvement, without requiring large financial investments. At the same time, you can do it yourself, without inviting specialist builders for this.

For piled, deep columnar and screw foundations, the presence of a blind area is not mandatory, but it is often made as an element of landscaping and as a convenient footpath.

blind area design

A protective coating must be made around the entire perimeter of the house, since it is necessary to ensure the protection of the entire foundation array.The basic requirements on how to properly make a blind area around the house with your own hands are set out in SNiP 2.02.

01-83, which says that on normal soils its width should be at least 600 mm, and on subsidence - at least a meter. In general, the width of the covering should extend at least 200 mm beyond the protruding roof edge.

The maximum width is not regulated.

General drawing of the blind area.

A hard coating must be laid on a dense base with a thickness of at least 15 cm. The slope of the blind area from the building is not less than 0.03%, with the lower edge exceeding the planning mark by more than 5 cm. Storm water must be drained into storm sewers or trays.

A well-made insulated blind area should consist of three main layers:

  • surface waterproof;
  • underlayment of gravel or a mixture of crushed stone and sand;
  • polystyrene foam insulation.

As an additional layer, geotextiles can be used, which will be sufficiently reliable waterproofing from groundwater rising in spring, as well as preventing possible germination of weeds.

Materials for coating the top layer

The materials used for the top layer when constructing the blind area are quite diverse and have their own distinctive features. The simplest and most inexpensive is ordinary clay.

With its help, you can create a fairly reliable hydraulic lock. Such protection is often found in rural areas.

However, modern developers have long abandoned such primitive materials and use more efficient technologies.


The most common option is how to make a blind area - a concrete pavement device. You can easily and quickly mount it yourself, without investing large financial resources. At the same time, concrete is characterized by high strength and durability, and also allows it to be covered with paving slabs in the future to improve its appearance.

Paving stones can be laid on a compacted sand cushion. It has a beautiful appearance, but is more expensive than tiles and somewhat more difficult to install. When using paving stones, it is necessary to ensure high-quality sealing of the seams to completely seal the top layer.

Sectional diagram of a concrete pavement.

The blind area device made of natural stone looks very beautiful and will last without repair for many years. However, the high cost of the material reduces the possibility of its wide application.

Asphalt is rarely used because of the unpleasant smell in hot weather. In addition, such a home-made material is not very durable, and buying a factory one is much more expensive than a concrete screed device.

Along the outer perimeter of the blind area, it is recommended to lay ceramic or asbestos-cement trays for organized water drainage from the building location area. A properly executed drainage system also plays a very important role.

Do-it-yourself concrete pavement device

For the installation of a protective coating of concrete, you will need the following materials:

  • cement brand PC400 or PC500;
  • river or washed sand;
  • gravel or crushed stone fraction up to 40 mm;
  • polystyrene foam insulation boards;
  • board and bitumen for its processing from decay;
  • reinforcing mesh with a cell of 100x100 mm;
  • clay or geotextile.

The use of natural stone for the blind area

Facing the blind area of ​​the building with natural stone is not so complicated, but the result is not only attractive and stylish, but also reliable. For decoration, 2 options are more often used: these are slabs with different thicknesses and cobblestone. The following types of natural stone are suitable:

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Scheme of the blind area of ​​the house with the top gravel layer.

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • shungite;
  • lemezite;
  • quartzite;
  • sandstone;
  • shell rock;
  • flagstone, or slate;
  • dolomite;
  • shell rock.

Finishing the blind area with stone has certain advantages:

  • strength and durability;
  • solidity and attractive appearance, which goes well with any type of facade materials;
  • ease of installation with your own hands, simple materials are required for work;
  • resistance to fading, i.e. products perfectly retain their attractive appearance under any conditions;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

But there are also disadvantages, which also need to be mentioned. This is the high cost of materials, which today is not cheap, although the highest operational qualities cover this minus. The disadvantages include the fact that some types of stone require the use of special water-repellent additives, since additional protection is needed.

The pavement of tiles around the house paving and ceramic

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

A practical owner will certainly build a blind area around the perimeter of the building in order to keep the foundation dry and strong.

In the device of the blind area, it is important to follow some rules for its construction so that it is of high quality and has served for many years. Previously, upon completion of the construction of the house, a layer of soil was removed around the foundation, the resulting depression was filled with clay and rammed.

