One of the simplest and at the same time effective ways to control the operation of electrical appliances from a distance is to use a device such as a remote control outlet (RC).
To date, the choice of a particular model of a remote-controlled outlet should be dictated by the compliance of its technical characteristics with the operating conditions. First of all, we are talking about the power of the device and the maximum range at which its operation can be controlled.
The most popular types of such devices are:
- Wireless socket controlled by radio. The cheapest and most practical type. To ensure its operation, a remote control is required that allows you to turn on and off individual consumers or their groups from a distance of up to 30 meters.
- GSM socket. It is controlled by a mobile phone, thanks to which the distance from which commands can be given to turn it on or off is practically unlimited. This device does not require a special remote control, however, it cannot be used in areas where the mobile signal is weak or muffled. In addition, such products are quite expensive today, which is perhaps their main drawback.
- WiFi sockets. These devices are controlled using a smartphone or laptop via the Internet. The socket is connected to the control device using a WiFi router. The disadvantages of these models include a rather high price with a not too wide list of additional functions.
The design of remotely controlled devices
It should be noted right away that the devices in question cannot be fully considered classic power outlets that are equipped with an additional remote control unit.
The remote-controlled models currently on the market are products that most of all resemble an adapter or a timed socket in appearance. That is, they are equipped with a standard electrical "plug", which is designed to plug the remote-controlled module into an ordinary power outlet.
The main purpose of this device is to open or close the power circuit to which the electrical appliance is connected. This allows you to control the work of the consumer at a distance, without making any changes to its design or to the device of the power supply network. In fact, the same function is performed by switches with remote control, of which there are a fairly large number on the market. The main difference between these devices is that the connection of the outlet is much simpler and does not require intervention in the wiring design. This makes it easy to move it from place to place, which is extremely convenient when working with some consumers.
Thus, a remotely controlled socket is essentially a switching device that, on command from the control panel, opens or closes the electrical circuit.
Radio controlled device
The most common option for remotely controlled devices that are part of the home electrical network today is a socket with a remote control.
In order to ensure reliable transmission of control signals, it uses radio wave transmitters that allow you to broadcast a signal over a distance of 30-40 meters and are insensitive to interference. Unlike infrared remote controls, their radio wave counterparts provide reliable reception of the control signal within the declared range even if there are concrete walls between the source and the receiver.
The remote control is usually powered by 9 or 12 V batteries. One such power source lasts about a year.
Most models of radio-controlled sockets come in a kit, which includes from 3 to 5 separate devices controlled from one remote control. Accordingly, such a remote control is equipped with buttons, the number of which depends on the maximum possible number of devices connected to it.
Thus, a radio-controlled socket is the cheapest and at the same time quite effective device designed to turn on and off consumers of electricity at a distance.
Before starting work, the wireless socket is combined with the remote control, for which you need to press the corresponding buttons on its case and on the remote control itself. At this moment, both devices are paired with each other via one of the radio channels available to the remote control, the successful completion of this process is signaled by a light indicator on the socket housing.
It should be noted that a theoretically unlimited number of devices can be controlled over the same radio channel, the only limiting factor in this regard is the functionality and ease of use of such a system.
Scope of application
Since the purpose of these devices is to provide remote switching on and off of any consumers of electricity, the scope of such sockets seems to be extremely extensive. An example of their use is:
- Management of lighting systems of apartments, houses, as well as extensive outdoor areas.
- Switching pumps and fans on and off.
- Management of garage doors and electric locks of entrance doors.
- Opening and closing windows or shutters in ventilation systems.
- Remote control of telecommunication systems.
This socket allows you to send a command to reboot the equipment in case of software failures.
Benefits of using remote controlled outlets:
- Significantly increase the convenience of managing remote consumers of electrical energy. This quality is especially valuable for people with disabilities.
- Easy to connect and operate the device. The ability to move it to any place where a standard electrical outlet is installed.
- No need to make changes to the electrical wiring structure when installing such a device.
- The use of radio waves may in some cases interfere with devices such as pacemakers or hearing aids. Therefore, before installing remote control sockets, check them for electromagnetic compatibility with the above devices.
- Additional elements in the design of any electrical network inevitably reduce its reliability. The connection of such switching devices can cause unintended operation and unexpected switching on of consumers. It is mandatory to provide for such a possibility and take measures to prevent the negative consequences of spontaneous operation.
- It is not recommended to control most models of sockets with remote control from a distance of less than 1 meter.
