Bathtub design with shower cabin: small bathtub with shower enclosure and separate cabin

Properly choosing the design of the bathroom is just as important as beautifully decorating the rest of the apartment. And while coming up with eye-catching color schemes and plumbing styles is usually a no-brainer, fitting it all into a small space is often a daunting task. This is especially true for small apartments in which the bathroom is combined. In such cases, when repairing, the owners of the apartment prefer not large cozy baths, but compact modern showers. We will figure out how to choose the design of a bathroom with a shower cabin in such a way as to make being in the room as comfortable and practical as possible.

Thinking about interior design

Where to begin?

If you started bathroom renovation, but you have no idea how to place everything you need in such a small area - be sure to start by drawing up a project. This will allow not only to understand the real dimensions of the room, but also to choose the most practical options for plumbing, furniture and accessories. The best solution in this situation would be a room with a shower. Its design can be easily matched to the overall style of the room.

Matching the design of the shower enclosure with the style of the room

What you need to consider when drafting a bathroom with a shower:

  1. The possibility of combining a bathroom with a toilet. For a combined room, it is much easier to choose options for placing plumbing, in addition, in the combined bathrooms, the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is significantly increased.
  2. If it is important for you to be able to lie down occasionally in a filled bathroom, a small bathroom with a compact shower enclosure is an excellent option. There are many options for the execution of such plumbing, and finding the right one is not difficult.
  3. All items must be placed so that nothing hinders their use. For example, the toilet should not block the entrance to the cubicle, and the door should not be blocked by lockers.
  4. The dimensions of the shower room should correspond to the dimensions of the room, since the spacious options for booths are not suitable for small rooms - you simply will not have room to place the rest of the plumbing. If you do not plan to buy a new toilet bowl or sink, then the space allocated for the booth must be accurately measured and selected according to these parameters.
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Proper arrangement of interior items and plumbing

Important! Be prepared for the fact that changes can be made to the project already during the repair, for example, elements such as ducts for pipes and siphons and other small details will be added.

Choice of shower

Once you have decided on the project, you can start choosing the booth itself. In this case, you need to take into account its dimensions, the possibilities of the room and, of course, the design. Consider the most popular types of showers for a small bath:

  • Cabins of open type. They are distinguished by the absence of a ceiling, sometimes one or more walls and a pallet. The most common option is in which there are two walls, a pallet, and the booth itself is located in the corner of the bathroom, since it is the most optimal for multi-storey buildings. This type is cheap, with a minimum of functions.

Shower cubicle open type

It must be remembered that it is by no means possible to equip a bathroom with a shower without a pallet or a carefully waterproofed side in an apartment of a multi-storey building - this can lead to flooding of the lower floors.

  • Cabins of the closed type (boxes). Such showers have a tray, and their own ceiling, and completely closed walls. They are more expensive, but there is a wide choice of not only stylistic solutions, but also additional functions (rain shower, steam room, hydromassage, lighting, etc.).Also, some products allow you to use the pallet as a bath, but this option is only suitable for a room combined with a toilet or a fairly spacious room.

Cabin-box of closed type

When choosing a booth, consider the height of the side or the depth of the pallet. The smaller it is, the more likely it is to flood.

  • Homemade shower enclosure. This option is suitable for those who want to make bathroom design with shower as original as possible and embody your bold ideas in it. The bottom line is that instead of a finished booth in the room, the space for the shower is fenced off with a self-made partition (made of glass blocks or large custom-made solid glass). But in this case, it is also necessary to purchase a ready-made pallet or mount it from a brick side with thorough waterproofing (taking into account the reliability of the floors).
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Bathroom with custom shower

Shower trays may be sold separately. They can be made in a variety of shapes and from a variety of materials. For a room where there is little space, the best option is corner acrylic pallets. They are easy to care for, light weight and fit any modern design.

If the area of ​​the bathroom allows, you can install a bathroom with a cubicle attached to it, as mentioned above. The advantage of such a device is its maximum functionality.

Bathtub with shower enclosure

Shower Cabin Bathroom Design Tips

To make any bathroom look harmonious, but at the same time be as comfortable and cozy as possible, it is necessary to carefully consider not only the choice of plumbing and furniture, but also the materials from which they will be made, as well as the color palette and various decorative elements. So, when choosing a bathroom interior, you should adhere to the following tips and recommendations:

  • Small bathroom design with a compact shower stall, you should not try to make it luxurious. Styles such as empire or antique will look simply ridiculous in the elements of furniture and bathroom decor. The best solution is more modern styles (minimalism, high-tech, etc.).

High-tech bathroom design

  • To visually increase the area, use mirror surfaces. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it: for example, the mirror wall of the shower cabin will visually hide it, and besides, it will serve as a good alternative to the mirror above the washbasin.
  • For the same purpose, you need to give preference to light shades in the design of the walls, ceiling and floor of the bathroom.

Bright decoration of a small bathroom

  • The more illumination, the better. There are usually no windows in the bathroom, so for maximum coziness and comfort, it is worth placing artificial lighting around the perimeter of the room. In addition, choosing various options for fixtures and hidden lighting, you can create a unique bathroom interior design.
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Bright lighting will make the room more comfortable

If you have made partitions for the shower stall yourself, you have the opportunity to use them to place additional shelves. They can carry both a decorative function and a practical one.

  • Glass, both frosted and transparent, as well as high-quality plastic, visually lighten the design of the shower cabin, and it will not look too bulky in a small bathroom.

Lightweight transparent booth for a modest-sized room

  • It makes sense to hide sewer pipes, siphons, wires with the help of special boxes. This will not only make your stay in the bathroom safer, but also help to give it a more aesthetic appearance.

Box in the interior of the bathroom

You need to be very careful when choosing accessories and decor for the bathroom: too many of them will overload the room, and it will seem cluttered.

The above tips will help you choose the perfect option for a shower cabin in the bathroom and make its design comfortable and harmonious.