Thus, a waterproofing belt was erected, protecting the base of the house from an excess of moisture. At the present time, the blind area of ​​tiles around the house is most relevant.

The procedure for erecting a blind area

Before proceeding with earthworks, you should decide on the width of the cover. On average, the following distance is taken: the edge of the blind area should extend 30 cm beyond the eaves line, but its width should not be less than 90 cm. The depth of the waterproofing coating should be at least 25 - 30 cm. But it mainly depends on , what thickness of the underlying layer is chosen. The slope of the coating depends on the specific conditions of the area, but usually varies between 3 - 7 * This is quite enough to ensure a systematic outflow of water from the walls and foundation of the building. A storm drainage device is required, through which the waters go to a well specially provided for this purpose.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Facing the blind area with paving and ceramic tiles

To make the pavement of tiles around the house look attractive, each stage of work must be completed with high quality. First of all, dig a trench along the perimeter of the building to the depth of the underlying layer (15-20 cm.)

It is important to treat it with a herbicide so that weeds do not germinate, which can gradually destroy even the highest quality blind area. Styrofoam sheets are laid out on the ground, with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm

At a given width from the base, an overlap is installed in the form of a curbstone or formwork with a height of at least 10 cm. Next, sand and a layer of fine gravel or crushed stone are poured into the trench. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top with a mandatory overlap at the joints. Next, the concrete solution is poured. It is desirable to add a plasticizer to its composition to increase the fluidity of the mixture, which will provide a more even and smooth base surface for ceramic tiles. To prevent cracking, the concrete layer is covered with a cloth, which is moistened as it dries. When the cement layer grabs, you can start laying ceramic tiles.

In the event that paving slabs are chosen as the cladding, the concrete base is not arranged. The tile is laid on a sand cushion, which is laid on top of the insulation. There is nothing complicated in laying such tiles

It is important to choose the right direction and keep the same distance between the individual elements. A mallet is tapped on the tile in order to bring it into a stable horizontal position.

The seams are subsequently covered with sand or soil.

The blind area performs not only an important function of a waterproofing coating, but is also an excellent decorative element that greatly decorates the appearance of a residential building.If it is done with high quality, the building will stand for more than a dozen years.

Paving slabs, laid out in the yard or on the path, give them an elegant and neat look. In addition, such a coating is extremely functional. And how many fantasies can be embodied in her drawing! Let's talk about the schemes and methods of laying paving slabs.

The use of tiles for plinth cladding is by far one of the most successful options. Firstly, it is beneficial from an economic point of view, and secondly, the variety of material allows you to solve the most unusual design ideas.

blind area designs

The application of this design solution guarantees the safety of the foundation of the house and creates a convenient and aesthetic element in the overall appearance of the house. The created perimeters can have different degrees of rigidity, which allows us to distinguish 3 categories:

  1. Rigid structures. They are made in the form of a monolithic layer of concrete.
  2. Semi-rigid, which are created using paving slabs in the form of a coating.
  3. Soft, based on a mixture of materials with most of the rubble.

Paving slabs provide a valuable advantage over other concepts - the blind area can be easily repaired in case of damage to the composite segments. It is enough just to remove the destroyed tile and put a new one. Decorative solutions in the pavement provide an opportunity to experiment with design and create interesting solutions. Laying the material requires precision and accuracy, but forms a presentable appearance.

blind area pillow types

Another criterion for distinguishing types of blind areas is the type of pillow created. The base may simply be sand, as mentioned above. The following are alternative options:

Concrete base. This material does not let concrete through at all and allows you to create a reliable waterproofing.

Warmed base. An advantageous solution in the presence of a basement or basement in the house

It is especially important to make such a pillow if the house is located in an area with high humidity soils.

Periodically, new design options appear that use new materials and their mixtures. Experimental technologies allow you to get profitable results, but the features of their construction and operation have not yet been fully studied and whether you are ready to take the risk is a personal decision.

The cheapest blind area around the house is a blind area of ​​minimum width and thickness, made of concrete. In the long term, this design provides maximum benefit and benefit.

