What wallpaper will make the bedroom beautiful and cozy

The bedroom is a room with a clear target orientation. It is designed for sleep and relaxation. In adults, this is a place of intimate meetings. Everything in it should correspond to its intended purpose. Therefore, wallpaper for the bedroom must be chosen carefully and carefully.

choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, they adhere to certain design rules for interior design and take into account the following points:

  1. color;
  2. invoice;
  3. drawing, sizes of separate fragments;
  4. type of products;
  5. room dimensions.

Each of these criteria must meet the solution of the main design problem - to create a beautiful and cozy interior, conducive to rest and sleep. An important role in choosing wallpaper for the bedroom is following fashion trends and style direction. To meet all the requirements, you need to consult with an experienced designer or independently study the possible wall finish options and ceiling.

What color will the bedroom be?

Color plays a primary role in creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony, which is necessary for a good rest. For wallpapers of a certain range, a healing effect is characteristic.

  • White is one of the favorite colors of designers. Against its background, you can implement any ideas for decorating the interior. However, a pure white room is associated with a hospital ward. Therefore, it is not recommended to paste over the bedroom with such wallpaper. It is better to use cream, creamy, ivory shades with a relief ornament. They will allow you to correctly place accents and combine decorative elements.

creamy wallpaper in the bedroom

  • The most preferred beige wallpaper color for the bedroom. It can be considered universal. It has a good effect on the psyche, helps to calm and achieve emotional balance. This is a great backdrop for decorative items and accessories.

beige color wallpaper for the bedroom

  • The bedroom looks beautiful in green, blue-blue, violet-lilac, burgundy-pink. Bright colors can be aggressive. Therefore, it is important to choose canvases with blurry, muted tones or use them to accentuate any objects in the interior, for example, the head of the bed.
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lilac color wallpaper for the bedroom

The colors of the wallpaper for the bedroom are chosen taking into account the impact on the human subconscious. What is pleasant to see for one may cause negative emotions for others. For a bedroom, this is unacceptable.

Modern designers tend to wallpaper combination different color. There are two finishing options here:

  • use of companion canvases. They cover opposite walls. Usually, canvases of dark shades are used above the head of the bed and opposite it, and the other two walls are covered with light stripes.

wallpaper companions in the bedroom

  • Scandinavian version. The accent wall (the central one, to which the headboard adjoins) is pasted over with bright, ornamental, colored canvases, while the others are of the same scale and texture.

scandinavian bedroom interior design

There are a lot of color variations of wallpaper. To create a favorable environment and special comfort, it is recommended to create concise, discreet combinations.

Drawing, texture and texture of wallpaper for the bedroom

The original wallpaper design for the bedroom allows you to create an interesting solution and emphasize the features of a certain interior style.

  • Floral, floral pattern is suitable for a women's rest room. It is romantic, gentle, gives the room freshness and lightness.

floral pattern wallpaper

  • Men are recommended to use a cage and a strip. These are more restrained and brutal images. Canvases with them are glued to accent walls. If you plan to cover the entire room with striped wallpaper, choose pastel-colored products.

striped wallpaper in the bedroom

  • A neutral geometric wallpaper with blurry lines and tones is suitable for a family bedroom.In such a room, you can use photo canvases with a pattern that would unite two people. For example, they glue over the bed picture of the sea, a beautiful landscape. The implementation of this task is facilitated by enlarged personal photographs of a married couple, created in color or black and white.

murals for the bedroom

Striped wallpapers are a great option for a classic or vintage interior. They cover all the walls or create decorative panels from floor to ceiling. In the bedroom, made in a modern style, they decorate the wall behind the head of the bed. In this case, canvases are taken with alternating bright colored narrow stripes. The remaining surfaces are pasted over with plain, light wallpaper.

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When choosing between smooth and embossed canvases for finishing the bedroom, preference should be given to the first. They do not allow dust to accumulate, which is especially important for air purity. Textured wallpapers are usually glued for painting and washed as they get dirty.

What wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom?

Among the huge variety of types of wallpaper for the bedroom, the most suitable are:

  • paper;

paper wallpaper

  • tissue;

fabric wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

non-woven vinyl

The most familiar to the layman are paper canvases. They are simple and easy to use, amaze with a variety of colors and patterns, cheap and environmentally friendly. But they have a short service life and are unable to hide minor surface defects.

Non-woven and non-woven fabrics do an excellent job with the latter task. vinyl wallpapers. Their base is made of natural matter, and the front part is made of polyurethane foam. They are thick and heavy, so working with them is a little more difficult than with paper ones. But these wallpapers are suitable for repeated coloring. If desired, you can buy water-based paint and completely or partially change the color of the room. The synthetic component present in them repels buyers who prefer highly environmentally friendly materials.

In this case, the choice of fabric wallpaper will be optimal for the bedroom. They are woven from natural cotton and other types of threads. They fit perfectly on the surface and look spectacular in a classic and modern interior. But such canvases absorb dust well, which is difficult to clean. In the bedroom, they can be pasted over accent walls.

Room dimensions and wallpaper selection

Not everyone can afford a large, spacious bedroom. In ordinary apartments, one of the smallest rooms is allocated for sleeping. It depends on the correct choice of wallpaper covering how much more voluminous, visually the room will become.

  • For a small bedroom, light-colored wallpapers from a cold range are purchased. It is especially important to observe this rule when the window faces north. Dark canvases will make the space gloomy and uncomfortable for relaxation.
  • Horizontal stripes allow you to visually stretch the room. Products with such a pattern well "pull out" a square bedroom. In a rectangular and narrow room, they are glued to a short wall opposite the front door. In this case, you can use wallpaper in contrasting colors. So the wall will appear wider and much closer. This technique will make the room more spacious and comfortable.
  • In the bedroom, where there are niches or ledges, you can use canvases with a diagonal pattern or stripes. Visually, they will break up the space and hide these features of the room's relief.
  • In a south-facing sleeping room, it is recommended to paste over the walls with blue, cool wallpaper. Photo prints depicting the sea or a sandy shore, high skies and snowy mountains will look especially harmonious in the summer heat.
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Spacious bedrooms are a good object for design fantasy.Here you can apply wallpapers of different color shades, textures and patterns. Juicy lilac, lavender, plum, purple and other deep color schemes will make the interior of this room beautiful and cozy.

purple bedroom interior

In such bedrooms create different zones. They are decorated with bright colored wallpapers that are included in the color scheme of the main coating. Chocolate, brown, orange canvases in combination with white or creamy canvases do an excellent job with the role of zoning.

The right choice of wallpaper to create a harmonious and comfortable bedroom interior is the key to a restful sleep and well-being in moments of wakefulness.


