Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Approximate option for calculating gas tank refueling

If the volume of the storage tank for liquefied gas is 5 cubic meters, a heater with a capacity of 20 kW is used to heat a house with an area of ​​200 square meters, the gas tank will be refueled on average 1-2 times a year

In order to calculate the cost of gas for heating a frame house or other structure, it is necessary to take into account some parameters.

  1. Operating costs are the first parameter that needs special attention. In this parameter, you can combine the cost of fuel itself and the costs that may be required for maintenance. In comparison with all types of heating systems presented today, gas is the most economical.
  2. An option that is also included in the calculation of costs is the cost of equipment and all installation work.
  3. Practicality and ease of use of all heating equipment.

Frame houses are being built relatively recently in our country. The undeniable advantage of such structures is the speed of installation work. It is also worth noting such a factor as the insulation of the frame structure, which is carried out directly at the stage of construction of a private house. The better the insulation work is carried out, the less heat loss the house will have.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

According to the established norms, it is considered that for full heating of an area of ​​10 sq.m, it is necessary to use a heater with a power of 1 kW. So, for a room whose area is 100 sq.m, it is necessary to use equipment with a capacity of at least 10 kW. To heat such a house for a month, 3,200 kWh will be required.

This figure was obtained in the process of calculations:

10 kW (boiler power) x 24 hours x 30 days = 7,200 kWh.

This figure shows round-the-clock operation of the boiler for 30 days if the owners permanently live in the house. But in most cases, the operation of the heater is reduced to half of this indicator.

This can be argued by periodic interruptions in the operation of the equipment, when the temperature in the room reaches the required values, the boiler can automatically turn off, when the temperature readings decrease, the equipment starts up again.

Such processes in modern boilers take place automatically, and require only periodic monitoring by a person. Therefore, the amount of 7,200 kW / h can be safely divided in half.

How to reduce gas consumption

A well-known rule: the better the house is insulated, the less fuel is spent on heating the street. Therefore, before starting the installation of the heating system, it is necessary to perform high-quality thermal insulation of the house - the roof / attic, floors, walls, replacing windows, hermetic sealing contour on the doors.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

You can also save fuel by using the heating system itself. Using warm floors instead of radiators, you will get more efficient heating: since heat is distributed by convection currents from the bottom up, the lower the heater is located, the better.

In addition, the normative temperature of floors is 50 degrees, and radiators - an average of 90. Obviously, floors are more economical.

Finally, you can save gas by adjusting the heating over time. It makes no sense to actively heat the house when it is empty. It is enough to withstand a low positive temperature so that the pipes do not freeze.

Modern boiler automation (types of automation for gas heating boilers) allows remote control: you can give a command to change the mode through a mobile provider before returning home (what are Gsm modules for heating boilers). At night, the comfortable temperature is slightly lower than during the day, and so on.

How to calculate the amount of gas per Gcal

You can calculate the amount of gas per Gcal and how much heat is needed to heat and pay for the house according to its area, for which you can use the following formula:
(Number of Gcal) divide (calorie content of gas) divide (boiler efficiency) multiply 1000000 = estimated amount of gas in cubic meters (m3) Where: - amount of Gcal - how much Gcal we spent or plan to spend on heating, for example, a residential building. gas - how many kcal will be released when burning 1 m3 of gas \u003d approximately 8000 - the efficiency of the boiler or column - for modern boilers it is 88 - 92% (when calculating, we substitute efficiency / 100 or 0.88 - 0.92 into the formula)

Diagnosis of a modern condensing boiler from Riello

True, a separate branch of boilers with an efficiency of up to 107%, the so-called condensing boilers, is now actively developing, but they are many times more expensive than ordinary ones and more demanding in operation, commissioning and installation. In case of improper installation or adjustment, they fail very quickly. If you are the owner of this type of boiler, my advice is to keep an eye on the chimney, if moisture appears from it (condensate on stainless steel pipes) appears as rust streaks, sound the alarm, otherwise you will be left without a boiler.

