Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

Best Answers


it is impossible from a wooden bar, because it will soon rot. and at one fine time the whole structure will collapse to the floor with great fanfare. By the way, in water, the weight of the human body, in my opinion, is less. a steel bath will deform when loaded on its sides. in places where the sides of the bathtub are bent, and over time, microcracks will appear there, resulting in peeling of the enamel. so you can fix it, but under the bottom, for greater confidence, cut out the supports.


we did this, only around the perimeter they hung a bathtub on metal corners. also no legs

Andrey Volkov:

It is possible - only the design needs to be made U - shaped and a column for a brick bath


Read about corners. And I didn’t understand that the washing machine will work while standing on the bathroom .... then the corners of the support of the anchor with plastic plugs are half a size smaller than the anchor .... you don't break.

User removed:

no way, the tree will rot

Vladimir Fedorov:

When tiling, there will be deformation; the tile will burst even with a metal frame with a corner; I do not recommend using wood in general in bathrooms. When installing under the legs, so that there is no deformation, you need to enclose metal plates! Good luck!

Alexander Kolesnikov:

If the washing machine is above the bath, will it be convenient to use the bath itself. A steel bath is not durable. My advice to you is that with such dimensions of the room, it is better to install a shower cabin (the choice is large) and the washing machine will become as it should be, and above it is a cabinet for powders, in short, go for it. Good luck!

Luke' :

It is better to make a bed of foam concrete. After installation, foam the entire space under the bath - the drum effect will go away. For junk under the bath FRONT, you can cut a niche in the foam (since you have so little space).

Steel and acrylic bathtubs with legs

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

Steel tubs are usually fitted with standard metal legs.

Such bathtubs themselves are lighter in weight when compared with cast-iron structures. Therefore, on legs they weigh quite a bit, and given their low cost, they become available to almost everyone. Most often, standard legs are already included with a steel bath, which make it possible to adjust it to the desired height. However, if necessary, you can buy decorative legs for her, which will allow you to change the interior of the room for the better. Under the legs of such a bath, you can put paving slabs or do without any stand.

Acrylic foot baths have also become very popular recently. By themselves, acrylic bathtubs are remarkable in that they weigh quite a bit and are presented in a wide range of various colors and shapes. And by adding beautiful legs to them, you can get a spectacular and completely unusual in appearance bath, which will be a great addition to the bathroom interior.

As a rule, acrylic structures have their own supporting frame, which is hidden inside the body. However, modern designers advise using load-bearing legs instead of such a frame, on which it will lean perfectly. And the variety of such legs is also represented by a fairly wide range of models, allowing you to choose a solution at your own discretion. Such baths have excellent aesthetic qualities and perfectly retain heat, allowing you to relax and fully enjoy water treatments.

Under the legs of an acrylic bath, you can not enclose anything, installing them directly on a tile or concrete floor.

Expert answers


put a chip


brick and cement

Heinrich Mont:

You probably give her a drink often? So she doesn't stand on her feet.Swinging. No need to pour. And it won't swing.

Uncle from the Future...

These swings are the result of the plasticity of the metal... You can get rid of it only by giving the bottom of the bath an additional rigid support ... As an option - already said ... mortar bricks...

Igor Iskandarov:

I would put something under the mounting bolts (depending on the mounting). and poured mounting foam into the slot around the perimeter.

Linn Park:

My husband climbed under the bathtub and drilled holes in the rim from above, screwed the bathtub to the wall, or there was an option to drill holes along the legs and pour concrete


there should be adjusting bolts on the bottom


Fix a metal profile on the walls along 3 walls, zheska, hang the bath on them, process the joint with silicone. Legs are not needed at all.


try 4 legs

Andrey Volkov:

Install on brickwork along the edges of the bath


Why two legs? she has 4 of them. In my front, I patched up the plasterboard first and overlaid it with tiles, no problem, even get up on the edge.

Scrapmaster Honored:

twist the legs into the floor or a cast-iron liner inside the bathroom will help not to be afraid of coups


place concrete blocks or bricks

Vitaly Adamenko:

All bathtubs have 4 leg mounts, maybe they didn’t give it in the store?


I have one like this, they glued the legs to the floor with a self-leveling floor, and around the floor tiles overlaid nothing turns over

pyrokant free:

you need to monolith the legs with cement. solution. you will put the screen all the same.

Oleg Losev:

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bathuse strong linings of different thicknesses and check the weight so that it is stable, and A. Volkov is right, for life


I did this 15 years ago and it still stands today .... I attach two beams to the wall under the corner of the bath, so that on one side the bath rests on them, and on the other hand, there are 2 racks, to which, in addition, I fix the legs. I ennoble these racks like a screen with sliding doors ...