Before you make a blind area around the house, be sure to determine its type and exact geometric parameters. Many owners of private houses make the same mistake when starting construction work without a project. For some reason, it is considered that this is an elementary work that does not require preparation. As a result, the layer is not technically effective, the width of the blind area around the house is not maintained and the money is wasted.

Pay the necessary attention to construction and you will get a useful tool to protect your home from deformation and destruction over time.

Why more and more people choose cobblestone for the manufacture of blind areas

Firstly, because cobblestone is a natural stone. It looks beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, and does not let water through. Relatively not expensive cobblestone and at its cost. For example, 5 tons of cobblestone cost approximately 35,000 rubles.

When choosing a cobblestone, pay attention to how diverse the types of cobblestone are. You can choose a cobblestone in the form of pebbles, white, or you can smooth or patterned

By laying cobblestone, you can create a handmade effect. It is best, according to experts, to lay out blind areas from small cobblestones. A beautiful blind area looks like an elegant sidewalk around the whole house.

And by making it wide and comfortable, you can really walk on it.

When making blind areas, do not forget about tilting it from the house towards your site, this is a prerequisite. By properly tilting, you will help protect the foundation of the house from excess water. This means that the foundation does not collapse and does not deform ahead of time.

To engage in the manufacture of blind areas is best for professionals, not amateurs. The work is complex, painstaking and responsible, difficult.

Making a blind area is only half the battle

It is also important to constantly monitor her condition. In case you notice deformation of blind areas, cracks, and so on, do not delay the repair

The simplest thing is to fill the deformed area with a high-quality cement mortar.

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The blind area crumbles, use modern impregnations for concrete

In this case, special impregnating compounds are useful. They can be used not only for new structures, but also for those that were in operation. This finish of the blind area will help give it strength and maintain integrity for a longer time.

Impregnation for concrete, their types and purpose

  1. Organic. They are able to fill the pores of concrete and make it immune to moisture, dust and other negative factors.
  2. Inorganic. They react with molecular compounds and lead to the formation of a film on the surface, which makes it impossible to react with other substances.

Impregnations also differ in the functions they perform. Most often, these compounds are used for:

  1. Giving color. Much more effective than paints. They penetrate deep into the concrete and carry out staining from the inside. A nuance is the need to use a water-repellent composition to protect the color coating.
  2. Dust-reducing compositions are rarely used for the blind area. But they also have water-repellent properties, which makes their use rational for house paths.
  3. Moisture resistant helps to increase resistance to moisture. The top layer becomes hydrophobic, while increasing its resistance to UV radiation, fungus and mold.
  4. Hardening mixtures are able to penetrate up to 5 mm. inside the concrete layer and increase its resistance to mechanical stress many times over.

Some impregnations have mixed properties, able to simultaneously protect against moisture and enhance the strength of the structure.

Rules for the use of impregnations

The effectiveness of the impregnation depends on the correct application. If the old blind area is being strengthened, then preliminary repairs will be required: clean the surface of dirt and dust, eliminate cracks and chips, and sand the track.The subsequent impregnation technology is similar for new designs and used ones:

  1. Works are carried out at temperatures from 5 to 40 ° above zero.
  2. The procedure is carried out in dry weather, the composition is applied to a dry surface.
  3. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment to prevent impregnation from getting on the skin or mucous membranes.
  4. The composition should be applied in layers. Each next layer is covered after setting the previous one. The specific time is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.
  5. Brushes and rollers used for impregnating should be made of materials that are resistant to the components of the solution.

A properly fortified house path is resistant to the influence of external negative factors, which significantly reduces the need for repairs. Having thought over the finishing of the blind area in advance, it will be possible to save in the future.

What first, blind area or basement finish

Why do we need a blind area and a plinth?

The working functions of the elements are protection from moisture, which is necessary to maintain the bearing capacity of the foundation and the lower tiers of the house.

The basement prevents the walls and beams of the basement from dampening. The blind area "works" to divert surface water, prevents excessive contact between moisture and the bottom of the foundation.

Structural elements are arranged in different planes. The place of their joining is at a certain angle, which is especially vulnerable to moisture. In this regard, the lining of the basement should be as tight as possible: this is the only way the water will “roll” off the wall and leave the building along the concrete slope.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Sequence of work

The blind area is a structural component of a building with a high responsibility. Over time, under the influence of water, the soil near the house can change its technical characteristics, lose structural connections. Such changes threaten the collapse of the building. That is why, the manufacture of the blind area is the final stage of construction work. A correctly executed element should be located as close as possible to the foundation. Only after its arrangement, you can start finishing the entire facade, and hence the basement.

