Wall decoration in the kitchen: options

The kitchen is a special room in the apartment. Here, almost always, something is boiled, boiled, stewed, baked and fried. This means that high humidity and temperature, soot, greasy splashes and steam are its permanent “inhabitants”. Therefore, finishing the kitchen is a serious matter, which does not tolerate hasty, thoughtless decisions and random finishing materials. Of course, attention should be paid to both the floor and the ceiling, but still, the wall decoration in the kitchen raises the most questions, because it is they who take on the “main blow of the enemy”. In order to understand which materials are best suited for your kitchen, it makes sense to get acquainted with their features, and then compare their advantages and characteristics.

Types of wall decoration in the kitchen

Tiled or ceramic tiles

The primacy among materials for finishing kitchen walls belongs to tiled (ceramic) tiles.

  • It is beautiful, wear-resistant, remarkably withstands numerous cleanings with various detergents.
  • Walls covered with tiles are not afraid of either water or greasy splashes.
  • A wide range of sizes, textures and colors of this material can satisfy the needs of any, even very picky consumer.

Ceramic tiles for the kitchen

Features of using tiles in the kitchen

Despite the variety of tiles, the masters advise using them not for the entire kitchen space, but only for the walls in the backsplash area: a fully tiled kitchen will look “heavy”. At the same time, the combination of border and tile kitchen apron with painted, plastered or wallpapered walls will give the room lightness and comfort.

Tiled kitchen apron

The nuances of the process of finishing and preparing walls

When choosing a tile, remember that laying it takes time. In addition, the walls under it must be prepared accordingly. They must be leveled and then coated with a special primer. Otherwise, the tile may lie unevenly and not hold tight enough.

water emulsion

Many experts say that water-based paint is the best option for decorating kitchen walls. It does not contain aggressive solvents, so this material is practically odorless, does not emit harmful substances and is absolutely safe for the kitchen. In addition to these positive features, water emulsion has the following advantages:

  • dries quickly after application;
  • in a short period of time, you can apply several layers of it and quickly complete the painting work;
  • the choice of colors of this material is huge - numerous color shades will allow you to create a unique exclusive interior in the kitchen.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  The basics of leveling walls with drywall with a do-it-yourself frame (video)

Water-based paint in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen

Features of surface preparation and selection

If water-based paint is chosen for finishing kitchen walls, you need to pay attention to a few points:

  1. The surface of the walls to be painted must be carefully leveled, since the masking properties of the paint are small.
  2. To facilitate cleaning in the kitchen and be able to eliminate food stains and greasy splashes that have appeared on the walls, the composition must be washable.

When choosing paint for the kitchen, it is better to give preference to its matte and semi-gloss options: this will allow you not to draw attention to small uneven walls.

Matte paint on kitchen walls

Glossy paint also has its advantages. The walls covered with it in the kitchen are easy to clean. But it visually enhances all the defects and irregularities of the wall surface.

Interesting! A water-based paint appeared on sale, the coating of which is capable of killing bacteria. This effect is achieved by adding silver oxide to its composition. It has a bright white color that does not turn yellow over time. The bactericidal film formed by the paint destroys such dangerous bacteria as salmonella, staphylococcus and Koch's bacillus. For the kitchen, this is very important.


Wallpaper in the kitchen are the most affordable and popular material for walls:

  • Almost everyone can wallpaper the kitchen on their own.
  • With a similar finish, the room looks elegant and cozy.
  • You can change such clothes for the walls quite often, since it does not require large financial, time and labor costs.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

But not all types of wallpaper are suitable for finishing the kitchen. Here it is better to choose canvases that have the property of moisture resistance and allow you to wash their surface. Vinyl, non-woven and glass wallpapers will perfectly cope with this task.

  • Vinyl wallpapers have a PVC film coating, which is a good protection against moisture, grease, soot, dust and other adverse factors present in the kitchen. They can be cleaned with a sponge and detergent without fear that the wallpaper will get wet and come off.
  • Non-woven wallpapers are famous for their lightness and durability. In addition to these advantages, they are able to mask minor wall defects. The coating of non-woven wallpaper absolutely does not absorb water, they can also be washed.
  • Glass fiber is the most durable of the listed varieties. They have absolute moisture and fire resistance. Glass fiber can be coated with paint, and they are able to withstand several repaints.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to choose wallpaper for the hall: interior design

Moisture resistant wallpaper for the kitchen

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are gaining more and more fans. Advantages of PVC material for kitchen:

  • absolute moisture resistance;
  • he is not afraid of fungus and mold;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • cleaning won't be a problem.

plastic in the kitchen

The market offers a fairly wide range of PVC panels with a variety of textures and colors. They are:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • embossed;
  • plain;
  • with drawings;
  • with photo printing;
  • mirror.

Plastic panels in the kitchen

Installation nuances

Installation of plastic panels is very simple, even a novice in repair can easily cope with it. They are easy to cut and fit to the desired size. In order to start decorating the walls with this material, you do not need to carry out any special preparatory work. They perfectly hide all the imperfections of wall surfaces.

Advice! It is better to buy panels with a small margin, so that in case of damage they can be replaced and they do not differ in shade.

kitchen apron

There are places in every kitchen that are especially exposed to water, fat, and temperature. This is the space at the sink and stove. For protection and for the convenience of cleaning the walls, an apron is mounted in these places. How to make it?

The most suitable materials for a kitchen apron are:

  • tile - easy to clean and clean with any means, not afraid of water, durable and beautiful, a leader among other materials for an apron;
  • ceramic mosaic - has all the properties of tiles;

Ceramic mosaic for kitchen backsplash

  • glass - specially processed glass becomes heat-resistant and impact-resistant, and modern technologies for applying a pattern to it can make a glass apron a real masterpiece and a landmark of the kitchen;

Glass kitchen apron

  • laminated panels - a cheap material for creating an apron, it is easy to clean, but does not tolerate prolonged contact with water;

Plastic kitchen apron

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  The main types of primer for wall treatment

MDF kitchen apron

Note! You can visually increase the space in the kitchen with an apron made in the same color and texture as the countertop.


