Best Answers
Mikhail Fomichev:
After all the recent explosions, save and save the mother of God from gas. You can monitor your household from and to, and below or above, a drug addict or alcohol addict will live. And fly to heaven together ....
Looking for what.
Fernando Sucre:
Cnhfyysq djghjc gj crjkmrjb nj b nj tcnm dj dct/
I'm for electricity, I'm afraid of gas.
Well, it's difficult to connect a computer to gas. Yes, charge your phone too.
and both are not considered? then electricity is better - and the tile can be installed and the light can be lit, but it is problematic to illuminate with gas
Uncle from the Future...
Do you have the world's first gas TV? .. Yes, you are an advanced dude ...
Artur Alexis:
Well, how be ... these are slightly different categories. If we are talking specifically about a stove, then an electric office is better. It is corny much safer.
electricity is better and safer
Valge Naine:
I prefer to have gas.
Sasha Solovyov:
Electricity: + Versatility (useful almost everywhere) - Cost (the more you spend, the more you pay) Gas: + Cheap source of heat (there are no restrictions, as with electricity) - If used incorrectly, it is very dangerous
Star Lord71:
Gas is better suited when the lights are turned off in the area / in the house / apartment, you can cook food without worrying, but you just don’t turn off the gas and BOOM!
The electric one obviously won't work in the absence of electricity, but it's much safer.
But, there is still a third option - a gas cylinder, attach it to a gas stove and change it every time the gas runs out. Enough for about a month, if not less, I hope I'm not mistaken, in my opinion a very smart decision.
How to cheaply heat a house without gas
Gasification of some regions of Russia is still 10%, so the forum traditionally pays a lot of attention to the topic “heating a private house without gas”. An illustrative example is a FORUMHOUSE participant under the nickname Skeptic, who refuted on our forum the statement about expensive heating with electricity.
For several years now I have been using a low night tariff for heating a 186 sq.m. In winter, about 2 thousand rubles are spent on heating. per month.
The heart of such a heating system is a home-made heat accumulator of 1.75 m3. The heating elements include a time relay, that is, the water is heated in the tank only at night, and the heat is taken from the tank around the clock. At night, the coolant in the heat accumulator heats up again to the desired temperature.
"Night" electricity can be relatively inexpensive, but not available everywhere due to power limitations.
But not every house is connected to a three-phase 15 kW power grid. And if it is connected, then the power of the electric boiler is not enough to heat a large cottage. In this case, the lack of electrical power must be covered by another heat source. At the same time, a reserve will be obtained - in case one of the boilers fails, or if the fuel runs out.
An economical heating system should be based on a combination of two types of heat sources: during the day we heat the house with a solid fuel boiler, and at night we maintain the required temperature with an electric boiler operating at a night rate. In this case, you will no longer have to get up at night and throw firewood into the boiler furnace. This is the convenience of using a home combined heating system.
Another way to save money can be to lower the temperature in the rooms at night. For reference: reducing the temperature in the house by 1C ° saves up to 6% of the coolant.
In my opinion, two boilers (electric and solid fuel) are the best option. Installing one boiler will cost less, but being tied to one heat source, you deprive yourself of the alternative of choosing a profitable type of energy carrier.
If you go further, then ideally you can combine three types of heating equipment by adding a properly built furnace to the boilers. Furnace heating, with its seemingly archaic nature, can become an additional source of heat in the house, and in the event of force majeure - a power outage, a boiler breakdown - a backup device. It is this option that the Finns prefer to use, who know a lot about economical heating technologies.
Due to its massiveness, the stove is a good heat accumulator that gives off heat for a long time. With proper placement of the stove, it will be able to completely heat the house of a small area - you can only get by with it. To do this, the stove must be placed in the center of the house, so that one of its sides faces each of the rooms. The chimney should not be led along the outer wall of the house, but also in the center. In this case, the upper floors will also partially warm up.
- It will be correct to choose a heating system after a competent calculation. This is the only way to achieve a balance between efficiency, economy and convenience;
- A country house must be well insulated, all heat losses must be minimized, otherwise the lion's share of the energy will go to heat the "street";
- Approximately, the required power of heating equipment is calculated by the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat 10 sq.m of the house area;
- The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on the availability of a particular type of fuel;
- To obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary to combine different types of heating systems and energy carriers. It cannot be said that if these conditions are met, we will get heating cheaper than gas, but we will be able to save significantly.
Expert answers
I am:
GAS!!! DEFINITELY! The savings are crazy, warm water floors are something! what do you mean break? there is almost no risk here - in factories they are tested under very high pressure! the effectiveness of underfloor heating is colossal if tiles are laid on top (kitchen, bathrooms, bathroom and hallway). I have a gas boiler in the basement (cast iron Danko). The most important thing is to find good specialists to do the wiring correctly, there are separate combs for warm floors on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and, accordingly, the basement batteries, 1st floor and 2nd floor! Generator needed in any case, how without electricity? and the boiler is also volatile
Mikhail Vezdehuev:
LIVE fire...
Gas is cheaper
Better oil.
In terms of costs, gas seems to be cheaper, but electricity is safer! I would choose safety.
Galina Russova (Churkina) GALJ:
Gas is cheaper and electricity is cleaner.
Arkady Shatalov:
I have a gas boiler, heating and hot water from it, water floors also from a gas boiler, much cheaper than heating with electricity. Well, cooking ... here, whoever likes it, I have a good gas stove, but an electric oven. Gas consumption in winter is about 1500-1700 cubic meters of gas, and electricity would need about 14000 kW. Consider.
Tokmonkulova Anna:
gas is cheaper and shutdowns are sooooo rare compared to electricity.