Specialist's Handbook

Energy unit conversion table

FROM watt/hour thermal units joules calories natural gas, m 3 oil, barrels oil, tons coal, tons LNG
kWh MWh term mmbtu KJ GJ kcal Gcal m 3 thousand m 3 million m 3 billion m 3 bar million bar T. million tons T. million tons tons    
kilowatt/hour kWh 1   0.001 0.0341 0.0034 3600 0.0036 859.85 0.00009 0.093 900000 900000000 9E+11 0.00059 59000000000 800000 8E+11 0.0001 14000000000 700000
megawatt/hour MWh 1 1000   34.12 3.412 4000000 3,6 859845 0.8598 93 0.093 900000 900000000 0.59 59000000 0.08 800000000 0.14 14000000 0.066
terms term 1 29.307 0.0293   0.1 105506 0.1055 25200 0.0252 2,72 0.0027 3000000 3000000000 0.17 17000000 0.0024 2400000000 0.004 4000000000 0.0019
decatherms mmbtu 1 293.07 0.293 10   1000000 1.0551 252000 0.252 27,2 0.0272 300000 300000000 1,7 1700000 0.024 240000000 0.04 400000000 0.019
Kilozhdoul KJ 1 0.0003 30000000 9000000 90000000   1000000 0.2388 20000000 300000 300000000 3E+11 3E+14 16000000 1.6E+13 16000000 1.6E+13 380000000 3.8E+14 180000000
gigajoule GJ 1 277.8 0.2778 9.478 0.9478 1000000   238800 0.2388 26 0.026 300000 300000000 0.16 16000000 0.16 16000000 0.038 380000000 0.018
kilocalories kcal 1 0.0012 1000000 400000 4000000 4.1868 4000000   1000000 0.0001 10000000 10000000000 1E+13 66000000 6.6E+13 930000000 9.3E+14 16000000 1.6E+13 760000000
gigacalories Gcal 1 1163 1.163 39.68 3.968 4000000 4.1868 1000000   110 0.11 0.0001 10000000 0.66 66000000 0.093 930000000 0.16 16000000 0.076
natural gas, m 3 m3 1 11 0.011 367 36.7 38722 0.0387 9249 0.0092   0.001 1000000 1000000000 0.0061 6100000000 0.0008 83000000000 0.0015 1500000000 0.0007
thousand m3 1 11000 11 367000 36700 40000000 38.722 9000000 9.249 1000   0.001 1000000 6,1 6100000 0.83 83000000 1,5 1500000 0.71
million m3 1 10000000 11000 400000000 40000000 40000000000 38722 9000000000 9249 1000000 1000   0.001 6100 0.0061 830 0.00083 1500 0.0015 710
billion m3 1 10000000000 10000000 4E+11 40000000000 4E+13 40000000 9E+12 9000000 1000000000 1000000 1000   6100000 6,1 830000 0.83 2000000 1,5 710000
oil, barrels bar 1 1700 1,7 60 6 6000000 6,3 2000000 1,5 160 0.16 0.0002 20000000   1000000 0.14 14000000 0.23 23000000 0.1
million bar 1 2000000000 200000 60000000 6000000 6E+12 6000000 2E+12 2000000 200000000 160000 160 0.16 1000000   140000 0.14 2300000 0.23 100000
oil, tons T. 1 12700 12,7 425 42.5 50000000 45 10000000 11 1200 1,2 0.0012 1000000 7,5 7500000   1000000 1,7 1700000 0.8
million tons 1 10000000000 10000000 400000000 40000000 5E+13 50000000 1E+13 10000000 1000000000 1000000 1200 1,2 7500000 7,5 1000000   2000000 1,7 800000
coal, tons T. 1 7100 7,1 250 25 30000000 26 6000000 6,3 700 0.7 0.0007 70000000 4,3 4300000 0.6 60000000   1000000 0.5
million tons 1 7000000000 700000 300000000 30000000 3E+13 30000000 6E+12 6000000 700000000 700000 700 0.7 4300000 4,3 600000 0.6 1000000   500000
LNG tons 1 14000 14 520 52 50000000 55 10000000 13 1400 1,4 0.0014 1000000 8,9 8900000 1,2 1200000 1,9 1900000  

How to save

The financial costs of maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the house can be reduced by :

  • additional insulation of all structures, installation of double-glazed windows and door structures without cold bridges;
  • installation of high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation (incorrectly executed system can cause increased heat loss);
  • use of alternative energy sources - solar panels, etc.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the advantages of a collector heating system and automation, thanks to which an optimal temperature level is maintained in each of the rooms. This allows you to reduce the load on the boiler and fuel consumption when it gets warm outside, to reduce the heating of the coolant that is supplied to radiators or the underfloor heating system in unused rooms

If the house has a standard radiator system, a sheet of thin foamed heat insulator with an outer foil surface can be glued to the wall behind each heating device. Such a screen effectively reflects heat, preventing it from escaping through the wall into the street.