For facing the upper part of the foundation, various materials can be used: plaster, paint, basement siding, tiles, artificial granite. The latter options are more resistant to weathering and do not require regular updating.

The most common paving materials are concrete or asphalt. The top of the screed can be covered with natural stone, tiles. Asphalt mix is ​​cheaper, but its service life is much lower.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

Concrete mortar is poured with a wide, meter-long tape around the entire building, having previously equipped a sand cushion. To provide additional strength, a reinforced mesh is inserted into the tape. Every 10-15 meters, an expansion joint made of bituminous mastic, roofing felt or other suitable materials should be equipped.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos


Technological requirements for the manufacture of the blind area are designed to prevent the formation of cracks during operation and maximum protection of the foundation from surface water. If even minimal cracks are detected on the concrete or at the junction of the blind area and the basement, it is required to immediately cover them with bituminous mastic. If we talk about the priority of making a blind area or finishing the basement, then most often the first element plays the dominant role!

The blind area and its decoration with natural stone

When arranging a blind area, it is important to follow certain rules. And only in this case, all work will be performed efficiently and quickly.

Firstly, it is important for the blind area device that its width is not minimal. It would be better if it was 20 cm larger than the roof overhang

And only in this case, all work will be performed efficiently and quickly.

Firstly, it is important for the blind area device that its width is not minimal.It would be better if it was 20 cm larger than the roof overhang

Then the water will not be able to harm the walls and the foundation of the house. The optimal width is 1 m, and a possible width is 60 cm. The type of soil can still affect the width.

The blind area device does not suffer interruptions during pouring or cladding. At the same time, do not forget about expansion joints. This will help to avoid cracking and destruction of the monolithic foundation.

Another important point is that when constructing a blind area, it is necessary to make a slight slope from the house. If further facing is made with natural stone, then a slope of 5-10 degrees will be sufficient. You can make a slope due to the underlying layer, which will create a general view of the entire structure.

The blind area device is not a whim or a tribute to fashion, but the creation of a complex and functional system to protect the building. This system has three functions: decorative, protective. practical.

Due to the fact that this structure is in the most prominent place, but its original appearance is bare concrete. And in order to hide such an unsightly truth of life, it will be finished. The material must be combined with the facade of the building, with the overall design

Under the protective function, it is envisaged that the blind area is necessary to protect the foundation and other parts of buildings from water. With this simple design, the house will last much longer.

A plus in the device of the blind area is that the thermal insulation performance of the house is increasing. The design is easy to insulate, thereby providing a microclimate inside the house

This feature becomes really important if the house has a basement.

The device of the blind area is carried out even at the stage of building a house. Then it will be possible to say with confidence that all work has been done as efficiently as possible, and it will also be possible to avoid cracks on the outer surface of the base.

The device of the blind area around the house is the process of pouring concrete into a pre-installed formwork or dug trench. To give reliability to the entire structure, a sand and gravel cushion is laid at the bottom of the trench, and a reinforcing mesh is installed in the concrete layer.

The height of the plinth depends on the type of material used in the blind area. For example, if it is crushed stone or gravel, then a height of 30 cm will be sufficient. But if it is concrete or paving stones, then 50 m.

Do-it-yourself blind area device and ideas for building a modern and spectacular blind area 80 photos and videos

It is impossible to imagine a blind area device without finishing. This is also not a difficult job, which has a lot of advantages.

Finishing is carried out either with slabs with different thicknesses, or with cobblestones. Of all types of natural stone, granite, marble, sandstone, shell rock and many others are commonly used. The advantages of finishing with natural stone are the strength and long service life of the structure, attractive appearance, and the structure is not subject to fading.

But there are also downsides to keep in mind. Natural stone is quite expensive. And before choosing a material, you should know that some types will require the use of special hydrophosing additives.

When constructing a blind area, natural stone is often chosen also because it goes well with classic and country style. If the building was built in the Art Nouveau style, then it is better to use paving slabs for decoration.