- Installing radio-controlled sockets in walls that are covered with sheet metal significantly reduces the range of these devices.
When choosing sockets with remote control, you should pay attention to their characteristics, which determine the permissible operating conditions and the power of the connected load. So, most models of such devices allow you to connect electrical appliances with a power of 1 to 1.5 kW, in some cases this is not enough, so you should pay attention to more expensive sockets designed for power up to 5 kW.
With regard to operating conditions, remote control sockets are classified according to IP (degree of protection of the shell) in the same way as other electrical appliances of this type. For example, the RCS 1044 N socket, which has an IP44 rating, is protected against objects larger than 1 mm inside its housing, as well as splashes falling in any direction. Such characteristics make it possible to use this device on the street.
GSM sockets
These devices are an extremely convenient variety of remotely controlled sockets. As their name suggests, these devices can be controlled using a mobile phone. To do this, a slot for installing a SIM card is provided in the GSM socket case.
A card provided by any of the mobile operators is suitable. Management can be carried out by calling or sending a message (empty or with a specific text). It should be noted that the transmission of control commands to such an outlet is not possible from any mobile phone, but only from the one whose SIM card number was previously registered in the device’s memory. The maximum number of such numbers, as a rule, does not exceed 5 units.
The main advantage that a wireless outlet has is the ability to control its operation from anywhere where there is a mobile connection. Another positive point is that there is no need to use the remote control, which requires power from a separate battery and, moreover, can be easily lost.
To control the power supply of computers, special GSM socket modules are used, which include up to 6 separate sockets. Each of them is assigned a serial number, which allows using the phone to control any device individually or all at the same time.
The disadvantages of GSM sockets include their relatively high price and the need to purchase a SIM card. In addition, using the phone it is often impossible to determine the current state, that is, it is not clear whether the device is on or off at the moment.
WiFi sockets
The operation of many modern devices can be controlled using a wireless WiFi connection. The electrical outlet is no exception in this regard.
The main advantage that WiFi sockets have is the ability to control their work using a computer or tablet via the Internet. In addition, such devices are often equipped with timer functions, which are very convenient to set up in a special mobile application.
To connect and configure this product, you must use a package of drivers, which can be downloaded completely freely from the Internet or downloaded from the installation disk included in the delivery. After installing the application on a smartphone or tablet and connecting the socket to the home WiFi network, the socket must be found in the smartphone menu. After that, a connection is established between these devices.
You can control the operation of such an outlet both via the Internet and directly via a WiFi connection. However, for this, the smartphone and the socket must be within the range of the router.
The main disadvantage, which significantly limits the popularity of sockets of this type, is their high price with rather modest functionality.
Despite the ability to connect to a computer, such a device cannot be considered an element of the "smart home" system, since it does not provide for full integration into an intelligent control system. In addition, almost all models of WiFi sockets produced today are not able to receive and transmit information about the connected load, current and voltage, as well as ambient temperature and other data that affect the operation of the power supply system. Accordingly, the installed program cannot make any decisions if these parameters deviate from the norm.
In order to maintain objectivity when describing these devices, one should still list the additional characteristics that some of their models are equipped with:
- Room temperature control. When a certain value is reached, it is possible to independently turn on or turn off the outlet.
- Timer functions.
- Possibility to control the socket from several separate devices (usually at least 5 users).
- The presence of an autonomous power supply that allows you to save the settings of the device in the event of a power failure in the network.
- Informing the user about the occurrence of emergencies, such as a sharp increase in temperature or a power failure (switching on) in the network. Thus, additional redundancy of the fire alarm can be carried out.
Manufacturers of devices with remote control
As in many areas of the modern market, the main manufacturers of such devices are Chinese companies. Since the use of remotely controlled sockets is not yet widespread, such eminent European manufacturers as Legrand or Scneider-electric, although they have similar devices in their lineup, still rely on more traditional and popular technical solutions.
At the same time, technologies for the manufacture of household electrical devices are developing very quickly, so that in the near future we should expect the appearance on the market of reliable, functional and inexpensive devices that allow not only remote, but also centralized control of the operation of all elements of electrical wiring.
Thus, the use of remotely controlled sockets can greatly simplify the operation of individual electricity consumers, as well as their groups. However, the installation of such devices should be approached with caution, their use is justified only in cases where manual switching on of electrical appliances is very difficult for any reason or there is a need to control their operation over considerable distances.