A set of measures aimed at improving the thermal efficiency of the house will help to minimize energy costs.

How to avoid heat loss

Fuel consumption for heating a house depends on the total area of ​​the heated premises, as well as the heat loss coefficient. Any building loses heat through the roof, walls, window and door openings, the floor of the lower floor.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Respectively, the level of heat loss depends on the following factors :

  • climate features;
  • wind roses and the location of the house relative to the cardinal points;
  • characteristics of the materials from which building structures and roofs are erected;
  • the presence of a basement / basement;
  • quality of floor insulation, wall structures, attic floors and roofs;
  • number and tightness of door and window structures.

The thermal calculation of the house allows you to choose boiler equipment with optimal power parameters.In order to determine the need for heat as accurately as possible, the calculation is performed for each heated room separately. For example, the heat loss coefficient is higher for rooms with two windows, for corner rooms, etc.

Note! The power of the boiler is selected with some margin relative to the calculated values ​​obtained. The boiler unit wears out faster and fails if it regularly works at the limit of its capabilities.

At the same time, an excessive power reserve turns into an increase in financial costs for the purchase of a boiler and increased fuel consumption.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Convert m3 of natural gas to gcal

and construction

Repair and technical

Calculations of heat consumption and fuel demand

When determining the version of the boiler house for assessing the economic and technological indicators of the heat supply object, the calculation of the need for heat and the calculation of fuel consumption are performed.

On our website in on-line mode, you can perform these calculations yourself.

To do this, you need to select the type of fuel (or several at once), by placing in front of the selected option.

If the calorific value of your fuel differs from the default one, it can be entered manually in the appropriate column, but only in the units indicated next to it (Gcal/kg, Gcal/m3, etc.).

If the calorific value dimension differs from the required one, you can convert it using the unit converter on our website.

Next, you need to determine the thermal loads. If you do not have ready-made data on heating, ventilation, hot water loads, you can calculate the heat loads on our website and also in on-line mode.

If you know the loads, but their dimension differs from the required one, you can convert it on our website.

Climatological data are given for St. Petersburg. You can manually enter the data for your region (see climatology).

All active columns must contain numbers other than "0".

After completing the data entry, click "calculate".

To make a calculation, you can contact our specialists by phone: (812) 528-07-43

Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 528-07-43

What is reduced gas

Liquefied gas is a type of fuel for heating country houses and cottages, which is very popular today. This is ordinary natural gas, which, thanks to special cooling processes down to -160 degrees, is liquefied.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

From the point of view of physical and chemical properties, it is a colorless and odorless liquid, which consists of 75-99% methane, the density of this substance is very low. In the process of heating the room, its potential energy and natural cooling with a decrease in pressure take part.

To heat the premises of the house with liquefied gas, it is necessary to use gas holders, a reservoir in which the substance is stored. Only at a distance of not less than 10 m from the gas tank can a boiler room be equipped. Therefore, gas tanks are located away from the house.

The main advantages of heating with reduced gas:

  • You can heat the building at any time of the year;
  • this type of fuel is quite simply transported and stored;
  • a safe fuel that does not burn as badly as gasoline;
  • durability and reliability.

Fuel saving methods

If the heating of the frame house is carried out by main gas, then it is imperative to install a chimney for the heater. In order to significantly save money and time on this, it is worth installing a boiler with a forced smoke removal system.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

To fully equip the entire heating system, which will use liquefied gas as fuel, is quite expensive today. This is due to the purchase of a boiler with devices designed for liquefied gas, the installation of a gas tank, and a kind of gas connection between them.

In order to minimize the cost of space heating.It is worth taking care of the insulation of all walls and ceilings of the house. This will allow the rooms to warm up much faster, and the warm air will linger in the room much longer.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Heating of a frame house today is carried out by any available method. From the use of the oven to the methods of modern technology. The main thing to understand is that the frame structure itself is neither cold nor warm, it is inert, so almost any heating can be used to heat it.

Today, more frequent sources of heat, especially in country houses, are appliances that burn natural or liquefied gas. This is a more classic version of heating, it has proven itself well and has not left its leading position for a long time.