Evgeny Pavlov:
If everything has already been summed up, then definitely gas + multi-fuel generator. If you just need to sum up, then without options electricity + diesel generator. If you do not live there permanently, then water floors are a very bad decision, until the first serious winter (or you must immediately fill the entire system with antifreeze). It is better to properly insulate the ceilings and even then pour the electrical cord of the warm floor over the screed. But here the master is the master.
Natalya Sever:
Evgenia Voldkova:
An electric boiler working on a water heated floor, yes this is for you. mother Nobel Prize shines, in the category "The top of insanity" is many times cheaper than an electric TP, does she have almost no money? ! Oh well!
Boris Potapov:
depending on where you live! Let's say we have 1 kW costs 0.72 r in the region of 0.68 r. Gas only on columns. Therefore, electricity is better for us. But cooking on gas is faster.If the wiring is done properly, then I am for electricity!
gas of course
Nothing more expensive. It's just better with an electric stove. We don’t have sooty ceilings, and gas is not the safest thing now. I have been living since 94, I am satisfied with everything.
same as with gas
leaving forever:
We have had an electric stove for a long time, they have not gone bankrupt yet. For my taste, it's better than gas - and it's safe, you won't explode, you won't get poisoned, and if it's a hob, then it's easy to wash. Yes, and the ceiling is always white.
In such houses, the rate for energy is less, so in fact it is not more expensive than in the one where there is gas
Imagine such a situation. You have a baby. He needs to be fed, and the electricity is out. And they can turn it off for an hour, or maybe for a day or more. What will you feed your baby? Can you have a cup of tea yourself? I would not buy an apartment with an electric stove. Good luck.
or imagine such a situation. It's cold outside, the gas is frozen. And sit without brew, without food. In Murmansk, this happens almost every winter. Yes, gas prices are constantly rising. I lived both there and there - electric / stove is better
Lived with gas stove and electric. I'm leaning towards electro. Since 2001, gas tariffs have already been raised 9 times. . but will it still be? Yes, and our gas freezes in winter.
Our energy is cheaper than in gas houses. At first I was afraid of this stove, now I'm used to it. And it will not blow it out, and will not flood it. We have glassware. Washing is a pleasure - wipe a flat surface. We pay 700-800 rubles for light. per month. In addition to the stove - 3 TVs, 3 computers and everything else.
I'm just afraid of gas stoves, I can't think of anything more dangerous in the house. but I am very confused by people who use gas to save money. one woman in a nylon gown clearly spent more on the treatment of terrible burns to her body.
Tanya Ivanova:
Not expensive, but cooking on gas tastes better
La Nochka:
I usually have a fee with an electric stove up to 500r. With gas in the 2nd apartment for electricity 500+ for gas 100) one is registered). There the rate is higher.
Electricity in houses where apartments have only electric stoves is cheaper. I can’t say whether it’s more expensive to live in this or cheaper compared to gas, because I haven’t compared it, most likely the same, maybe a little more expensive
FORUMHOUSE offers one of the options for an economical heating system
Energy prices are steadily rising, so an increasing number of suburban residents are thinking about how to heat their homes inexpensively and efficiently. Most often, homeowners are concerned about what options for heating a private house and country house, which boiler has the highest efficiency, which boiler to choose for the heating system, how to install the heating system correctly, what types of heating exist without gas and which of them are the most economical.
FORUMHOUSE advises a different approach. First, we determine the type of fuel, and already “under it” we select a heating system.
From our material you will learn:
- What are the costs of a heating system?
- What type of fuel can be called the most affordable;
- What does a comfortable heating system mean;
- Can heating with electricity be cheap;
- What can become the basis of an economical heating system.
Best Answers
Vladimir Petrov:
I have a house of 140 meters, if it's cold outside, then about 7-8 cubes a day the boiler eats. The cube costs 4.5 rubles. And if you heat it with current, then this is about 70 kilowatts or more per day at 3.5. So here you go
The Executioner's Wife:
Once in ten.
I heard about an infrared heater, it seems like it doesn’t take much electricity, but it’s warm at home
Ilnar Ziyatdinov:
There are many calculations on the Internet, on average they indicate a 5-7-fold difference in the cost of operation. But at the same time, there is a 5-7-fold difference in the price of equipment and installation (an electric boiler is cheaper and there is no need to pull a gas pipeline). Electric boiler costs 30 thousand. rub. Gas boiler plus conduct and connect gas - 150 thousand rubles. The payback period for gas compared to electricity is from 5 to 10 years.
At the same time, it is now realistic to replace the electric boiler with individual decorative heating panels for each window, plus an electric warm floor. This way you can save on wiring.
ten times
Last autumn, we made calculations of the need for fuel for the variants of heating systems for a particular house - a difference of 4-5 times was obtained for specific tariffs. Only diesel is more expensive than electric. By choosing the right boiler, heating system and components for a particular house, the difference can be doubled. But the cost of equipment and installation increases significantly. Meaning - automation, storage, etc. allow the gas boiler to work most of the time in the optimal mode. The fact is that the efficiency of the heating pad is in any case about 98%. For gas, it is generally 85 or less, depending on the heating mode.
Cat smile:
For the first 5 years, gas heating will cost you 4,080 rubles per month, taking into account the cost of equipment and the gas itself. Losses to electricity will amount to 180,000 rubles. Further, after 5 years, every month, compared to electric heating, you will save 6,200 rubles. , After another 2.5 years - you will reach direct gas savings if the equipment has not failed over the past 7.5 years))
When everything is already working, then electric is more expensive BUT it is very expensive to bring gas to the house