MDF kitchen apron: a worthy alternative to tiles

A fabric apron protects the hostess's clothes from dirt, and a kitchen apron protects the surface of the kitchen walls from steam, splashes of water and grease. The apron canvas performs not only a practical protective function, but is also an important element of decor. In addition to the usual tiles, a variety of materials can be used to make a kitchen apron: glass, artificial stone, plastic, metal. Recently, more and more interest among buyers has been attracted by the option of a kitchen apron made of MDF panels, which attracts with its low cost, wide design possibilities and ease of installation.

MDF kitchen apron

MDF panels as a kitchen apron: advantages and disadvantages

MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard, MDF) is a medium-density fibreboard produced from small sawdust by dry pressing under pressure at high temperature. The binding agent in the creation of MDF are non-toxic carbamide resins.

MDF apron has an impressive list of advantages, which includes:

  • the price is more affordable compared to other coatings;
  • no need for complex pre-treatment of walls before installation;
  • ease and speed of installation and dismantling of panels that do not require special tools;
  • ease of processing for arranging sockets, hiding cables and ventilation;
  • high mechanical strength of MDF, which allows you to hold furniture fittings, fasteners;
  • the possibility of quick replacement;
  • excellent moisture resistance of the material;
  • invulnerability of the apron to damage by microorganisms, mold;
  • environmental friendliness - wood chips are impregnated with resin, consisting of natural components;
  • unlimited possibilities for interesting design solutions.

MDF panels for kitchen backsplash

During the operation of the apron, some disadvantages of MDF panels may appear:

  • increased flammability,
  • inability to eliminate significant mechanical damage,
  • predisposition to deformation with improper attachment to the wall.

Caring for MDF kitchen surfaces does not require special detergents and appliances. When cleaning, it is undesirable to use detergents with abrasives, chlorine-containing preparations, solvents. It is enough to regularly wash off dirt from the panels with a soft, damp sponge with the addition of dishwashing liquid, then wipe the panel dry.

Mounting an MDF kitchen apron: rules and tips

To properly install the panels, you need to consider some important nuances:

  • The dimensions of the MDF canvas are calculated taking into account the interior of the room, the arrangement of furniture, the distance from the cabinets to the countertop, the length of the working area of ​​the kitchen, and the location of the hood.

Tip: when calculating the material, add 4-5 cm to the height of the panels. For more reliable fixation of the MDF apron and creating an inconspicuous joint between it and kitchen furniture, the lower edge of the panels should go 2–2.5 behind the countertop, the upper edge - behind the hanging cabinets.

  • The presence of sockets is provided, openings for them are cut out in MDF panels in advance. Holes are recommended to be made 2-3 mm larger than the desired diameter, so that it is possible to freely adjust the installation of the panel.
  • The maximum amount of time should be devoted to preliminary work - the choice of material, marking the surface of the wall, preparing the panel. The installation of MDF itself will take only a few hours.
  • In order to install MDF panels with high quality, if necessary, some preparatory measures are carried out - defects in the wall surface are repaired, treated with an antiseptic.
  • For proper fixation of MDF boards on the wall, a mounting plate is used as a support, which must be fixed with self-tapping screws in a horizontal position. After the installation is completed, the bar must be removed.

Sketch of the future apron

Three options for fixing the canvas

MDF panels can be mounted on the wall in several different ways:

  • with glue;
  • by means of self-tapping screws;
  • for special profiles.

Adhesive method

Suitable when there is no need to hide any communications behind the panels. The advantages of this method:

  • a perfectly flat surface is not required;
  • you don't have to drill the walls.

The work is carried out using glue "liquid nails".

  1. The surface of the wall must be pre-cleaned of dust and primed.
  2. Glue is applied to the wrong side of the sheet along the perimeter and in the form of curved lines over the entire surface.
  3. The panel is supported on the mounting plate and firmly pressed against the wall with the adhesive side.

Mounting on liquid nails

Mounting with self-tapping screws

This method of attaching a kitchen apron is optimal in the case of communications.

  1. First, a frame of horizontal rails is attached to the wall with dowels.
  2. The canvas is screwed to the rails with self-tapping screws.
  3. Self-tapping screws are hidden with special plugs, matched in color to the pattern on the front side of the apron.

Applying a Profile

You can install panels using a profile if you do not want to drill a sheet.

  1. Aluminum profiles are fixed on the wall along the lines of the lower and upper edges of the canvas.
  2. Its panels are pushed into the profiles from the side.
  3. The second option is vertically arranged profiles that hold the panels on both sides on the sides.
  4. The ends of MDF sheets can be decorated with end rails. The end surface is covered with glue before installing the rails.

Fastening MDF panels with a vertical profile

In some profiles, additional fasteners are provided for installing an LED strip for lighting. In this case, the tape performs the function of additional lighting, and is also a design element.

MDF kitchen aprons design

The surface of the plates allows the use of staining, veneering, lamination.

Diverse design ideas are carried out with the help of:

  • various colors of panels;
  • relief surface imitating the texture of stone, wood, and other materials;
  • photo printing on an apron.

Apron made of MDF with a glossy finish and photo printing

Color selection

Choosing the color background of the MDF apron, you can not be at a loss with the choice of shade, and arrange the working and apron surfaces in one color. If this solution seems boring, experiment with the color palette. The shade of the front side of the panel can gently emphasize the design and color of the kitchen unit. Or, on the contrary, the colors of the MDF apron will become a bright color spot in the kitchen project and set the mood for the room. Patterns, animal prints will look appropriate and interesting on the panels. If you rely on color in the interior of the kitchen, then the main thing is not to play too much.

Apron to match the tabletop

relief nuances

When choosing a canvas for an MDF apron, the emphasis is on the surface relief, do not forget to take into account the difficulties that will arise in the future when washing. It may be worth reading user reviews on the Internet. Attempts to wash the fat out of the recesses of the embossed surfaces definitely take a lot of effort and are not always successful.

Photo printing

Making the kitchen with MDF sheet with photo printing allows you to make the interior unique. Photo printing can not only set the mood of the room, but also be a reminder of a memorable event. Dream up and place more than one photo on the surface of the panel, but make a collage of photos. You can use both color photos and black and white.

Photo printing on MDF with 3D images looks impressive, when the objects in the photographs acquire the effect of three-dimensionality. And panoramic pictures of landscapes or views of city streets can visually change the geometry of space.

MDF with photo printing

Often, a large assortment of design options for MDF panels makes the selection process difficult. Don't rush to decide. Of course, it is important that stains and traces of deep-frying on the kitchen apron are not conspicuous.However, one must also take into account the fact that all family members spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and a bright colorful ornament can begin to annoy after a certain period. If your eyes run up from the numerous options for colors, photo printing, consult with the designer. Let the specialist take into account the wishes, possibilities and select the best option.