The entire heating system of a frame house is presented in the following scheme:

  1. An energy source that is located outside. It can be a gas pipeline or a gas tank.
  2. A separate room in the room in which the boiler is located, the main source of heat generation.
  3. A piping system that distributes heat throughout the house.

The choice between two types of gas heating will primarily depend on personal preferences, financial capabilities, and whether the area is gasified or not.

If there is a gas main that also passes through the site, then it is more advisable to carry out heating from natural gas. If this is not possible, then the solution to the problem will be the installation of a gas tank.

How to convert gas to Gcal

How to convert gas to Gcal

The calculation of gas calorie content is required, as a rule, by the owners of houses and cottages for settlements with gas suppliers. Blue fuel in this case is used to maintain heat in the room and heat water, and these utilities are priced in Gcal.

Gas meter, gas calorimeter, gas consumption standard.

Take readings from the gas meter. Write down the obtained data on the used cubic meters. To find out how much energy you consumed, you need to multiply the readings taken by the calorie content of the fuel.
Natural gas is a mixture of propane, butane and other compounds. Therefore, in different regions, the specific heat of combustion of its cubic meter can vary from 7.6 thousand to 9.5 thousand kcal. According to the order of the Federal Tariff Service, a value of 7900 kcal is used for gas produced by Gazprom.
For bulk purchases, recalculation is provided for deviations from the norm.

Convert the received calories to larger units. Gigacalories are 10 to the ninth power of calories. Or one followed by nine zeros. If you consumed 1000 cubic meters, then, taking into account possible fluctuations in gas calorie content, you should get from 7.6
9.5 Gcal. But such a significant consumption for residential buildings with individual boilers is not typical. Accordingly, the owner of the cottage will pay only for some part of the gigacalorie.

Use a gas calorimeter to accurately determine the energy content of blue fuel. It is reasonable to do this with large volumes of consumption. Manufacturers of such devices focus primarily on large enterprises in the energy sector, ferrous metallurgy, oil production, oil refining, etc.
It is required not only for calculations, but also for optimizing the gas-air ratio in heating burners and for controlling large gas flows.

Make an approximate calculation of the calories spent on gas in the absence of an appropriate meter. In this case, you are charged according to the standard, which is the amount of fuel set for various types of consumption. Multiply its value by the average caloric value of 7900 kcal / m3.
Get the amount of energy used.

Using a propane-butane mixture

Autonomous heating of private houses with liquefied propane or its mixture with butane has not yet lost its relevance in the Russian Federation, although in recent years it has noticeably increased in price

It is all the more important to calculate the future consumption of this type of fuel for those homeowners who plan such heating. The same formula is used for the calculation, only instead of the net calorific value of natural gas, the value of the parameter for propane is set: 12.5 kW with 1 kg of fuel

The efficiency of heat generators when burning propane remains unchanged.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

Below is an example calculation for the same building of 150 m², only heated with liquefied fuel. Its consumption will be:

  • for 1 hour - 15 / (12.5 x 92 / 100) = 1.3 kg, per day - 31.2 kg;
  • on average per day - 31.2 / 2 \u003d 15.6 kg;
  • on average per month - 15.6 x 30 \u003d 468 kg.

When calculating the consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house, it must be taken into account that fuel is usually sold by volume measures: liters and cubic meters, and not by weight. This is how propane is measured when filling cylinders or a gas tank. This means that it is necessary to convert mass into volume, knowing that 1 liter of liquefied gas weighs about 0.53 kg. The result for this example will look like this:

468 / 0.53 \u003d 883 liters, or 0.88 m³, of propane will have to be burned on average per month for a building with an area of ​​​​150 m².

Given that the retail price of liquefied gas is an average of 16 rubles. for 1 liter, heating will result in a considerable amount, about 14 thousand rubles. per month for the same cottage for one and a half hundred squares. There is reason to think about how best to insulate the walls, and take other measures aimed at reducing gas consumption.

Many homeowners expect to use fuel not only for heating, but also for providing hot water

These are additional costs, they must be calculated, plus it is important to take into account the additional load on heating equipment

The thermal power required for hot water supply is easy to calculate. It is necessary to determine the required amount of water per day and use the formula:

  • c is the heat capacity of water, equal to 4.187 kJ/kg °C;
  • t1 — initial water temperature, °С;
  • t2 is the final temperature of the heated water, °С;
  • m is the amount of water consumed, kg.

