When carrying out repairs in an apartment or work on a personal plot, it often becomes necessary to use a screwdriver. This tool is designed for drilling holes or fastening decorative elements. Drills-drivers are very popular among furniture assemblers, installers of metal structures and stretch ceilings. When choosing a tool, certain requirements are imposed on it. In particular, power, ease of use and compact dimensions. These criteria are met by the BOSCH GSR 1440 Li, a hammerless drill/driver designed for professional use. If you believe the sellers and the manufacturer, this tool is the benchmark in its class. How relevant this statement is, customer reviews and a brief overview of the technical characteristics of this device will help to understand.
First meeting
BOSCH GSR 1440 Li PROFESSIONAL is sold in a case, which means that there will be no problems with transporting and storing the tool. Outwardly, the suitcase looks quite organic: compact dimensions and a comfortable handle. Considering that Bosch rarely pleases customers with such accessories, the packaging deserves the highest praise.
We open the case and get acquainted with the contents. The delivery set includes a screwdriver, an additional battery and a charger. Immediately striking is the lack of a basic set of drills and bits. In addition, there are not even attachments for equipment inside the case. Accordingly, when carrying a tool, drills and bits will randomly hang out in the interior of the case. This is already a clear disadvantage.
Let's go directly to the tool. The appearance of the drill is quite presentable. The tool lies comfortably in the hand, the handle is complemented by an overlay made of rubberized material. The reverse switch button is located as standard: under the switch with the thumb and forefinger. The reverse button has clearly fixed positions. The start key is pressed smoothly, thanks to the large stroke range, the spindle speed can be adjusted.
Near the chuck there is a plastic ring for adjusting the torque. Switching occurs in steps, the setting range includes 25 positions and drilling mode. By the way, the cartridge belongs to the quick-clamping type: the installation of drills and bits occurs without the use of a key. The speed switch is located on the top of the housing. The side walls of the screwdriver are equipped with ventilation holes that provide engine cooling.
In general, the instrument layout is pretty standard. Therefore, consider the technical characteristics of this Bosch model.
Technical specifications
Here is a brief overview of the main technical characteristics of the product. Let's start with the main thing: the length and height of the model 204 by 229 millimeters, respectively. This means that there will be no problems when working in hard-to-reach places. The weight of the product is 1.3 kilograms, including the battery. Also not bad: during prolonged work, the hand will not get tired.
The cartridge is designed for the installation of drills with a diameter of up to 10 mm. In this regard, the screwdriver loses to some classmates, for example, Interskol - here the maximum drill diameter is 14 millimeters.
The BOSCH GSR 1440 Li cordless drill driver has two speed modes. When you turn on the first mode, the spindle rotates at a speed of 420 rpm, in the second - the number of revolutions increases to 1,400 rotations per minute. This is quite enough for screwing self-tapping screws (the maximum screw length is 120 mm), drilling wood, drywall, plastic and soft metal. By the way, depending on the material, the diameter of the hole changes when drilling. For wood, this figure is 25, for metal - 10 mm.Based on these indicators, we can conclude that Bosch is a little cunning: there are few such characteristics for the professional use of the tool.
Some of the useful features include:
- Built-in protection of batteries against overheating.
- Start key latch.
- Engine brake function.
- Hole for attaching a bit, located at the bottom of the handle.
To make the review as complete as possible, it is necessary to consider batteries in detail. It is from these elements that the performance of the device depends. Here Bosch was on top: two Li-Lon batteries. The capacity of the batteries is 1.5 AH, the voltage is 14.4 V.
The average duration of work from one rechargeable battery is 1 hour. The charger restores battery performance in just 30 minutes. Please note that the batteries are removed quite simply: just press the red release button.
To determine the functionality of the tool, you need to study customer reviews. What do users say who use BOSCH GSR 1440 Li for more than 6 months?
- Ease of use. The screwdriver is quite light and has compact dimensions. Therefore, with prolonged use, the hand does not get tired. This aspect is very important if the tool is used constantly.
- Power. The product regularly copes with the tasks: it drills holes and tightens self-tapping screws. The rated torque is 30 Nm. This is quite enough for domestic and professional use.
- Fast battery charging. While one battery is working, the second has time to fully charge. This minimizes downtime.
- Quick release chuck. This element provides a quick replacement of the drill or bit.
- Reliability. Thanks to the built-in overheating protection, the risk of burning the engine is minimized.
- Convenient case.
- Relatively low price.
The tool also has significant flaws. We will review the shortcomings that buyers have been able to identify.
- Chuck play. When rotating, the drill "walks", this negatively affects the accuracy of drilling. The problem is also observed when tightening long self-tapping screws.
- Lack of backlight. It is strange that Bosch did not take care of installing a diode backlight. As a result, it is impossible to work in poorly lit places.
- Build quality. With prolonged use, the motor brushes fail, the “sponges” of the cartridge stick, and the power key may stick. Noticed and "burnout" of the batteries. By the way, batteries are not covered by the warranty!
- Built-in overheating protection. Strange, but this useful option also causes dissatisfaction among customers: the screwdriver can turn off during operation, for no apparent reason.
Let's summarize the BOSCH GSR 1440 Li review. In general, the model looks good: small size, light weight and good torque. However, the device clearly falls short of a professional tool. The maximum diameter of holes and installed drills does not meet the requirements of professionals. For example, for the installation of stretch ceilings, a more powerful tool is needed.
Chuck runout negatively affects drilling accuracy, which is also uncharacteristic for professional equipment. The lack of backlighting and poor-quality assembly look strange (the instrument is assembled in Malaysia, under the manufacturer's license). Usually Bosch is very picky about these nuances and monitors the quality of products. We also have to work with the interior of the case: we need a more thoughtful arrangement of cells, sockets for bits.
In general, if the tool will be used for domestic needs, then this is the best option.Application in the professional field is impractical: there are more powerful and convenient models on the market. If we sum up the reviews and evaluate the screwdriver on a ten-point scale, the maximum score will be 6 points.