Is it possible to drink distilled water, the benefits and harms, dangers to humans

Is it safe to drink distilled water

Distilled water is safe to drink in moderation as part of a balanced diet. A variety of drinks and soft drinks contain distilled water.

However, when distilled water is the only type of water a person drinks, there can be potential health effects. These problems arise from mineral deficiencies and potential changes in the balance of electrolytes, fluid, minerals, and pH in the body.

In addition, those who are fasting or who have cancer in infants, young children, and athletes should avoid drinking distilled or demineralized water to prevent electrolyte imbalances, especially if they are not being adequately replaced by food or other beverage sources.

In general, drinking distilled water is not problematic in combination with other water sources. Most people eat a varied diet in developed countries and get hydration and nutrition from a variety of sources.

There is a selection of water distillers available for purchase online.

We have selected related items based on the quality of the products and have listed the pros and cons of each to help you determine which will work best for you.

Expert answers

Viktor Nemec:

Distilled water is ordinary drinking water, purified from impurities and therefore practically devoid of mineral salts and trace elements.


Of course you can

Lena Sinelnikova:

Can. She washes sand from the kidneys well. And so - there are no salts in it.

Stanislav Perminov:

You can, but DEFINITELY NOT!

Valentin Belyaev:

The healthiest water


it is possible, but it does not quench thirst well due to the lack of salts and minerals.

Christmas tree:

Distilled water does not contain any salts or impurities. Distilled water is ideally pure and, in principle, only it has the right to be called water. Distilled water has the formula H2O and is a universal solvent, as it is very active. This has its pros and cons. There are no harmful compounds in it, but there are no necessary microelements either. Distilled water can be "revived" by pouring several times from glass to glass. It is even better to freeze it and turn it into melt water. But it is not recommended to constantly eat it, if it is possible to clean the usual one. With prolonged use of distilled water, many of the necessary salts are "washed out" from the body. Also, distilled water is successfully used for arthritis, gout, kidney disease. Purified melt water will give you the same results.


yes - from experience - for many years I drank alive and healthy and tea brewed with distillate has more pronounced aromas - it’s another matter that it’s harder to boil! in general, there is nothing wrong with blowing it every day alternating with ordinary water!


yes, but it makes no sense .. there is nothing useful in it ...

master of Tauromachy:


Eustace Alex:

You can, of course, but why?

Olga Yu:

only eat: knife and fork

Let's keep on living!

1 time - you can, but no, there are no mineral salts


can be for gastric lavage


It is possible only in it there are no useful substances that are in ordinary water!

Evgeny Shein:

If you want salt to be washed out of your joints, please. There are no salts in this water. By the way, melt water from glaciers is also not recommended to drink. In addition, an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the body can be fraught with mental problems.

Margarita Kulikova:

possible, but not always. although it depends on the body. mine doesn't accept it.

Sergey Kaleev:

You better not drink. This is pure H2O, it is prescribed by doctors for certain diseases.

Ira Sokolova:

It's dead water, there's nothing in it!


- Can you eat these berries? - You can, only die)))


maybe in a nutshell…

Dimka Miller:

no, it is used only vmed. purposes (for injection into the blood), there is absolutely no need to drink it, if drinking constantly, coronary disease can develop due to a lack of metal ions (Na, K, Ca,). Drink better mineral water.

User deleted:

A small amount of water is brought to the state of "white key", but does not boil, (you observe the first water geysers). Place the container under the lid in a larger vessel, a saucepan, a cup of cold water for a sharp cooling (you can flow).

pluses This water can be used to gargle during a sore throat. It strengthens the gums. Calms the nervous system. It is good to use for cosmetic purposes, it is soft. Distilled water helps to remove toxins and cleanse the kidneys.

cons This water can not be drunk all the time, experts say. If you decide to conduct a cleansing course on distilled (degassed) water, be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet (to replenish the supply of minerals).

Lena Mironova:

doctors don't recommend. since water contains a solution of certain minerals

and yet, the vital substance magnesium is generally not found anywhere else, except for water. distilled water does not contain any solutions

Conditions that are highly dependent on magnesium, or rather, its lack in the body: arrhythmia insomnia fatigue convulsions osteoporosis kidney stones disturbing sleep feeling of weakness back pain neck pain joint pain headaches migraine high blood pressure weakness diabetes asthma fibromyalgia muscle stiffness nervous tics mild muscle twitches spasms nervous overexcitation depression heart disease low energy anxiety, nervousness constipation stroke hiccups hyperactivity startle at sudden sounds arthritis muscle atrophy loss of arterial elasticity dislocations of joints, displacement of vertebrae chest pain (angina pectoris)

Cuckoo on a sakura branch:

In principle it is possible. I drank a couple of times and nothing happened. But she tastes bad.


possible, but not useful ... drink filtered ...

Vasily Zheleznov:

Maybe one day. There is no more sense. Minerals and vitamins are washed out of the body. But if you know for what purpose you want to do this, you can give more productive advice.

Best Answers


A common misconception is that distilled water is supposedly harmful. To the question "why", they usually answer "there are no salts, trace elements in it, which are so necessary for the body." There is really no harm in using it. It does not contain any beneficial or harmful trace elements and no impurities at all. She is neutral. And to replenish microelements in the body, it is enough to eat vegetables or take complex vitamins with minerals. My colleagues and I used distilled water for several years, since there was always a distiller at hand at work. No one found the slightest negative effect. As for “washes out of the body” - it washes out harmful substances more than useful ones, since the moisture excreted from the body in any case contains what the body has rejected and its excretory system has separated from the blood plasma. I recommend drinking distilled water and cook food on it.