As a rule, economical heating occurs up to a temperature of 55 ° C, and this must be substituted into the formula. The initial temperature is different and lies in the range of 4-10 °C. For a day, a family of 4 people needs approximately 80-100 liters for all needs, subject to economical use. It is not necessary to convert the volume into mass measures, since in the case of water they are almost the same (1 kg \u003d 1 l). It remains to substitute the obtained value QDHW in the above formula and determine the additional gas consumption for hot water.

Method of calculation for natural gas

The approximate gas consumption for heating is calculated based on half the capacity of the installed boiler. The thing is that when determining the power of a gas boiler, the lowest temperature is laid. This is understandable - even when it is very cold outside, the house should be warm.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

You can calculate the gas consumption for heating yourself

But it is completely wrong to calculate the gas consumption for heating according to this maximum figure - after all, in general, the temperature is much higher, which means that much less fuel is burned. Therefore, it is customary to consider the average fuel consumption for heating - about 50% of the heat loss or boiler power.

We calculate the gas consumption by heat loss

If there is no boiler yet, and you estimate the cost of heating in different ways, you can calculate from the total heat loss of the building. They are most likely familiar to you. The methodology here is as follows: they take 50% of the total heat loss, add 10% to provide hot water supply and 10% to heat outflow during ventilation. As a result, we get the average consumption in kilowatts per hour.

Next, you can find out the fuel consumption per day (multiply by 24 hours), per month (by 30 days), if desired - for the entire heating season (multiply by the number of months during which the heating works). All these figures can be converted into cubic meters (knowing the specific heat of combustion of gas), and then multiply cubic meters by the price of gas and, thus, find out the cost of heating.

Specific heat of combustion in kcal

Heat loss calculation example

Let the heat loss of the house be 16 kW / h. Let's start counting:

  • average heat demand per hour - 8 kW / h + 1.6 kW / h + 1.6 kW / h = 11.2 kW / h;
  • per day - 11.2 kW * 24 hours = 268.8 kW;
  • per month - 268.8 kW * 30 days = 8064 kW.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

The actual gas consumption for heating still depends on the type of burner - modulated are the most economical

Convert to cubic meters. If we use natural gas, we divide the gas consumption for heating per hour: 11.2 kW / h / 9.3 kW = 1.2 m3 / h. In calculations, the figure 9.3 kW is the specific heat capacity of natural gas combustion (available in the table).

By the way, you can also calculate the required amount of fuel of any type - you just need to take the heat capacity for the required fuel.

Since the boiler does not have 100% efficiency, but 88-92%, you will still have to make adjustments for this - add about 10% of the figure obtained. In total, we get the gas consumption for heating per hour - 1.32 cubic meters per hour. You can then calculate:

  • consumption per day: 1.32 m3 * 24 hours = 28.8 m3/day
  • demand per month: 28.8 m3 / day * 30 days = 864 m3 / month.

The average consumption for the heating season depends on its duration - we multiply it by the number of months that the heating season lasts.

This calculation is approximate. In some month, gas consumption will be much less, in the coldest month - more, but on average the figure will be about the same.

Boiler power calculation

Calculations will be a little easier if there is a calculated boiler capacity - all the necessary reserves (for hot water supply and ventilation) are already taken into account. Therefore, we simply take 50% of the calculated capacity and then calculate the consumption per day, month, per season.

For example, the design capacity of the boiler is 24 kW. To calculate the gas consumption for heating, we take half: 12 k / W. This will be the average need for heat per hour. To determine the fuel consumption per hour, we divide by the calorific value, we get 12 kW / h / 9.3 k / W = 1.3 m3. Further, everything is considered as in the example above:

  • per day: 12 kWh * 24 hours = 288 kW in terms of the amount of gas - 1.3 m3 * 24 = 31.2 m3
  • per month: 288 kW * 30 days = 8640 m3, consumption in cubic meters 31.2 m3 * 30 = 936 m3.

Calculator for converting liters of liquefied gas to grams g

You can calculate gas consumption for heating a house according to the design capacity of the boiler

Next, we add 10% for the imperfection of the boiler, we get that for this case the flow rate will be slightly more than 1000 cubic meters per month (1029.3 cubic meters). As you can see, in this case everything is even simpler - fewer numbers, but the principle is the same.

