What color to paint the walls in the kitchen

There are no trifles in interior design. Every detail affects the perception, helping to create the right mood: cozy warmth, strict businesslikeness or pompous pomposity. Color plays an important role in organizing a harmonious kitchen space, in which it will be comfortable to cook, dine with the whole family or chat with a friend over a cup of tea. Most often, when choosing what color to paint the walls of the kitchen, people are guided by their own color preferences or fashion trends (this capricious lady, fashion, also dominates the design of the premises). But in order for the kitchen to become a place where it is always pleasant to look and where you would like to stay, when choosing the color scheme of the walls, you need to take into account a number of individual characteristics of both the room itself and its owners.

What color to paint the walls in the kitchen

What to consider when choosing a color

In modern kitchen decoration there are no strict canons that regulate the color scheme for any interior detail: walls, ceiling, floor, furniture facades. Any color of the rainbow or its shade will be a worthy background if it is chosen in accordance with the rules of harmony and combination.

Choosing colors wisely

Geometry dictates the choice of tone

The first thing you need to know when choosing a wall color for a kitchen is how this or that shade will fit into the room in terms of its architectural features. A skillfully chosen tone will help to visually eliminate the shortcomings of the room, an ill-conceived choice can make even a kitchen with an excellent layout uncomfortable.

  • If the kitchen is small, then even the most fanatical lovers of bright saturated or dark tones should abandon them when choosing a wall color. Dark color will make the room small, create the effect of tightness. A light tone of any color will visually expand a small space.

Small kitchen should be bright

  • A long and narrow room (“case”) will need to be visually balanced by painting the walls in different tones of the same color. Short walls in this case should be darker than long ones or have a more saturated shade.
  • For spacious kitchens, the choice is wider, almost any color scheme is available. Care should be taken only with white color - a large space of a white kitchen after the intervention of a novice designer can resemble an operating room or a sterile workshop.
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For a large kitchen, you can even choose a dark shade.

  • Kitchens with low ceilings also need color correction: in this case, it is desirable to create vertical stripes of a more saturated shade: for example, paint a false column, a functional or decorated niche, and finally create a vertical color strip on wall above dining table.

The quality of natural light

Illumination is affected by the location of windows relative to the cardinal points:

  • For rooms with southern windows, bright tones of a cold color are acceptable: blue, purple, bright green.

Well lit kitchen painted cool blue

  • If the kitchen window faces north, then light shades of warm tones - soft pink, apricot, light orange - compensate for the lack of light.

The light shade of the walls compensates for the lack of lighting

Attention: the size of the window opening, the details of the landscape outside the window (a tree, the wall of a neighboring house) make adjustments to the light regime of the room - they are taken into account when assessing the illumination of the room.

Color of kitchen furniture

Often the need to paint the walls arises when buying new kitchen furniture. The color of the facade should be combined with the wall. If the furniture has a rich bright color, then its beauty can be emphasized by choosing a “pair” for it - painting the walls in a harmonizing shade. The most popular options are:

  • Brown - pistachio.
  • Orange is cream.
  • Purple - gray.
  • Blue is golden yellow.
  • Red - gray.

The combination of blue kitchen furniture and yellow walls

The simplest solution for a bright kitchen furniture front is walls of the same color, but a few shades lighter.

Kitchen style features

The kitchen, which already has furniture and interior details characteristic of a certain style, itself dictates the options for painting the walls.

Yes, the kitchen is in style. loft will not tolerate pink or yellow walls - for her it is worth choosing shades of gray, milky, lilac.

The color of the walls in the kitchen in the loft style

For a country-style room, bright "poisonous" colors are unacceptable. Therefore, if the kitchen utensils and furniture are associated with a rustic setting, then the walls are painted in natural colors: light brown, cornflower blue, honey. Red, yellow, green natural shades are allowed, without "acid" tones.

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For a country-style kitchen, soft natural shades are suitable.

Techno, modern, art deco styles allow any unusual colors, but it is necessary that the bright color does not fill the entire room. Therefore, to create an expressive accent, you can highlight only one wall or even only part of it with bright paint, choosing a more restrained shade for the rest of the area.

Bright modern kitchen

Do houses and walls heal?

It is considered a proven fact that color affects mood, well-being and, ultimately, health. Color therapy is gaining more and more fans, so when choosing paint for walls in the kitchen, it is worth considering the effect of one or another color on a person:

  • Red is the most active color, it excites and tones, increases blood pressure, stimulates appetite. Red can promote aggression in excitable people. You should not allow it to predominate in the kitchen, there should be no more than 30% red surfaces. Even a phlegmatic person will feel tired and unwell if he is surrounded by this color for a long time. Therefore, a hostess who spends a lot of time in the kitchen should choose a less aggressive shade of red: brick, light coral, salmon.

Kitchen with red brick walls

  • Orange - has a stimulating effect, but is less aggressive than red. Color therapists recommend it for the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Cheerful orange kitchen

An orange-colored kitchen will charge you with a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day.

  • Yellow is the color of the sun. Morning coffee in a sunny yellow kitchen will serve as an excellent boost of energy. And this color (according to color therapists) improves vision and stimulates nervous activity, promotes the desire to study and assimilate information.

Bright yellow kitchen walls

  • Green is calming. It is enough to recall the pacifying effect of summer landscapes to believe in the benefits of the effect of shades of green on the psychological state of a person. For nervous and excitable natures, the green kitchen will become an oasis of peace and relaxation.

A green-walled kitchen has a calming effect

Do not forget that the green color stimulates appetite, which means that overweight people should not expect to lose weight with green walls in the kitchen.

  • Blue - calms, lowers blood pressure, reduces appetite. Recommended for nervous people suffering from insomnia.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Wall painting: choose a color scheme

Kitchen in blue

  • Blue color reduces any activity. Its calming effect can smoothly turn into an inhibitory one. Prolonged exposure may cause fatigue. Not recommended for lethargic and inactive people.

Blue walls in the kitchen

  • Violet is the most aggressive among cold colors, its prevalence in the kitchen should not exceed a third of the entire room.

purple wall kitchen

Those who want to paint the kitchen contrary to their psychological characteristics should conduct a small test before the repair: hang large sheets of paper painted in the chosen shade on the walls. A few days spent surrounded by your favorite color will help you weigh the pros or cons.

Is it possible to paint the walls in the kitchen black

Sometimes there are lovers of black or tones close to it. Black has the right to exist on the facades of kitchen furniture - the room looks pompous and pretentious. Of course, subject to a harmonious finish, household appliances and accessories.In this case, a black application on the wall (square, rectangle or vertical stripe up to the ceiling) will become a harmonious addition to a fashionable kitchen.

Black color for walls is not the best solution, you should limit yourself to furniture

Whatever the color of the kitchen, you should like it.