Alex Matveev:

I think you can not drink it all the time, but you can completely quench your thirst.

Swanky Moppet/Mother of People:

for the first time I hear, at least it's better than tap water, although we have it very good


I have many medical acquaintances - and many drink distilled water, and even dilute tea with it so that it is not very hot ...

User deleted:

You can drink distilled water, only the sense of it is zero. Don't get drunk. And she's completely tasteless.As a result: You drink, but don't get drunk, you drink more and more… Naturally, you flush out useful substances from the body without replenishing them, because. distilled water is nothing but H2O and nothing else, while ordinary water contains at least mineral salts. Do you think that if you drink ordinary water in the same quantities (if you can), you will not flush out useful substances from the body?

Xen Sava:

You can make drinking water from distilled water. But drinking it is really undesirable. It has a bad effect on the body. My father works at such a job that he has to drink such water for six months, but I have not noticed any undesirable deviations from him yet.

Sergei Yushin:

Dear colleagues, why do you shy away from distilled water? It is much cleaner and safer than tap water. Tea brewed with distilled water is no longer distilled water, but TEA!

User deleted:

You can drink it, but not much, because in addition to the minuses listed in the answers above, distilled water has weak acidic properties, which is not very useful.

From sea water, you can simply get completely fresh, distilled water through an osmotic filter, evaporation + filtration, electrolysis and other methods.

Distilled water with a microscopic admixture of salt becomes ordinary drinking water. If you want a familiar taste, you can add a drop of bleach


The principle of desalination on seagoing ships: A. From the sea get distilled.B. Dilute distilled seawater to a fresh state. Or instead of B - C. Dissolve salts and minerals to a fresh state.

To see what happens to the cells when distilled water enters, hold it in your mouth for a long time (replacing it with saliva as it is diluted).


Alexander, if distilled water is so dangerous and washes away all useful substances from the body, then I should have died long ago, or at least go to the hospital, since I have been drinking only distilled water for several years now. They also write here that such water does not quench my thirst ... therefore, I must be thirsty all the time, but for some reason this does not happen. Here's what I'll tell you.... everyone here picked up some rumors about the harmfulness of distilled water, but where did you get the idea that this is really so? Have you tested it yourself, conducted research, set up experiments? You might think that water is the main and only source of trace elements .. minerals. You forgot that we still eat three or four times a day ... and throw so many different substances into ourselves that no water can contain so much.

And about the fact that it is impossible to make fresh water from sea water. In general, the water cycle is constantly going on in nature. Water from the seas evaporates, rises up and then in the form of rain (distilled water) again falls to the ground and streams run .. rivers .. that flow into the seas and oceans.

What are the risks of drinking distilled water

The main risks of drinking only distilled water are associated with a lack of dissolved minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

Some of the adverse effects of drinking only distilled or mineral water include:

  • a flat taste that many people find unappealing, resulting in reduced water intake
  • decreased metabolic function of the body
  • increased urine output, which can lead to electrolyte imbalance

Failure to replace minerals lost due to sweat

Is it possible to drink distilled water, the benefits and harms, dangers to humans

Replacing the minerals lost through sweat is important to keep the body functioning properly.

When the body loses water through sweating and urination, it loses sodium and other minerals in addition to water. For the body to function properly, these minerals must be replaced.

Drinking distilled water will not replace minerals lost through sweat, as all additives and minerals have been removed during the distillation process.

However, since most people eat and drink a variety of foods and drinks throughout the day, most people get the salts and minerals they need from these other sources.

This lack of minerals and supplements only poses a significant risk if distilled water is the only liquid or food the person consumes.

Fasting with only drinking water can be dangerous

It is not dangerous to drink distilled water as part of a balanced diet, which should include foods that replace any minerals lost through sweat.

However, fasting for a long period of time and then drinking only distilled water can be dangerous because a person cannot replace any of the lost minerals.

Prolonged fasting in water alone is dangerous for other reasons, and these other issues are much more of a concern than the type of water a person drinks. Before taking any extreme measures, a person should consult a healthcare professional.

Changes in pH, electrolyte and mineral balance of blood and tissues

In extreme cases, where a person only drinks distilled water and is not properly nourished, a condition called "acidosis" can occur due to the water's more acidic pH. This condition occurs as a result of changes in the pH balance of the blood. Although this rarely happens, it can happen when an excessive amount of distilled water alone is ingested.

According to the World Health Organization, this and other health-related problems are partly due to a lack of minerals and electrolytes in distilled water, which causes unhealthy changes in the delicate balance of sodium, potassium, fluid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and other nutrients in the body. body.

The pH balance of distilled water is 7.0, while the pH balance of blood should remain between 7.35 and 7.45. Acidosis occurs when blood pH falls below 7.35. Acidosis and significant changes in the body's electrolyte and mineral balance can lead to fluid retention, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, muscle cramps, headache, abnormal heart rhythms, and even worse health outcomes, including organ failure.

The World Health Organization has noted that waters demineralized using the following methods are also associated with the same health effects as distilled water (unless remineralized), including desalinated, reverse osmosis, nanofiltered and/or deionized.

An environmental research study also found that drinking demineralized water through desalination techniques can have a carcinogenic effect.

Environmental impact

Also, for environmentally minded people, distilled water may not be the best choice.

Distillation is not the most environmentally friendly process as it leaves highly saline or hard water that can disrupt or destroy the surrounding ecosystem of the water source.