Propane butane gas how to convert cubic meters to liters

When performing construction work, for example, during flooring or repairing certain types of roofs, liquefied gas is used. When estimate documentation is compiled for the performance of work related to the use of gas, estimators sometimes face a problem: how to convert cubic meters into liters. The fact is that liquefied gas is most often supplied in cylinders, the volume of which is measured in liters. In the estimate documentation, when calculating, the international system of units SI is most often used, in which a cubic meter is taken as a unit of volume. To calculate the number of gas cylinders and determine their cost, m3 must be converted to liters.

Density is the quantitative value of the mass in kilograms placed in a cubic meter. It's very variable and depends on a lot of factors. The main one is temperature. So, the density of propane-butane can vary from 490 to 619 kg/m3.

What do you need to know?

We must immediately make a reservation that a simple calculation based on how many liters in a cube does not work in our case. 1 m 3 contains 1000 liters of air, water or other substance in a normal state. However, the cylinders contain liquid gas, and it is there at high pressure and low temperature. For use, the substance must be brought into the gaseous phase, while its volume increases many times over.

The parameters and dimensions of oxygen cylinders for propane, butane and their mixtures can be viewed according to GOST 15860-84. Currently, four types of these products are used, with volumes of 5, 12, 27 and 50 liters.

To convert propane-butane gas from cubic meters of gaseous gas to liters of liquid gas, it is necessary to know the density of the liquid gas and the specific gravity of the substance. The density depends on the temperature and proportions of the propane-butane mixture, and is easily determined using tables. The specific gravity of propane-butane is determined in the laboratory. In the calculations, we can use the average indicator.

How to make a calculation?

Under normal atmospheric conditions and a temperature of 15°C, the density of propane in the liquid state is 510 kg/m3, and that of butane is 580 kg/m3.Propane in a gaseous state at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 15 ° C is 1.9 kg / m3, and butane - 2.55 kg / m3. Under normal atmospheric conditions and a temperature of 15°C, 0.392 m3 of gas is formed from 1 kg of liquid butane, and 0.526 m3 from 1 kg of propane.

Knowing the volume of a gas and its specific gravity, we can determine its mass. So, if the estimate indicates 27 m 3 of technical propane-butane, then multiplying 27 by 2.25 we find out that this volume weighs 60.27 kg. Now, knowing the density of liquefied gas, you can calculate its volume in liters or cubic decimeters. The density of propane-butane in a ratio of 80/20 at a temperature of 10 0 C is 0.528 kg/dm 3 . Knowing the formula for the density of a substance (mass divided by volume), we can find the volume of 60.27 kg of gas. It is 60.27 kg / 0.528 kg / dm 3 \u003d 114.15 dm 3 or 114 liters.

How to convert propane-butane from kilograms to liters?

In order to calculate the number of liters in one kilogram of gas, you need to use the formula: Liter \u003d Kilogram / Density

So, 27 cubic meters of gaseous propane-butane are equal to 114 liters of liquefied gas. So that each time converting m 3 into liters not to use the formulas, we derive the ratio: 27 m 3 \u003d 107 l, therefore 1 m 3 \u003d 4.2 l. Using reference data and simple formulas, you can easily make calculations that help in budgeting.

How to convert propane-butane from liters to kilograms?

In order to calculate how many kilograms are contained in one liter of gas, you need to use the formula: Kilogram \u003d Liter * Density

Example: It is known that a car is filled with 100 liters of gas with a density of 0.53. To calculate how many kilograms of gas, you need to multiply 100 by 0.53. You get 53 kg of gas.

How much m3 in a cylinder

Let's calculate the weight of the propane-butane mixture in the most common cylinder in construction: a volume of 50 with a maximum gas pressure of 1.6 MPa. The proportion of propane according to GOST 15860-84 must be at least 60% (note 1 to table 2):

50l \u003d 50dm3 \u003d 0.05m3;

0.05m3 • (510 • 0.6 + 580 •0.4) = 26.9kg

But due to the limitation of gas pressure of 1.6 MPa on the walls, more than 21 kg are not filled into a cylinder of this type.

Let's calculate the volume of the propane-butane mixture in the gaseous state:

21kg • (0.526 • 0.6 + 0.392 •0.4) = 9.93m3

Conclusion (for the case under consideration): 1 cylinder = 50l = 21kg = 9.93m3

Example: It is known that in a cylinder of 50 liters 21 kilograms of gas are filled, for which the test density is 0.567. To calculate liters, you need to divide 21 by 0.567. It turns out 37.04 liters of gas.


