Ceiling decoration in the nursery

The ceiling in the children's room can serve as a reflection of the most vivid fantasies and interests of not only children, but also adults. Where, if not in children's room, you can show your design abilities to the maximum and turn into reality what you could only dream of in your childhood? Fortunately, the abundance of materials, designs, ceiling decor options and the constant updating of trends and fashion trends in the methods of their arrangement and decoration make it possible to do this to the fullest.

 The ceiling in the nursery - the embodiment of children's dreams

Choosing a material

Important to remember! Equipping the ceilings in the nursery, the main aspiration of every designer is to focus on maximum environmental friendliness. This should manifest itself not only in finishing techniques, but also in the use of basic building materials.

The most optimal types of ceiling for a nursery in terms of compliance with environmental standards can be considered:

  • plasterboard ceiling;
  • tension structures;
  • classic painted or whitewashed ceiling.

Plasterboard ceiling

Drywall does not contain harmful impurities in its composition and, among other things, has a lot of additional advantages:

  • due to the porous structure, it contributes to the normalization of the microclimate in the nursery;
  • allows the walls to breathe;
  • does not absorb dust, is completely hypoallergenic;
  • does not contribute to the appearance of dampness and a fungus dangerous to health in the children's room;
  • easy to process and allows you to create complex designs.

Plasterboard ceiling in the nursery

In addition, plasterboard ceilings in the nursery allow you to mask communication passages, level the surface, and hide defects associated with looseness or cracks. Any finish can be applied to the surface of the drywall structure: the cardboard shell of the base material provides excellent adhesion.

Drywall allows you to create designs of any complexity

Tip: for decorating a children's room, it is preferable to choose GKLV sheets that have increased resistance to moisture. This will not only protect the ceiling in the event of a leak from the upper floors, but also protect the surface from childish pranks, such as pouring.

Stretch ceiling

Install stretch ceiling for the nursery in terms of cost and complexity of installation is very profitable. He is also easy to care for. Their important advantage is the possibility of dismantling: the canvas can be removed, a frame of a new shape can be made for it and mounted back.

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Stretch ceiling material can be:

  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • the cloth.

Considering the fact that boys are more prone to experiments, in order to preserve the integrity of the canvas, it is preferable to install stretch ceilings in the girl's room. Young princesses are more accurate and at any age like to show off in the reflection of a glossy canvas.

Glossy ceiling for a little princess room

Classic ceiling finish

This option is more affordable than the other two, but perhaps even more time consuming. Only eco-friendly materials are used here: plaster, putty and paint (or whitewash).

A whitewashed or plain painted ceiling will be appropriate in any room and will fit into the interior without attracting attention.

plain painted ceiling

If such decoration may seem too simple and uninteresting to someone, the issue should be approached from the creative side, turning the children's room into a real artistic masterpiece. This requires imagination and several colors of paint. As a basis, you can take frames from your favorite cartoons or just natural elements (trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, marine life). In this spirit, you can paint the walls, smoothly moving to the ceiling, on which clouds will float and the sun will shine. The main thing here is not to get carried away - too colorful design will tire the little owner of the room.

Painted plastered ceiling in the nursery

Giving preference to this type of finish, it is important not to save on high-quality paint - it must be environmentally friendly, with the appropriate certificates that allow it to be used in a nursery or specially designed for this purpose.

Influence of room height on the choice of ceiling design

The design of the ceiling for the nursery can be of 3 types:

  • single-level;
  • 2-level;
  • multi-tiered.

One-level ceiling in the children's room

The latter is rarely used in apartments, as it requires a ceiling height of about 3.5–4 m, which can only be found in some “stalinkas” and in modern loft or studio apartment buildings.

Single-level ceilings for a nursery have a simple design, are very quick to assemble, and most importantly, after installation, they practically do not “eat up” the height of the room, therefore they are the best option for installation in standard small-sized rooms with low wall heights.

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A ceiling with several levels is more laborious and is used in rooms up to 3 m high. Wooden or metal elements can be used as a frame. A two-level ceiling allows you to implement more complex projects in the nursery, for example, using hidden lighting, volumetric islands. It also serves as the basis for a stretch ceiling.

Two-level ceiling in the nursery

Factors affecting the decor of the ceiling

When choosing ceilings for a nursery, you need to consider:

  • age factor (the interests of newborns, toddlers, schoolchildren and adolescents are different and should be displayed on the decoration of the ceiling);
  • gender of the child.

It is logical to think that the rooms of a girl and a boy, like their clothes, will be different. The decoration of one will most likely be dominated by pink or other bright colors, as if from the Hali holiday, a riot of sequins, flowers and feathers, and the other will be restrained, muted colors, prints with favorite brands of cars and equipment, and a marine theme. The same children's preferences are taken into account when decorating the ceiling in the nursery.

Ceiling in the children's room for a girl

Separately, it must be said about the general children's for girls and boy. Such a joint room must be zoned so that each child has his own personal territory. You can divide the ceiling of the nursery into zones using:

  • stripes and lines;
  • protruding elements;
  • backlight;
  • contrasting color combinations.

Dividing the ceiling in the nursery into zones

Decor elements and lighting features

You can decorate the ceiling of a spacious nursery using the following techniques:

  • By mounting wooden beams, which can be used for a canopy in a girl's room or as a base for mounting a swing, turnstile or hanging ladder for a play area in a boy's room.
  • With the use of an ornament or three-dimensional figures that go from the wall to the ceiling. It can be trees or a flower, the stem of which is on the wall, and the bud is located at the top of the room.
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Ceiling decor in the nursery

Important to remember! The child's body is prone to overwork, especially during school years, so it is not recommended to overload the ceiling in the children's room with an abundance of decor. Excessive decorations can only cause a depressing effect and will not be conducive to relaxation.

You can get by with simple lighting or interesting pendants that will dilute the design of the children's ceiling and allow you to create accents on certain areas of the room. Figures in the form of a globe, clouds, airplanes, butterflies or birds can act as suspensions.

We decorate the ceiling in the nursery with hanging globes

It is important to remember about the safety of the child: the mounts for suspensions must be reliable and located so that children cannot reach them, the wiring must be hidden and isolated, and the backlight itself must have a beneficial effect on vision. It is better to install protective caps on sockets.

Universal decor

There are universal methods for decorating a nursery ceiling that both a girl and a boy will equally like. These include:

  • the use of a photo print of the sky, pure blue or dotted with clouds;
  • the image of stars using LED backlighting or wallpaper with phosphor impregnation;
  • stencil ornaments - multi-colored lines, large or small polka dots, geometric shapes that will favorably emphasize the originality of the ceiling design.
  • using images of your favorite animated characters and book characters.

Starry sky on the ceiling in the nursery

There are a lot of ways to decorate the ceiling in the children's room, the main thing is to choose the safest, most functional of them and at the same time try not to ignore the feelings and preferences of the child.