Diamonds are best friends:

Just recently I installed such a bath ... I was also afraid of lightness. They hung it on the foam blocks around the perimeter for me ... and, of course, they put my own legs so that the bottom rested ... it seems to stand firmly ... I sit on the edge of the bath ... it doesn’t roll over anywhere ...)

Popular Models

To make a win-win choice at the time of purchase, it is worth determining which models are the most attractive and popular. Among them, there is sure to be the perfect combination that suits you.

It is the bathtubs that stand separately, unlike the built-in ones, that erase all the boundaries of the imagination, because the manufacturers have taken care of a large selection of different shapes, colors, and dimensions of this design. The attention of the buyer is presented to oval, round, rectangular, and even baths of the sample as in the old days, figured, each of which has the size you need, for example, the Roca brand.

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bathImportant nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs are more and more classically shaped, while an acrylic bathtub has an enormous range of colors and shapes. Bathtubs made of unusual materials such as wood, artificial marble, exclusive glass are also very original. This is pilotage of all the desires of the consumer. Of course, it is very difficult to give preference and make a choice. But after the bath model is nevertheless selected and installed, you can apply some more tricks in the interior of your bathroom. For example, you can install a canopy with a white or transparent, weightless tulle curtain.

It looks very original and elegant. Designers attribute the need for such eye-catching products to modern consumer desires to acquire something unusual and add chic to an ordinary interior. It is with the help of catchy and irresistible baths that an opportunity opens up to express your good taste. You can decorate the interior with a beautiful fountain or a small aquarium, and then the bathroom will look like a Garden of Eden.

Bathtubs with legs features and variety of solutions

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

A variety of legs will not make you look for a suitable option for a long time.

Bath legs are very different: regular and adjustable, traditional and original design. At home, if there is such a need, you can make bath legs and corresponding coasters with your own hands.

Not always the legs perform exactly the functions of the necessary support for the bath. Sometimes a bathtub, placed on original legs, becomes an ornament, a kind of design item, and not an ordinary washing vessel. Usually such an original and beautiful look is created by bathtubs installed on designer legs and stands. Such bathtubs are already classics and for many years do not go out of fashion. And if you add modern technologies to these structures: anti-slip bottom, hydromassage and others, then the baths acquire a completely new status and many advantages. However, for correct and stable legs, special stands may be needed, which are also used in order to prevent damage to the floor covering.

Decorative bath legs are often made of bronze in the form of lion paws, and sometimes they are originally decorated with mythical animals or flowers. These bathtubs, mounted on original legs and bases, fit perfectly in both modern bathrooms and those decorated in an old style.

However, it is important in this case not only on the original legs and stands, but also to choose the right plumbing accessories so as not to spoil the overall look of the composition.

To date, there are several types of bathtubs with legs: cast iron, steel and acrylic. When choosing what can be placed under the legs, you need to consider this moment.

To properly install the bath on legs and stands, you will need the following tools:

  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • silicone sealant;
  • gas key;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • electric potential equalizer;
  • polyurethane mounting foam;
  • Oil paint;
  • insulating tape.


It is possible that a comfortable bath in the form of a graceful design can be placed in the center of the room. In modern design, such a move is a luxurious addition to the interior, it is considered an elegant solution, it looks very dignified. Today, a variety of options for the location of baths are practiced. But do not forget that it should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. Today, modern bathtubs with graceful legs are no longer considered an exotic element, they can be easily bought in a regular plumbing store.

An important criterion is the size of these same legs. Before purchasing such accessories, you need to think about the actual height of the installation of a cast-iron or steel bath. If you choose between models that are not adjustable in height and models that must be adjusted, please note that the type of support elements depends on this choice.

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bathImportant nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

Non-adjustable legs have a standard height: short 19-20 centimeters, and high - 40 centimeters. Determine immediately at what level you need to mount the bathroom. Subtract the height of the font from the resulting number and get the exact data at what level you need to install the legs. The optimal height of non-adjustable models is 120 mm.

Unlike non-adjustable models, adjustable ones are more practical, they allow you to change the actual installation height of a steel or cast-iron bathtub. The standard height is also one hundred and twenty millimeters. Not always such structures perform the functions of a necessary support for the bath.

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bathImportant nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath

A modern beautiful bathtub can become a home decoration by installing it on original legs, becoming a kind of design item. Special supports may be needed for proper function and stability of the tub.

A wide range of decorative and original modern legs are made from such high-quality metal as bronze. They can take the form of unusual mythical paws, charming flowers, images of elves and magical fairies. It looks very stylish and relevant both in modern design and in antique-style rooms.

Important nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bathImportant nuances of installing legs on a cast-iron bath


