Fashionable kitchen: choosing ceramic tiles for an apron

An apron is an important element of the kitchen interior, which not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the walls of the working area from pollution. One of the most suitable materials for decorating a kitchen work area is ceramic or tile, which has an attractive appearance and good performance. The most preferred option is a ceramic backsplash kitchen tile, made specifically for this purpose and having increased resistance to moisture, high temperatures and aggressive detergent components.

kitchen apron

Characteristics of kitchen tiles

In stores, you can find ceramic tiles specifically designed for the kitchen work area. It has a higher density, low porosity and a protective coating of glaze. The tile for the kitchen has a thickness of about 3-4 mm and is highly durable.

Important! Tiles with increased protection against aggressive substances contained in cleaning products have the designation "AA", which must be indicated on the packaging.

Manufacturers produce material of different sizes, the most popular format is a square tile with a side of 10 cm. You can also find large square products with sides of 15 and 20 cm, rectangular material with dimensions of 15x10 cm, 15x7.5 cm, 15x2.5 cm, 20x10 cm, 20x15 cm, 30x10 cm, 30x20 cm.

large kitchen tiles

Tile design for the kitchen work area

The kitchen in the apartment is not only a room for cooking, it is a place for family dinners and tea parties, intimate conversations. Therefore, in addition to the convenience and practicality of kitchen design, one should not forget about the appropriate decor that will help make the kitchen cozy and beautiful.

There are a lot of options for decorating a kitchen space with tiles, so you can easily choose the right option that will be combined with furniture, general interior style and other decorative elements.

Tile Selection Criteria

We have already talked about the requirements that apply to the quality and properties of ceramic tiles, which form the working area. Consider the principles that you need to rely on when choosing a finishing material from an aesthetic point of view.

  • The color scheme of the tile should be close to the color of the wallpaper or paint on the walls, or be combined with kitchen furniture and countertops.
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tile in the kitchen to match the color of the furniture

  • When choosing a material in bright, contrasting colors, you need to decorate the kitchen with additional decor elements that will echo the color of the tile. These can be curtains, dishes, panels or paintings, chair covers, tablecloths and any interior elementsthat will fit in your kitchen.

bright tiles for the kitchen

  • From the point of view of practicality and ease of maintenance, it makes sense to give preference to a material with a smooth surface. An apron laid out of embossed tiles will be prone to the accumulation of dirt and grease, which will be quite difficult to remove.

Kitchen tile colors

Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on the choice of color for tiles in the kitchen for an apron, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several relevant and win-win color options.

White tile

White is the color of purity and freshness, which, thanks to its versatility and compatibility with any other colors, will suit any kitchen. The snow-white finish is an integral part of the interior in the Scandinavian style and perfectly complements the classic interior.

white tiles in the kitchen

The white space of the apron can serve as a field for creativity: it can be decorated with vinyl stickers, which, if desired, can be easily removed and changed to others.If a white apron seems too monotonous to you, you can decorate it with colorful inserts.

bright inserts on white tiles

Color contrasts

Bright, contrasting tones are a bold design statement that suits many contemporary kitchen styles, such as high-tech and modern. When choosing a color that contrasts with the tone of the walls and furniture, you should not forget about the additional details of the decor, made in the same color scheme as the tiles. It is very important to be guided by the principle of moderation when creating contrasts, since a large number of contrasting shades will create a feeling of overabundance and tire.

Contrasting color tiles in the kitchen

Neutral tones

Beige and light pink are neutral colors that visually expand the kitchen, make it lighter and at the same time cozy. They harmonize perfectly with other colors, often used in baroque kitchens or in classic interiors.

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beige tiles for the kitchen

Black color

Black ceramic tiles in the kitchen look very stylish, expressive and elegant. It can serve as a background for bright decor elements, mirrored surfaces and shiny accessories. Black tiles can be used in combination with white, alternating them and creating an imitation of a chessboard. Another option for combining black and white in kitchen decor is to use black finishing material and white ceramic products, such as dishes. Black tiles can be used to create decor in styles such as minimalism, modern, hi-tech. Dark tiles can also be used in a classic interior, but in this case, a stylistic pattern must be applied to it.

black tile for kitchen

Decor options

In addition to the standard types of ceramic tiles for an apron, you can use interesting and unusual types of decor.

  • Mosaic is an interesting option for decorating an apron, especially relevant for insufficiently even walls. Mosaic can be laid out in the form of an ornament or pattern, as well as randomly, creating the illusion of continuous movement;

kitchen apron mosaic

  • Clinker tiles, which look like brickwork, are becoming more and more in demand in recent years. It can imitate both old brick and fresh masonry. The apron decorated with clinker tiles is a new fashion trend in design;

clinker tile for kitchen

  • panel - A popular decor option that manufacturers often offer. The plot of the image can be very diverse: traditionally in the kitchen it is customary to place all kinds of still lifes, which depict fruits, dishes or flowers. Urban and rural landscapes are becoming more and more popular.

apron panel in the kitchen

  • Digital printing on ceramic tiles has emerged with the growing popularity of new interior styles such as high-tech, modern and art deco. With the help of new technologies, a high-quality photographic image is applied to ceramics. Its dimensions can be any: the pattern can be placed on a separate tile or occupy the entire space of the apron. Printing is made to order, the image is chosen by the customer or designer and is unique in its kind.
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digital printing on tiles

A few tips for choosing

When choosing tiles in the kitchen for an apron, it is advisable to be guided by the following rules.

  1. Large tiles visually reduce the space, small tiles, on the contrary, increase it.
  2. Give preference to elements of the correct form, which will allow you to easily calculate the size and position of the apron. It is easiest to work with medium-sized square tiles or with mosaics.
  3. Before buying a tile, you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apron, and, in accordance with the size of the tile, calculate the required amount.
  4. The rule for determining the size of the apron is that its borders must coincide with the borders of the kitchen set.If you have standard kitchen furniture, then the visible part of the apron will be 60 cm in height, and the lower border will be at a distance of 85 cm from the floor.
  5. Material must be purchased with a 10% margin. During transportation or during installation, several tiles may break, a defect or a copy of a different shade may be caught in the package. In addition, material consumption increases with a diagonal laying method.

large tiles for the kitchen

Unusual styling methods

Placing tiles in straight rows is not the only way to lay them.

  • When using material of different colors and textures, it can be laid in a chaotic manner.

laying tiles in a chaotic manner

  • Tiles can be placed perpendicular, staggered, and diagonal, with each tile rotated 45 degrees to the floor.

diagonal tiling

  • Staggered laying - resembles bricklaying, when each element of the next row is shifted to the side by half its width.

laying tiles apart

  • To obtain an interesting effect, you can use the modular styling option, which involves the use of products of different sizes.

modular tiling

Tip: when using elements of different sizes, it is very advisable to choose products from the same company, best of all - from a special modular collection. Then you will have a better chance of combining tiles to create an apron in a variety of ways without the need for cutting.


